Summary: Loving the Lord through your witness to others

Loving the Lord, Part 7 (Loving through your Witness)

Galatians 6:7-10


Last week, we discussed the importance of loving our church enough to understand that it is a place reserved for teaching biblical doctrine, providing a place to be educated, and understanding that the church body is called to grow.

Acts 2 verse 47 shows us the most important result of being committed to grow and that is the church was “praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

If the church is faithful to obey – every day souls would be impacted for the Kingdom of God. I asked you last week to imagine that … EVERY DAY we could see souls saved and impacted if we would be faithful.

Are you willing? Are you willing to witness for Jesus Christ?

This morning, we will look at our role in this growth – centering on our Witness for Jesus Christ and how our lives must reflect the Gospel in everything we do.

Read Galatians 6:7-10


Before we can honestly serve the Lord, we have to understand that God cannot (will not) be mocked.

Point 1 – God cannot be mocked (we reap what we sow) (v7)

Before we can truly witness with our lives, we have to understand that God is honestly paying attention to what we do.

We have discussed in past messages in this series about loving the lord through our actions – and all of those actions culminate (really) in this verse – God cannot be mocked.

When we mock something, we are acting with a complete lack of respect towards something or someone.

Example: when we say we will pray for someone, and we don’t – we are mocking God’s thing … Prayer! God created prayer for us to use … not vice versa.)

Another example: When we make a commitment to do something – in the name of the Lord – to not do that thing is mocking God.

Consider for a moment a garden that you want to plant.

All year long you are thinking about that garden – all the crops you want to plant, the harvest that is going to come from it – and when it comes time to plant the garden you never lift a finger.

Months later … do you think you will have a successful garden?

Of course not!

The same applies to how we work for the Lord.

If we sit and consider all the things we would like to do, but never get out of the pew to do them, we won’t be very successful either.

When I read this verse, I see two things to consider.

First, I see that God commands that we work for Him in everything that we do – from our personal to our visible life – we are to be working constantly for the Lord.

Second, I see that we obviously reap what we sow.

Consider that old garden again … if we never work in it, it will be a pile of weeds that we will never see a harvest from.

Many Christians are walking around telling people that they have these beautiful lives of worship and service to God, when in all actuality they have nothing more than a pile of weeds.

Remember, God cannot be mocked! Therefore, if we are acting like we are doing all these wonderful things – but in reality are doing nothing – we are mocking the very principles that God established for His believers.

Church, we are reaping what we are sowing here.

If we do nothing, we get nothing.

If we work for the Lord, we see results from the Lord.

It really is that simple – we reap what we sow Saints, and without getting out there … nothing gets done!

When we do work for the Lord, there are ALWAYS results!

Point 2 – What is the result of sowing (v8)

Verse 8 shows us that no matter what we do, there will be results.

When we sow into our sinful nature, we see the results of what this world has been producing for decades now.

Consider this: As Christians, we allowed the removal of prayer from schools for one reason – we were too lazy to take a stand – and because of that schools have deteriorated to the point where police officers are in attendance every single day.

This is not my opinion – but a fact of life we are now seeing every day!

We conformed to this world to not hurt feelings, and there are the results.

Consider what else we are allowing today in the name of not making any waves? Marriage issues? Political opinions? Sinful desires?

Where do you stand church? We need to stand on the Word of the Lord.

When we do things to please the Spirit of God, we bring eternal life not only to ourselves but to others around us!

When we press forward to deliver the Word of the Lord in our witness – we are preparing to see a harvest from the Lord Himself.

2 Peter 3:9: “ … He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

But, if we say nothing no one around us will know there is a better way! No one around us will ever come to repentance!

Why are we so silent? Where are we church?

Are we prepared to move forward with the Lord? Are we prepared to work in a way that consists of more than showing up for an hour a week at church?

Point 3 – We must witness at all costs (v9-10)

No matter what, we have to continue witnessing!

Verse 9 encourages us to NOT get weary – which means even when we are tired we need to press on with witnessing and getting the gospel out!

If we do not give up, at the proper time we shall see a harvest!

What is the proper time?

The Great Commission simply says “go” – period.

What is the result?

Acts 2:47b, “… and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”


We need to press forward with witnessing for Jesus Christ at all times – every day – and THEN we shall see the Lord adding to those who are saved!

I asked you last week to think in your mind, to be totally honest with yourself, how many you have personally led to the Lord.

How many have you sat down with, and went through the Plan of Salvation with and watched them give their lives to Christ?

If the number is zero, it is never too late to start!

If we are faithful to not be weary, to continue working for God, we will see the harvest of souls that God will deliver to us to bring to Him!

Jesus sad that “No one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them …” which means God’s spirit brings them to a place where they are ready to hear the Gospel, and we are called to deliver it!

Romans 10:14-15 says, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”


So, how do we tie this all together? Look at verse 10

Verse 10: (KJV) “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

We are called to always do good! Especially to those who are believers – but most importantly to those who have not come into the family of believers!

There are so many people in this world that are lost, do you care?

Do you care that perhaps your own family members will spend eternity in hell?

We are called to love the Lord with even our witness to Him!

Where and when will we understand this command?

Today? I hope so – because tomorrow may be too late.

Proverbs 27:1 says, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

Tomorrow may be too late – tell someone about Jesus.

(Emphasis this - Personal Challenge)

If someone did not tell you, you would be spending eternity in hell. How would you feel?

Will you love the Lord enough to show Him by witnessing for Him?

Invite singers

Can we stand?

With every eye closed and every head bowed …
