Summary: In part four of 24 Jesus discusses the strange link between happiness and Persecution.

24.4 Peace Is

The year was 1938, the date was October 6th the place was London England, the speaker was Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and this was the message “We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators.”

It would appear that Chamberlain was the embodiment of the seventh Beatitude that Jesus taught that day, Matthew 5:9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. Another warm fuzzy beatitude. Blessed are the Peace Makers Stopping trouble should make everyone happy, am I right. Yet the word that is used here by Jesus is Shalom which is the word that all good Hebrews used in greeting one another. So if we were Jewish and met on the street I would say Shalom, actually I would say, Shalom Aleichem and you would respond by saying Shalom Aleichem. But this word Shalom which we translate as peace is totally unlike our concept of peace.

You see our concept of peace is an absence of trouble whereas Shalom meant everything which makes for a man’s highest good. When the greeting is used it does not simply mean that you wish a person absence from bad things, but it also means you are wishing him all possible good things. In the Bible therefore Peace means not only freedom from all trouble it means enjoyment of all good.

And so we need to be very careful to realize that the blessing in on peacemakers, not necessarily the peace lovers. A person can love peace and through his actions cause more trouble then peace, taking us back to our opening quote by Neville Chamberlain. In his First inaugural address Richard M. Nixon said “The greatest honour history can bestow is that of peacemaker.”

But it isn’t with honour that Neville Chamberlain is remembered as a matter of fact he is seen now as a compromiser and the blame for a good portion of the Second World War is often laid at his feet.

When Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for Czechoslovakia, he thought he was a peacemaker, when in reality he was a peace lover, and ultimately he was simply trying to avoid conflict. You see you can either win your peace or you can buy it: You win it, by resistance to evil; you buy it, by compromise with evil. And it’s your choice. The peace spoken of in the Bible is not a passive acceptance of wrong, but the ultimate triumph of good even if it involves conflict.

Too often we see peace as non aggressive coexistence where you leave one another in peace. A judge once asked a fellow he was sentencing, “Does your conscience ever bother you? Have you ever thought of what God thinks of your actions?” to which the criminal responded “I’ve always been at peace with God, he don’t bother me and I don’t bother Him.” Jesus though had an entirely different concept of peace, not a détente, but instead reconciliation. Peace is “We” not “You” and “I”. Even with the cold war over international peace is still maintained by what is referred to as “The Balance of Terror”, but that isn’t peace. Married couples do it through a communal relationship but that isn’t peace either. They think that peace means the coexistence of two separate entities. But peace will never be gained until all sides have found peace with God.

To say that we can declare peace while others are committed to aggression is a hopeless task. As one person so aptly put it “There is little use in the sheep passing a resolution in favour of vegetarianism while some wolves still like mutton.” If we are truly going to be peace makers it will be a result of introducing people to the peace of God. And introducing our world to the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 5:9 God blesses those who work for peace And the result of being a Peace maker? Jesus goes on to say, for they will be called the children of God. God is the supreme peace maker and to be singled out as a peace maker is to be singled out as one who shares the characteristics with our Father, or as Jesus said in Matthew 12:50 “Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!”

The next beatitude isn’t nearly as easy to comprehend as the first seven, compared to number eight they were down right self explanatory, Matthew 5:10 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. That’s just not right. Blessed are the Persecuted Not only does Christ say happy are those who are persecuted but he adds happy are those who are punished for doing right. Now I think there is only one thing that would bug me more then being persecuted for doing wrong. Hey we may know that we need to be punished but we don’t have to enjoy it, do we? When we get the speeding ticket we know we deserve it but that doesn’t make it any easier to pay. What would really bug me is being punished for doing good. But as the man said “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Thank you very much we certainly appreciate the wonderful job you’ve done, off with your head. Doesn’t make much sense does it? Not only is the basic principle of unjust persecution causing happiness confusing the very idea is downright bizarre. You don’t understand how we could be persecuted for righteousness sake, it just doesn’t make sense and it’s not right.

But isn’t it the person with the lofty ideals, high principles and fine behaviour who draws the applause from the world? Think about it, at Madam Tussauds Waxwork museum, 35,000 international visitors were asked over a 10 year period to name the people they admired most in history, the tope five choices were, 1) Winston Churchill 2) Joan of Arc 3) Jesus Christ 4) John F. Kennedy and 5) Robin Hood. Doesn’t that prove that society recognizes and heaps honours on those who serve it’s causes and contribute to it’s welfare. Isn’t that the tenant of the Canadian dream, do right and you’ll be rewarded for it? Just think about Albert Swetzer, Mother Theresa, and Florence Nightingale. It’s a long way from Canada to Australia but every September Aussies around the country laced on their sneakers for the Terry Fox run.

