Summary: I was asked to speak about why Money Matters to us so here is some of what I preached about that day. Money matters in the Christian life. Stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to us reflects how much we trust and treasure God. Neglecting money

Disclaimer Please note that all my sermons come from the Lord. But I get my info from many sources from my library and other sources. I do not claim all material as my originality. I don’t quote all sources but I give credit to the Lord who is the author of all sermons. “All originality and no plagiarism makes for dull preaching" Charles Spurgeon

Why Money Matters

Rodney A. Fry

Money matters in the Christian life. Stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to us reflects how much we trust and treasure God. Neglecting money in the name of holier pursuits is dangerous. Consider these two basic truths about money:

1. Attitudes and actions surrounding money can create an overwhelming barrier to our pursuit of enjoying God.

Obsession with accumulating money and the things it buys wrongly implies that even though we have God, God isn’t enough.

And he said to them, Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. And he told them a parable, saying, the land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, .What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops? And he said I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry. But God said to him, Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be? So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. Luke 12:15-21

Greed multiples itself into many other sins (for example: pride, deceit, and envy).

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. 1 Timothy 6:10

Being burdened by excessive debt turns us into our lenders, slave, leaving less energy, time and money to devote to God.

The rich rules over the poor and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Proverbs 22:7

Poor management of money leads to stresses and disagreements that can seriously strain marriage and family relationships.

2. Money can be used as a powerful agent to spread a passion for the supremacy of God.

The act of bringing tithes and offerings is a sweet act of obedience to God’s Word. Giving back to God what is already his is a sign that God’s commands and God’s purposes are more important than money. It shows trust that God can provide for all our needs with 90% (or less) of our income, rather than 100%.

For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:34-36

Careful management of our family finances frees us for generous giving which will be used by God to meet his purposes.

Money helps fuel missionaries and ministries devoted to bringing the Gospel of Christ to the world.

The free giving of our money to others shows love to our neighbors. Helping those in need is an overflowing of God’s love for us and for the world.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.. Then the righteous will answer him, saying, .Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will answer them; Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. Matthew 25:35-40

So there is a great gulf between right and wrong attitudes about money and the actions they bring about. Diligence, perseverance, and good counsel can move us toward using our finances to glorify God. Apathy or neglect of our finances leads to a less joyful Christian life and, worse, can lead to serious sin.

Praise God for showing His glory in First Baptist Church Lead Hill finances! Through His grace God has used His people to provide for our budget needs each year, to meet the practical needs of our church family and neighbors. I look forward to participating with you in the great financial work God will do through Education for Exultation. As we run the race together, let’s seek to glorify God in our finances, for He is worthy!