Summary: After Pentecost, when the early church was filled with the Holy Spirit, they did five important things. This message directs you what those five things are after you are filled with the Holy Spirit.

“After Pentecost - Then What?”

September 1, 2007

Acts 2:1-13

After Jesus was crucified, He hung around for forty more days teaching his much loved disciples many things. John wrote about a few of the things He did, then said,

“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” John 21:25

I don’t know what He said and did, but it changed the lives of those men. Before the forty days - they were cowards. After the 40 days - they were courageous. Before the 40 days - they were selfish. After the 40 days they were spiritual. Before the forty days - their lives were frustrating and chaotic. After the 40 days their lives were focused and centered. Before the 40 days - they were saved. After the 40 days they were sanctified. Before the 40 days - they had the Savior. After the 40 days - they had the Spirit.

What made the difference? It was the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He said,

“…wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. …in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 1:3

They did and they were spectacularly filled. So there could be no doubt -the Holy Spirit came with the sound of a great rushing wind; a ball of fire descended into the room and separated into tongues of fire that came to rest on each of them. Then they began to speak in other languages. Languages they had never learned. What did it all mean. Here’s what I think it meant.

The sound of the rushing wind, or as the NIV puts it, “a violent wind” - represented the ‘power’ of the Holy Spirit. The fire represented the purifying nature of the Holy Spirit. The miracle of speaking in unknown languages represented the universality of the gift. In other words, the Holy Spirit is a gift for all people, not just the Jews. All who believe, by faith, may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

These people in the upper room met the criteria of receiving the Holy Spirit. They believed. They repented and had been baptized. (Acts 2:38) And they were living in obedience. (Acts 5:32) You see, the gift of the Holy Spirit is for believers. More than that - it is for ‘obedient’ believers. I think the Holy Spirit works in each one of our lives - even before we are saved - to a certain extent. He convicts us of sin. He leads us to righteousness. After we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit teaches us and reveals God’s will to us. But you will never receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit until you surrender completely to Him. You will never know the fullness of the Gift until you come into total obedience to His known will in your life.

The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to teach us and guide us. If you are unteachable; if you won’t follow Him - how can He do His job? He can’t. So until you rid yourself of all selfishness and rebellion - you quench the Spirit. You hinder the Holy Spirit from doing His work in your life. You cheat yourself out of this heavenly Gift. So, before you can possess this Gift - the Gift has to possess YOU! You have to be teachable and coachable and willing to follow anywhere and obey anything He asks you to do. If you are willing to do that - then you may receive this Gift for power to do His will and for purifying your life.

And that brings me to the point of this message. After Pentecost - THEN what? After your surrender to the Holy Spirit - THEN what?

I am going to assume that you have surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit. I am going to assume that you desire to walk in obedience to God. If you are not there - then you need to get there. The rest of what I am going to tell you really doesn’t matter- if you aren‘t there. Receiving the Holy Spirit is the big need in your life. Totally consecrating your life to God is the big need. Ridding your life of all rebellion to God is the big need. You can’t go further until you get past this point. You need to pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. You need to pray for the strength to surrender everything in your heart and make Jesus truly the Lord of your life. Preceding Pentecost, after Jesus ascended up into heaven, the disciples locked themselves into an upper room and began to pray. They didn’t witness; they didn’t preach; they didn’t teach; they didn’t do anything but pray. And if you have not received the Holy Spirit - that is what you need to do. Pray until you have emptied yourself - of yourself. Pray until all of you is surrendered totally to God. Pray until the Holy Spirit falls on you. You will know it when it happens.

After Pentecost - then what? The disciples gave us an example. First, they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching. (Acts 2:42) I believe they studied the Scriptures and studied everything the apostles were telling them. I think what that means to us is that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will have an insatiable hunger to know God’s will and God’s Word. That doesn’t mean that feeling will last forever - feeling come and go. But, spiritually, we will have this desire to know God’s will. We will discipline ourselves to study God’s Word. We will discipline ourselves to seek God’s will for our lives. Sometimes that’s a painful process - because we have so much wrong in our lives. It is our nature to sin. We have spent our lives seeking our will and our way. When we first come to God seeking HIS will and HIS way - it’s a little overwhelming. But just take it one step at a time. As the Holy Spirit reveals sin in your life, overcome it - with His help. When the Holy Spirit reveals, through His Word, His will to you - strive to walk in it. With His help - you can do it. But the first thing to do after your personal Pentecost, is to devote yourself to the Lord’s teaching. Never let a day go by without getting into the Scriptures. Be devoted to it. Be devoted to learning God’s Word.

