Summary: Sermon on the second commandment

AM Sermon preached at Central Christian Church January 21, 2007

God’s Top Ten sermon series 3rd sermon Worship Me For Who I AM

(2nd Commandment)


Imagine this scene---- A small simple wedding in a country church. Everyone’s arrived dressed in their best outfits. The preacher and the groom have taken their places on the stage. Suddenly the music on the organ hits this loud crescendo; everyone rises to their feet as the bride makes her way to the front. She appears so happy she’s practically glowing. The groom is all smiles. There’s the traditional giving of the bride which is followed by a brief sermon on the joys of marriage and love. Then the preacher leads the groom in his vow ----Mike, do you now commit yourself to Sarah and take her as your wife, promising to love and cherish her, protect her and provide for her, guard her reputation, give her your undying love and remain faithful to her until you are separated by death? The groom looks lovingly into his brides eyes and says enthusiastically, “I do!” Then the preacher turns to the woman and says and now for your vow…but she interrupts him and says “if you don’t mind. I’ve written my own vow.” “By all means,” the preacher says, “go ahead.” She begins to gush, “Mike, honey, I love you. I am so looking forward to our future together. You’ve always been there for me. You’ve picked me up when I was down, encouraged me when I felt like quitting, you’re my hero and my friend I promise to love you and stand by you and support you the rest of my life….there’s only one thing I ask of you one day a year I want to be single again…you know I want to be able to spend time with old boyfriends, go guy hunting, clubbing, whatever comes up for the day….so what do you think” Can you imagine the groom’s reaction to such a crazy proposal? No groom, no bride wants to a part time commitment from their spouse. They want full devotion to their marriage. {NOTE: for those reading this at Sermon Central---there’s a video clip available showing this very thing at the Sermon Spice web site}

Think about it. You married ladies, you don’t want your husband checking out the SI swimsuit issue----and you don’t want him spending time in an internet chat room with another woman----and you don’t want him carrying around the picture of another woman in his wallet---do you? Of course not. And guys, we don’t want our wife calling up and talking to other men on the phone---and we don’t want her flirting with a co-worker and we don’t want her videotaping the Mr. Olympian body-building contest so she can watch it again and again---do we? No, absolutely not.. Why---because we don’t want anything creeping in that might gradually steal our spouse devotion away from us.

The same is true of God. He wants our full devotion in our relationship to Him. He doesn’t want us to worship or toy around with any other god. Last week we saw as we looked at the first commandment that God wants to be numero uno in our lives and the sole occupant of the throne of our heart---and He wants us to worship only Him----no other gods before or besides me---that was the heart of the first commandment. Today as we look closely at the second commandment we’ll find that God not only wants us to worship Him alone, He wants us to worship Him in the right way and He wants us to worship Him for Who He is.

Let’s look at the second commandment and the verses joined with it.


4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.


God says in this second commandment, “don’t make idols. And don’t bow down to them or worship them.” We’ve all seen pictures of ancient idols and the idols people of other religions bow down to. [SLIDE] We’ve seen the soap stone laxmiji or something like it; [SLIDE] we’ve seen the Sphinx; [SLIDE] we’ve seen pictures of the goddess Durga or other ancient goddess statues; [SLIDE] we’ve seen pictures and heard stories about Buddha; [SLIDE] possibly you’ve seen pictures of or heard of Ganesh, the Hindu’s god of prosperity---[SLIDE] many of us have studied Greek mythology and we heard how in Greek Mythology, Athena was the daughter of Zeus and Metis. And as the story goes Zeus swallowed Metis while she was pregnant with Athena. Even though Zeus was a god, he didn’t know the sex of the child Metis was carrying but he feared it might be a boy and he had found out that if they had a son, their son would be mightier than him. So Zeus swallowed Metis before she could give birth. Soon after, Zeus was plagued with killer headaches and Hephaestus the Smith God opened his head to see what was going on and if he could help relieve Zeus’ pain. And when Zeus’ head was opened, out popped Athena, full grown and ready for battle! [BLANK SLIDE]

We’ve seen the pictures, studied history and heard the stories and we’ve shaken our heads and said to ourselves “we’re not that foolish! We’re not going to worship some piece of rock or metal.” And so most of us probably figure we’ve got this second commandment pretty much whipped. But I’m not so sure and here’s why--- In the New Testament we find Jesus teaching that the breaking of the commandments takes place in our hearts and minds long before it takes place with our body. In Matthew 5 we find Jesus saying to the crowd that had gathered around Him, “21"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ’Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment..” A few moments later Jesus said “27"You have heard that it was said, ’Do not commit adultery.’ 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”


We’ll see in the weeks to come that murder and adultery receive the same kind of prohibition in the Ten Commandments as does idol worship. And even though we haven’t gotten to those commandments yet----it doesn’t have to keep us from putting the pieces together---- The commandment says don’t murder----Jesus says we’re in the wrong if we harbor anger against another person. The commandment says don’t commit adultery----Jesus says it’s a sin to look lustfully at another person. So you see when it comes to breaking the commandments---it’s not just a matter of what we do with our body---it’s also about what’s going on in our heart and mind. So it’s not just stone, wood or metal images God doesn’t want us worshipping----God doesn’t want us clinging to the wrong MENTAL image of Him. And here’s why according to verse 5----God is a jealous God.

