Summary: Having a clear understanding of God’s law can help us avoid the trap of legalism. King David, the apostle Paul and Jesus can each give us a healthy perspective on God’s law.

1 Timothy: Doing Church God’s Way

North Coast Church

Message #5 August 12-13, 2006 Dr. Larry Osborne

Why Legalism Stinks

1 Timothy 4:1-6

Sermon Outline

Note: PowerPoints and Small Group Worksheets

for this sermon are available at


Legalism: Any attempt to help God out with extra rules & regulations.

● Self imposed rules are fine.

● Putting them on others is legalism!

Nothing New Under The Sun:

Isaiah 29:13/ Matthew 15:7-20/ Colossians 2:16-17, 20-23

O.T. False Prophets

Isaiah 29:13

Jesus & The Pharisees

Mt 15:7-20

N.T. Churches

Cf. NT letters!

Col 2:16-17, 20-23

Observing the Sabbath

Kosher Diet


Meat Offered To Idols

Modern Day Legalists

Food & Drink Entertainment Choices

How Green Are You? Diet/ Exercise/ etc


The When, What, Who & How:

1 Timothy 4:1-6/ Acts 20:17-18, 29-31/ 2 Corinthians 11:14-15/ Mark 7:14-23 & Romans 14:17-18

Read it First – Then Walk Through It Slowly


~ Explain why we don’t normally do this!

4:1-2 The Spirit clearly says that

~ no doubt about it! Cf. Acts 20:29-31

in later times some will abandon the faith and

~ later NOT last times!

follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. ~ Not just wrong. Satanic!~ cf. 2 Cor 11:14-15

Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.

4-5 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

Thanksgiving Test: Can I honestly thank God for this?

6 If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.


Proverbs 30:5-6/ Luke 18:9-14/ Colossians 2:20-23

It assumes God forgot something Prov 30:5-6

It produces spiritual arrogance. Luke 18:9-14

It’s spiritually powerless. Col 2:20-23


Fake Warning signs


Three verses they love to quote completely out of context.

 1 Corinthians 6:19

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

~ Used Against: Alcohol, smoking, tattoos, piercings

Also: Coffee, Sugars, Processed Foods, etc.

Isaac won Rebekah with a nose ring weighing a beka (approx. 3 ½ oz!) Genesis 24:14-30!

~ Context is immorality – joined to a prostitute!

 1 Corinthians 8:9

Never do anything that might cause the weak to stumble.

~ Stumble = Fall away (Apostasy)

Not be annoyed or bothered!

~ The weak are the legalists! Weak in that area

Not baby Christians or non-Christians!

Rom 14:1-2 ~ The weak are those who are afraid of their freedom in Christ!

If you know it offends don’t do it!

If a legalist is open – teach them!

 1 Thessalonians 5:22

Avoid every appearance of evil.

~ Used against – MOVIES – DRESS STYLES



~ Ignores Jesus’ entire ministry!

What about a prison ministry?

~ If it has any chance of being misunderstood you shouldn’t do it!

~ Context: How to respond to a so-called word from the Lord

Don’t despise it – test it – hold the good and avoid every form of evil

Available as a North Coast Church Podcast -

1 Timothy: Doing Church God’s Way North Coast Church

Message #5 August 12-13, 2006 Dr. Larry Osborne

Why Legalism Stinks

1 Timothy 4:1-6


Legalism: Any attempt to _______________ with extra _______________ & _______________.

Nothing New Under The Sun:

Isaiah 29:13/ Matthew 15:7-20/ Colossians 2:16-17, 20-23


The When, What, Who & How:

1 Timothy 4:1-6/ Acts 20:17-18, 29-31/ 2 Corinthians 11:14-15/ Mark 7:14-23 & Romans 14:17-18


Proverbs 30:5-6/ Luke 18:9-14/ Colossians 2:20-23


Three verses they love to quote completely out of context.

 1 Corinthians 6:19

Your body is the _______________ .

 1 Corinthians 8:9

Never do anything that might cause the _______________.

 1 Thessalonians 5:22

Avoid every _______________.

Available as a North Coast Church Podcast -

Food for Thought

For the week of August 13, 2006

(Questions and Scriptures for further study)

1. Having a clear understanding of God’s law can help us avoid the trap of legalism. King David, the apostle Paul and Jesus can each give us a healthy perspective on God’s law. Read the following passages and a few notes on each man’s view of the law.

David: Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 19:7-11

Paul: Romans 3:19-24, Romans 7:7

Jesus: Matthew 22:34-40

How do these passages help us understand the law without becoming legalistic?

2. Jesus pointed out a number of ways that the Pharisees were being legalistic in Luke 11:37-54. Read the passage and jot down the parallels between Jesus’ words and Larry’s reasons “why legalism stinks.”

Write down how each of the Pharisee’s attempts to “help God out with extra rules and regulations” could become a temptation in your life.

3. This weekend we were encouraged to stand fast in our freedom but to avoid flaunting or abusing it. What do the following verses encourage us to do with our freedom?

Galatians 5:13-15

1 Peter 2:13-17

Romans 6:22-23