Summary: Christians must regularly evaluate his growth.


LUKE 2:39-52


The end of the year for some reasons is an interesting event in our lives. It creates a mixed feeling of excitement or loneliness for the future. It is exciting because we have another opportunity to start our lives and hopefully avoid the mistakes of the past year. Or it is depressing because the pain and troubles of the past year would be prolonged.

But there is another way of celebrating the end of the year and ushering the New Year: make it a time of personal balance evaluation. Evaluation is done not to discourage us from living but to help us see what aspect of life we have achieved and what aspect of life we have needs for improvement. Either way evaluation is beneficial to us.

How do we do that? What should be considered in our evaluation? Please open your bibles to Luke 2:39-52.


Summary of Luke 2:39-52

Afterwards Jesus grew up in Nazareth of Galilee. (v. 39) He became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. (v. 40) His parents were observant of the Jewish Feasts. (vv. 39, 41)

When Jesus was 12 years old, he stayed behind in Jerusalem without the knowledge of his parents. When they found him in the temple and was reprimanded, he explained that he must be in his Father’s house.

Joseph and Mary did not understand what he was saying then and simply went back to Nazareth. (vv. 42-51) Once again, Luke described Jesus growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men. (v. 52)

This passage says that Jesus became aware of his relationship with God at the age of twelve but he never stops growing in every aspect of his life.

Jesus demonstrated the virtue of growing. The phrase to grow means to go forward, to advance, and to make progress. He made progress in his personal and relational life. Personally, He grew in wisdom and stature; relationally, He grew in His relationship with God and men.

In like manner, you and I should continue to grow – to go forward, to advance, and to make progress in terms of our personal well-being and relationship with God and man. It is interesting that the bible did not emphasize the growth of a person in terms of wealth, education, and professional achievements although these are important.

Why? Because it is possible that we have made progress in these areas but failed to advance in terms of our well being and relationship with God and man. As a result, there are individuals who highly educated, professionally successful, and wealthy and yet got a grade of D or F in terms of character, integrity, morality, and spirituality.

For God what is important is our personal well-being and meaningful relationship with Him and with other people. (See Philippians 3:7-9) Paul considered is unprofitable to all his religious achievements because it made him a persecutor of the church and an enemy of the cross. Mark 8:36 says, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”

Note as well that Luke evaluated the growth of Jesus Christ before and after he turned 12 years old. (See vv. 40, 52) When you measure your growth, measure it in relation to your life before and after you have made your decision to grow. (See Galatians 6:4)

So when you evaluate your growth, do it personally. Compare yourself today from last year and see if there is any progress. We cannot compare ourselves from others because we live in different context and opportunities in life.

Luke 12:48 “…From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” The expectation of progress or growth is dependent on the opportunities God gave us.

Have you made progress in your personal, spiritual well-being and relationship with God and man? What aspects of your life have you grown 2006? If you have experience growth, praise God. If not, then resolve to grow like Jesus our Savior did according to the grace that God has given us.

1. He grew in wisdom. (vv. 40, 52)

Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge for correct behavior. A person is wise if he is able to use knowledge for correct behavior. There are people who are knowledgeable in a lot of subjects or issues but if he fails to apply them appropriately to produce correct behavior, it is useless.

When we say we must grow in wisdom, it means that we are committed to applying or using the knowledge of the truth that God revealed to us. The more we apply or use what we know that more we become wise. Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

2. He grew in stature. (v. 52)

The term "stature" is ambiguous, referring either to physical growth or, more likely, personal development, i.e., maturity. Jesus physical growth is normal but what is significant is the maturity. Note that wisdom and stature were placed together. As you progressively apply your knowledge towards right behavior, you become a mature person. This is what happened to Jesus.

In the same way, we must move forward towards maturity – personal development and not physical age. There are people who have become old but have never matured in life. Personally let us evaluate ourselves in terms of maturity – character produced by consistent application of knowledge based on truth.

Hebrews 5:14 “But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” The mature is trained in distinguishing good from evil and choose good over evil. Sometimes God used trials so we may become mature in character. (See James 1:3-4)

3. He grew in favor with God and man (v. 52)

Jesus grew up in a large family, in a despised city, nurtured by parents who were probably poor. The Jewish religion was at an all-time low, the Roman government was in control, and society was in a state of fear and change. Yet when Jesus emerged from Nazareth, eighteen years later, the Father was able to say of Him, “Thou art My beloved Son; in Thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). May the Father be able to say that about us!

It is fascinating that even Jesus needs to win the favor of God the Father. He did it by obeying the will of the Father and submission to his plan. He was tempted just like us and yet emerged sinless because he was obedient to God. Have we personally won God’s favor this year 2006?

Proverbs 3:3-4 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

How did Jesus manage to grow in this aspect?

1. With the help of his parents.

Joseph and Mary were devout Jews who observed Passover in Jerusalem every year. Three times a year the Jewish men were required to go to Jerusalem to worship (Deut. 16:16), but not all of them could afford to do so. If they chose one feast, it was usually the Passover; and they tried to take their family with them, for it was the most important feast on the Jewish calendar.

Jesus at an early age was exposed by his parents spiritual truths that help him grow in his wisdom and in favor with God and man.

2. With His personal initiative.

We do know that when Joseph and Mary found Him, He was in the midst of the teachers, asking them questions and listening to their answers; and the teachers were amazed at both His questions and His answers. He took the initiate to learn and know more about his heavenly Father.

Even at the age of twelve, Jesus was moved by a divine compulsion to do the Father’s will. Since Jesus “increased in wisdom” (Luke 2:52), we wonder how much He understood God’s divine plan at that time. Certainly He grew in His comprehension of those mysteries as He communed with His Father and was taught by the Spirit.

We also need personal initiative and discipline in order to make progress in our personal and spiritual well being.

3. With the influence of mature people.

The questions Jesus put to the teachers (v. 46) were probably not merely boyish inquiries but the kind of probing questions used in ancient academies and similar discussions. He also gave answers (v. 47). Perhaps the influence of these religious leaders contributed to the growth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You want to grow this coming year 2007, then associate with individuals who can bring positive influence in your own life. Look for mature people of your age who can provide guidance and insight in the decision you are about to make.