Summary: May the Lord open our eyes to dirty feet and give us a heart to wash them.

Read John 13:1-10.

This story is one of the most memorable incidents in Bible. It was the night before Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion. It was an intense time in Jesus’ life. His public ministry had ended. Jesus now turns his full attention to his disciples.

I want you to imagine this situation with me for a moment. In that culture the most demeaning task around was to wash the guest’s feet. This was job done by lowest slaves.

It was necessary because people wore sandals did most of their travel by foot. They walked along trails that we not only dusty but also cluttered with camel and donkey dung.

* I’m sure that guests arrived with more than dust on their feet. It was a common courtesy for the host to have his slave wash the guest’s feet as they entered the house.

Jesus had sent Peter & John to prepare for their meal together.(1) The food had been cooked. The table had been set. And I’m sure the disciples thought this matter would be taken care of as well. It wasn’t!

As Jesus and the disciples enter the room they see towel & water basin in the corner. They do not see a slave to wash their feet. Perhaps some of them pause as they enter the room, wondering where the servant was—maybe wondering why Peter and John had not taken care of this important detail.

As they recline at the table, each disciple feels a little uncomfortable. “Somebody ought to at least wash Jesus’ feet. But—if I do that, where will that put me on the social pecking order?

I would be at the Bottom of the heap. If I volunteer I’ll get stuck with that job from now on.

Maybe if I just wait—somebody else will do it.

If you’ve been in church more than week, you know that kind of thinking does occur at times.

“Somebody needs to take care of the nursery, but that’s not my ministry. Somebody needs to clean those bathrooms, someone forgot to put the toilet paper on the dispenser.

I think maybe each disciple was hoping one of others would volunteer.

Each one may have begun to JUSTIFY in their own mind why it was not his job to do it.

“I did it last time—its Matthew’s turn—he hasn’t done it in long time.”

“Peter and John were supposed to take care of all this-Jesus told them to. One of those guys ought to take care of it.”

“I came to enjoy a time with the Lord—and now we’ve got this problem”

John is thinking—“Look I’m over here leaning next to Jesus, I’m in spiritual intimacy.

Jesus doesn’t want me to leave His side to do something like that.

Peter is thinking—“Don’t these turkeys know the call of God on my life? Jesus called me the rock. He said he was going to build His church on me. They should be over here right now washing mine and Jesus’ feet.”

Hey Jesus is standing and taking off His outer garment. He must be hot. I’m kinda hot to I think I will take mine off also. Why is He putting that towel around Himself? What is He doing? Oh no He can’t wash my feet He is the Son of the living God.

We don’t know all the specifics, I’m taking some liberties--but we do know that nobody rose to the occasion.

Consider with me in this text:

1. What Jesus Did!

2. What Jesus Knew!

3. What Jesus Taught!

I. What Jesus Did!

Verses 4 & 5 say he – got up –took off his outer garment—wrapped a towel around his

waist--poured water in the basin and “…began to wash the disciples’ feet.”

I think maybe a few jaws dropped when he did that.

Rather than begin with a lecture—He gave them an EXAMPLE.

I’ve learned something about ministry: People would much rather see you and me show them how than to tell them what they’re doing wrong. If they can see us do it, they will listen to what we’ve got to say. But if we can’t do it or won’t do it—they won’t pay much attention to us telling them to do it or how to do it.

There was a Need—everybody saw the need—it not hard to see what’s wrong. I suspect all the disciples knew something was wrong. But Jesus did something about it.

Jesus met the need. He took the appropriate ACTION!

Look at the Action Words in verses 4 &5:

1. “he got up from the meal” He left his Comfort Zone. He made his body do something it may have not wanted to do. My alarm went off this morning.

My body did not want to get up. After a lengthy discussion with my body, it got up. To be a servant, you have to first get up.

2. “he took off he outer clothing” To serve other we usually have to lay something aside. Most of us live with a full plate of activity. If I’m going to add a service for somebody, I usually have to subtract something I would like to do just for myself.

Every servant has to deny himself something, to have the time & energy to give to others.

3. “he wrapped a towel around his waist, After that he poured water into a basin.”

He made preparations to meet the need. I memorized the outline of how to lead someone to Christ…

4. and “he began…” I like that. At some point we have to begin. We can think about it. We can pray about it. We can prepare for it. But at some point we must start doing it.

At some point you have to start doing it.

Jesus washed the disciples feet and dried them with a towel.

**** Today I want to illustrate this for you. Brenna would you come?

CIY: Two years ago I took with several sponsors about 25 kids to CIY. One night for our devotions I had a foot washing service with our group…

I don’t believe Jesus was establishing another ordinance for the church when he washed the disciples’ feet. I believe he was communicating a profoundly important point about how we are to relate to one another.

1. This morning I wash Brenna’s feet as a reminder to me of my calling to serve her.

2. I also do it as a visual illustration to help you remember the teaching of our text.

3. Brenna, I wash your feet this morning as an expression of my love and care for you as a husband.

4. It is my prayer that even as I literally wash your feet today—that in some way my life will be service unto you.

Verse 12 says When Jesus “had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place…”

Just a comment about Peter’s response to all this:

Poor Peter thought he had a better idea than Jesus. Jesus wants to wash his feet—Peter doesn’t want him to do it. Then he wants a full bath. It took Peter awhile to learn that none of us have a better idea than Jesus. The best thing we can possibly do is to simply hear him and with love in our hearts obey Him.