Our world revolves around those who do good and seek peace right, sure just ask Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Joan of Arc, Jim Elliot and Yitzac Rabin. And yet many of us still feel that if we are good enough and kind enough, and loving enough long enough that the whole world will hug us. And it’s a real shock to discover that that just ain’t the way it is.

After all we have to recognize that if society, and society is just made up of people, and people is people is people. If society could persecute and eventually murder God when he came as the man Jesus Christ, then the same society will ultimately persecute those who follow Jesus Christ and call themselves by his name.

If Jesus Christ suffered what he suffered at the hands of mankind, then it would be absurd for us to expect to escape. As a matter of fact Christ didn’t leave his disciples in the dark, he discussed in great detail what they could expect. He told them in John 15:18-21 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the One who sent me.”

Bet that’s not your favourite passage of scripture, I’d even be willing to wager that you forgot it was there or doesn’t think it should apply to you. Now we have to realize what Christ is saying and that is that everyone who calls themselves by His name will eventually suffer persecution. That is inevitable, so if we are going to have to suffer the key question is what are we going to suffer for. Something that won’t cause happiness or something that will make you happy? So it’s better to be hated for who you are then loved for who you aren’t.

Jesus states that happiness happens to those who suffer for the right reasons. In other words since we are going to suffer anyway, then you ought to do it for the right reasons. Now if you suffer persecution because you are odd, strange or absurd in your conduct then it probably won’t cause happiness. Christians aren’t called to be exhibitionist; we weren’t called to stand out by our appearance but because of our actions. Some Christians call attention to themselves by outlandish behaviour or bizarre conduct but when they attract abuse by their absurd lifestyles they act outraged. But really aren’t they just getting what they deserve? After all Daniel may have been in the Lions Den, but he wasn’t pulling any tails. I don’t think that Jesus was calling us to look for persecution, but I think he was telling us that there’s a pretty good chance it will find us without any help at all.

In his book “Salt for Society” Phillip Keller states “Christ called us to be gracious in spirit, humbled in heart, easily entreated and disciplined to do his will in the world with mercy, peace and good will.” Jesus didn’t say blessed are those who are persecuted for absurdity sake, but blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. Or again happiness happens to those who suffer for the right reasons. And what are the right reasons, the one thing we keep going back to the Kingdom of God.

Persecution that comes from our attempts to establish the kingdom brings happiness because they aren’t in vain. But when we think about it we really have it easy today. Historically Christianity affected every area of a person’s life, from their work to the social life to their family life. In the generation after Christ’s death and resurrection believers literally lived in fear for their lives. Each year citizens of the Roman Empire had to pay tribute to the Emperor by offering a pinch of incense and saying “Caesar is Lord.” After you made the statement you were free to do whatever you wanted. The problem was that the early Christians refused because of their belief that only Christ is Lord and because of that their lives became very cheap. And that is why I ask the same question of you during your baptism that was asked of the early believers during theirs: Do you testify that Jesus is Lord.

Those who belonged to the early church were often burnt at a stake, wrapped in animal skins and thrown to wild dogs or tortured on racks. The physical suffering they endured is beyond our imagination. Today Christians would have to wear labels that said “Health Canada has determined that being a Christ Follower is hazardous to ones health and well being”

We might not be tortured or killed in Canada in 2007, but persecution still exists for Christians. Even if it’s the way we are depicted in the media and on Television. Even if it means that you can’t advance in your career because of the moral high ground you have claimed. Even if it means you are ostracized from your peers because of your stand. Why? Why are Christians still persecuted today? Why are those who live righteous lives so often wronged? Why is it that though out history the Cains continue to attack the Abels?

1) Good and Evil are mutually exclusive Truth and deception cannot coexist anymore then decency and degeneration, or right and wrong.

2) The evil person, the wrong doer, the decadent individual always feels threatened by the righteous. And the easiest way to stop feeling threatened by something is to eliminate it. And so those who are evil attempt to eliminate the righteous through outright attack, abuse or condemnation.

