Summary: The divinely given task of being a mom is significant. Consider the influence of Eunice and Lois on Timothy.

The Influence of a Godly Mom

2 Timothy 1:3-7

* Readers Digest printed a story which may offer us a good starting point today. A young man called his parents to wish them a “Happy New Years” and asked his dad, “What’s your new year resolution?” Without any thought dad said, “To make your mother happy.” When mom got on the phone the son asked her the same question. Her response, “to help you dad KEEP his New Years Resolution.”

* I begin today message with a confession, it is a confession which I really do not have to make. Sometimes these confessions get us in trouble.

* Years ago, Gary Smalley told this story; there was a young woman in her 30’s who was unmarried. The reason she was unmarried was that she had a personal problem. Her personal problem was bad breath. She tried everything to get rid of her offensive breath but to no avail. Every time a young man would get interested in her they would kiss and that would end that! So she made a private pact – to not kiss any boyfriends until they were married. Finally, a young man became interested in her. Problem was, HE had a personal problem, “smelly feet.” He had also attempted to fix his problem and also with no avail. So here is the picture, “he wants to kiss her and she’s reluctant while she wants to take long walks on the beach and he’s reluctant.” Well, even with these situations they still fell in love and decided to get married. Both were highly nervous. Finally, the wedding night came. When they arrived in their hotel room, the groom darted into the bathroom where he removed his socks and shoes, washed his feet, put cologne on both feet, and then ran out of the bathroom and jumped under the covered in the king sized bed. When He came out, she ran in. Now, she begins the process of brushing her teeth, using mouth washed, and putting breath mints in both sides of her mouth. Looking in the mirror, she whispered a prayer as she knew the “moment of truth” had come. So she turned the light off, ran out of the bathroom, and jumped head-first under the covers. She slowly slid up until only her head was uncovered and she turned to face her groom. Now close together, she said, “honey I have a confession to make.” Putting his hand over her mouth, he replied, “it’s okay baby, I know, YOU ATE MY SOCKS.”

* So there are some confessions you don’t really have to make and I will make one for you today. I find myself struggling each year on Mother’s day and Father’s day. Understand, I don’t struggle because of lack of love or a relationship with my mom and dad, but rather, because sentimentalism does not control the teachings of the Bible and the roles of Mom and Dad in life. When we come together in the name of the Lord, we come to HONOR GOD, thank Him for the gifts of our parents.

* Honestly, I felt pretty bad about this until as I read the Mother’s day messages from other preachers and realized that what a preacher feels called to do and what is expected of him can be miles apart. Try this;

* Every Mother’s Day sermon I’ve run across starts with an explanation & this one’s no exception. As ministers, we’re reminded not to get too sentimental about motherhood because:

* (a) for some, motherhood is an accident, and not always a welcome one;

* (b) for some, biological motherhood isn’t possible;

* (c) for some, mothers weren’t all that nice;

* (d) for some, motherhood under the very best of circumstances is still less than a bed of roses and a primrose path.

* If I can take some liberties with poet Wilhelm Busch’s words, I’d have to say: To become a mother is not so difficult; on the other hand, being a mother is very much so!

* Without hesitation, I will tell you that the role of mother is a tremendous responsibility as well as a divinely given task. There are so many things which go into being a mother which I don’t understand. I remember watching Deb when Christy came along & was amazed at the things Deb knew to do &check on. Most of the time, I spent scratching my head.

* Yet, in preparing this message I ask the Lord to help me share a message for all moms, grandmoms, and even moms to be which would be encouraging, helpful, and challenging. I was led to 2 Timothy 1 where we see “generational moms.” That is, a grandmother, a mother, and a son who happens to be a preacher boy.

* Let’s read verses 3 through 7.

* Being raised in a Christian home is a blessing beyond description. Not only are you instructed in the ways, will, and wants of God, but you are led by example. Timothy knew what it was to be led in the ways of God from both his mom and grandmother. Maybe some don’t know that Timothy’s dad was a Greek and there is no record of him ever coming to faith! So the teaching of faith to Timothy feel to Mother and Grandmother.

* But exactly what was it that they taught him? Paul is very clear in his answer, “a sincere faith.” Others translate in this way; an unfeigned, a true, even an honest faith. The Greek word even adds the thought of “undisguised” or “apparent”. It means that these two ladies didn’t hide their light under a bushel, but rather, let it shine for all to see. Such is the influence of a godly mom. From our text, allow me to give you 5 qualities of this type of faith;

1) It is a faith that’s seen. – Kids, as well as people, have computer processors in their heads which records everything they see and hear. Paul certainly affirms this when he says, “I clearly recall your sincere faith”. To the Apostle, Timothy must have exuded qualities which were not only convincing but memorable. Guess what, Paul hints that Timothy developed this type of faith of Mom and Granny. So everything Timothy was given was a result of Lois and Eunice being Jesus to this young boy who would become Paul’s “go-to” guy.

