Summary: In a culture of affluence we must practice simplicity and generosity if we are to love God first and draw closer to him.

Last week I said we suffer from a sickness in this country, it is the sickness of hurry, and we talked about the need to slow down, prioritize our time, and spend time being still before God. But there is a second sickness we have in this country, the sickness of affluence, riches, greed, materialism, consumerism. We live in the wealthiest country in the world, we are some of the wealthiest people in the world. But because it is part of our culture we don’t even realize how truly affluent we are. We are like fish swimming in a pond unaware that we are in fact living and breathing the water, it’s just part of what we’ve always known. The water we swim in is affluence. We are able to eat three meals a day, and usually we get a choice of whatever we want to eat. We get to go to grocery stores and have a choice between tens of thousands of different items. While most people around the world are eating one choice, typically rice and/or beans for dinner. Most of us have one vehicle per driving age person in the household while most people around the world don’t have any vehicle. Most of us live in a home which is large enough to have one bedroom for each child, whether they are in your home or have grown up now. Most people around the world live in a one or two room home. Most of us probably have at least two televisions in our home. I’m not even going to get into all the toys we have for leisure and entertainment because I think you get the point. Since we live in the fish pond where everyone has these things and probably much more, we don’t even think twice about how our materialistic habits affect us spiritually.

Since we are in a series looking at spiritual growth and the practices or disciplines which help us grow, we need to look seriously at this one. Remember spiritual growth is receiving God’s grace to know him better (in other words it’s relational) and maturing to be more like him (we reflect Jesus’ character and actions more and more in our life, saying what he would say, doing what he would do).

Just as hurry prevents us from spending our time with God, materialism divides our hearts away from God. Jesus said "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (Mt. 6:24).”

Because we live in an affluent society where everybody has it and thinks they need it and deserve it (whatever “it” is, see Ebay commercial), we have inoculated ourselves into thinking it is okay for us to serve both God and mammon because everyone else is doing it too. If we are to grow spiritually we need to do as Jesus said and “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33).” God and his kingdom take first place.

We cannot grow closer to God and become more like him when we are trapped by our love for things. The problem is, most of us don’t think we have a love for money or possessions, but what if I were to ask you right now to give every television in your home away? [Try to be absolutely serious] No, really tomorrow morning bring your television(s) down to the Salvation Army. [Long Pause] What is your reaction? Doubt? He’s not serious is he, he wouldn’t ask us to do that? Do you feel defensive? What right does he have to tell me what I have to do? Anxiety? If I didn’t have my television how could I watch my favorite show, my favorite football team, or whatever sports, movies. Perhaps television was a bad choice, pick whatever is most valuable to you or where you spend your free time, maybe it’s your fishing boat, or your manicures. What I’m trying to get at is that we like to think we put God and his kingdom first, when in reality we have put other things first, material things. Because we live in an affluent society where we have access to everything our heart could desire we think it’s okay to value these things because everyone else does.

I see this among kids and young adults today because parents and grandparents have fed the beast of materialism by giving their kids everything they want. The message we are sending to our kids/grandkids is, having stuff is important.

Practicing Simplicity and Generosity

This is where the practice of simplicity and generosity become so important in the life of a follower of Christ. Making a habit or regular practice of living a simple lifestyle (by God’s standards, not our cultures) and being generous are essential in helping us grow spiritually by helping prevent our money and possessions from getting in the way of our relationship with God. We become less tight fisted, needing to cling to money even though “our money” is really God’s to begin with.

Jesus once said to a rich young ruler, “if you want to be perfect, go, sell all your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (Mt. 19:21).” He went away sad because he couldn’t do it. I’m afraid there many of us here today who couldn’t do that if Jesus asked us to, frankly I don’t know if I could, because our hearts are divided. If Jesus asked us to sell all we have and give it to the poor, would we be able to do it? Our response reveals how much affluence has affected our hearts. Jesus says to us like he said to his disciple Peter, “do you love me more than all this?” More than your stuff, more than your job, more than your friends? Jesus knew this was difficult, which was why he went on to say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. But all things are possible with God.

Models of Simplicity and Generosity

First Christians

Before we think this is impossible look at the example of the first Christian believers in the book of Acts.

Acts 2:44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.

Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

No one claimed his possessions was his own. They actually sold their possessions and goods to help those in need. We frequently give from our income but how often do we actually sell something we already own or give it away to someone in need. Did these Christians sound like their hearts were divided away from God by their possessions? No, these Christians understood that they were managers of everything God had given them, and they were free to give as anyone had need. When we practice simplicity and generosity, God works in powerful ways.

I’m not saying that money or possessions is bad in and of itself, but does it take first place? Where is our heart?

About 30 years later the Apostle Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy:

1 Tim 6:17 Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. 18 Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. 19 By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life.

The Fruits of Simplicity and Generosity

When we chose to love God and put him first and practice simplicity and generosity we notice God blesses us in certain ways. First we receive a freedom from the bondage of anxiety. We do not worry about our possessions and what happens to them. When we put our stuff first we worry what is going to happen to it, I hope my new car doesn’t get scratched.

Have you ever known someone to get in a car wreck and the first question someone (parent), what happened to the car? Instead of asking if the person is okay? The sickness of materialism makes us care more about stuff that can be replaced than about people. God gives us the freedom not to worry.

The practice of simplicity frees us from the bondage of greed and jealousy. We don’t need to keep up the vain competition of keeping up with the Joneses, instead we focus on making our goods available to others who need it more than we do.

Helpful Means of Practicing Simplicity

1. Buy items for their usefulness rather than their status

Don’t buy the latest gadget or toy because it is cool, shiny, and new (can you say iphone?), especially when you have one that already works fine.

I’m the last one to throw stones because I just bought a new computer this week.

2. Avoid impulse buying at all cost.

Anything we buy spontaneously, we don’t need. If you think you need it, go home and pray about it first. Make sure you discuss any big ticket items with your spouse first.

3. Reject anything that is producing an addiction in you

Addictions always take us away from God. Don’t feed it, it can hurt you financially, physically, and spiritually because that addiction takes first place in your life.

4. Develop a habit of giving your things away (particularly for those in need)

The first Christians modeled this. Make a habit of giving away or selling your things to help those who are in need. This prevents us from becoming overly attached to the things we own. Our culture tells us to accumulate more. Jesus tells us to give it away. How many outfits or pairs of shoes do we really need? How many televisions do we need? If you feel the anxiety building within you as you think about parting with a certain item(s) you own. You know that is exactly what you must do because it owns you.

5. Give 10% of your income back to God

The Bible calls this tithing. God commanded his people to do it. By giving a percentage of our income on a regular basis, we are making a regular habit of sacrificing to God and demonstrating to him that he takes first place in our life and we trust him.

6. Enjoy the simpler things God has provided.

Part of living simply is enjoying what God has already giving us. God has given us many things to enjoy which don’t cost a thing, a sunset, a hike in the woods, being with family. If we have lost our appreciation for the simple things than we have fallen hook, line, and sinker into affluence. I learned this from spending time in Haiti, you don’t have to have toys, gadgets, or machines to enjoy life. [Emily playing with the pots and pans as a child.]