Summary: Sermon #9 in the John series where Jesus introduces his men to the Holy Spirit He will send to them after he leaves the earth

John’s Gospel #9 Another Counselor

CHCC: March 30, 2008

John 14-17


I like this series we’re having from the Gospel of John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke give more of the public teachings of Jesus. But John describes more long private conversations. In fact, John 13 – 17 goes into great detail about the things Jesus told his 12 Apostles during His last Passover feast. John gives so many details that you almost feel like you were right there with them.

I’ve often heard people talk about how amazing it would have been to walk and talk with Jesus when He was here on earth. When you think about all the billions of people who have ever lived, only the tiniest percentage ever saw or heard Jesus here on earth.

Even if you had lived back then … and even if you had lived somewhere in Judea, Samaria, or Galilee … there would be a good chance that you might never have seen Jesus at all. Or if you were lucky, you might have seen him at a distance, or heard him teach for a few minutes.

After all, Jesus was limited by time and space for the 3 years he was here. That helps explain why Jesus said this to His disciples on the night before He was crucified: "Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ’Where are you going?’ Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away.” John 16: 5

He went on to explain WHY it was better for Him to go.

He said, Unless I go away, another Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. It was better if Jesus left this earth because then he could send them another Counselor … one who would NOT be limited by time and space. A Counselor who would not just be WITH them; He would be IN them.

1. Another Counselor will be IN YOU

… Which reminds me of a story I heard about a little pre-school girl. She was at the Doctor’s office. When the Doctor was listening to the little girl’s heart through a Stethoscope, he asked her, “Who do I hear in there? Is Donald Duck in there? Is Barney in there?”

The little girl corrected him very seriously: “No! Jesus is in my heart ----Barney is on my underwear!”

Even a little children can understand having Jesus come into their hearts. That’s what Jesus was talking about when he made this promise: I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you … and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16-18

The word that is translated Counselor is the Greek word “paraclete.” Literally, para means “beside” and “klete” means “to call.” The word translated another (allos) is a word that means “of the same kind.” So Jesus was telling them, I will give you someone like me to come alongside you after I am gone.

The word paraclete has a lot of meaning … and all these meanings apply to the Holy Spirit:

• Paraclete is the legal term that describes Legal Counsel --- like a Defense Attorney or an Advocate.

• The word is also used to describe a Comforter, Friend, or Guide.

• It is often used to describe anyone who is a Helper in general

• … or someone who is an Equipper and Provider (like “Q” in 007 movies … who provides James Bond with amazing gadgets, weapons, and vehicles so he can carry out his missions! Hey, I’m a guy so I think like a guy …)

Speaking of being a guy… an author named Gordon Dalbey wrote a book called Healing the Masculine Soul. He explains that Paraclete was first used in ancient Greece as a warrior’s term. He writes: “Greek soldiers went into battle in pairs, so when the enemy attacked, they could draw together back-to-back, covering each other’s blind side. Literally, your “paraclete” has your back.” Tom Tripp, Colusa, California. Leadership, Vol. 15, no. 2.

I don’t know about you, but I like the idea of someone who always has my back! It’s good to know that we don’t have to face the battles of life alone. Jesus promised, I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete … an Advocate, a Friend, a Helper, someone who has your back….

Jesus promised to send another Counselor who would be with us forever—

Jesus went on to say, The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26

2. He will TEACH you

Have you ever been taking a TEST … and you wished you could have the teacher right there in your head to remind you what they told you in class the day before?

The Holy Spirit does just that. Any time you face a Spiritual TEST, the Holy Spirit will bring Scriptures back to your mind. He will remind you to act like Jesus would act. He will help you have wisdom far beyond your own abilities!

Which reminds me of a story I heard about a Pastor who was standing at the door after church? He saw one of his long-term members named Wilma hobbling up to him with her cane. He braced himself because Wilma had a habit of critiquing his sermons every Sunday … and when she wanted to be sure he got her point, she’d sometimes tap him in the chest with her cane.

This Sunday he was surprised when she simply said, “That was a pretty good sermon, Pastor.”

The Pastor made a humble response. He said, “Why, thank you, Wilma. But it wasn’t me. It was the Holy Spirit.”

That’s when he felt the cane tapping him in the middle of his chest and Wilma said, "Oh no, Pastor. If it was the Holy Spirit it would have been a lot better than that!"

Right after Jesus promised that the Spirit of truth will teach us all things, he went on to say this: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

How can you know the Holy Spirit is really IN you? One way is that you will have a deep, unshakable kind of PEACE. This doesn’t mean you never experience fear or sorrow or anxiety. But the Comforter gives peace that is beyond understanding.

