Summary: Giving God the Praise

Joint Praise


Last week I started our story talking about a question of doubt. I told you about Zacharias and Mary and their interactions with the angel Gabriel. In the beginning of the story, the message was delivered to two separate individuals and there were two similar, yet different responses. Both recipients responded with a question, but one of them responded in faith while the other in doubt. Because of Zacharias’ doubt, the angel closed his mouth so that he could not speak until the prophecy was fulfilled that was spoken to him. Mary, unlike Zacharias, received what the angel said, asked a clarifying question, and then proceeded to tell the angel “so be it according to what God had spoken.” She accepted in faith what was told to her.

This morning we pick up the story where we left off last week. Last week we ended with Mary completing her discussion with Gabriel. Last week the message was given, this week we find that the message has started to be fulfilled. This morning as we look at Luke 1:39-56, we’ll see that several months have elapsed and Mary has decided to go and visit her relative Elizabeth. Let’s read this passage of Scripture. From this passage of Scripture, I want you to think on this topic “Joint Praise”.

I. Joint Praise

Have you ever had something that was so good you just had to tell somebody? You know nothing spreads faster than good juicy gossip. But what about something good, exciting, something that is just too good to be shared by you alone – what do you do? Have you thought of something? I want to share this story with you – it is a true story. I know this because it happened to me. When I was growing up, my older brother had a paper route. On the weeks that he got paid, on the way to church my father would stop by the store and my brother would take part of his money and buy us candy and gum. What he would do is buy several kinds and then split it up between all of us (there were 4 of us besides him). So here we were enjoying the fruits of his labors. He was always sharing with us because we did not have money like he did – that’s just who he was and how he continues to be to this day. Well one day he had collected his money from his paper route. He had counted it on the floor and had it all laid out. Well I figured that if I took a dime and a nickel (15 cents) that he would not miss it. I know, it is not a lot of money now, but let me tell what 15 cents could get you at that time: 2 cookies for a penny and a big bag of potato chips for 10 cents. So with 15 cents I could get a bag of chips and several large cookies. So, being the boy that I was, I added up what I could get, thought about the chances of me getting caught and decided to go for it. I took the money, left the


house and was home free. I had made it – no one saw me take it, I was in the clear. I went to the store and got me some chips – my mouth was watering and I was looking forward to eating them. I hid the chips under my shirt so that no one would see them because if they did they would want some and I would have to explain where I got the money. But, having been so successful in my results was not as good with just me knowing it – I needed somebody to share in that victory. I was looking for somebody to rejoice with me. Have you ever done that? Have you ever wanted somebody to share in your victory? Well I found mine. When I got home I saw my best friend, my neighbor Gerard and I raised my shirt up and showed him my potato chips. My goal was to share them with him. When I raised my shirt and showed him, my older brother who was playing basketball saw them and immediately left the court and went and told my mother. I tried to keep him for telling on me by offering him the chips, but he refused. My mother called me in the house and asked me where I got the money. What could I say, what would you do? Well I did the same thing that you would have done, I lied. I thought by telling her I found the money in the house it would have been okay. It wasn’t. She told me I knew it was not mine and I should have given it back and she proceeded, to my brother’s enjoyment, to give me a whipping lesson. Those are the lessons with a belt and not much talking, except the screams from the person getting the lesson. When it was over and I had learned my lesson, she let me keep the chips. I went back outside, found my friend, and we ate those chips. What was the lesson that I learned, sometimes it is better to keep it to yourself and celebrate alone instead of telling someone? If I had kept my mouth shut I would have gotten away with it and who knows, I could have developed a lot of nasty habits. As it was, I learned that some things are better kept to oneself.

This is where Mary was. When the angel gave her the message, once she knew that it had begun, she had to tell someone who would understand and rejoice with her. You must remember it was dangerous for her to tell anyone because she was a virgin and not married. Imagine one of your friends coming and telling you that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit – what would your response be? Probably something like “Yeah I bet it was a spirit and it definitely was not holy”. This is what Mary would have faced because no one would believe this about her. Actually when the word got out, no one believed her except Joseph. Remember, when Joseph first found out that she was pregnant he was going to put her away as to not embarrass her until an angel appeared to him in a dream. Still, she carried a stigma on her because if they did the math they would figure she was pregnant before she got married which was a stoning offense at the time. So, just like us, Mary needed someone to tell it to, someone who would understand what she was saying and be in a position to praise God with her. So many times we seek someone to rejoice with us and they end up taking our joy away from us and we end of feeling like we do not have a


reason to rejoice. Mary wanted to rejoice, but she had to be careful because as I said, not everyone was going to accept what was happening to her. Sometimes in our moments of praise and rejoicing, we must be mindful that although we are rejoicing, others may not understand and therefore may not rejoice with you. So we find Mary going to Elizabeth to have someone that she could talk too, someone who would understand, someone that would support her and praise god with her.

