Summary: How you live for Jesus while you wait for Jesus will determine if you will be be with Jesus

Matthew 25:1-13

“Be Prepared, this lesson must be shared”

How you live for Jesus while you wait for Jesus will determine if you will be with Jesus.

Sunday Morning Sermon



(Start with title and text)

The lesson that must be shared – BE PREPARED. This theme biblically is shared all the way back to the Old Testament. Psalm 23 – The shepherd “prepares” a table before me in the presence of my enemies. There is a prophecy of John the Baptist in the Old Testament – He prepared the way before Jesus.

Isaiah 40:3 (NIV) – A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.

We see that being lived out in Matthew chapter 3.

I was going to show a video of Chicken Little – “THE SKY IS FALLING” – Remember, something falls from the sky and he talks to ducky lucky, goosey loosey and turkey lurkey, to warn them about the danger of the sky falling. But I don’t think reacting simply out of fear is good long term. There is something to fear – eternal life without Christ – eternal suffering – weeping and gnashing of teeth – complete darkness – are all true realities that God’s word clearly warns us about. It is not my intent to scare you into motivation. It is the purpose this morning, to get us to see the need to be ready for the coming of Jesus. Church, if Jesus calls his people to be ready for his return – I know he also calls us to gather around us – the unprepared so that they can also ready themselves for his return.


I am not going to predict the time of the return of Christ – I am not going to use our time this morning to explain how he will return – it is the good purpose this morning to make you aware that he will return – remind you that he said he would come back. The same God that David compared to a shepherd – the same Lord that Peter called the Christ of God – said he would return. When God says something to us through his written word – when Jesus said something to them through his spoken word it was truth that would be backed up with action. Jesus will return – because he said he would. How you live for Jesus while you wait for Jesus will determine if you will be with Jesus.

This living for Jesus is not about jumping through hoops either – Baptism alone will not prepare you for the coming of Christ. I know people who are baptized but who are not prepared for Jesus. Church attendance alone will not prepare you for the coming of Christ, I know people who have been going to church longer than I’ve been alive and they are immature, and not ready for the return of Jesus. Living for Jesus is something you do very intentional – with the purpose of being with Him for eternity. I want you to be prepared for eternity. I want us to seek people, who need to be ready for eternity and help them along.

This is not about growing the church – it is about growing the kingdom of God. It’s about fitting as many as possible on the narrow road, and making the wide road, less populated.

The words of Jesus are interesting for me – I hope they are for you too. I like it when he talks about the mansions in heaven that he’s going to prepare a place for us. I like it when he uses story to create a picture of God’s love for us. This morning Jesus paints a picture for us of the kingdom of heaven. Turn with me if you have your Bibles to Matthew 25:1-13 (Read)

I want us to see our position – where we most relate. I want us to identify those around us who aren’t ready for eternal life – and pray that God will allow us to be the instrument in getting that person ready – 3 very clear points in our passage this morning.

I. Wise went in – the door was shut

Let me back up – cause that’s over ½ way through the passage. There were 10 young girls – the NIV says, “virgins” – some of the later translations say “maidens” the Greek could mean either one. They were young women – possibly girls. It was common in that day for the bride to gather around her young ladies her age to be bridesmaids.

a. There were five girls with wisdom – and five that were foolish (it doesn’t say if the bride is included or where she’s at.) Notice this – their actions defined what group they fit into.

They all had these lamps that required oil --- these lamps weren’t grandma’s little oil lamps they were basically torches. They knew – at least a few of them did – that if they were going to participate in the wedding celebration – they would need oil.

b. It took a long time – for the bridegroom to come

i. They had to work out the bride price.

ii. Sometimes this was quick – most of the time it was not.

In this case the bride price was not an easy transaction – it took some time. So much time that all of the young girls fell asleep waiting. I don’t know how long they had to wait – but the most exciting time for young girls – are when their friends are getting married, would be right before the wedding. They must have waited a long time.

c. The Cry comes out – The bride price had been settled – arrangements have been made –

The girls should be singing about going to the chapel and getting married – instead they had to wake up! What was supposed to be a wedding celebration turned into a slumber party.

d. All of them – Woke up – trimmed their lamps

Here’s the separation –

Proverbs 13:9 (NIV) – The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.

i. Wise girls had lamps with oil

ii. Foolish only had lamps.

The foolish ones see the problem – quickly. They were out of oil. They wouldn’t be able to participate in the wedding celebration. They might be embarrassed.

e. They asked the wise ones for some oil

It would seem – just from a quick reading of this scripture that Jesus would be in favor of those with oil sharing theirs with those who had less. It would seem that if you have plenty of something you should share – that’s Biblical and surely that’s the good and right thing to do. The ones who had oil – didn’t have plenty. There wasn’t a lack of oil in town – so the wise ones told the foolish ones --

f. Go – and buy your own – this would have been easy to do, just time consuming. –

Someone said….

Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute and emergency on my part.

Emergencies never give a warning. We were at the outdoor mall the other day – walking along the sidewalk – a young girl – younger than Hailey stepped out into the street. There was a car coming – I yelled and a little boy not much older than Hailey led her back to the sidewalk.

These girls – going to a wedding feast – wanting to celebrate with their friends. They weren’t ready. Two ways this applies to us – your moment of eternity could happen at any moment. You could pass away tomorrow. Jesus could come back. Your tomorrow is not guaranteed. (Where do I sign up for that?) It is not a for sure thing you will live to see tomorrow. I’ve been told to prepare like Jesus is coming tomorrow, live as if he will return in 100 years.