Peter eventually learned to simply obey the Lord rather than offer better ideas. That’s something we all have to learn.

Notice how John describes Jesus’ behavior at the end of verse 1, “Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.”

In this interaction with Peter and the others, Jesus was expressing His love for them.

He was taking time to prepare them for what was ahead. Then on the Cross, he offered the ultimate expression of His love for all of us. John 15:13 “Greater love has no man than that he lay down his life for his friends” That’s what Jesus has done for you and me.

I found something else in this text that is very powerful:

II. What Jesus Knew (as he served the disciples in this situation). The Apostle John could have told us this story without his comments about this in the text. But John was profoundly impressed by these facts. For me these are the most touching truths of the story. Here is a revelation of Jesus and the heart of the Father.

1. Verse 1 Jesus Knew that the TIME had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father.

He knew he was rapidly approaching the most important moments of life.

He knew that the pain and agony of the cross was imminent!

Here is the Question: If you knew that you would die a terrible death tomorrow, What would you be focused on? What would be your point of interest?

John is wanting us to see something about Jesus. Fully God and fully man, here is Jesus facing something we can not even imagine. He is not saying to the disciples, “Don’t you care about what I’m facing?” He is not focused on himself. He is concerned that they be prepared for what’s about to happen. Jesus is focused on others!

We see that in Jesus through out his ordeal. At his arrest his concern was that the disciples be let go. When on the cross He is concerned about his mother’s future.

There in his last hours he ministers to the thief on the cross. Under maximum pressure he remains totally unselfish and loving toward his own.

John is saying to you and me—think about it—he knew what was coming!

2. Verse 3 says “Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God;”

He knew Who he was. With all that in mind he bowed before these disciples and washed their feet. He was not ignorant of the glory and authority that the Father had given him.

In all of this PRIDE still couldn’t find a foothold.

Have you ever seen a person or been a person who was pretty humble until a little recognition and prestige came along? How much honor can I handle without becoming self conceited? Jesus knew that all authority in heaven and earth was his from the Father,

yet his heart was not lifted up in pride, yet he bowed before others and served.

Perhaps it was because he knew who he was—because he was SECURE in own IDENITY that he could bow to the lowest point of service. Its not great men who will not serve others—it is insecure men—the ones who think that washing feet defines them as something less than others. That person will not serve in lowly tasks because he sees it as a challenge to his identity.

Notice something else Jesus knew,

3. verse 11 says “For he knew who was going to betray him…”

There is Judas, full of deceit, full of hypocrisy, about to “stab Jesus in the back.”

Jesus discerns it. Jesus knows it.

What does Jesus do with that information? What would I do with that information?

Jesus does not distance himself from Judas. Jesus does not point his finger at Judas and say to him, “How dare you—after all I’ve done for you?” Instead he loves him to the end. He does everything possible to bring Judas to repentance. He washes his feet with the same tenderness and affection that he gives the other disciples.

Can you wash the feet of your enemies? Will you serve the person though you know he or she will not return the kindness?

Now in verses 12-17 we see

III. What Jesus Taught

1. He begins with The Question: “Do you understand what I have done for you?”

Has the significance of all this soaked?

It goes way beyond just getting your feet washed.

It goes way beyond just getting your need met.

Jesus comes into our lives. He loves us. He receives us. He meets our needs.

And sometimes people think that’s all this is about—getting my need met, getting my feet washed.

No, it’s about a personal transformation of character and thinking. It’s about becoming something. It’s about becoming a servant like Jesus. verse 15 “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Freely you have received, freely give.

If my experience in God is only about me, only about me getting my needs met, I’ve missed something along the way. If church is just about me getting what I want, I’ve missed something. The greatest human tragedy is for a person to never receive Christ and his mercy.

The second greatest tragedy is that a person would experience Christ, experience his love, experience his grace—but never translate that into service toward others.

There are depths in God only found in the process of service to others. The natural mind can not reason it out. But it is truly more blessed to give than to receive.

He who loses his life in service to others is the one who ultimately finds fulfillment.

A wealthy American traveler tells the story of how he was visiting a hospital in Southeast Asia. He entered just as a young missionary nurse was cleaning the sores of a sick, dirty, elderly man who had been lying in a gutter. The wealthy man said to the nurse, “I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars.” She answered quietly and firmly, “Neither would I.”

It is the love of Christ in our hearts that makes us feet washers.

In verse 14 Jesus directly and specifically tells the disciples what the point of his actions are.

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”

2. The Lesson he wants us to learn: “…wash one another’s feet.”

What does it mean to wash the feet of others? It means you humble yourselves—you get down where the need is –and you do something about it

verse 17 “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

3. The Importance of Just Doing it!

Was it really necessary for Jesus to say what he said in verse 13? Absolutely.

It’s a whole lot easier to talk about service, think about service, fanaticize about great service, hear sermons about service, than to actually do service.

But the blessing, the joy, the happiness, is not found in talking about it or hearing about it. It is found in actually doing it.

Is there a need you can meet? Is there someone near you who needs his or her feet washed—some practical service that could make that person’s burden lighter?

May the Lord open our eyes to dirty feet and give us a heart to wash them.

This morning I challenge you in three areas.

1. If you have never received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and had your sins washed away let today be that day.

2. If you have receive Christ but you haven’t been living for Him and would like to Rededicate your life to Him let today be that day.

3. If your not serving in some way here find an area that you can minister in and start doing it. Don’t sit on the side lines and let others do all the wor