* This truth may well serve as a “wake-up call” to moms, dads, grandmothers, and grand-dads today. There is a deep need existing today for young men and women to “see” honest, genuine, and sincere faith in action. To speak more plainly, they need to see “authentic faith”, that is, faith which controls every part of life. Faith which is not compartmentalized. Faith which is “clearly seen.”

* The old adage is true, “actions speak louder than words.” Or even the words spoken by Augustine, “Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary, use words.” On Mother’s day, when we honor Motherhood, the greatest way we can honor this divinely given task is to fulfill the responsibility to show faith every day.

* I will move on with this thought; In recalling their time together, Paul “clearly remembered” sincere faith—when people recall their time with us, what do they remember? Is it good or godly?

2) It is a faith that is shared. – This is a truth which is taught in this text, but simply put; the sincere faith which Timothy had was a faith which “first lived” in his Mom and His Grandmother. Consider this truth; whatever a parent put on the top of their priority list will make a huge impact in the life of their off springs.

* If we have faith in ourselves, so will our children. If we have faith in our vocation, so will our children. It our priority to accumulate things, our children will see it. Wherever we place our faith, they’ll know.

* For the godly mom, her faith is “alive” & transferable.

* Don’t miss the last part of the verse. Paul says, “I am convinced it is in YOU also.” It is a faith which is seen and sticks in the little lives of which she has charge. In fact, “The Message” paraphrases this thought as the faith which was ‘handed down’.

* IN our sentimental culture, we hand down a great many things. In fact, we all have “wills” to hand down our earthly possessions. Yet, the greatest thing we can hand down is a deep, living, and faith in God. It is a faith that stays with you. “Train up a child..”

3) It is a faith that is stirred. – You might even say, “stirred up”. Paul says, “I clearly recall your sincere faith which was first alive in your mom and grandmother and I want to remind you to keep the faith ablaze.” The KJV to “stir up” the gift of God that is the faith in you. The picture here is like that of a campfire or charcoal grill.

* As a boy scout we used to rub sticks and rocks together until the sparks flew and then from the smoldering embers we would fan into a fire. It took action, motion, and a deliberate effort. It is difficult to build a fire without matches, lighter, and accelerant.

* Faith is the same way. It requires action, effort, and motion. That is why James tells us to be “doers of the word and not just hearers.” Faith which lies dormant will be just like an unattended fire, it will fizzle out.

* Timothy’s mom had fanned the flame of her son’s faith and now, out on his own, Paul is reminding Timothy to keep fanning the flame.

* Let’s bring this home to us in application. When we trust Christ for our salvation, He gives to us gifts which are in our spirit. These gifts come complete but not developed, much like the muscles in our body. As a baby we have all the muscles we’ll need, but they are totally undeveloped. Our gifts like are muscle are developed by use.

* Moms and Dad are responsible to stir up the faith of their children to be developed into healthy young men and women of faith. Some are saying, “Bro Jerry, I just can’t do all that, it’s to difficult, you are asking too much.” First it not me and next, HE’s not asking. Turn with me to Deuteronomy 6 and let’s read.

* Here is our challenge today; what is it that we talk about with our children? Sports, careers, mates, school, and the list goes on. We talk about everything in this world, but do we talk about spiritual world.

* The influence of a godly mom gives a faith that is seen, that sticks, that is stirred up, and also;

4) It is a faith that is strong. – Verse 7 speaks volumes for us. God does not give us the spirit of fear or of fearfulness. This word gives us a picture of someone who is timid or afraid to live out their faith. Another meaning of this word is “cowardice”. Their fear literally “freezes their faith” into dormancy.

* The result is that their faith becomes anemic, weak, and lacks any real strength. This is not the legacy of a sincere, sound, and authentic faith.

* The child who inherits a sound faith from their parents is not afraid to let his faith LIVE or be ALIVE in him. When I live and am alive, it involves action, direction, change, purpose, and even development.

* When we have a healthy faith, we are not afraid because God gives to us power, love, & sound judgment. Our power is the ability to impact, the love is the ability to empathize and the sound judgment is the ability to discern and know what to do.

* People of faith are people who follow God at great personal cost. Their decisions are not driven by the popular vote, their actions are not mandated by man, and their lives are not “self-centered”. Rather, they have the strength to stand.

* In the Old Testament God paints several pictures of people like this. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 we are told, “the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His.” He looks for and strengthens people of active and authentic faith. Ezekiel 22:20 says, “I searched for a man who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land.” God’s plan is for His crown creation to be people of strong faith.

* The godly mom gives to her family a faith that is seen, that shared, stirred up, strong, and finally;

5) It is a faith that saves. – Paul writes to the Ephesians, “it is by grace you are saved through faith.” It is this saving faith that is the first step to becoming godly. It is the first step which every parent is responsible to lead their child toward. Remember the words we sang today? “Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. Grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.”

* Moms, Dad, and everyone – let’s have a godly influence.