Real quick now---it’s important that we throw out the negative vibes that are conjured up when we hear the word jealous. God’s jealousy is no like our human jealousies. God’s jealousy for us is always purely motivated. God’s jealousy for us is not brought on by selfishness, a threatened self-esteem or fear of loneliness. God’s jealousy for us concerns itself with our well being.

The Hebrew word that’s translated here as jealous shares it root with the word translated zealous. And perhaps because of the negative connotations surrounding the word jealous, it would have been better if the word had been translated zealous here. Certainly that’s the idea behind this commandment. God is zealous for us. He greatly wants what is best for us. He loves us and watches over us zealously----it’s not that He’s watching over us like an angry tyrant who’s just waiting for us to slightly step out of line so he can squash us like a bug on the sidewalk----no, friends, God watches over us like a parent watching out for a child.

Most of us have heard and read the recent news about the return of Shaun Hornbeck and Ben Ownby to their parents. And many of us know that Ben’s sudden disappearance after being dropped off the bus resulted in a lot of parents keeping a hawk’s eye watch on their children from the time they stepped off the bus until they were safely inside their home. Loving parents are zealous that way. So is God. God knows that there are spiritual kidnappers and molesters out there. There are lots of false ideas out there---in reality they’re pawns of our enemy Satan. And God doesn’t want us to become their next victim.

God wants what is best for us---and God knows that if we continually carry around and relate to Him with a wrong mental image it’s going to mean trouble for us. Let me list for you very quickly some of the pitfalls and dangers of worshipping the right God the wrong way.


First there’s the inevitability of disappointment.

[SLIDE] Take a look at this next slide. It’s from the opening sequence of Gunsmoke, one of the longest running television shows ever produced. Notice how the street’s full of activity. Well I’ve got news for you. What you think you see in this picture and what you thought you saw on television probably don’t agree with reality. I know, because I saw the set of Gunsmoke up close and personal. They built one not far from where my grandfather lived in Arkansas----and while my family was on vacation visiting my grandparents we went to the set. At first sight as a little guy I thought wow, this is was pretty cool. I’m standing on the main street of Dodge where Marshal Dillion had a lot of gunfights. I wanted to see more than the fronts of the buildings; I wanted to explore the town. I wanted to check out the insides of the buildings. I don’t know why but I almost immediately broke into a run and headed up the stairs that lead to the Doc’s office. I threw open the door and stepped inside. And it’s a good thing they had a small platform with a railing there otherwise I might have plunged head first from that lofty height. What a disappointment. Doc’s office wasn’t there. The jail, Miss Kitty’s, Newly’s gun shop, none of it was there---I mean there were but they weren’t there. The storefronts were there but when you walked through the doors, there was nothing on the other side of them.


When in our hearts and minds we make God out to be something which He is not---we can expect disappointment. For example, there are those people who carry with them the belief that God will grant them whatever they ask for if only they have enough faith. In doing so, they’ve erected a false mental image of God---and disappoint awaits them just like it did me on the set of Gunsmoke. You can almost see it coming, can’t you?----the disappointment when God doesn’t give them what they’re asking for. They’re worshipping the right God but doing it the wrong way----and when the anticipated answer doesn’t come along ---these people are destined to be upset with themselves for their lack of faith or they’re going to be mad at God for not meeting their expectations---and maybe both. Worshipping the right God the wrong way---leads to disappointment. And if we’re disappointed enough we may abandon the relationship----and more than anything else, God doesn’t want that to happen.


There’s also the probability it will lead to our changing the labels on sinful activities. Almost immediately after the Israelites get the Ten Commandments from God, Moses went back up onto the mountain to get some more laws from God, laws which would be used to direct the civil affairs of the nation. While Moses was on the mountain Aaron makes an idol, a golden bull and calls it God---but not just any God----Aaron identifies the golden cow he’s made as the God that brought the Israelites out of slavery--- Aaron says to the people---this golden cow is our God---and then Aaron goes so far as to call that idol by God’s special name. The Yahweh name of God. The people start worshipping the golden calf ----then they start drinking and partying----and soon things had turned into a great big orgy. But the people didn’t think they were doing anything wrong---to the contrary they were doing what they thought would please their golden cow god. It happens every time----when people start thinking of God as something He is not----they begin doing and allowing things God would not want them to do or allow.

