2 Pet 2:4-8.

2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; (What does God call those of Sodom? He calls them “ungodly”. Thus, that term is used to define that lifestyle.

7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: What is this? It is the conduct – the conversation of the wicked or the sodomites. American culture has accepted this. We have accepted the conduct of the wicked.

8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) (KJV) His soul was vexed but he did nothing to correct the situation.

Notice in Vs 8….” vexed his righteous soul from day to day….” Day by day the vexation will decrease and finally that which vexed him will appear to be a normal thing.

INTRODUCTION: Every person will live their earthly life for some cause – some for God – some for self – some for the devil. No one can live all three at the same time. There is but a fine line between living for self and living for the devil. A life is a precious commodity to waste.

Lot was not mentioned in the hall of fame chapter, Hebrews 11. The only real thing we know about Lot is that he was a very weak Christian. There is really nothing good said about Lot.

Let’s Look at Lot and see how he lived his life. Lot is a perfect example of a man who had no spiritual energy or desire to change the society he was part of. He was willing to live and let live. Jude 22 And of some have compassion, making a difference: (KJV) Every generation must do all that is possible in making a difference. Most people that go to hell do so because there was not enough spiritual compassion to make a difference in their generation. Lot was this sort of person. America today, is a perfect example of what happens when we take the attitude of Lot. Sin takes over.

When We Look At Lot We See Him As:

A. A Carnal Person. Gen 13:10-13.

1. Carnal in his choices. Vs. 10.

Ge 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar. His decision was made on what he saw. He did not seek what God would have wanted. When a person chooses to please self or chooses to please the eyes he is making a choice that will, at the least, be very limited, if not totally destructive.

2. Carnal in his convictions. Vs. 11.

11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

12 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. Where did God tell Abraham to go? To Canaan. When he got there he stayed there. Lot wasn’t that obedient.

13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. (KJV)

Early on in Lot’s experience with Sodom he saw its wickedness and had the opportunity to reject it and get his family out of there.

B. A Captured Prisoner. Gen 14:12-14 His carnality got him in great trouble. May we, here today, learn from Lot’s mistakes.

Ge 14:12 And they took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed. First, he looked in the direction of Sodom, then he pitched his tent toward Sodom so he could see what was happening in there, then he moved into Sodom. When you look long enough and you are interested in what you see, you will eventually become part of what you saw.

Notice that between chapter 13 and chapter 14 Lot was taken prisoner. When he went to Sodom he was captured. After he left Abraham he got into trouble. Everything in Sodom should have been avoided by Lot. A child of God should never accept any of the Sodom lifestyle. It will bring doom to any and all that accept it. God burns it up. All of Lot’s problems came to him because he was in Sodom.

As long as he was with Uncle Abraham he was doing well. Let me advise you in a matter – if you are not very spiritual hang around someone who is – it may well keep you out of severe trouble. How do you suppose the story would read had Lot stayed with Abraham?

If you go to Sodom you will be captured.

C. A Careless Parent. Gen 19:14

Ge 19:14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. (KJV) It’s too late to rescue his family now – they had made their choice to follow the lifestyle of those around them – that was careless parenting. I have seen this happen time after time. A family comes to church and sort of stays on the outward fringe of the events at church and never really get into the matter of serving or living for God. All the while the children are developing attitudes and lifestyles of worldliness - After a year or two they drop totally out because they are not interested in the things of God in the least. Then their children grow up and seldom ever get back into church – I find them everywhere -

I doubt if Lot considered his family when he moved into Sodom. He wasn’t married when he and Abraham split up. So he married a woman from Sodom. A woman that was, at least, familiar with the Sodom culture. The end result of that marriage is easy to trace. The children all turned out after the Sodom culture and his wife turned into a pillar of salt when she turned back to see her love of the city. Where else would the two younger daughters have gotten the idea for incest with their father? There is a heavy price to pay when a family ignores the teachings of the Bible in the home. Wives, husbands, Lot is a prime example of that. Are you aware that most members of Baptist churches today will fit this same scenario? Church doesn’t mean much to them – they hit and miss – mostly miss. Serving God is completely absent in their life. The least little thing can draw them away from God and the church.

"A Saved Soul But, A Wasted Life" – What a shame – what a waste. Let’s see why his life was wasted.


A person’s choices determines where they will live – how they will live – who they will live with. You had better make sure these three choices are made according to the Bible. Lot made all the wrong choices in these three matters, and consequently had a miserable life and wasted life. You young boys, and young men are getting a great opportunity to learn how to live – you see the examples and the results of what living for God is and can do for you. Don’t waste that opportunity. Make the best of everything.

