Summary: Part 2 of 3 in Stewardship Series. Each of us can and should become a superhero in Christ who is mentally strong, has unlimited power, special talents and serves a much greater cause!



PART 2: TALENT 1 Peter 4:7-11

Rev. Todd Leupold Perth Bible Church Sunday AM November 4, 2007


Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’re probably noticed that one of the most guaranteed best-selling topics today (whether it be a movie, TV, video game, toy, book) is superheroes. It should not be surprising, then, that one or the new reality TV hits is one called “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?”

Thousands of people audition for each season by creating their own, personal super hero ’creation’ complete with costume, powers, name and catch phrase. Here is just a sample of those super few chosen to compete in Seasons 1 & 2 for the right to have their own comic book (show slide show).

Now, I must admit, we have watched 2 or 3 episodes ourselves for the humor. Let me tell you, these people are all VERY serious and emotional about this – as it would seem are many of the millions of viewers. Nevertheless, it’s awfully hard to see any of this and not laugh, groan, and pity these poor folks whose hopes and dreams amount to this.

Yet, the truth that most of us don’t like to publicly admit is that ALL of us have a secret desire to be a superhero of one sort or another (put on Bibleman costume). Supermom, Superdad, The Amazing Accountant, Miraculous Healer, The Peacemaker, Time Freezer, Avenger, etc. Who doesn’t ever wish they couldn’t do something impressive that no one else can do? Change the world? Bring justice to evildoers? Wisdom to the ignorant? Manners to the obnoxious? Be the person everybody else wishes that they were?!

This morning, in the second part of our series on Stewardship That Loves God Absolutely & Loves Others Sacrificially, I pray that ALL of us will see that Jesus desires for each and every one of His followers to be a Superhero and offers us all the divine empowerment necessary to be a real life superhero! In fact, as we will see, the Bible tells us that any Christian who is not an extra-ordinary, super and distinctly different person is less than devoted and failing to glorify Christ.



In these verses, inspired and given to us by God Himself, we see that each of us can become a superhero in Christ who (1) is mentally strong, (2) has unlimited power, (3) special talents and (4) serves a much greater cause!

Our Cause v. 7a

Our “Cause,” the reason the world need as many Christ-empowered superheroes as it can hold, the reason we ourselves need to allow Christ to turn us into His superheroes is the pulse-stuttering truth that “the end of all things is near.”

One day, sooner than any of us really think or most of us are likely be truly prepared for, God is going to bring this chaotic spinning top infected by sin and selfishness to an absolute halt! Christ WILL return not only as Savior but as King of Kings. Christ will take His own out this world to be brought first and foremost before His Judgment Throne. Each and every one of us believers will have our lives dissected and judged by Christ – not for salvation but in examination of the life which we have chosen to or not to live for God. What have we done with the time, talents, and treasures He has offered us for His glory?

Meanwhile, the time for unbelievers to see His light, be touched by His Body, and receive His grace and salvation will pass for all eternity!

The question, then, is: how will each of God’s people spend what relatively little time remains? What will we do with what He has entrusted and offered us?

Everyone Who Follows Christ Should Be A Superhero v. 10

Verse 10 summarizes this section:

The key word in this verse is “everyone”! NOT “the pastor.” Not “the extroverts.” Not “whosoever has abundant free time on their hands.” Not “the young” or “the old.” Not “the educated,” “the trained,” or “the obviously talented ones.” Not “the rich,” “the comfortable,” or “the poor.” Not “the city folk” or “people who go to a mega church.” Not “the single,” “the married,” “the childless,” or “the widowed.”

God’s word says EVERYONE! Each and every single person who has chosen to be His disciple!

EVERYONE in Christ is gifted to supernatural service.

EVERYONE in Christ is called to supernatural service.

EVERYONE in Christ is commissioned to be stewards of God’s manifold and supernatural grace!

Christ’s Superheroes Are Mentally Strong v. 7b

“sober”, “clear-headed,” “sound-minded” and “disciplined”

It is essentially that we are first and foremost mentally strong in Him.

Unlike one who is intoxicated with alcohol, power, pride, or even self-doubt, we will be Christ’s Superheroes when we have a clear understanding of who we are and are not – particularly in Him - seeing things clearly and how they really are, acting appropriately.

We are to be well-balanced and self-controlled. . .

Intelligent Christians, who continually pursue to know all we can about the Word of God and how it applies to our lives and world.

We remain alert, sharp and ready at all times – during opportune or inopportune times.

Through relying completely upon Christ – His guidance and strength!

Unlimited Power v. 8

“Above all,” that is the ultimate source of our strength and power in Christ, has its foundation in the fullness of our “love for one another.”

Such a love, as it is received from Christ and unselfishly and unconditionally shared with others, has unimaginable, divine power that none other may possibly possess. A power that is ultimately unlimited. It cannot be contained, stopped, or negated.

It’s ultimate expression is that in such power from Christ, “love covers a multiple of sins!”

This is NOT a reference to a simple feeling, emotion or “warm fuzzy of the heart.” It is a foundational attitude resulting in defined behavior which demonstrates the love of God.

