Summary: The up side even when we are down is that we are called and appointed by God.


Jesus has set us free to be ourselves...

Comparing to others

Not good at that

Gifs, talents,

I cant sing like and I cant – but Preach

Everybody has things they are good at and everybody has things they are not good at.


We have to understand not only the things we are good at but also the things we are not good at and we have to get over ourselves and stop being bothered by it.

We have to get over being bothered by it – Repeat it


Some are faster – some learn through books some learn through life.

Satan steal you from you

He does not you to be free to be you and he does not want you to enjoy yourselves.

Dont like yourself. Dont approve of who they are

You are what you.

Whatever you are and whatever you are not – this morning is a good time to come to grips with that.


You are what you are and thats it.

I am what I am – by the grace of God

It is what it is and thats all I can do.


But what about all those people who are satisfied with who I am

Well I can tell you that most of those people will never be happy with who you are and you could spend your whole life trying to fix yourself up to try and be who they need you to be and they still would not be satisfied with who you are.

And whats more you are not ever going to be yourself and satan would have stolen you from you.

Stop trying to make someone happy who has already made their mind up that they are not going to be happy.

Get around to enjoy yourself and you will start to enjoy your life.

Start enjoying yourself and you will find you will start enjoying others. S

top being so critical of yourself and you will find you will stop being so critical of everyone else.

We all come with gifts – we all come with weaknesses we come with strength – we come with things we can do and we come with things we can’t.

We all make mistakes.


In the process of hearing from God we all miss it sometimes.

“You know what I thought I had Gods approval to change Jobs but I obviously got it wrong. “

We take ourselves way to seriously.

Just call it what it is – It is what it is!

We need to stop bleeding over every mistake we make and create pressure pressure pressure to be like all these other people that are walking around thinking that they are the worlds worse as well.

We need to stop pressuring ourselves to be like all these other seemingly perfect people that aren’t.

The funny part is that they probably have more problems than you do – they have just gotten good at hiding them.


I don’t care one thing about what you look like here at church, I want to know about whats happening in your life behind closed doors at home.

Everybody has got a church face – Praise the Lord – Thank you Jesus – Amen amen amen brother.

But how do you act at home when you don’t get your way. What kind of a fit do you throw at home when one of your kids breaks a glass in the kitchen?



I don’t want to know about the church hour....

That’s just power for the hour....


I want you to leave here today with power for your life that comes from knowing you are who you are and thats more than ok!

You don’t have to be in church to be good enough for God to talk to you. He can talk to you every where you go.

1 Kings 19:11-13


No matter how much you rant and rave the glass is not going to jump back off the floor.....

You may as well learn to go with the flow – IT IS WHAT IT IS’

We are always trying to make what it is into something it is not – Including ourselves...

For some stuff it is just not worth getting upset about it – you ned to just stay calm.


Thing always go wrong....aaaag

When things keep go wrong – depression. Go to the doctor and they tell you its stress –u r giving me stress telling me its stressed. Makes you made casu they cant tell you whats wrong with you.


I could say amen as good as anybody... it’s not about what happens at church but what’s going on behind closed doors.

You look at all these other people and you think they are oh so perfect and you are oh so not...but are not living in their homes.

You think they do all the right things and quote all the right scriptures. Well you need to live before God and hear directly from him and stop worrying about what other people think say or do.


You don’t need to be comparing yourself with everyone else you just need to get straight with yourself before God.

I believe in some way shape or form God has appointed us to be king!

Scripture tells us we are Kings and priests unto our God.


What do i mean we have all been appointed as kings?

I mean that into whatever realm or sphere of life you have effect god has placed you there, and you should walk with authority and you should do that thing fully and completely to the glory of God.

You should never be disqualified from being king.


You should never loose the kingdom that god is trying to give you, because you are so busy trying to be somebody else-That God eventually has to say that I am trying to use you but you are so busy not liking you that I am going to have to move on and use somebody else. Even the rocks if I have to says God.

1 SAM 17:37 – David and Goliath.

David was a young man who spent alot of time with God and had a lot of faith.