Would it be true with some of you young men here now that 20 -30 years from now the same story as Lot’s could be written about you – that you made all wrong choices?

A. Lot Chose The Wrong Land. Gen 13:11-12.

The wrong place to live.

Ge 13:11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

12 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. (KJV)

There was a time, not long after Lot moved into Sodom that he saw what the culture was and he chose to stay.

He made his choice according to his spirituality. Big mistake. He should have sought Abrahams counsel on this matter. Lot was in no spiritual condition to make such a decision. I counsel people to look for their answer in the Bible. Get a scripture for your answer. Let God make your choice for you, through His Word.

More mistakes are made in the matter of choosing the place to establish a home than any other. He probably knew nothing about their geographical area – it looked good so he chose it. Don’t let the red-lights of sin influence you in your decision. Too many younger couples choose that which seems to be pleasurable and entertaining over that which is spiritually correct. They drive through a certain area and like what they see and never check it out for churches, the culture, nor the crime. What kind of community is it?

Oh, please hear me, don’t make that mistake. It is better to work for minimum wage and live according to the will of God than to make big bucks and end up in Sodom – or somewhere out of God’s will.

He chose the wrong land -

B. Lot Held The Wrong Hand. Gen 13:13, 19:7

Ge 13:13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. (KJV) As soon as he saw that condition he should have left. That should have scared Lot off – it didn’t. It would me.

I don’t think the Bible says which “hand” Lot chose. He chose the land to the East. Coming up from Egypt the East would have been on his right hand. So I assume he chose his right.

He hadn’t heard that popular, Country Western song some years ago by Kenny Rogers - “You Got To Know When To Hold’em – And You Got To Know When To Fold’em.” Lot had the wrong hand – he should have folded in this situation. He held onto the wrong hand. It cost him everything. (I was just making a little joke – O.K.) I am not condoning gambling.

Ge 19:7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. (KJV) When he made this statement he realized now that it was a wicked society – he stated that it was wicked, but it was too late to save his family. Why didn’t he leave then? He already had established roots and now he can’t leave. There are some decisions you make that you can’t reverse.

C. Lot Hooked Up The Wrong Man Or Men. Gen 19:8 - Ge 19:8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. (KJV) The residents were storming Lot’s house demanding the two angels (men) be brought out so they could have homosexual activity with them. Then Lot offers his own daughters instead. Can you imagine that? I wonder how far America is away from that?

The Sodomite influence had so infected Lot’s mind until he thought offering his virgin daughters was a solution to the sin of sodomy. That’s what happens when a Christian gets involved with the wrong people. When a Christian runs with sinners, sin loses its severity. His eyes got used to the dark. Lot didn’t think about the wickedness of Sodom when he was in the plains of Jordan looking in. He thought it was a great place. He didn’t go there because he was seeking that lifestyle. He went there because it looked good. What was it that influenced Eve to eat that forbidden fruit? It looked good to her.

The lifestyle rubbed off on him – he wasn’t aware that his first foolish decision would make it easier to make another foolish decision, then another and another. By this time in his life we can see he had made several foolish mistakes.


He chose a woman from Sodom. Lot’s wife was not a help-meet to him. He had no standards for himself. The children had no godly influence from either parent. A godly mother would have made a real difference in the home. Apparently she was a social-light, who enjoyed the red-lights of sin.

A. Why She Was Left. Gen 19:17, 26

Ge 19:17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. (KJV)

She wouldn’t follow her husband. As weak, and as sorry as he was, had she followed him should have made it to safety. She was reluctant from the beginning about leaving Sodom – otherwise she wouldn’t have looked back. This was her home and she didn’t want to leave. Wives, be sure that you follow your husband in the Lord. Lot had taken her with him and their two unmarried daughters and were on the road to safety – all she had to do was to keep following her husband. She loved that which was behind more than she loved her family. Her turning back caused the events that happened in the cave – the incest. Had the mother been there, there would have been no reason for the actions of the daughters.

B. Where She Was Looking. Gen 19:26

Ge 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (KJV)

She was more intrigued or concerned with the sin behind her than she was the deliverance in front.

May each of us keep our eyes to the front. Keep walking toward the Lord Jesus Christ. When you look back in lust and wanting then you will turn into a pillar of salt – or a substance of no value. What good was a block of salt. Animals come by and lick it every once in a while.