Let’s bring that idea into the here and now---when a person begins to think that God really doesn’t care if they attend worship services with a local church body or not---that person will not make worship a priority and they’ll rarely attend a service. Those persons who imagine a god that doesn’t consider homosexuality a sin----they push for legalized homosexual marriages and adoptions. Some people imagine that God is all about love and not justice----and so they think and act as if everybody’s going to get to heaven so they don’t bother to talk to others about Jesus. No matter which way you come at it, whenever you make God out to be something He isn’t, sin is the result.

And that sin that’s there because someone is worshipping a god of their own making, rather than the God Who truly is----that sin tends to pack an enormous negative impact. God says to us through this commandment “I don’t want you worshipping idols or keeping false images about me in your head because the spiritual choices you make right now will have an effect not only upon you but upon future generations.” God says “I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Now don’t get the wrong idea here---- These words about punishing the sin to the third and fourth generations doesn’t mean God will punish our kids and grandkids for the sins we personally committed. The emphasis in Scripture is always on personal responsibility. I prefer the KJV’s translation here where it reads God visits the sins to the third and fourth generations. For you see, the way I understand this verse---Your kids and grandkids won’t answer for your sins----but they will be affected, positively or negatively, by your life decisions.

Perhaps we can picture it best as a domino effect. Most if not all of us have seen a large domino display set off. And we know that once you knock down that first domino there’s a chain reaction that takes place. This verse is talking about our actions having a spiritual domino effect. God doesn’t want us to worship Him in the wrong way because

God knows that our actions have far-reaching results. He knows if we have a lax attitude about our relationship with Him---that more than likely our kids will pick that attitude up from us. Let’s say that the first domino is that of a Dad developing the habit of skipping worship services----the second domino is his kid who figures if Dad doesn’t have to go than neither do I---the third domino, a grandchild is then never taken to church…he in turn grows up to be an agnostic---his child might become an atheist----and on and on the domino effect can move into future generations. By the way---we should think about this---while we can make our choices, we don’t get to choose the consequences of our choices…. Getting back to this punishment thing in the second commandment----It’s not that God punishes the second, third and fourth generations for sins committed by the first---it’s that God keeps seeing the same kind of sin being committed in the second, third and fourth generation.

Fortunately the chain can be broken. And the good news is God’s grace is greater than our sin. Over the long haul good will come out on top. That’s what God means when He says He punishes (visits) the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but shows love to a thousand (generations) of those who love me and keep my commandments.”


Why’s idol worship so terrible---why does God make such a fuss over it? Here’s the bottom line----we become like that which we worship… Psalm 135 tells us… [SCRIPTURE SLIDES]

15The idols of the nations are but silver and gold,

The work of man’s hands.

16They have mouths, but they do not speak;

They have eyes, but they do not see;

17They have ears, but they do not hear,

Nor is there any breath at all in their mouths.

18Those who make them will be like them,

Yes, everyone who trusts in them.

In other words we become like what we worship. God says pretty much the same thing to the prophet Jeremiah… Jeremiah 2:5

5 This is what the LORD says:

"What fault did your fathers find in me,

that they strayed so far from me?

They followed worthless idols

and became worthless themselves.


God doesn’t want our lives to come to ruin. Remember He’s a jealous---zealous God. He wants what’s best for us. That’s why He doesn’t want us to worship worthless idols. And that’s why He doesn’t want us clinging to false notions about Him. That’s why instead of making assumptions about God or creating our own mental image of Him we must go to the Bible and accept what it tells us about God---the things we like as well as the things we may not like.

This second commandment is like the first in that while it prohibits certain behavior---it also encourages others. God says to us---“While I don’t want you to create an image in your head or with your hands and then worship it as if it were me--- I do want you to read your Bible and discover Who I AM and I do want you to --- accept what it tells you about me----the things you like and the things you don’t like….I do want you to know me better and I do want you to worship me for Who I AM.

One last thought to share with you this morning and then we’ll sing our decision hymn. God doesn’t want us to attempt to create something that reflects His image, because God’s already done that. God created you and He created me. And God says to us, if you want something to reflect Me, make that something you!

If you’d like to make a public decision this morning, we’d welcome it. Please meet me down front as we stand and sing………..


NOTE TO THOSE WHO READ AND OR CHOOSE TO MAKE USE OF ANY OR ALL OF THIS SERMON: I am sharing this sermon with the hopes it will be an encouragement to others. I apologize for any blatant typing errors! If you find any I’d appreciate hearing from you so I can correct them. I try to give credit where credit is due, noting writers and or sources to the best of my ability. I have for years been drawing from a wealth of sources including this website. I recognize that my mind and writing processes are fallible. I may occasionally fail to properly identify a source. Please do not take offense if you see anything of this nature. I never intend to plagiarize. Having said that I want you to feel free to draw from my message. When appropriate I hope you will give credit as I do. But most of all I hope Christ will be lifted up and God will receive the glory in all things.