Summary: This message was given as an introduction to a major ministry review for our church.


I. This morning we are going to take a break from the series dealing with “God’s Amazing Grace.”

II. The reason we are taking a break is because it is only a matter of weeks before we have our first preview service of “The Connection.”

A. I want to present the purpose, core values as well as reminds us of the strategy; although strategy will be next Sunday.

B. We have been praying that 150 people will visit our church between October 21st and the official launch of The Connection on January 20.

III. As we look to that date, we must bear some important facts in mind, beginning with Acts 2, verse 47 - And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. (NASB)

A. We are doing a considerable amount of preparing for the coming months.

B. We are praying that a fairly large number of people come, and of that number, we are praying that a pretty good sized group remain and become a regular part of our church body..

C. But, I know this, ultimately it is God who decides to build His church, and where.

D. It is so imperative that we trust Him.

IV. Psalm 127, verse 1 says, “Unless the Lord build the house, it’s builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stand guard in vain.”

A. This verse seems to intimate a cooperative effort.

1. Yes, God is the ultimate builder,

2. God will choose who and when to bring folks to Christ and His church.

3. BUT

B. The verse also says, “’s builders...”

C. I take “it’s builders” to be people just like you and I.

1. People seeking to understand what steps God wants them to take,

2. And then taking those steps.

D. God’s purpose must be our purpose, and God’s method must be our method.

V. This morning we begin by looking at our purpose.

The Purpose Statement

That purpose statement is - “To Connect people in a measurable way to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.”


I. The first component of the purpose statement is “connect”

II. Everyone can be connected in a closer relationship with Christ.

A. The person that is unchurched needs to meet and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.

B. The person that is a new Christian needs to connect with Christ, and discover what it means to continue to learn and grow in Christ.

C. The person that has been a Christian for a number of years probably needs several things.

1. They may need to have their passion rekindled for Christ, even to the point of returning to their first love.

2. They may need to find a place to serve Christ with the gifts and abilities that He has given them.

3. They may need to learn how to be in relationships with others where they can teach what God has taught them over the years.

III. In order for this church to be about that business, more people must attend, but the reason for attending is to deepen their relationship with Christ, not simply fulfill a perceived requirement for attendance.

IV. If a relationship is moving, there should be a way of measuring that movement, therefore:


The second component of the purpose statement is “measurable.”

V. What do we mean by “Measurable”, well what are the two greatest commandments of God, according to Christ?

A. Christ answered that question in Matthew 22 when he said - “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

B. If we are moving into a deeper relationship with God, then what are some areas where we might see movement -

1. Service

2. Tithing

3. Participation

4. Time in reading the bible

5. Time in prayer

6. etc.

C. If we are moving into a deeper relationship with our neighbors, what are some areas where we might see movement,

1. Service

2. Sacrificing

3. Interaction

4. Time spend being together,

5. etc.

VI. The key is this, if we want to see those things take place, then as a church, we must offer opportunities in which it can take place.

A. One of those opportunities will be the development of small groups.

B. What are small groups, well typically they are study groups which meet outside of the church facility, typically in a members home.

C. Does anyone have any idea what some of the benefits of small group study might be, let’s consider a few actually,

1. First we would probably say, that studying the bible is a good thing and it is.

2. Second we might say, group prayer,

3. But are there any other areas of benefit,

a. How about for a person with a gift of teaching being able to utilize their gift.

b. How about a person with the gift of hospitality being able to use their gift.

c. A person with a musical talent, but lacking the confidence to lead the church in worship, might well be more comfortable leading a small group in worship.

d. When people get together, they are bound to share their experiences, and discover areas of common interest, concern, etc.

e. And I am probably forgetting some.

f. And last, if people are enjoying the experience, they might well invite a friend to attend as well, which could lead to someone coming to faith in Christ, and taking their part in the church.

VII. Pretty cool stuff, and it all results from “Connecting people in a measurable way into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.”

