Summary: The "ledger of life" has the debit side filled with sins...the sheet must be balanced.

Faith Accounting 101

Romans 4:1-8

* Institutions of higher education have a system of numbering their classes which allows the student to know the difficulty (in theory) of a class. As you know, these range from numbering beginning with 1 for freshman to 6 or 7 which is doctoral level. The courses numbered 100 are (most of the time) basic studies giving a basic knowledge of the subject. In a basic studies class you would use a text book designed for that particular level of study. Two years later, you may study the exact same subject, but this time there would, in all likelihood, be a different text which has a more in depth approach. The Bible is a book which can be use at any level of study. Its subject is faith, it’s object is Jesus. Whether you a looking for a 100 course level or a doctoral study, it’s here.

* Hebrews 11 begins, “Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. For by it (faith) our ancestors were approved.” Approved. Think about that word. In other translations it reads “a good report,” “commended,” “earned a good reputation,” and “obtained testimony,” However, it is my belief that the most accurate reading is found in the RSV where it reads, “received divine approval.” Now that’s a direction we can get our hands around. Most of us truly desire to gain God’s approval for eternal life in heaven.

* Paul is giving a basic course in faith. In our last message on Romans we considered the truth that “It’s all about faith” as we ended Romans 3. Do you recall that in this journey of faith we discovered the “Exclusion of Sin”, the “Experience of Salvation”, and the “Expectation of Sanctification?” It’s all about faith.

* Now Paul uses 2 visuals to teach us about faith. (TEXT)

* Some of us are old enough to remember the debilitating disease named “Polio”. It was one of the most dreaded or feared diseases of the 20th century. Through its epidemic many thousands of children were rendered crippled for life. Then Jonas Salk and Albert Sabine with their vaccine. I remember going into Purvis High School on at least 2 Sunday afternoons and eating my sugar cube. Our Faith was that the medicine was in the cube.

1. The Mystery of Faith – Verse one asks the question, “What did Abraham find?” Of all the Jewish legacy, history, and “fathers”, Abraham was considered the “Patriarch” and the “Father” of the faith. Heaven was equated with Abraham and was referred to as “Abraham’s bosom.” Every self-respecting Jew knew that Abraham was justified before God, so Paul asks the question, “How did Abraham do it? How did he get justified?”

* Would you consider something with me, you know in just plain ole, every day, Alabama logic? Consider the life of Abraham, well at least a part of his life. Before God speaks to “Abram” in Genesis 12, Abram is basically living the life of a pagan. Haran was a seat of worship for the moon-god, SIN. There is no reason to think that Abram was anything but a part of this godless, pagan society UNTIL, he heard the voice of Jehovah God.

* How similar our lives are to his. Until we hear and respond to God’s voice calling us to Him, we are as pagan as Abram was.

* God’s call to Abram was, “get up and go, leave it all and follow me.” No word about the destination, no word about the route, no word about a lot of things, just the directive to go where I want you to go and down the road, I’ll be giving you some huge reward. By the way, Abram was no spring chicken when this happened, he was 75. Can you imagine the conversation between him and Sarai? Men, can you imagine offering that news to your bride? “Hon, God told us to move.” “God? Who? What? Where?” “Ah, He didn’t tell me the where, He just told us to go.” “What have you been drinking? Have you lost your mind!?” “Hon, God said that if we do this, that He will do some great things in our behalf.” Okay, what would you have said? Candidly, we try to put such a spiritual spin on the understanding of Biblical characters like Abram that we forget they were HUMAN and did not have the benefit of reading the end of the story. Would you have trusted?

* I submit that it is a sad day when we cannot or will not trust God completely? We tend to want things “laid out for us.” Yet, we applaud, say “amen”, and claim to walk by faith, not by sight. Faith 101 tells us that we follow God at His word!

* And it was at God’s word that Abram pulled up stakes, left the place his family had resided for over 200 years (Haran) and, as a result, took the first step in walking by faith. Listen, this is just the first of many steps of faith which Abram would take.

* Now return to Romans 4 and consider again the question, “What did Abraham (Abram) find?” Here is the answer, “He found a God, the God, and Jehovah God, whom He could totally and completely trust. Because of His person encounter with Jehovah, he felt no reservations, no doubts, and not fears. He knew that whatever God wanted to do would be better than what “HE (Abram)” could ever do for himself. He knew He could completely trust God with his son of promise. As is stated in Hebrews 11, Abraham knew that if God allowed Isaac to die on the altar, that resurrection would be no big deal.

* May I ask you today, if you have discovered this mystery which Abraham has found? Have you encountered the God who is totally trustworthy? Can you trust Him with your today, your tomorrow, your mistakes, your family, your finances, your schedule? Faith is a matter of trust, complete & total trust. This is the mystery.

2. The Myth of Faith – There is a cultural myth, addressed by the Apostle Paul, which is doing much harm to the body of Christ today. It is robbing the life out of denominations, churches, and even believers. The myth is this; “I can do ‘something’, ‘work hard enough’, or ‘work long enough’ to earn my way to heaven and be “right” in the eyes of God.

