Summary: What happens at the Great White Throne judgment? How will unbelivers be judged? John reveals how Christ judges those who reject Him.

1. Illus. of John Pierce (Choice Contemporary Stories, #50)

• According to associated press, was running in marathon to raise money for cancer research, the same cancer that had killed his young daughter shortly before.

• As he ran, had a heart attack and died.

• One thing Associated Press didn’t report. His widow reportedly said, “After what has happened to my daughter and husband, I would give anything to know what happens to us after we die.”

2. Americans want answers about life after death. “Is there life after death? If so, what is it like? Is it as television portrays it, with angles escorting everyone to heaven when they die, regardless of their lifestyle, because, “God loves us all.”

3. The answer to such weighty questions lies not in the supermarket tabloid, or even in the imaginations of Hollywood screenwriters. The only place to find true and authoritative answers is in the Bible.

4. In our text, John gives us at least one of the answers we are looking for. Eternity is vastly different for the Christian and the nonchristian. John writes the first century church to explain the final judgement that all unbelievers will one day experience.

5. Today: if you reject Jesus Christ, you will one day stand before Him in judgement for that rejection.

6. What does the Bible tell us about this last judgement of the unbeliever?


1. See vs 11. Who is this on the throne? Father? Son? Holy Spirit? John 5:22. The one who hung upon the cross will judge those who reject that cross!

2. Today He sits upon a throne of grace and says, “whosoever will may come.” In that day, He will move to a throne of judgement and say, “those who did not come are condemned forever.”

3. In that day, so horrible will be His unveiled face of wrath and fury that the very heavens and earth will seek to flee from before His face!

4. Illus. of atheist sign on Montgomery Capitol grounds

• Placed there in protest against nativity scene by Alabama Freethought Association. Christmas 1998.

• “There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven, and no hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but a myth that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

5. How smug and arrogant we are in our ignorance. “We have decided that there is no God, so there is no God!” There is coming a day when those who have rejected Jesus will be neither smug nor arrogant. Instead, they will tremble and cower before the wrath of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

6. You are going to meet Jesus!

• Now as savior, or then as judge

• Now in mercy, or then in wrath

• Now as lamb, or then as lion

• Either way, you will meet Jesus Christ!


1. See vss 12a-. All the unbelieving dead will be judged. None are too big to avoid it, none are too small to escape it.

2. Cultured-countrified. Educated-illiterate. Wealthy-impoverished. Famous-obscure. Up and out- down and out.

3. Emperors, presidents, CEO’s, Nobel Prize winners will be there. So shall the homeless man from New York, the illiterate from Mobile, the leprous untouchable from India.

4. Illus. of NATO bombing of Kosovo

• Bombing Kosovo in order to stop genocide of ethnic Albanians.

• Those who are killing and those being killed look alike, eat same food, wear same clothes. But because of a minor variation in their ethnic background, the Albanians are being slaughtered.

• Mankind is very good at dividing people into categories. We divide people by skin color, or by wealth, or by education. But God divides all people into only two categories: those who have a relationship with Him through a personal faith in His Son, and those who do not.

• All those who do not, regardless of income, race, or education, will one day stand at the Great White Throne.

5. The out and out unbeliever will be there. The Hugh Hefners, the Madlyn Murry O’Hairs , the Madonnas. The sinner who lived as if there were no God, he will be there.

6. The religious unbeliever will be there. The person who came to church regularly, who read his Bible, who supported his church financially, but who was not a Christian, he will be there.

7. The procrastinating unbeliever will be there. This person knows he was not a Christian, and really intended to do something about it- someday! But the days became weeks etc., and he slipped out into eternity lost.

8. Every unbeliever will be at this judgement.


1. Our legal system is not perfect. Sometimes mistakes are made. The guilty go unpunished, while sometimes the innocent are unjustly convicted.

2. Illus. of unjust court decisions (Something to think about, #480)

• Justice is not always found in the courts. Sometimes the guilty are rewarded and the innocent are punished.

3. At the judgement of the lost, the first absolutely just judgement will take place. A perfect judge will sit upon the throne. He will have access to every word you have ever spoken, every action you have ever committed, every thought you have ever had.

4. See vss 12b, 13b. God’s tape recorder has been going, God’s camcorder has been getting it all.

5. The Bible is not teaching salvation by works. In that day, Jesus will allow us to offer our defense. He will then answer every excuse and rationalization from the books that contain a record of our lives.

• “Never heard the gospel.” August 14th, ;picked up gospel tract etc.

• “Didn’t have a chance to respond.” July 12th, invitation at FBC

• “Wasn’t such a bad person.” January 1st, lied, lust etc.

6. Then, just in case a mistake might have been made, Jesus will open the last infallible bit of evidence, the Book of Life, the book where He has written the names of all who accept Him as personal savior. “Recording angel, is his name found?” Looks, then says, “No Lord, it is not.”

7. Can you imagine the screaming and wailing that will go up in that day? “I had my chance, and I didn’t do it! I threw away my day of opportunity, and now I’m lost forever!”

8. Even the punishment that Jesus hands down will be absolutely just! Vss 14-15. In effect, hell is a place where we will have for all eternity what we have chosen in life:

• “Didn’t want to know me- exiled to a place where you are separated forever from my presence.”

• “Didn’t want my mercy- exiled forever in a place without mercy.”

• “You were too busy to hear the gospel- - exiled forever in a place where gospel will never be heard.”


1. Illus. of saying

• “Day is coming when men will refused to be born again, will wish they had never been born at all.”

• The judgement of the lost is that day.

2. Today you have a choice. You can choose life through Jesus Christ.