Summary: Two things men have lost and can never regain Two ways to regain

Man is still trying to find what he lost by turning his back on God.

a.In innocency as created (Gen:1-26)


1.Created with out sin

2. Did not know what sin was

3.Total innocency when it came to the devil

4.No knowledge of what was going to happen

b.In sin as fallen (Rom:3;10-16


1.Found our selves totaly out of the will of God

2.Lost our righteousness

3.Can,t understand /cant see

4.Became totaley unprofitable

c.In Grace as Saved (Eph: 2-8)


1.Claim to victory

2.No works just God and his Love

3.Faith in the master bring Grace to be Saved

4.Replacing self with God,s wonderful amazing Grace

d.In glory as perfected (1John 3:2)


1.Through Christ we now are sons of God

2.We dont know what we are in for but looking to abide with him

3.We will be like Christ at his return

4.New bodie new soul new home new life

The first we will never be regained

The second can never be rreformed

The third can now be entered

The fourth will shortly be revealed