C. What She Was Leaving. Gen 19 – Lot and she was leaving two different things. Lot was leaving the sin of the city, because the angel of the Lord told him to. His wife was leaving that which she loved and enjoyed. When there are two different incentives in a family then the family will be greatly divided. Strange how the entire family followed the influence of the mother. That tells us how weak Lot was. Men, you must be the leader of your homes. Usually when the family is divided the children will follow the wrong side. How dreadful. Even the daughters that followed Lot out had the lifestyle they had seen and learned in Sodom. They had no morals about them.

D. What She Was Longing For? She had a longing for that which was behind her. She had a longing for that which was forbidden to a Christian. She wanted to see it just one more time.

Eve had the same problem –

David had the same problem –

Solomon had the same problem –

Samson had the same problem - the wrong longing (lust) will bring severe trouble to any individual. We could name a dozen other names of people who we know today.

Remember this - when a person walks forward and looks back or behind they are walking blindly. That can only bring disaster. As we see in this woman’s case. No one will every conquer what is in front of him while looking backwards. As a matter of fact that which is behind will overtake. Lu 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (KJV)


A. Lot’s Children Embraced The Viewpoints Of Sodom. Gen 19:12-14

Ge 19:12 And the men said unto Lot, (This was the angels that came to rescue Lot and his family) Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:

13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.

14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. (KJV) This is such sorrowful story. I can imagine how Lot must have pleaded with his children to come and follow him to safety – but they laughed at him. They said, “Hey old man, you are just an old foggy. Don’t you know this is the way everyone lives today?” Can you imagine the hurt and the pain of his heart.

His own flesh and blood had turned away from him and embraced the sodomite community. How sad. That same thing exists in our Baptist society today. There are Baptist churches that stood against this, but now will condone the sodomite ways.

B. Lot’s Children Exemplified The Vices Of Sodom. Gen 19:30-38.

You cannot rear a child in Sodom without the Sodom influence being induced in their lives. I am not saying they would, or in this cased did, become sodomites – but there will be a different attitude toward it than if there had been no influence input.

An example of that would be – 50 years ago a sodomite was looked on as a sinner of the worst kind, and there was no place for one in the society – now after intermingling with them for a generation nearly 50% of the country sees them as exercising an alternate lifestyle, and most societies accept them. If we went back to the elections of the 80’s – there was no candidate who was endorsing this lifestyle. Now 20 plus years later and no candidate will be elected who DOESN’T endorse it.

Parents – you had better be very particular what your children see in your life as being important. That which you see as important – your children may well choose as their lifestyle. Whether it be right or wrong.

C. Lot’s Children Experienced The Vanity Of Sodom. "They Profited Nothing From Sodom". All of them died in shame and vanity.

What can you say about your life? Would yours be – “A Saved Soul, But A Wasted Life? It doesn’t have to be that. You can make a change and make your life count – count first of all in your family and in service to God.

My wife and I got married in 1960. For the first 13 years of our marriage I went to work every day. I came home at night, ate supper, went to bed, got up the next morning, ate breakfast and went to work. Came home that night, ate supper, went to bed, got up the next morning, ate breakfast, and went to work. Came home that night, ate supper, went to bed, got up the next morning, ate breakfast, and went to work. Came home that night, ate supper, went to bed, got up the next morning, ate breakfast, and went to work. I did that for 13 years thinking I was doing what God wanted me to do. One day the Lord said, “Ivan, you are wasting your life, you are doing nothing about living for or serving God – you are living a wasted life.”

In all reality most of Christianity is living a wasted life. They get up go to work - Come home that night, eat supper, go to bed, get up the next morning, eat breakfast, and go to work. They are not letting God direct their life at all.

Nothing being done for the work of the Lord. That’s what Lot did.

Why don’t you set out to let the Bible be your guide Book?

Decide that the Bible is going to direct every aspect of our life – But so many do not heed its teachings.

The captain of a ship looked out into the foggy distance and saw some faint lights directly in the path of the vessel. He ordered the signalman to send a message: "Alter your course ten degrees south."

A reply came back, "Alter your course ten degrees north." The captain was enraged. His command had been ignored. He sent a second message: "Alter your course ten degrees south. I am a captain."

A moment passed. A message returned: “Alter your course ten degrees north. I am seaman third class Jones." The captain was indignant. He could not believe what he had heard. He sent the third message: "Alter your course ten degrees south. I am a battleship.”

The reply came: "Alter your course ten degrees north. I am the lighthouse."

Don’t waste your time and money trying to tell God to alter His course. You will spend the rest of your life following a path that leads to destruction – disappointment – discouragement – and or failure. Truth does not change. The Lighthouse still stands and will stand forever.

Our efforts can’t change anything without the good favor of God. Unless God blesses what we do then what we do will be in vain.

May all of us wake up and get busy doing what we know we should be doing.

Don’t waste your life.