Summary: 2nd in a series on Christian Growth

Reba McEntire is one of the most successful entertainers in country music. One of the reasons for her success is a basic philosophy which motivates her. She says, "One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that you’re never as good as you could be. There’s always room for improvement." That is also the philosophy of effective Christians. The reason they are more effective than other Christians is their recognition that they are never as good as they can be. Because of that, they are committed to continual improvement in their Christian lives.

How can we make improvements in our lives as Christians? There are two basic answers to that question.

Improvements in our lives can be made by FORCES ON THE OUTSIDE.

Sometimes, for example, the Lord uses people to shape our lives. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Either by their example or by their encouragement, other people can be instruments of growth for us.

At other times the Lord uses circumstances to develop us. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God."

God uses both good and bad circumstances to shape our lives.

Improvements in our lives can also be made by HABITS ON THE INSIDE.

This is the idea captured in our text. Writing to young Timothy, Paul said, "Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness." Godliness is the ultimate goal of spiritual growth. Discipline is the method by which we reach this goal.

In his remarkable book entitled The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino wrote, "In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference between their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure." We are shaped by our habits.

That is also true of the Christian life. If we want to grow as Christians, we must not only understand the models for growth. We must also institute in our lives the habits of growth. As our text expresses it, we must "Discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness."

So what are these holy habits that will enable us to grow as Christians? Two habits are the foundation for spiritual growth. We will deal with these two in this message.

Bible Study

The first holy habit that leads to spiritual growth is the study of God’s Word.

Nothing can replace this. Without this discipline, we will not be a growing Christian. What do I mean by Bible Study? I mean the regular, consistent, daily intake of God’s Word into our lives.

But how do we study this Bible? Most Christians want to study God’s Word but they are not sure how to go about it. Every person is different, so each must determine this for himself. Nevertheless, some basic suggestions can be made.

Key # 1 is to SET ASIDE A TIME.

If we only study God’s Word when we feel like it, our study will be inconsistent and inadequate. The first step in systematic Bible Study is to discipline ourselves to a specific time. If possible, it needs to be the same time each day. Usually, it is best not to do it just before we go to bed because we probably will not remember as much when we’re sleepy. If we would spend only 15 minutes each day, we could read through the Bible in a year’s time.

Key # 2 is to DEVELOP A PLAN.

Some people simply read through the Bible. The problem with this approach is that it is easy to get bogged down in some of the more detailed and difficult parts of the text. We have other options.

Bible study guides are available at most religious bookstores. These provide plans for study. Concentrating on one book at a time is an effective method of study. Another approach is to read three chapters in the Old Testament and three chapters in the New Testament each day. It is more important that we have a plan than what our plan is.


A group of Christians at Berea were singled out for praise by Luke in the book of Acts. Then he explained why they were worthy of praise: "For they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

We not only need to read God’s Word. We also need to meditate on it until its meaning becomes clear to us. We can do that memorizing Scripture. We can do that by writing down a key verse and carrying it with us. We can do that by recording key verses and replaying them as we drive around. Our study must include both reading and meditation.


In John 13:17 Jesus said, "If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them." The purpose of Bible study is not just to understand what God’s Word says. The purpose of Bible study is to do what God’s Word says.

When we learn God’s Word, meditate upon it, and then apply it to our lives, we will see improvements in our lives. Bible study is the first holy habit that leads to spiritual growth.


The second holy habit that leads to spiritual growth is prayer. From the earliest days of the church, prayer has been a prominent part of the Christian life. These first Christians discovered they could not face the challenges of the Christian life in their own power. Then they made an even more remarkable discovery. They could face the challenges of the Christian life in the power of God which was available to them through the practice of prayer. Prayer and Bible Study have always been the cornerstone habits of the Christian life.

What do I mean by prayer?

Prayer simply means communication with God, not just talking with God but communicating with God.

This implies that a part of prayer is listening to God.

How do we pray?

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He responded with what we call the Lord’s Prayer: "Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen" (Matt. 6:9-13).

This model prayer reminds us of the key ingredients of effective prayer in the Christian life.

Ingredient # 1 is RECOGNITION.

The phrases "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done" personalize prayer. The sovereign rule of God is already acknowledged in heaven. The will of God is already done in heaven. To include these phrases in our prayer is to say to God, "Lord, may Your sovereign rule and Your perfect plan be carried out in my life and in my church and in my family." Recognizing what God is up to calls for a commitment on our part. Prayer is more than just a casual conversation with God. The purpose of prayer is not just to inform us about God but also to mobilize us for God. A commitment by which we make ourselves available to God must always be a part of prayer.

Ingredient # 3 is EXPLANATION.

Prayer is talking to God about our needs. This includes our physical needs as well as our spiritual needs. We are to ask for our daily bread as well as for forgiveness. This includes our needs as well as the needs of those we know and love. We are to share with God our personal petitions as well as to intercede on behalf of others. Because God cares for us as a good father cares for his children, God wants to know what is on our heart. God wants to hear about our needs. That’s why a part of prayer is an explanation of our needs.

Ingredient # 4 is SUPPLICATION.

In prayer we admit to God that we need His help in living our lives because we can’t make it on our own. In prayer we admit to God that we need His help in making decisions because we don’t have the wisdom to make the right decisions on our own. So we ask Him to give us His protection and His guidance as we face each daily challenge.

Prayer is not complex but is instead very simple. If we will tell God we are aware of His greatness, and tell Him we want to support His cause, and tell Him our needs, and tell Him we need His help, then we are praying. Prayer is a second habit that leads to growth.


Someone has said that we need to repeat an action 21 times to make it a habit.

Will you dare to institute these holy habits into your lives that will lead to growth? Begin today, and for the next month take time: to study God’s Word and take time to pray. These are the first two habits in disciplining ourselves to godliness.