Secondly, After Pentecost, the disciples devoted themselves to fellowship. There are no “Lone Ranger” Christians. We really do need each other. We were created to be a part of a whole. We are incomplete when we are alone. The Bible warns,

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another …” Hebrews 10:25

In the early church, it was a policy to always go by twos. You see Paul partnering with Timothy and Peter partnering with John; Barnabus with Silias - and so on. I think it would be good for us to have a partner in ministry. It would strengthen us and encourage us to have a partner to work in the Kingdom with. Notice that it wasn’t married couples who were partners. I think each Christian, each man and woman, had someone they worked with. Can you see how that would motivate us and encourage us? Men partnering with men; women partnering with women. Hopefully, both are never down or discouraged or going through trials at the same time. We would get more done; we would be more regular. We would be more consistent if we would follow this Biblical example.

The bible says,

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecc. 4:9-12

We need each other. We need a brother or sister we are answerable to. We need a small group to belong to, as well. We will only grow as we should when we begin to start small groups to belong to and we have a spiritual brother or sister. Jesus said,

“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:20

Why do you think Jesus numbered two or three? I think He knew we needed the support and encouragement and accountability from a mentor or spiritual partner. We were not created to be lone wolves or solitary warriors. We are vulnerable when we are alone. Satan is waiting for us to be alone. (1 Peter 5:8) So make it happen. Find someone (of the same sex) to partner with spiritually.

A third thing the disciples did after Pentecost was to the act of “breaking bread” together. I looked up the act of “breaking bread” in Adam Clarke and Matthew Henry’s commentaries, as well as the “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia” and “The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the bible.” None were much help. They all pretty much said the same thing. It wasn’t known if the Scripture referred to partaking of the “Lord’s Supper” or if it meant that they ate meals together. Most agree it was probably both. I’m for spiritualizing pot lucks! Aren’t you! Seriously, when we eat together there is a special bonding. The act of giving and receiving and making ourselves vulnerable happens when we dine together. Why do you think when we are getting to know a prospective partner that we go out to dinner. We find out what the real person is like. Jesus said,

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Rev. 3:20

There is an intimacy in eating with one another that is very valuable in relationships. We need to do it more often. We need to have each other over for meals more often. The Bible says,

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2

After Pentecost, the early Church broke bread faithfully. I’m sure they remembered the Lord in the sacrament of Communion, but I am also sure they ate together frequently. Let’s do the same.

The fourth thing the bible says the church did after Pentecost, was to devote themselves to prayer. Jesus taught us to pray daily. (Luke 11:3) Paul taught us to pray continually. (1 Thess. 5:17) Pray needs to be a continuous part of our life. Some people get up early in the morning to spend the first and best part of the day with Jesus. Some pray before going to bed so their subconscious mind communes with our Heavenly Father all night long. Some talk to God all through the day. I don’t think it matters so much when and how - but that you do it. The last few Wednesday evenings I have been teaching on communicating with each other. We all learn to talk at a young age - but we all have such difficulty in really communicating. We need to learn communication skills.

It’s the same with our Heavenly Father. We need to learn how to talk with Him better. There are all kinds of books and scholars who give you their opinion on how to do that. Some are good - some aren’t. Some are even contradictory. I think prayer ought to be important enough to you that you read a few books on the subject, tho. The Holy Spirit will help you find the truth and He will even help you pray. (Romans 8:26) But the important thing is that after your personal Pentecost - devote yourself to prayer. Prayer is our life line. Prayer is the avenue through which God works in our lives. Prayer moves the hand of God. Prayer in the channel by which God sends us strength and guidance and wisdom and every heavenly gift. Is it any wonder that Satan works so hard at hindering our prayer life? A Spirit filled Christian is a prayer warrior.

One last thing. After Pentecost, 5) the Spirit filled Christian is devoted to spreading the Good News of salvation to as many as he can. Jesus said,

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses…” Acts 1:8

The primary reason for the Holy Spirit is to spread the news of Jesus. Some way; some how; you need to allow the Holy Spirit to accomplish that purpose. He has given you gifts and talents - all to be used for building His Kingdom. Are you doing it? Are you letting the Holy Spirit use your life?

After Pentecost - then what? Be devoted to: 1. Studying God’s Word. 2. Fellowshipping with each other, 3. Breaking bread together, 4. Prayer, and 5. Spreading the Good News of Salvation from sin. If you do these things in increasing measure they will make you effective and productive in your walk with Jesus. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus,

I confess my need for you. Please forgive me for my sin and rebellion. From now on, I am going to live for you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Work through me to accomplish Your will. Use my hands. Use my heart. Use my voice to speak.

In Jesus name.