Summary: A Christmas message taught on a Wednesday night this year with parts of the outline influenced by a book called Handfuls of Purpose from 1943.

Zechariah’s story

Luke 1:5-25

Intro: When it comes to the Christmas story, most…if not all of us, probably know the particulars of it by heart.

We know about the parents, the manger and the inn keeper.

We know all about the shepherds and the heavenly host inviting them to Bethlehem.

We even throw in the Magi, even though they probably didn’t appear for a couple of years.

But we often forget about some of the others involved in the story leading up to the story.

This evening I want us to read one of those stories and look at the scenario he found himself in and how it can relate to us during Christmas and beyond.

Read text and pray.

Zechariah found himself in a rough spot…unable to speak at a time when he probably wanted to speak the most.

He was going to be a new father and couldn’t tell a soul!

This was the result of his unbelief, and this unbelief came as a result of being so engrossed in his own trials.

Society expected many things, like today…and 2000 years ago an expectation was for a husband and wife to have a family; to not have a family could lead to feeling shamed and humiliated.

That is where Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth found themselves, and when he was told to expect a family…he doubted and he paid for that doubt.

There are going to be times when we ourselves face various afflictions…some times physical, sometimes monetarily, or maybe it will be spiritual in nature (not feeling like God is even there).

What should we do during those times?

Zechariah is an example for us.

1. Continue to serve

Read vs. 8, 11

We need to continue doing what God has called us to do, and He will reveal Himself and his will to us.

Moses was keeping his FIL Jethro’s flock when God spoke through a burning bush in Exo. 3:1

Gideon was threshing wheat when he heard from God in Judges 6:11

Elisha was plowing when the prophetic mantle fell on him in 1 Kings 19:10

David was tending to sheep when he was chosen to be king of Israel according to Psa. 78:70

And then there are the disciples of Jesus: Matthew the tax collector, Peter the fisherman…

Sometimes we need to get away from the hustle and bustle and find an alone time with God in order to hear from him…but more than likely we can and will find Him revealed to us in the day to day, in our routine service.

This Christmas when you seem over whelmed, just keep working and doing what you need to do…but be attentive to how God may be speaking to you.

The 2nd truth we learn from Zechariah is to…

2. Pray expectantly

Read vs. 13

This news of a child was staggering to him.

Chances are he and Elizabeth struggled and prayed for years with what seemed like no results.

But now they were both “along in years” according to vs. 7…meaning beyond child bearing years.

As they years went by, so did any hope of having a family of their own.

Yet I would have to believe something in Zechariah’s heart told him to continue to pray…maybe it was knowing the story of Abraham and Sarah.

When we pray, we need to pray expecting God to answer, and often in unexpecting ways.

It may not happen when and where we expect it or how we expect it…but expect it none the less.

Like the old adage says, “God works in mysterious ways”…Zechariah might agree.

That is why we need to remember what Gal. 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

3. Look for God Sized Works

God is able to do far more than what we can ask or even imagine.

We serve a very creative God…just look at creation.

Look at the duck billed platypus!

Zechariah hoped for a child, probably a son…a chip off the old block to carry on the family name and the family business.

Notice what God promised…vs. 14-15.

He would have a son worthy of the God who gave the son to him.

This good man and his humble wife were not going to be greatly rewarded for their many years of praying, serving and waiting.

God is always faithful, even when we are faithless (2 Tim. 2:13)…and we should always wait on Him.

Isa. 40:31, “Thos who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Hab. 2:3, “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of an end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

So don’t give up on God…He never gives up or gives in.

4. Have faith

Read vs. 18

Our faith will be tested at times, and when that happens…we need to remember that we walk by faith and not by sight.

Remember Zechariah received some pretty big orders from the Lord on that day…to the point of being unbelievable. (Reread vs. 14-17).

It was like fountains of God’s deep and infinite grace were being opened up from the heavens and poured out at the feet of Zechariah…and he didn’t really know what to do with it.

He probably even wondered, “Is this really God?!?!”

Wouldn’t you?

Think about it, sometimes we doubt God the most when all evidence points to Him alone.

Something so big that it can only come fro the hands of our mighty God and we say, “Well…I don’t know”.

And what happens is the greatness of God staggers and rocks the world of our pretty weak faith.

The easy thing for us to do here is say, “Well, I wouldn’t be like that…: really?

If you want to truly test the measure of your faith, try one of the many great and precious promises of God out for yourself.

Remember Matthew 17:20, He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

So, don’t lose heart and keep the faith.

Our 5th truth from Zechariah is to know that…

5. Unbelief brings consequences

Read vs. 20.

Have you ever considered how dishonoring it is to God to not believe and have faith?

Our unbelief and our lack of faith says one of 2 things:

a. God is not good (not who He says He is and has revealed Himself to be)

b. God is not wise (we know better)

As a result of Zechariah’s unbelief he missed out on a great blessing of sharing his good news with others.

His affliction probably also kept him from serving in the temple like he had in the past…more missed blessings.

How many of God’s blessings have you missed out on because of your own unbelief and lack of faith?

Trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey.

Our unbelief is the only thing that keeps us from trusting and obeying…and keeps us from enjoying the blessings of God.

And finally tonight, don’t forget to…

6. Marvel in God’s presence

Read vs. 21

Zechariah was in the temple and probably was lost in time, it was just slipping away and he was totally unaware of it.

This is how we should feel when we are in the presence of God and in real communion with Him…time is of no matter; all that matters is God.

Imagine what God can do in the lives of His people if we didn’t put Him on time restraints.

While in the temple in worship, Zechariah forgot all about the time.

And the people realized when Zechariah hadn’t come out in a timely manner…he must have had a vision (vs. 22).

For them, time was no longer the priority…it was a matter of waiting to hear what God said.

Too often we think that we are doing God a favor by giving him an hour here, an hour there and if time permits…one extra hour during the week; as long as everything gets done in that time period.

Instead of sitting and waiting on God to speak, we watch our clocks and count the seconds.

ILLUS: Being in church services where Bibles are closed at 10 till…and coats are put on at 5 till.

And we do this in spite of the Biblical call in Psalm 46:10 that says, “Be still and know I am God.”

Here is something for us to never forget…God doesn’t need out day timers.

But He desires our open ended schedules that allow for Him to speak and reveal himself.

We need to keep in mind that Psalm 84:10 tells us, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

So, don’t be in so big of a rush…because God cannot be rushed.


Over the next few days, weeks and beyond…take some time to enter into God’s presence and simply enjoy Him and celebrate the reason for the season.