VIII. So the idea is not to simply grow the church which meets in this place, but to move people into a deeper relationship with Christ.

IX. BUT local church growth is a by-product of spiritual growth.

X. Healthy Bodies Result in Growth.

XI. What I want to talk about next are what most churches call “Core Values” Core Values

I. If you were to visit most growing churches, they will have a list of what they call, core values.

II. So what are core values and why are they necessary?

A. Core values are an expressed framework from which ministry decisions are made.

B. No church can do everything, but every church can do some things.

C. Not many churches have a budget which allows them to do everything, but most churches have a budget that allows them to do some things.

D. Not many churches have enough people to do everything, but most churches have enough people to do some things.

E. Core Values help determine what is done, how it is done, and how many resources will be allocated to doing it.

For instance the first Core Value for The Connection is - “We believe the unchanging truths of scripture must be transmitted in a relevant manner in order to connect people to the life change truths.”

I. Paul said - “To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some.” (1 Cor. 9:22, NASB)

II. What does that mean to churches in this day and age?

A. The means of salvation has never changed.

B. Scripture firmly states that salvation is by faith.

III. If you read Hebrews 11 beginning with verse 3 you will hear repeated over and over again, “By faith”

A. And those referred to are Old Testament saints.

B. Christ brought in a New Covenant of faith in His sacrifice, but salvation has always been the same, through faith in the Words of God.

1. That will never change.

IV. BUT, with each passing generation, and even with different people groups from each generation, the Word of God must be communicated in a way in which that people group can understand it.

A. When Peter stood up in Acts 2, he said, “You killed Christ.”

1. That generation understood that, because many of them were present at the crucifixion.

2. Some may well have even cursed Christ and called for his execution.

B. Today’s generation was not there; they didn’t see it happen, they didn’t experience the hate and disappointments that accompanied that act.

1. The message of salvation still comes the same way,

2. But what it takes to get the message out has changed.

V. The overarching desire of Paul’s and the other Apostles hearts was, “What must I do to reach these people with the message of salvation”

A. The second question was, “Am I willing to do what it takes to get that message out?”

1. Those questions must be ours as well.

The next Core Value states - We believe that God must be worshiped in a culturally relevant manner, in order to connect people through Christ. The writer of Psalms puts it this way - “And He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear, And will trust in the Lord.” (Ps. 40:3)

I. In his book “Purpose Driven Church” Rick Warren states very clearly his opinion concerning style of music in worship.

A. His opinion and mine is “It really doesn’t matter what style of music you do, but you must choose a style and do it consistently.”

B. “Culturally relevant” does not refer to traditional, contemporary, country, gospel or any other label that can be placed on music.

C. Culturally relevant simply means “Worship that conveys the truth of the Bible to the group you are trying to reach.

II. The purpose of worship is to connect the worshiper with God.

III. It will be our goal to use music, skits and other art forms at our disposal to convey God’s word in a manner that connects people on an emotional level with God.

IV. I want to show you a video that represents, just a little bit of what I am talking about.

A. The two performers approach this event with trepidation,

B. But once into the performance, they discover something they hadn’t thought possible.

C. It’s the start of something new, and something new is what we are praying will start in our community.

We believe that life change occurs when people connect with God in regular, consistent time in His word and in prayer. “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:1-2)

I. More than anything else, what our culture needs is a mind change.

A. For many people,

1. What kind of house I live in is ultimately important,

2. What kind of car I drive, takes precedence over what I do with my children,

3. The way I spend my personal time is my own business, and if there is a God, He must understand that my time is limited,

B. And most importantly of all, “I don’t really need God to get through this life.”

II. What people need is a renewed way of thinking; what we need is to see the importance of a relationship with God now.

III. This is one of the measurable components of our purpose statement.

A. It will be a goal of this ministry to see people get more comfortable, and spend more time studying the word of God and to become more comfortable communicating with God.

