Summary: With God’s help, we can respond appropriately to those who treat us badly.

How to Deal with False Accusations

Acts 6:8-15

Intro: Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How did that make you feel? In high school I was accused of something I would never have thought of doing. One of the city policemen told one of my friends that he’d heard from a reliable source that I had intimidated a grown man into buying alcohol for me. Apparently I had threatened to beat him up if he didn’t do it. Well, I don’t recommend anyone doing what I did. I hopped in my car, and my mom insisted on going along, and I pulled over the policeman and confronted him about it. I told him he was welcome to search my car. Well, he didn’t believe me, so I just let the matter drop, and nothing ever came of it.

-People generally feel indignant when they are accused of something they did not do. It is a difficult thing to deal with when you are misunderstood and misjudged. All Stephen wanted to do was help people. He was living in obedience to Jesus and was sharing the good news of God’s forgiveness with everyone he could. Unfortunately, he was falsely accused, just like Jesus was.

-How should we deal with false accusations? Different situations may call for different reactions, but I believe we can find some principles to guide us as we look more closely at the verses we read. The main point of today’s sermon is this:

Prop: With God’s help, we can respond appropriately to those who treat us badly.

TS: Let’s look at a few of these principles that will help us deal with false accusations.

I. Live a Life of Integrity

-We have already read about Stephen’s character. The general requirement for the 7 men chosen to serve back in v.3 was that they were known to be full of the Spirit of God and wisdom. So Stephen fit this, but he is also singled out as being full of faith and the Holy Spirit. V.8 says he was full of grace and God’s power.

-I think we could safely say that Stephen was a man of integrity. He had solid character based on his relationship with Jesus.

-Stephen could humbly, yet boldly answer his accusers, along with the entire Sanhedrin as he stood before them, because he had nothing to be ashamed of. If the song had been written then, he could have sung, “It Is Well with My Soul,” and would have been telling the truth. Perhaps Paul had someone like Stephen in mind when he wrote about the qualifications of a deacon: 1 Timothy 3:8-10 8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.”

-It is very likely that Paul (or his Hebrew name Saul) was a member of the Sanhedrin as Stephen stood before them. In Acts 8 Luke does say that Paul was there giving approval to Stephen’s death. As Luke was writing the book of Acts, he most likely interviewed Paul and got his version of things as they happened. If so, Paul related that Stephen’s face was like that of an angel. Whether he was using imagery to describe his character, or whether his face had a literal physical glow to it we cannot be sure. But we can be sure that Stephen was a man of integrity and was not guilty of the things that he was accused of.

-Peter writes about suffering for doing wrong and shows that it is not noble for us to humbly take the punishment we deserve. 1 Peter 2:20 says, 20”But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.” Stephen suffered for doing good and was falsely accused.

-How then can we have integrity? Integrity indicates wholeness. If we have committed our entire heart and life to Jesus Christ, then we are in all the way. We aren’t partially faithful, partially honest, or partially saved. We are complete in Christ because He completes us. Integrity begins with a right relationship with Christ, because without Him we can never be whole. Without Him, we will miss what we were created for- a loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

-When we are falsely accused about something, a life testimony of integrity, honesty, and faithfulness is the best witness in our case. If the accusation is out of character with our life and reputation, then the absurdity of the accusation will be evident to many. However, if it seems like something we would do, then our life testimony needs an overhaul.

-Let’s ask God to help us be people of integrity.

-TS: In addition, let’s look at a 2nd principle that goes right along with the first.

II. Be Faithful to Keep on Doing What God Has Called You to Do

-Stephen wasn’t trying to be somebody he was not meant to be. He had a sense of God’s calling on his life and he faithfully carried it out to the best of his ability. Apparently, he was a man of the word (God’s word), because when these other Jews argued against him, v.10 says, “They could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.”

-We all should be people of the word (God’s word). However, some of you are more drawn to deep study and delving deep into the mysteries of God. If that is how God has wired you then that is most likely related to the call God has on your life. You may not be called to be a preacher, but you can share your insights with other believers to strengthen and encourage them. We are all called to use the gifts God has given us, and we must be faithful to develop and use those gifts – even in the face of opposition.

-Stephen could have backed off and said, “You know what. These guys have studied a lot more than I have and besides, they have a habit of killing people who cross them- like they did Jesus, so I guess I’d better back off and wait for a better opportunity.

-It is scary, but that response actually makes a lot of sense to me. Don’t get me wrong. If I were being threatened into denying my faith or denying that Jesus is the Son of God, I would never budge (with God’s help). However, as we will see in Stephen’s sermon, he gave it to them with both barrels. He did not pull any punches or back up one bit. And after studying the passage, I don’t believe he was being driven by arrogance or a death wish. I really believe he was speaking under the inspiration of the HS. He was a man who was full of the Spirit, and the HS used him to get truth across to the leaders of Israel- even if most of them rejected it.

-Stephen was faithful to God and faithful to do what God had called him to do. God wants us to do whatever it takes to get the good news out there and to actively use the gifts He has graciously given to us.

-TS: A key that we touched on that helped Stephen respond appropriately to opposition and error is found in v.10.

III. Seek to Stay Filled with the Wisdom & Power of the Spirit

V.10 “They could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.”

-Stephen’s situation is not necessarily the model that we should follow in every situation. There are some situations where God may tell us to be silent. Sometimes God may want to do things differently than we’ve ever seen them done before.