3) The vast majority of people aren’t good moral righteous people. Regardless of what people say we don’t live in a Christian country, believers are in the minority, as a matter of fact with less then seven percent of the population attending evangelical churches we don’t even come close.

God’s people are in the minority, facing an unfriendly majority. Now the average man on the street isn’t overly hostile to the church as much as he is apathetic. As long as the church feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and doesn’t rock the boat everyone is happy as can be. But when the church begins to do what it was called to do and that is to change the world that’s when the world begins to get upset. And it’s at this point that we will be persecuted whether we deserve it or not. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. The world loves having the church as a lap dog, but let the puppy show it’s teeth and see how long before it’s in the backyard on a chain.

The more godly and more righteous we are the greater the chances are that we will be abused and persecuted. Joseph was dumped in a well then thrown in prison, Elijah was hunted like an animal, Daniel was thrown to the lions and Stephen was stoned to death. As a matter of fact Christ warns us in Luke 6:26 What sorrow awaits you who are praised by the crowds, for their ancestors also praised false prophets. How are men speaking of you these days? And so Christ tells us Matthew 5:10 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, Why? Because, Christ tells us for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. When you are persecuted for the kingdom’s sake the kingdom grows in you. Persecution today may not mean being to the lions but it is still around. It may affect you in your work, your social life, and your family. If you’ve never been there you can’t understand and if you’ve been there already you don’t need me to explain. And so the beatitudes end the way they began with the promise of receiving the kingdom of God.

It is here that something strange happens, Christ does something that he hasn’t done in the previous eleven verses, he repeats himself. Every other beatitude is mentioned only once but listen to verses eleven and twelve Matthew 5:11-12 “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”

Now I wonder why Jesus felt it necessary to repeat that last thought? I wonder if maybe it was for the same reason that we sometimes repeat ourselves, because we think that what we’re trying to communicate is important. We don’t want folks to miss what we’re saying. But again the emphasis is not on what others are saying about you nearly as much as why they are saying it. Christ specifically said God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers Did you catch the important part? What they say has to be a lie. If they say you’re a phoney and a hypocrite and you really are a phoney and a hyporcrite you’re not going to get a blessing.

And Jesus said when this happens, don’t be discouraged, don’t be frustrated, don’t get angry and upset, instead he says Be happy about it! Be very glad! Why be happy about it? Well remember that if you’re being persecuted because of Christ it is indicative that you are doing something for Christ and the enemy considers you a threat. Charles Spurgeon was a great preacher in the late 1800s and he said “The best evidence of God’s presence is the Devil’s growl.” Does Satan consider you a threat? When was the last time you heard him growl?

And so Jesus says Matthew 5:11-12 “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! Why? For two reasons first For a great reward awaits you in heaven.

A couple of thoughts on this, the first is that God is no man’s debtor and the second is that not all of His debts are settled this side of eternity.

The story it told of an old missionary couple who had been working in Africa for many years and were returning to New York City to retire. With no pension and broken in health, they were discouraged, & fearful of the future.

They happened to be on the same ship as Teddy Roosevelt, who was returning from a big game hunting expedition. They watched the passengers trying to glimpse the president, the crew fussing over him, and the hoopla that accompanied the president’s entourage.

But no one noticed them. The missionary said to his wife, “Something is wrong. Why should we have given our lives in faithful service for God in Africa all these many years and have no one care a thing about us? Here this man comes back from a hunting trip and everyone one makes much over him, but nobody gives two hoots about us.”

At the dock in New York a band was waiting to greet the president. The mayor and other important people were present. Reporters were there to fill the papers with news of the event. But the missionary couple slipped off the ship unnoticed.

That night, in a cheap little apartment the man’s spirit finally broke and he said to his wife, “I can’t take this; God’s not treating us right, it’s not fair.” His wife suggested that he go into the bedroom and tell the Lord how he felt, so he did. A short time later he came out of the bedroom and his wife could tell just by looking at him that something had changed. And so she asked, “Dear what happened?” “The Lord settled it with me” he said “I told him how bitter I was that the President should receive this tremendous homecoming, when no one met us as we returned home. And when I finished it seemed as though he Lord put his hand on my shoulder and simply said, “But you’re not home yet”

And the second reason we need to rejoice is laid down in the thought Christ ends on And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.” You’re not alone and he doesn’t expect you to go through those troubles alone. Regardless of what happens you aren’t alone.

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