1. We will be looking for small group leaders, with a desire to help others learn to study and pray.

2. We will be looking for those that attend this church become participants rather than simply observers.

IV. Moving people in a measurable way into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, includes offering ministries that will allow people to

A. Interact with other believers on a personal level.

B. Interact with God through study and prayer,

C. Serve as God has gifted, equipped and called each of us to serve.

We believe that life change occurs when people discover and connect with God in the utilization of their individual Holy Spirit empowered gifting. “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, And He gave gifts to men.” 9 (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.) 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;” (Eph. 4:7-12)

I. The point here is that not everyone is called or equipped to do just anything, BUT every believer in Jesus Christ has been called and gifted to do something.

A. The most effective way to serve God is in that way in which He has equipped you to serve.

B. One goal of this church, and one of the measurable steps for our church will be to help each person determine what God has prepared for them to do, and then freeing them to the extent possible to do just that.

II. It is a natural fact that people come and go in the life of a church.

A. Some move in or out.

B. Some decide that they can better serve by attending a different fellowship.

C. Some even go home to be with the Lord.

III. It if for this reason that churches must be flexible enough to allow some ministries to die, and begin new ones.

IV. We want to be about understanding how God has put each individual together, and then helping them understand and serve accordingly.

A. To many churches have a list of ministries that they feel “MUST” be done.

B. There is only one ministry that really must be done, and that is to reach people with the good news of salvation, and then free them to reach others.

We believe that life change occurs when people connect with people in fellowship, service, and evangelism. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:19-20)

I. How does a church determine whether they are successful in ministry or not?

A. Typically it is all about numbers,

1. How many come on Sunday morning?

2. How many came to the last big event?

3. How many attend Sunday school?

B. And don’t get me wrong, attendance is important, for without enough people in attendance, the doors will eventually close.

II. But the Bible says, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! 5 “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Dt. 6:5, NASB)

A. The purpose of the church is to teach people to love God and allow Him to transform their lives.

B. The purpose of the church is to teach people to love God enough that they want to teach their children the same principles.

III. We hear things like, “Well I don’t want to push my religion on anyone else, including my children.”

A. My bible says “Go and make disciples”

B. The King James says, “Go and teach” and that word teach means, “instruct” or “be a disciple”

IV. Go and be a disciple.

A. We can’t push our faith on others, even Jesus didn’t “push” his faith.

B. But what we believe should be visible, and it should be important enough to us that we aren’t afraid to let it show.

V. We teach our children not to steal, not to play with matches, not to drink and drive, and the list goes on and on, and we “force” them to learn those lessons, should we not also teach them to live for God.

A. We want to offer plenty of opportunities to learn, and

B. Plenty of opportunities to serve.

VI. Life change occurs when people connect with God, in learning and in serving, and that is what “The Connection” will be about.

My last point this morning is - We believe that God is best worshiped when people connect to God in excellence. “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

I. It simply means this, If we are going to do it for God, we are going to do the best job we can possibly do.

A. God is worthy of our best efforts, not in order to gain some special place, but because He is God.

B. God is worthy of the best that we can offer as a church and as individuals.

1. If I usher, I want to do it to the best of my ability.

2. If I greet, I want to do it in a way that makes people feel welcome and wanted.

3. If I sing, if I preach, if I teach, if I lead in a ministry, the most important question is “Did I do that in a way that brings honor and glory to God;” if the answer is yes, then I connected through and with excellence.


I. I close with this, “What part do you want to play in seeing this thing through.”

A. I know I haven’t answered all your questions, but I will be more than glad to meet with you and answer any question you have left.

B. I have put a sign up sheet in your bulletin this morning, because I don’t want to assume anything.

C. Look it over, and if there is something you would like to try on that Sunday service, please feel it out, and the usher will take them up in just a few minutes.

II. At this point, we are the “Launch Team” for The Connection.

A. It will take all of us working together to see this work.

B. What part would you like to play?