-That is why we desperately need to be filled with His wisdom and the power of the HS. We touched on wisdom last week just briefly. James writes in 1:5, ”If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” If you find yourself lacking wisdom, read the book of Proverbs. If you read one chapter a day you can finish it in a month. The book of James is a good one too. So, ask God for wisdom, read His word, and I would add this: Seek godly counsel and prayer from other strong believers when you find yourself in great need of wisdom.

-Now, how do we stay filled with the power of the Spirit? In Acts 1:8 Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power after the HS had come upon them, and they would be His witnesses. In Acts 2, the HS came upon them and they were all filled with the HS. From there on we find them living in the power of the Spirit, working miracles, teaching, preaching, and helping lead the church into greater growth.

-Being filled with wisdom and the power of the Spirit does not keep opposition of false accusations away. However, it does help us get through them so we can move on to do what the Lord wants us to do, by His power.

-The power of the Spirit was not only available to those in the first century church. The HS will fill all who ask and seek for Him, and He will give us the power we need to live and do what we were meant to do. Luke also wrote in Luke 11:13 “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

-Have you been asking the Father for more of His Holy Spirit? He wants to do this for you. I love to give presents to Zoe. She gets so excited about them. She keeps saying, “This is my present. This is for me,” almost like she can’t believe Mommy and Daddy would do something that nice for her. As much as we may like to give, our heavenly Father wants to give the HS to us even more. Ask Him, and then receive what He gives.

-TS: As we encounter opposition and false accusations, there is another principle we need to apply to our lives.

IV. Entrust Your Future with the One Who Holds It

-Jesus said, “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:25). As we already observed, Stephen did not back down in order to save his skin. He knew that God was in control of the future, so he purposed to do all he could to share the gospel, leaving his fate in God’s hands. If you are familiar with the story, you know that Stephen does not come out of this alive. In fact, he becomes the first Christian martyr in the book of Acts. Some would say that God let him down. He had placed his life in God’s hands for safe keeping, but he was killed. What’s that all about?

-Well, there are probably many explanations as to why things like that happen, but here is one perspective we sometimes forget. We are at war! When we are at war there are going to be casualties. A good soldier knows that there is more at stake than his own safety. Sometimes, soldiers will be called to put their lives on the line in order to accomplish their mission. Those who die in battle will be honored greatly in heaven. Now I suppose that is easier to swallow when we can talk about it safely here in America, but the fact is there are thousands of Christians who are persecuted and killed for their faith all over this world today. We may never be called on to die physically for Jesus. Even so, we must live our lives in such a way that we are trusting in God for our future.

-Our responsibility is to do the will of God the best way we know how, and let the chips fall where they may. Jesus promised His disciples that He would be with them always. That promise is ours as well. Hebrews 13:5 says, “He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

-The apostle Paul knew that death was not the final answer. He wrote these words in Romans 8: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life …nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God’s presence and His love will be with us always, regardless of what the future holds. If this heart stops beating here on earth, it will start up again in the presence of the One who knows me best and loves me most.

-TS: Finally, God’s love helps us do one very important thing:

V. Be Willing to Forgive Those Who Wrong You

-As we will read at the end of chapter 7, Stephen is stoned to death. However, before he dies, he says these words: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." Do those words sound familiar to you? In Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

-This probably does not need a whole lot of explaining. When people accuse us falsely, whether through gossip or in a court of law, we need to be willing to work through it and offer them complete forgiveness. Whenever anyone commits any offense against us, we need to be willing to forgive them completely. We don’t find Stephen calling a curse down upon those who had falsely accused him, or against those who were hurling stones at him. Could he have called on God to zap them? It is possible. He had worked many other miracles by the power of God. Instead, he chose to do what Jesus had done when many of this same bunch had sentenced Him to death. He forgave them.

-Maybe you’ve had trouble forgiving someone for something they’ve done to you in the past. Maybe it is still going on, so you really don’t feel like forgiving them. Let me share something with you. Your lack of forgiveness probably doesn’t affect them all that much, but it will destroy you. If you allow bitterness to drive you, you won’t enjoy the ride or the destination. Bitterness and unforgiveness will eat away at your spirit until there is nothing left but the shell of who you were.

-I want to encourage you in this. You are not on your own. God will help you forgive, but He does expect you to be willing. And if you’re not willing, He wants you to be willing to be made willing. In other words, you may not feel like forgiving someone for the hurt and disappointment they have caused you, but God wants to hear you say, “Please help me forgive. In myself I don’t really want to, but I do want to obey and please You!”

Conclusion: As we close, we will face times when people hurt us, misunderstand us, mistreat us, falsely accuse us, and so on. How should we live in response? Live with integrity. Be faithful to keep on doing what God has called you to do. Ask God to give you wisdom and to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Entrust your future with the One who holds tomorrow, because nobody can lay a hand on you without God knowing. And finally, forgive those who hurt you.

-Maybe God is talking to you about one or more of these areas. If you are feeling like you need His help with something we’ve talked about, would you ask God to help you? Be honest with Him and let Him know how you feel, but submit yourself to Him, and tell Him you want to do things His way. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do about the area He is talking to you about. Then, step out in faith and do it. Obey the Lord.

-If you have never prayed and asked the Lord to forgive you and to become the leader of your life, that is the best place to start today. That is how you become a Christian. Just tell the Lord you want to do things His way, and that you are sorry for the bad things you’ve said and done. He will forgive you and begin to change your heart and your life. He will help you work through the hurts that have wounded you so deeply. He will give you the hope and the strength you need to face each day. You can do this on your own, or ask another Christian to help you if you’re not quite sure how to pray. I’d love to pray with you as well. You don’t have to live another day without God. Let Him give you the good gift of forgiveness and eternal life.

[Sing Amazing Love & Pray]