* Paul tells us in verse 2 that “If” (a big “if”) Abraham was made right (justified) before God by works, then he would have a reason to brag and Paul has just forbidden boasting by the believer. The phrase “not before God” could mean several things, but here are a couple of other translations, “this is not God’s view”, “God knew better”. Even though Paul would write the Romans before He wrote the Ephesians, his knew that eternal life is and was a gift from God through faith in Jesus. (Romans 6 & Ephesians 2)

* God offers this gift to us, and we can never “earn it”.

* Today we have the entire Bible and we understand the teaching that eternal life is the gift of God so that no one has anything to boast about. If you are on your way to heaven this morning, you have no reason or right to look down on someone who doesn’t because your eternity was a gift to you bought by the precious blood of Jesus. There is nothing you can do to get it nor is there anything you can do to lose it once you have it (the secret is; you will not ever desire to lose it once you possess the gift). Through the work of the Holy Spirit, God speaks to your heart, tells you what you already know about yourself (that I am a sinner), and then offers forgiveness, cleansing, and redemption. Your part is to simply say YES.

* Don’t miss this; although once you truly possess it, you cannot “lose it”, you most assuredly can “miss it”. The Bible is replete with words of admonition about this. Paul writes to the Thessalonians, “don’t quench the spirit”, “don’t grieve the spirit”, or “don’t put off the spirit.” Why? Because David tells us that the “Spirit of God will not always work with man.” When God touches your heart, you must respond in, by, and through faith. In finding the God you can completely trust, you must do so.

3. The Mechanics of Faith – I am one of those weird people who enjoy knowing how things work. When I go to a stage show and they have special effects, I am always trying to get backstage and find out exactly how things work. When Ronnie and Dale were building the floors and walls in our house, I was watching to see how these things are dome. The workings of faith are intriguing.

* Paul quotes Genesis 15:6 when he writes, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness.” Consider this truth; the belief Abraham expressed in God was so strong that, upon God’s word, he was willing to take action without asking question. Remember, it’s a matter of trust, not works. Yet, his belief was so fervent that he took action based on his belief. Abram believed God so much that he moved his family, that he risked his life, and that he offered his son of promise, Isaac. The model of a believer is Abram who held NOTHING back from God.

* David says the same thing. He tell us that God gives us a “blessing” (salvation, faith) apart from works. We believe, God responds. We give Him our heart, soul, minds and strength.

* God knows where we are in our faith. He knows if we offer it all or if we “hold back”. Truthfully, when God puts His finger on your heart and begins to work on you, He allows you to make a choice. God speaks about the sin in your life, your unbelief, your broken relationship with Him, your need for a savior, and through the Holy Spirit, He urges you to repent, come to Him, believe, and let Him change your life. At this point, as incredible as it may sound, you have a choice. A person can hear, heed, and respond to His voice as He has offered or fashion another response. Just beware; any response which you fashion will leave you wanting. A walk to the altar, repeating a prayer, getting immersed in the Baptistry, or even joining the church, while all are good and expected, will not suffice in this matter of faith.

* The lives of both Abram (Abraham) and David teach us that the life of faith is a life which demonstrates faith by action. It is not a matter of taking action to get faith, rather it is because you have faith you take action. James and Paul mesh right at this point. In fact, James goes so far as to say that you may claim to have faith, but if your faith does not lead to action, life change, ministry, service, and love, then it is probably not an authentic faith.

4. The Meaning of Faith – What exactly is the “meaning of faith?” Some of our seniors will begin to ask themselves the question, “What is the meaning to life? Or why am I here?” This is as natural as breathing. But what is the meaning of faith? Coming to God through faith in Christ means that SINS are dealt with. Look in the 2 Old Testament passages and watch. When we believe, God takes action & credits our personal, spiritual account with righteousness. The word “credited” in verse 3 and 6 is the exact same word used in verse 8 where it says, “never charge” with sin.

* On the ledger sheet of our lives we have run up quite a bill of sin. It’s the very natural thing to do. Our account is due and we don’t possess the currency to pay it. Nothing we can do will satisfy.

* So God offer us a way to settle the debt. This is “Faith Accounting 101”. We recognize our need, we go to the one who can resolve the issue (that would be Jesus), we trust Him completely, He takes the currency out of the bank of His blood, and applies it to our account. He then signs our account, “the price has been paid.”

* David says in best in this quote from Psalm 32. Our lawless acts of disobedience are forgiven (this means “released” or “let go” – thrown as far as the east is from the west), are covered (they are concealed – dropped in the sea of forgetfulness), and are not “charged against” (means not listed, read, or brought up ever again). In God’s accounting; the account is settled, cleared, paid off, and kept active for future transactions. Our faith and trust in Jehovah God makes the difference. That faith is not brought about by action, but rather action is brought about by faith.

* In April 1988 the evening news reported on a photographer who was a skydiver. He had jumped from a plane along with numerous other skydivers and filmed the group as they fell and opened their parachutes. On the film shown on the telecast, as the final skydiver opened his chute, the picture went berserk. The announcer reported that the cameraman had fallen to his death, having jumped out of the plane without his parachute. It wasn’t until he reached for the absent ripcord that he realized he was freefalling without a parachute. Until that point, the jump probably seemed exciting and fun. But tragically, he had acted with thoughtless haste and deadly foolishness. Nothing could save him, for his faith was in a parachute never buckled on.

* The Bible teaches us this truth;

* We must have faith to please God

* We are saved by grace through faith.

* Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