II. The Visit

When Mary arrives at Elizabeth’s house, they hug each other and Mary tells her what has happened to her and together they begin to praise God. Remember that Mary knew about Elizabeth’s condition but Elizabeth did not know about Mary’s. The angel told Mary about Elizabeth; both of them had been in seclusion. In their praise, a song is written and sung. Both of these women were pregnant and yet the Spirit opened their eyes during this praise to begin to understand just what God was doing with both of them. When we praise God, true praise, the Holy Spirit is able to open our eyes that we might see just what God is doing in our midst. Sometimes we cannot see His works because we are so focused on what we do not have, what our troubles are, and all the things that we lack. In these times we are unable to see God at work – but Mary and Elizabeth were able to see. They praised God and their eyes were opened. Look at what was said:

Verse 41: When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child within her leaped in her womb. Remember what Gabriel told Zacharias in verse 15, that the baby would be filled with the Holy Spirit while in his mother’s womb – it was fulfilled at this point. I know this may be hard for you to understand, but baby’s can hear and learn while they are still in the womb. When Nikki carried Clarissa, I would read to her while she was in the womb and she was born recognizing my voice and she also love to read now. Many of you did the same thing. So it is not impossible to understand that this baby who was already filled with the Spirit of God would rejoice at hearing Mary’s words.

Verse 42-45: Here is where Elizabeth’s eyes are open and she begins to profess what the Spirit has enlightened her to see. Remember, this is the first time that Elizabeth is hearing about Mary because she too went into seclusion when she found out she was pregnant. Elizabeth too needed someone to rejoice with and God sent her Mary. It is of note that Elizabeth had faith when Zacharias did not and as she waited Mary came to her and now the circle was complete. Elizabeth being older and having served God much longer assures Mary that God will fulfill everything that He had said to her through Gabriel. When she finished, she called her blessed.


Verse 46-55: Next Mary begins to sing praise to God. Here we find the song “Magnificat” as sung by Mary. The Holy Spirit inspired this song and she sung as the words were given to her. Look at the prophecy that is coming forth from her mouth – what Jesus would do. She did not realize all of this until the praise started. If we really want to start seeing the revelations and workings of God, we need to start with the praise. Mary, her eyes being open as she is praising God, tells of the blessings of God. She professes that He has looked upon the humble – not the one who has it all – the poor. She recognized that from that moment on – people would call her blessed. What she did not know was that it would take a while for that to happen because a lot of the people in her time did not understand. She goes on to say that His mercy is upon generation after generation. She understood that those who would listen to Him would be blessed and would receive mercy. She also speaks of what happens with those who are proud and resists Him – all of which came true. Through her praise, she prophesied about what was to come. She concludes by saying that this was the fulfillment of what was spoken to Abraham.

Two women – both are carrying a secret – both needing to share it with someone, someone who would understand and they found each other. When they found each other, their spirits were freed and they begin to praise God together – jointly. Each taking turns professing what god was doing. Can you imagine the joy they felt? Can you see the tears as they realize that they were not in this alone? Neither knew fully what the lives of their unborn sons would hold, but at this moment, there was praise. This reunion was pre-arranged before either of them ever existed. When you need support, when you need a praise/rejoicing partner, God will ensure that you have one.


When the chapter started, we had a messenger giving a message to two ladies. Once the message was received, God’s plan was put into action. As He began to fulfill what He had said He would do, the two women went into seclusion. Finally, Mary, having held her secret as long as she could, needed to talk with someone about it so she went to her relative Elizabeth. Once she arrived, the praise started and the understanding of just what God was doing came into light. This is about 6 months later from the time of the announcement by Gabriel as we read earlier in the chapter. Elizabeth was about 5-6 months pregnant and Mary less than that. In the months that passed, there was meditation and thoughts about what god was doing. There was probably some personal praise going on as they realized what was happening to them. But it was only after they came together did the true praise begin to flow and they understood what God was doing.


What about you? This is the season to give thanks, to praise God for giving us a gift that we did not deserve and could not ever earn. A gift so great that it has lasted for over 2000 years and will continue to be given long after we leave this earth for glory. As you have received this gift, are you giving praise? Sometimes when we are troubled and everything seems bad, it is hard to accept and enjoy a gift when it is presented to us. We are so hung down with troubles we are afraid to allow ourselves to feel joy from receiving a gift because we know we will eventually be back into despair. What are you feeling in this season of thanks and our time of giving and receiving gifts? Are you being like Mary and Elizabeth, looking for someone to tell about the gift? Are you looking for someone to praise God with? Are you keeping it to yourself – praising him alone? Allowing the world to know how excited you are about what God has done and continue to do in your life. What are you doing with your gift? Who are you seeking and willing to share it with? Sometimes we need to share the blessings with other, have some joint praise – are you willing? Who are you running to tell? Who are you seeking to share this gift with during this holiday season?