Summary: New Years message - 2008- Lord, Expand my territory. Taking to a greater level in our life with God’s anointing and greatness. challenges we face to build a new level to fulfill the vision.

This is the new years message to the Queens church – “Lord, Expand my Territory” . Are you tired of the way you are, are you satisfied the place you are in you life, are you tired to see the same thing every day and life got board and monotones. Then this message is for you. God wants to see you life move from glory to glory, God wanted to see you life moving fore=ward not backward. God wanted to see your life in greatness rather than sitting and complain in this New Year.

When we look in this passage the students of Bethel bible collage came to Elisha their new leader and saying that the place they are in now is not enough for their new vision. We are looking to see the challenges they face to overcome the vision of God in their life.

1. They were in Bethel – They had enough reason to satisfy their spirituality.

A place of worship, a place of the presence of God, A place where the study of the Bible took place, a place where there are rooms to stay, A place where they can remember the heritage

2. They realized that the place they are now is too small-2 Kings 6:1 1 THE SONS of the prophets said to Elisha, Look now, the place where we live before you is too small for us.

How did the found that out.

They looked, they got tired, and they decided to do something about it.

3. They came to Elisha and asked his council 2 Kings 6:3

3 One said, Be pleased to go with your servants. He answered, I will go.

Everything we need to go to God.

They ask the prophet to go with them.

Moses asked the Lord to go with them

v Jesus mother and father once left him and need to come back to the place the journey started.

v Disciples once left without Jesus and Jesus had to walked to them at the time of trouble

Even if He sleeping makes sure he is in your boat. You can wake him up at the time of trouble.

4. They got unity. In any task God’s people need unity to accomplish the will of God.

We need to be one minded to our tasks. Devil is the one bringing disunity in any home or community.

5. They borrowed the tools.

They realized that the tools they have is not enough for he task they have.

They were willing to admit that they do not have the tools.

They have the humility to borrow the tool.

v Prophet told the widow to borrow some vessels and I will fill them up.

6. They went to Jordan.

It is very easy to read that passage the process is very hard- it is a lifetime journey. (Example of the young man came to pray for the anointing fro an old minister and he prayed that let this man fail in the high school, problems with college, no car, sickness., troubles, and loosing many things in life, and troubles left and right… young ,man asked pastor did you forgot whom you are praying for. I did not come for healing I came for an impartation. The minister said this is what I have to go through to have what I have.)

You need to move from Bethel to got to Jordan

v You need to pass Jericho to come to Jordan

v Going from bethel to Jordan to too trough, moving out of comfort.

v There is a Jericho need to pass – You have the ARK

v There is a overflowing Jordan need overcome – you have the ark

v There are lions in the thicket of Jordan Jeremiah 12:5-6 5 [But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah’s impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take to flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?

6 For even your brethren and the house of your father—even they have dealt treacherously with you; yes, even they are [like a pack of hounds] in full cry after you. Believe them not, though they speak fair words and promise good things to you.

7. They want to build their new place in Jordan 2 Kings 6:2

2 Let us go to the Jordan, and each man get there a [house] beam; and let us make us a place there where we may dwell. And he answered, Go.

Why in Jordan.

1. In Jordan- there are visions

In Jordan there is obstacles

In Jordan there are great memory of victory in the past-

Memorials of 12 stones

Whey got involved in the task.

Heaven will open in Jordan

Vision will take place in Jordan

2 Anointing will take place in Jordan

3Impartation will take place in Jordan (Elijah to Elisha) – no wonder the ax head was lost in the river. We need to be careful in Jordan there is plenty of work taking place in Jordan

Build by faith, build with vision, build in the middle of situation like Jordan(overflowing flood) with the help of the ARK.

8. They knew the priorities of their life. / They lost the ax while doing God’s work

A. You might loose things while you work for the Lord

B. You can fail while working for Lord

C. You can be in the perfect will of God and still things can go wrong

v While the disciples where gong to the other side according to the plan of Jesus, the boat started to sink, wind came against the boat.

They know where they can find the prophet at the time of need.

They were making sure the tool they borrowed need to be watched.

They knew where it was lost.

v Mary and Martha – Let me ask you where did you place Lazarus.

v I am not asking because I do not know where is the problems, but I want make sure you know where you lost your blessings/anointing/gifts etc….

They know it was borrowed.

They called Elisha at the time of the need.

9. They obeyed Elisha beyond their understanding.

Elisha said something that does not make any sense to the common knowledge –

The principle which \they did not learned in the seminary – or collage

They did not try to explain or ask for the explanation.

10. Wood meeting the iron

Wooden cross meeting you bitterness

Wooden cross meeting the promises that went down in to the depth of the ocean

Wooden cross meeting the talent and gifts that are buried.

If the wood meet the iron the iron has no choice but to come up to its place.

It is not comprehensible to the human understanding but they believed and saw the work of God in their life.

With God and the Vision of God let move forward in 2008 and pray the prayer they prayed. “Lord Expand my territory” the place we are the life we have, the situation I am in is too little and limited to perform the great call I have and Lord expand my territory.

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