Matthew 25:10 (NIV) "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

I want you to see something this morning --

g. Heaven – Eternal Life – Salvation – Rest –

All of those things are prepared for the wise. Grandpa past away and he knew Jesus, loved Jesus, gave his life for Jesus – Lived his life for Jesus – Heaven, Eternal life, Salvation, rest. Isn’t that neat?

Revelation 21:4 (NIV) – He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

There is a place called heaven – it is real – it is our hope – it is the conclusion of our faith. Listen, if you live for Jesus – if you follow God’s plan of salvation – which includes baptism, and living for Jesus – if you make him LORD of your life, and submit all that you are to HIM – your heart, your mind and your strength to HIM – that’s salvation. Jesus simply calls them “wise”.

h. The door was shut – and the wise were on the inside.

I want you to know that because – when the door was shut – not everyone was inside.

II. The foolish were outside – the door was shut

Verse 11-12 we see the path of the foolish – they were now ready with their oil – they were now ready to join the celebration.

a. The foolish were not included

i. They get a reply from the groom

Matthew 25:12 (NIV) – "But he replied, ’I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’

There are two paths in life – one leading to eternal life – one leading to salvation – and hope – and eternity with Jesus, Jesus often parallels heaven with a wedding feast. In scripture it is referred to as the narrow road.

The other path – the other road – what the Bible calls the wide road – leads to death. It is the polar opposite of eternal life – it is the opposite of hope and peace and salvation. I want to suggest that it doesn’t look like it’s lacking peace and hope – it doesn’t advertise. The keeper of the other path is the devil – the father of lies – he’s put lipstick on the pig that is death. Sin doesn’t tell you the truth – it wants you to believe there is peace at the end of the bottle. It wants you to believe that you family won’t be destroyed by what you view on the internet. It wants you to believe you can dabble just a little – and not get hurt – that your children won’t be hurt – that your heart won’t be hurt.

Romans 6:23 (NIV) – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When know that because we sin – the result of that sin is death. Ultimately, it’s physical death, but if you do something against a relationship it might mean the death of that relationship.

b. Couple of points

i. You were not created for hell.

God doesn’t sit in heaven – creating a map for your life that leads away from him. You weren’t created for weeping and gnashing of teeth. If God created us for everlasting punishment than he’s not a good God, he’s not a God who loves people. I believe the opposite is true – God is an awesome God and loves us clearly. The Bible says what hell was created for – the devil and his angels.

ii. God doesn’t send people to hell

Hang on – hear everything I say: I’ve heard this over and over – how could a loving God send people to everlasting punishment. Truth is – he doesn’t, but hell is a real possibility. We choose – the burden is on us – not God. He is a great God – because he sent Jesus to take care of our sin.

c. It goes back – for us – to Christ

Jesus came so that we could have life – he came so we would never thirst again – he came so we would know the difference between righteousness from God – and the false righteousness of the world. He doesn’t need us – he wants us. He gave his one and only son – to demonstrate his love for us. We must accept Jesus Christ as Lord over our lives – then we will be ready. It is then, that our actions will determine the wisdom we have.

If the wise were inside – and the door was shut – If the foolish were outside and the door was shut – What are we to do?

III. Be ready

a. Worry not about the people who have gone before you

Your faith will condemn and congratulate people in your life. You make a decision to come to Jesus and it will either line up with those in your life who have made the same choice – or it won’t. Let God take care of everyone – that’s not your place or mine.

b. Be careful

Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV) – Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

People are watching how you live – Remember it was the actions of the maidens that made them wise or foolish. The point of this story is a warning. Something real will happen in the future to determine eternity for you. When you get to the conclusion of this warning – when you get to judgment -- it will be about your relationship with Christ. It won’t be based on your parents – your children – it won’t be based on works – how much you give – it is simply based on you. God’s grace is amazing. And that grace – can be applied to your life. That grace can cover you – because you need it – I need it.

Listen – grace doesn’t cover what it has not changed. It cannot and will not make a difference in your life, unless you apply it to your life.


So this morning we have the opportunity to apply God’s grace to our lives – be on the inside – to be wise. But this isn’t about torches or wedding celebrations. This is about our lives – where we are – and where he wants us to be. How you live for Jesus while you wait for Jesus, will determine if you will be with Jesus.

There is a man named max – Max is a good guy – wife, dog, 2.5 kids – works hard at everything he does. Max sometimes even comes to church. Problems occur in his life – and he doesn’t know what to do –he remembers his childhood faith, so he prays. And he prays. And he prays some more. The problems never seem to find a solution. He’s asking God to help him, he’s asking God to give health to his mom – but nothing happens. He’s got bills that need to be paid – and nothing happens. He’s confused, he’s troubled and he questions God. He questions God’s ability. To him God should help him, should give him a miracle, should step in and stop the problems – because that’s what God does.

God is in heaven waiting for Max. He loves Max. He created Max. God wants to help Max – he wants to prepare Max for amazing things. Instead of making Jesus Lord – Jesus is simply someone he runs to when there is a problem or a sickness. Instead of making Jesus Lord, Max ignores the offer of peace, and life and eternal salvation. He doesn’t want to allow God’s spirit to move and change him – but just be a handy switch to turn off and on as needed.

I don’t know where you are this morning spiritually – truth is there is probably more than one Max in this audience. Make him Lord. He will do amazing stuff in your life – if you make him Lord.

Let’s pray.