Summary: Mother’s Day sermon --- focused on the attributes of faih and courage in Hannah.

Nicholson, 5-15-2k

A Cry of Desperation

1 Samuel 1:9-19

Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day for that matter) often seems a bit awkward. As a minister of the Gospel, I am always challenged on how to handle this special day (and I really do believe it is a good day for the church to observe). I recognize that there are others besides mothers in the congregation—so how can I make this special day meaningful for us all? Well, this year, the Lord led me to an incredible example of someone who was ready to “give their child” to the Lord, not just in a “child dedication service.”

In our text this morning, God honored Hannah’s prayer for a son. In short, God responded to Hannah’s desperation. And here is the key—here lies the truth this mother brings for us to consider.

We all face times of desperation. We all, mother’s or not, know what it means to be confused, hurting, even afraid. I believe that this text is telling us today that in times of distress, we need to rely upon God. How is that possible? How can we learn to rely upon God? Consider the following ways to a meaningful walk with God.

I. We learn to rely on God when we recognize that life is not fair.

A. Hannah’s problems would never have happened in a “fair” world.

1. She was a good woman (nothing in the text suggests otherwise).

2. She had the love of a good man (we know this because of Elkanah’s actions toward his wife).

3. In spite of being a good woman, who had the love of a good man, her culture condemned her.

a. To be barren in the ancient world was to be considered under a curse.

b. God must surely have abandoned such a woman.

B. Were you taught some of the same cultural myths that I learned?

1. They come in a variety of forms.

a. You can be whatever you want to be—if you try hard enough.

b. Work hard, and you will be rewarded.

c. Be nice to people and they will be nice to you.

2. What a shock comes when reality hits, and we learn that those myths aren’t always true.

a. Someone born into poverty and drug abuse is not likely to become a multi-millionaire.

b. Hard work doesn’t always pay off—it sometimes leads to stress, headache and disappointment.

c. Being nice to people can get you burned.

C. I say this not to be cynical, but to point out LIFE CAN BE UNFAIR.

1. When we really understand this, then we may realize that we don’t have what we need to face such a world.

2. We may realize we need help to make it in a world such as this.

3. We may begin to see that WE NEED GOD!!!

II. We learn to rely on God by being honest about our pain.

A. Hannah freely admitted her hurts.

1. She had plenty of reason to hurt.

a. Penninah—second wife in a polygamous marriage—mean, spiteful, and apparently hated Hannah.

b. Elkannah was unable to help or change Hannah’s situation.

c. Eli, the one man who might be able to help her thought she was a drunk.

2. She didn’t hold back her grief.

a. We find her praying at the altar—and it was no “easy” prayer—it was vocal and emotional enough to get her accused of drunkenness.

b. She cried out to God in the midst of her anguish—and held nothing back.

B. Friends, life hurts.

1. For nearly three years, we have walked together through some dark paths (and will likely go through some more).

2. Our first impulse as Christians is to be strong, faithful, and brave.

3. Reality hits us square in the face and reminds us that to be strong, faithful, and brave is easier said than done.

4. Perhaps, what we need to be is honest, and admit—LIFE HURTS.

C. By being honest, we admit that we are not brave enough, faithful enough, strong enough to face life’s huts: in short, we admit WE NEED GOD!

1. If we refuse to acknowledge the hurt, we cannot be healed.

2. Toothache experience—pain finally got so bad, I could not ignore it any longer—by admitting the situation, I found relief.

3. When we open up before God, we open our hearts to experience his relief, his strengthening power, his love.

III. We learn to rely on God as we leave our problems in his hands.

A. Hannah received a promise from the Lord—she would get the answer she had sought.

1. When we first met Hannah, she was in anguish, embittered, without hope.

2. Now, she ran home to her husband happy, with confidence and hope.

3. What made the difference? She received the promise of God—she now knew that he was with her: he had promised to intervene.

4. So, she went about her life as she should: confident that God would take care of her difficulties, she was no longer in desperation.

B. We may not get an immediate answer to our cries—but we will get an answer.

1. It may not come the way we wish that it would—it may not even be the answer we long for.

2. But, God is faithful to his children, and he will respond to our hurts.

3. God will answer—and give us what we need to make it in this crazy world.

C. Like Hannah, we must remain true to God’s call in our lives.

1. As painful as it might have been, Hannah remained true to her vow of giving her son to the Lord (I can think of a thousand reasons for her to back down—she probably thought of them too—still, she kept her vow before God).

2. It is time we truly learn to trust the Lord—we need to quit playing games.

a. Remember “take it back?” Usually spoken to cover something ugly we said—somehow, we thought that “unsaying” it would take away the pain we caused.

b. Well, we play “take it back” with God all the time—we “take back” our commitments to walk for him—we “take back” the problems we lay at his feet: we must realize, it’s time to quit “taking it back” from God.

3. When we learn to really commit ourselves, when we learn to give him our problems, then life will take on new meaning, new direction, new purpose—and we will begin to live life in the power of the Lord: our cries of desperation will turn to shouts of joy!

My friends, are you under distress? Has life become too much for you to handle? Are you overwhelmed with it all? If so, you can find hope today. Your desperation can begin to be healed. But, you’re going to have to admit life isn’t fair, and quit expecting it to be so. You’re going to have to learn how to be honest before God, and quit trying to play a spiritual strong man or woman—you are a human being, and you need help. Finally, you are going to have to learn to leave your problems in his hands, to trust that he can and will take care of your needs. If you can do that, my friends, then you are ready to start a new life of victory and joy. My prayer for you today is that you will trust in God, whatever difficulties you face in life. Are you willing to trust him? Are you willing to come to him? Then do so, now.