Romans 5:8

It is a grace-filled, Christ-empowered love that chooses not to look for or focus upon the sins and weaknesses of others under ignorance or stress. A love that resists the temptation to point out the sins and weaknesses of others. A love that sees others not just for who they are in the flesh, but who they are and/or can be in Christ! A love that prevents one from ever joining in gossip, slander, cliques, others’ disputes, hatred or bitterness. A love that lets go of the past and looks to shape the future in grace!

Everyone Who Follows Christ Has Special Talents v. 10

Illustration: A guy came to his pastor and said, “Pastor, I only have one talent.” The pastor inquired: “And what is that?” The man said, “I have the gift of criticism.” The pastor, being very wise, replied: “The Bible says that the guy who had only one talent went out and buried it. Maybe that’s what you ought to do with yours.”

Folks, we all have a God-given talent that is useful to Him and uplifting to others!

Natural gifts & abilities. Ex. 31:1; 35:25

Supernatural gifts: 1 Co. 12:7-11; 1 Tim. 4:14-16

These gifts are empowered to each Christian - whoever we are - in order that we will each serve as dutiful stewards of such amazing grace.

Serving A Greater Cause vv. 9-11

A. Without Regret v. 9

“without complaining.” But, it was accepted . . . appreciated . . . reciprocated . . . welcomed . .

Too bad, is for the Lord & His glory not to get our own ego stroked, feelings bolstered or back scratched!

B. In Speech v. 11a

“If anyone speaks . . .” Folks, this doesn’t just mean ’professional speakers.’ It means anytime we speak of Christ and His grace we are to do so with great care to speak only in a manner that accurately reflects His Word in meaning and attitude!

When we do so, as He commends us to, it will be with His strength and empowerment and not our weaknesses and limitations!

Illustration: There was a woman who really felt she had nothing to share with or give to God and his people. One Sunday, after she went home and thought about the message, she decided to call the preacher and tell him how the message moved her and she wanted to thank him for being her friend. Then, she thought, well that song that David sang was beautiful, so she called him and told him how much she appreciated his singing and how much that song meant to her. Later, she thought about the piano player and decided to write her a note thanking her for playing every Sunday. As she was writing that note, she thought about the Sunday School teacher and decided to write her, then the Children’s church teacher, and on and on the list went on as she wrote these notes of encouragement. Finally she realized she did have something to give – encouragement - and she would give it totally. She saw this as her talent for God.

C. In Action v. 11b

The same principle applies to our actions, or behavior.

Notice that it is assumed that ALL will serve. Even when we are inadequate or weak, He will make us strong in service that honors Him!

D. At All Times v. 11c

Wherever we are, whatever circumstances we find ourselves, however we may ’feel’, God has provided us with a talent by His grace that we can exercise in service to Him.

E. For God’s Glory v. 11d

This is to be our motivation and our strength.

When it is, then serving through His entrusted talents will never be cause for complaining or regret no matter what the perceived result.

Anytime we faithfully administer the talents He has entrusted to us for His glory, we may be confident that we have ’succeeded’ before God and please Him – no matter what else happens or does not happen!

Summary Thought:

Romans 12:5

Friends, we representing and serving Jesus takes more than some of the ability of some of us! It takes

all of the God-given talents of all of us together!


Listen to the story of a bricklayer who tried to move 500 pounds of bricks from the top of a five story building to the street below by himself. In his own words, taken from his insurance claim:

"It would have taken too long to carry the bricks down by hand so I decided to put them in a barrel and lower them by a pulley which I fastened to the top of the building. After tying the rope securely at the ground level, I then went up to the top of the building, I fastened the rope around the barrel, loaded it with bricks, and swung it over the sidewalk for the descent. Then I went down to the sidewalk and I untied the rope. Holding it securely to guide the barrel down slowly. But I did not realize that since I weigh only 140 pounds, the 500 pound load jerked me from the ground so fast that I didn’t have time to think of letting go of the rope.

As I passed between the second and third floors, I met the barrel coming down. This accounts for the bruises and the lacerations on my upper body. I held tightly to the rope until I reached the top where my hand became jammed in the pulley. This accounts for my broken thumb. At the same time, however, the barrel hit the sidewalk with a "bang" and the bottom fell out. With the weight of the bricks gone, the barrel only weighed 40 pounds, thus my 140 pound body began a swift descent and I met the empty barrel coming up back up. This accounts for my broken ankle.

I continued the descent and landed on the pile of bricks. This accounts for my sprained back and my broken collar bone. At this point I lost my presence of mind completely, and let go of the rope. The empty barrel came crashing down on me. This accounts for my head injury. As for the last question on your insurance form, ’What would you do if the same situation rose again?’ Please be advised that I have finished trying to do the job all by myself."

We need to come to the same conclusion. Each of us is needed and we all need each other! So let’s all commit ourselves today to getting involved in His service!

First, if you have not already, accept His gift of salvation.

Second, accept His gifts of talent and abilities.

Third, freely and regularly exercise them in grace unto others to His glory!