It’s an unshakable kind of Spiritual STABILITY. I’ve seen this so often in people right here in our church. Some of you have faced severe tragedies and loss. The way you respond makes it so obvious that you have the Holy Spirit living in you. When hard times come, only God’s Spirit can give us the inner Peace and Strength and Hope to “keep going.”

The Holy Spirit is the inner mechanism that God has placed inside of every Believer so that your Spirit can stay STABLE and CONFIDENT. It’s kind of like the way God created our Bodies to maintain a constant body temperature of about 98.6 … no matter what the weather is like. Whether it’s freezing outside or 100 degrees, we have in inner mechanism that maintains a stable temperature. The Holy Spirit keeps us STEADY … no matter what is happening around us.

I got to wondering why we don’t give more attention to the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean, the whole world makes a big deal out of CHRISTMAS --- when Jesus came to the world. But we hardly even mention PENTECOST --- the day that the Holy Spirit made his entrance and the church was born.

I think what Jesus said in John 15:26 explains why the Holy Spirit doesn’t get the kind of attention we give to Jesus. Jesus said this: When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. John 15:26

The Holy Spirit is not one to “toot His own horn” so to speak. The Spirit always points to Jesus … not to Himself! And this is only right for the Spirit to point to Jesus --- for He is in no way different than Jesus. Just as Jesus came to earth as God in the Flesh, the Holy Spirit came to earth as Jesus living in our hearts. The Apostle Paul called this gift of the Holy Spirit “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

3. He will CONVICT the world

In John 16:8 Jesus said this about the Holy Spirit, When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.

We tend to think of the Holy Spirit as a gentle, quiet, soothing kind of influence: a Comforter and Counselor. The Holy Spirit is spoken of in scripture as Oil … which is soothing. And as a Dove … which is a peaceful image. When Jesus was baptized, the Spirit descended on Him like a Dove. That is probably the most common symbol you see now-a-days to represent the Spirit.

A branch of the ancient Celtic Church called the Iona Community uses a different bird for their symbol of the Holy Spirit. They use a Wild Goose. Why would they choose a wild goose to represent the Spirit? Well, for one thing, a wild goose is not controllable or predictable. They are about as different from a gentle dove as you can get. I’m familiar with what a wild goose can be like.

(tell about encounter with black goose)

The point is that the Holy Spirit is represented in scripture as Oil and as a Dove … but also as Wind and as Fire. The Spirit can be a Comforter, but he can also be a Warrior. The Spirit of God may speak to you in a still, quiet voice … like the cooing of a Dove. Or He may agitate you and shake you up … … like the loud honk of a wild goose.

When the Holy Spirit comes into your Heart, He will NOT sit quietly by and let you continue your life of sin. It is the Spirit of God that first convicted you of your sins. It is the Spirit who convinces us that we desperately NEED a Savior and that Jesus Christ is our only hope.

And the Holy Spirit will continue to convict us of sin so that we can become more and more like Christ. The Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

• SIN … because unless we see the ugliness or our own sin, we can’t see our need for a Savior.

• RIGHTEOUSNESS … because it is not enough for a Christian to stop sinning. We replace Sin with Right Living. The Spirit helps us become like Jesus Christ, who is perfectly Righteous.

• JUDGMENT … because God’s Spirit gives us confidence that no matter what happens today --- God wins in the end. God alone is the final Judge. God alone has the final word.

In the end all Sin will be dealt with --- Righteousness will shine --- and perfect Judgment will put everything in its proper place.


When the Holy Spirit entered into the Apostles at Pentecost, He did not come quietly. He came as a rushing Wind … and as tongues of fire. The Apostles were suddenly infused with such boldness and power that they stood and Preached the Gospel without any fear.

Then the Spirit rushed into the hearts of the Crowd. The Spirit convicted these people of their sins. And 3,000 of them rushed to be Baptized that very day.

Today, the Holy Spirit continues to convict the world of sin. When you turn to Jesus as your Savior, the promised Holy Spirit joins with your Spirit, giving you a new kind of life. And that is just the beginning. The Holy Spirit will NEVER leave you.

• He Counsels you when you need wisdom.

• He Convicts you when you sin.

• He Comforts you when you feel hopeless.

• He Teaches you what is True

• He Holds you Steady when life gets hard

• He “has your back” when you go to battle.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit may be like Oil or a Dove. Sometimes He may be like Fire or Wind … or even like a wild Goose! But no matter what method He uses, the Holy Spirit will ALWAYS draw your mind and heart toward Jesus.