None of the soldiers ready to face goliath. David next to this giant looked like nothing. And in our minds in our lives next to some people we look like or feel like nothing.

But the real test comes down to who is going to hear from God and do what’s right when something needs to be done.

Soldiers big talk blab la – Little David who has been out there shpearding sheep and just loving God and hearing from him...and he says I can do it –everybody says yes i can. What baout lion and bear. I can do it. Saul says Lord be with you.

Vs 38 read....

Sometimes people will be willing to let you do things, but only if you do it their way. My armour

David cant – no anointing in doing it your way.

What God anoints for one person, he does not for others.

That’s why you have to be you. Its not about you doing something like someone else, its about you working in the anointing that God has for you for the thing you are to be king at.

Its about who is God with and who isn’t he with. It’s about who is he anointing to do that thing and who is he not anointing.

The worse thing that can ever happen is that you loose your kingship and you become a yesterday person.

David was trusting in the Lord.

The Lord be with you vs armour.

VS 40 – Read....

How daft they thought this kid was.

No armour no weapon – rocks in his lunch bag.

Goliath story...

David ran towards he battle line.

Did not stand there and think it – we reason our way out.

He got out and he did it. He ran towards his kingship with the word of god on his lips....

Read scripture onward build...

You see quite frankly it does not matter what it is we can do and what it is we cant do.

The upside of being down is that these things don’t matter. The only thing that matters is is god with us or is he not with us.?Is he appointing us as kings or is he asking the rocks to do the things he needs us to do. Are you hearing him and obeying his word or are you not. That’s all that matters.

33 year old boy counselling giants....

14 bottles of pills to get my life done.

When are we going to learn to stop thinking that we have to have a whole bunch of stuff in our favour, a whole bunch of natural stuff in our favour to qualify us to be used by God?

Education, money, no one to help you.


Called Joshua – take Moses place. I mean Moses was the man. Well Moses was died. God did not want him to be like Moses and do it like Moses did. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you!

Come on someone has got to get this today.

Luke 17:20-21


I am not good enough to do this i have done this before.

I mean why do you get to think that you get to practice everything you are goiong to be great at.

In gods divine economy it does not work like that. EG David could not practice at greatness. Its called step out in faith. Its called get out of the boat.

Peter had a big mouth etc. Including denying Jesus. And yet he was the greatest apostles. He was willing to get out of th boat – incl goof ups and mess ups.

Stop comparing yourself with other people.


I know a freak some of you out – i Enjoy what I do – I am what I am -It is what it is. I know I freak some of you out, but you will meet me somewhere else and I will be exactly the same there too.


Jesus hates fakes and phonies. He is looking for you to be real. If he was looking for all the same, you would not have a different set of fingerprints. Same look same thing – boring.

Someone here today is going to admit that you might be down, but the good thing about that is youy can draw a line in that sand and you can say I am who I am. It is what it is...And I am going to like it and I am going to see what I can do with Jesus name.


Some people learn real fast and others learn ral slow but whne they get it they get iot better than anyone else, others remember akll the details and others cant remember anything other than the colour of the sky at the time.

I am always preaching in my Golf and birdwatching....

I spent way too long being miserable with myself because i didn;t like who I was. – How many of you suffer from the same thing...


Man i tried to be like this one...I tried to be like my wife...Calm and faithful in everything. My wife has one answer for everything – Give it to God....

Give it to God....I am hanging from the chandelier freaking out...God will take care of it...when? how?

Philosophise and strategize – made at my wife cause she was peaceful.

Counseling lecturer - Gift of mercy....aaah oooh ---This is what you need to do now go and do it...


I have been called to pastor you and i want to call it like it is – i want to get some truths to you this morning and i don’t have time to dress it up. It is what it is!

Mean lean and rude –


Not mean we don’t need to improve or get more fruit of the spirit. We can use others as examples in certain things but we don’t walk around trying to model our every move on them.

Someone in my life that I was close to that was really nice. God sends the right people to challenge you. But he is not asking you to clone yourself. Dont let them condem you let them remind you of some the elements of Gods prson that you need to be balanced...

Dont want u to run off in this direction or freak a=out – just be balanced....

1 cor 1:26-29