Summary: We have allowed a lot of precious people to fall through the crack, causing personal injury or spiritual death.

6-17-2008 Vacation Bible School

Lesson: Mephibosheth and God-like Kindness

David makes an inquiry: (in chapter 9)

- of the ruined house of King Saul (sin and misconduct ruin)

- disobedience ruins lives/wrecks homes

- This was a great while after David assumed the throne

- Mephibosheth was 5 at the time of his accident

- His nurse dropped him while fleeing to safety, (when King Saul died)

- That left him crippled

- He is now grown, and has his own family (has a son)

- David made vows to Jonathan (his father) a long long time ago

- Here his memory is jarred

- and he remembers those promises

- sometimes we need to shake ourselves

- to remember just in case we have left promises unfulfilled

- Acts 13:6 Paul reminiscing about David:

“that he served his generation according to the will of God”

- Meaning: he was a good man, that made it his business to do good

- In this story of Mephibosheth, David sought opportunity to do good.

- David asked a person a question,

- that he was sure would be apt to know the answer

- The question: “Is there any yet left of the house of Saul, that I might show him kindness? (in another verse he says “the kindness of God”).

- He would show kindness for Jonathans sake

- Saul had a very large family 1 Chron 8:33

- Large enough to replenish a large community

- Disobedience/sin can empty full families

- God visited the iniquity of Saul upon his household

- But David would not (instead he spared)

Saul was David’s sworn enemy

- Yet David would show kindness to his house

- David had forgiven Saul, of his vile deeds towards him

- Thus the verse “vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay”.

- When we bless instead of curse, this is how we overcome evil.

- And find mercy for ourselves

Jonathan was David’s sworn friend

- just as God is faithful to us

- Let us be faithful to each other

- When Mephibosheth meets David, he bows

- Mephibosheth’s.0 request to David:

1 Sam 20: 14 & 15 “show me the kindness of the Lord so I don’t have to die.”

- He continues the request: “and the same to my seed”.

- “Gods kindness is more, than we can normally expect from men”.

- Ziba was an old acquaintance of Saul

- A man in the know

Mephibosheth lived in obscurity

- hidden away Living with a kind man named Machir

- who had taken him in

- probably from his mothers or fathers influence

- however, probably forgotten, as a dead man

David sent for Jonathan’s son, to be delivered with speed

- Machir had taken him in

- David reimburses Machir for his trouble and kindness

Proverbs teaches “he who waters, shall be watered himself” (Prov 11:25)

Mephibosheth had been trained (influenced) by his father Jonathan

- it shows as he reverences King David

- as lame as he was, he fell on his face

- and he does homage to King David (the highest respect)

History teaches that when Jonathan was next to his father Saul near the throne

- that David bowed before Jonathan 3 times

- 1 Sam 20:41 verifies it as a fact)

- Now Mephibosheth, returns the honors

David receives him with all kindness

- the long trip over, to see the King

- probably caused Mephibosheth’s heart to almost fail

- trying to figure out what was the purpose for the Kings urgent call

- would he too have to die, as all of his brethren before him

- David remembers his first name

- David was probably best man at Jonathan’s wedding.

- David probably was called to the scene, when Mephibosheth was born

- Chap 9:7 David said, “don’t be afraid”.

- same words Jesus would speak, "be not afraid".

- David spoke peace to his troubles soul.

- Great men, should not pleasure in having others fear them

- David gave him all of his grand fathers land (possessions)

David was more than fair

- as King, he had a right to take it all away from a fallen enemy

- Instead, David takes him to be a constant guest at his own table

- Not only to comfortably feed him

- But to pay expenses for guest to constantly visit him

- David considered him to be still royalty

- Although lame, and unsightly,

- David is honored to have him in his house

- As one of David’s family

- Most King’s son’ (most likely spoiled brats)

would consider that the world owes them

- Mephibosheth was very humble/amazed.

- Thus we understand his reply.

- “what is thy servant that you should look upon such a dead dog?”

- he has dead crippled limbs,

- though the son of a prince

- And the grandson of a King

- He considered himself less than the king’s favors and gifts

David commanded men to till Mephibosheth’s fields

- To harvest his crops

- And he had a son named Micha

- All that lived in Ziba’s house, were servants unto Mephibosheth

- fifteen sons and twenty servants

The promise is confirmed to Jonathan

- and witnessed by Ziba his lifetime servant (assigned by David).

