Summary: Jesus is Qualified to be called the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Intro: the big question that is being asked of every candidate for the presidency is, "are they qualified to fulfill the office of Commander in Chief." At one time people asked Jesus if He was qualified to be called the Son of God. Today, with so many religions and so many God’s, the question that must be answered is this: Is Jesus Qualified To Be Your God.

Today I would like to give you 5 important things that qualify Jesus for the position of Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, Emmanuel-God with us, Lamb of God.

I don’t know if our political candidates qualify to pick up the red phone at the white house, but I know Jesus qualifies to pick up the prayer line in heaven. Today, Jesus doesn’t just qualify to be one of the Sons of God, but He qualifies as the only begotten Son of God.

If any other religion has a God like our God, I haven’t heard of him. God’s of Stone don’t do miracles, God’s of wood don’t speak life, the name of Buddah doesn’t raise the dead. So I say today,

Jesus Qualifies

Jesus Qualifies because:

I. God said, Jesus was His Son-Matthew 3:17--And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Now I am sure there have been a lot of exciting baptisms in the last 2000 years. I have heard of many coming out of the water filled with the Spirit of God. I have heard of people coming out of the water who had to testify. But only Jesus had a voice speak suddenly out of heaven. A voice that shakes mountains, a voice that is like many rivers. What did that voice say, Jesus qualifies. I am pleased to announce to you today, this is My Son. So many religions started with a dream or a revelation of some kind, but they don’t qualify because there was no sudden voice out of heaven. One that said, this is the Son, I am pleased to announce to the world, this is His day, this is His time, Jesus qualifies.

Because He could speak by no greater, God spoke for Himself. He said, Jesus qualifies yesterday, today and forever. He’s not just a great teacher, He’s not just a great prophet, but He is the one and only Son of the Living God. The Christ, The Messiah, The King. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. At His Birth Archangels showed up, at His death earthquakes shook the land. When He left, He went with clouds,When He returns, He will come in glory. Jesus qualifies

II. Jesus Words, Were God Words-John 1:1- in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Now a lot of people have a lot of words, there are a lot of books of religion in the world, but at the beginning there was just one Word. The Word of God, was God. This Word became flesh, (14) and we saw His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father. Now there are a lot of words, but there is only one Word. A Word that is so powerful, heaven and earth will pass away, but this Word, will never pass away.

When people began to leave Jesus, reject Him, He asked Peter and the disciples, " will you go too." Peter spoke for the group, He speaks for all who have ever heard the Word, there is no where else to go, you have the Words of eternal life. Jesus qualifies because He speaks like no one has ever spoken before. He speaks not like religious leaders, but with power and authority.

When He speaks all heaven stands at attention, when He speaks it is a light that pierces the darkness. Quick and powerful, able to reach deep into the hearts of man.

III. No Man Ever Did So Many Miracles--John 14:11-if you don’t believe because of God’s Voice from Heaven, if you don’t believe because of Words like no man ever spoke before, then you have to believe for the sake of the works themselves. No other man, no other religion has someone who walks on water, speaks peace to storms, raises the dead, goes into towns and anyone who just touches the hem of His garment is healed! Jesus qualifies when He raises the dead, Jesus qualifies when He feeds thousands with a few fish and bread. Believe Him for the works, water into wine, go tell John the sick are healed, the dead are raised, the blind see, and poor people hear the good news. Jesus qualifies because He saves souls, He puts broken hearts back together, if you put all the miracles into books, the library of the universe couldn’t tell it all, Jesus qualifies!

IV. His Name Is Like No Other Name-Luke 10:17-even the devils are subject to us in your Name. I am sure that as the seventy went out, they wondered, He can do it, but what about us. Can we defeat demons, can we heal the sick, set free the bound. They came back with joy, they won through the Name. You can scream your name at the devil all day long and He will say, who are you? You could cry out all the names of a million Gods in this world and demons would chuckle at the name. But when you say the Name of Jesus, demons tremble, they say, have you come to torment us before the time, Son of God. His Name will be called Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. None other Name by which we must be saved. At the Name of Jesus, every knee will bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Just the mention of His Name will spark a revival in your soul. Just the mention of His Name will give peace like a river. Jesus, Name above all Names. Mary didn’t pick His Name, Joseph didn’t pick His Name, the Angels didn’t pick His Name, His Name was His Name before the foundations of the World. Bless that wonderful Name of Jesus. The sweetest Name I know. His Name Qualifies Him. I am sure Rosie Rosell is singing up in heaven, what a lovely name the name of Jesus.

V. He was seen after His Funeral, Ascended to Heaven, Promised to Return. Matthew 28:6--He is risen just as He said. How could He say it, because He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End, First and Last, He which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Acts says, no grave could hold His body down. He was seen of many witnesses. Not just the men whose hearts burned as he shared the scripture, not just to Peter, not just to the disciples. But 500 people declared He’s back better than ever. Last time we saw Him we thought it was over, now He is saying of His kingdom there will never be an end. He said, If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again. Jesus qualifies because He defeated sin, He defeated sickness, He defeated death, He defeated the devil and He qualifies.

The first time as a baby in the manger, the next time as King of Kings. The first time to die on a cross, the next time to rule the nations. The first time to be buried in the earth, the next time to be exalted forever.

close: Jesus qualifies because of all these things. But there is one other reason why He qualifies.

He takes things old and makes them new.

He is great enough to rule the universe, but small enough to live within my heart.

It took a miracle to put the stars in place

It took a miracle to hang this world in space

but when He saved my soul,

cleansed and made me whole,

it took a miracle of love and grace.

Jesus qualifies. Can He save the soul, yes He can. Can He raise the dead, yes He can. Can He defeat the devil, yes He can. Is He the same yesterday, today and forever, yes He is. He is exalted to the right hand of the Father, yes He is. Is He coming back for His bride, yes He is.

Can Buddah do it, no he can’t

Can Mohhamed do it, no he can’t.

Can any religion, can any God, can any word, do what Jesus can do, no they can’t.

Because Jesus qualifies.