Saul was known as “a mighty man of substance” “(1 Sam 9:1)

- “and had fields and vineyards to bestow” ! Sam 22:7)

- Mephibosheth is now, master of it all.

- Zibah will manage his estate (for life)

Lots of Mephibboseth’s out there

- my close relative has a son just caught by his dad

- selling drugs out of their home

- another son dropped

- another, fell through the crack, so to speak

- ever heard the term “somebody dropped the ball”

Over the last three years:

- My attitude has changed towards kids who are on drugs

- Instead of focusing on how terrible they are

- I am now focusing on the giant they are facing head on

- we cannot help them until we are willing to accept part of the blame

- we adults, we baby boomers have dropped the ball

The story now unfolded, should encourage spiritual growth

- our look should now turn inward

- we should examine ourselves

- our motives

- our goals

- our focus

Anyone who has really studied about this King David

- a man after God’s own heart

- has heard this story

During David’s time of being king

- they (all Kings)had rights of ancestry

- this son Jonathan was in line for the throne

- if the oldest son is unable or unwilling

- the next oldest becomes king

- if no sons are willing, a daughter becomes Queen

If one king was ousted

- and the new king takes over (new family altogether)

- they could not afford to leave any remaining heirs alive

- to later create a stir, or uprising against the new royal family

- so many would be killed or at the least exiled or imprisoned

- this even included little babies

- in the interest of stable government

- one couldn’t afford to take the chance

- if their reign was to be successful

When David was proclaimed king, instead of Saul

- every one around him was in danger

- but something was different here

- David’s great love for Jonathan

- Their friendship was legendary

- An undying love or regard

- And now to mention David’s respect for Saul

- Not for the person Saul

- But towards his anointed position

- Ant the fact that God had placed him there for his season

- So now, every one connected with Saul, was in danger

- Many were killed

- Some were hanged, including 7 of Jonathan’s brothers

Even though Jonathan knew that David was a threat to his own inheritance

- yet he still protected David from his fathers wrath

- their relationship was not built on envy, nor on jealousy

- but was built upon mutual respect and trust

- Jonathan knew very well, that his father feared David’s popularity

- He also knew that Saul wanted him dead

- If Jonathan had been at all like his father (pause and think of this)

- He would have helped his father kill David

- His love for David exceeded his own ambitions

- This love must be now connected to the New Testament church

- Do we love her, more than our own ambitions?

His nurse injures him

- He is now only a bit player in a drama surrounding David

- and David’s struggle to occupy the place God was promoting him to

- Mephibosheth appears only a few times

- yet he is a powerful message to us all

The Hebrew word kindness:

- means more than being kind to someone

- The root word hesed: suggest covenant loyalty.

David’s question to Zeba was actually deeper

- than we originally grasped

- “is there any one remaining in the household of Saul that I can show covenant loyalty to.”

The modern church today drastically suffers undue harm and tragic effects

- because most Christians are not in a covenant relationship with her

- my covenant relationship is based upon Solomon’s wisdom

- the story where two mothers claimed the same child

- Solomon called for a sword

- and commanded that the child be cut into (divided between two)

- this was only a test to determine who the real mother was

In other words, the health of this (or any) local body of believers

- is more important to me than my own ministry

- and I hold my ministry position sacred

- and never take it lightly

- the local church body, is God’s making (creation)

David’s covenant relationship set the tone for this special meeting

- where he now calls Mephibosheth out

This story must be likened to God’s loyalty to us

- even when things don’t go right for us

- God still remembers us

when Saul died (was killed)

- David wrote a song and ordered that all Israel sing it.

- David allowed the Gibeonites to kill 7 of Saul’s sons to bring peace

- But David slaughtered none

- David evidently felt secure in his Kingship

- So much so, that he did not have to do that

- He was well aware that God had placed him there,

- and that same God would keep him there for his season

David’s covenant with Jonathan “If I am still alive, show me the faithful love of the Lord; but if I die, never cut off your faithful love from my house, even if the Lord were to cut off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth.” 1 Sam 20: 14-15

Faithful love in Hebrew means:

- mercy, loving kindness, faithfulness.

- And in all cases the word faithful is associated with God

David gave this son everything he should have inherited

all of his fathers possessions

and a care taker (with a very large family) to take care of it