Summary: That’s the wonder of constantly walking with God by faith. Difficult circumstances will turn into a time to experience God’s grace and blessings. It is so because, as we constantly walk by faith, we can trust that during our difficult times in life God sh


Text: Genesis 13: 14-18


A. Abraham was a man who walked by faith. This is seen in how he dealt the problem that arose between himself and Lot. We learned that he willingly placed the needs of Lot ahead of his own because of three reasons:

-He gave more importance on relationship than material gains

-He protected his integrity and testimony

-He left himself into the gracious care of the Living God. That’s real faith.

B. After the incident, Abram and Lot parted ways. Lot left and lived in the plain of Sodom. Abraham was left alone with his wife, his servants, and possessions. Well, it must have been difficult and painful for Abram to see his beloved nephew to separate from him. But this difficult time turned into a time of grace and blessings because it is the time that God chooses to renew His promises to Abraham.

That’s the wonder of constantly walking with God by faith. Difficult circumstances will turn into a time to experience God’s grace and blessings. It is so because, as we constantly walk by faith, we can trust that during our difficult times in life God shall uphold us.

C. Now, let us look at the event where God renewed His promises to Abraham. There are three things that this renewal of God’s promises involves:


We find here that God appeared to Abraham once again to confirm the promises He made when He called Abraham to leave Ur and set out for Canaan.

1. The timing of the confirmation. Verse 14 says, “God spoke to Abraham after Lot had separated from him.”

One probable reason of this timing was the feeling that Abraham had when his nephew had separated from him. It would be difficult and painful. Abraham took Lot out of his many relatives in Ur to be with him in his journey of faith. No doubt, he loved his nephew Lot very much. But now in a sudden they parted ways because of mere livelihood conflict. That really hurts. But what broke the heart of Abraham so much was the tragic decision of his nephew. Lot made his decision without consulting God; he looked with a heart driven with greed and lust. Abraham was hurt seeing his nephew went away from the place of God’s blessings. We feel the same way when we see christian brothers going their life away from God.

At this difficult, painful and emotional time, Abraham needed the comfort that comes from the throne of heaven. God came and confirmed His promises. Of this I just want to say: Our God is always available, always in perfect timing, when it comes to bringing comfort to His people.

Another probable reason of this timing was the necessity of separation. As we notice in our reading, when Lot was with Abraham, God did not appeared to confirm His promises. Now that Lot had been away from Abraham, God came and confirmed His words.

You know why, it is because, as displayed by Lot himself, he represented worldliness and lack of commitment to the things of God. So in the spiritual sense, Lot was a distraction to Abraham’s being right with God. And now that the distraction was removed, Abraham heard from God.

You know what, if we ever want to hear from God, if we ever expect the Lord to bless us to the level that He can bless us, then we are going to have to separate from anyone or anything that hinders our being right with God. God can and will only bless a separated life, a life set apart totally to Him.

2. The message of the confirmation. Actually, God had just reiterated His promises when He first appeared to Abraham. That gives us a simple truth about the faithfulness of God. He is faithful to keep His words; He never forgets His promises. His words can be trusted regardless of your circumstances.

But I noticed something here. There was amplification of the promises. At first, the promises were about the seed and the land. Now, it was amplified, enlarged and expounded. That means, in the walk of faith we are going to know, see, and experience more and more about what God has in stored for us. And as we walk in obedience to what God has already revealed to us, He is going to show us more and more as time goes by.


After the promises had been confirmed, God called Abraham to rise up and walk through the whole land. Do you know why? God wants Abram to see things as God sees it, and interpret his circumstances as God interprets it.

1. So first, Abraham should know what he should become according to God’s perspective. He would become the possessor of the land of Canaan. This is the bottom line of the history of his life according to God’s perspective for him. This is the destiny that God had in mind about him. And God had revealed it to him through a promise. God said: “Lift up your eyes…. For all this land is yours.” Once again God told him that he was to be the possessor of the land. Abraham needed to know this for him to become what he could be.

As believers, we ought to know what we have in Christ. There are many believers who are less than what they could be simply because they do not know who they are and what they have in Jesus Christ. The truth in the Bible is: we have much in Jesus Christ than we can imagine, and we can claim it anytime in His name. But the problem is: we simply do not know it. Don’t deprive yourself to enjoy those precious spiritual possessions you have in Christ.

2. Second, Abraham should believe what God had to say about him. When God told him to lift up his eyes and see the land and walk through it, God wants Abraham to believe that the whole land of Canaan is indeed his as God had said it so. He needed to live by the promises of God, and should interpret everything that had and would happen to his life in the light of it. Even Lot’s separation from him should not cause despondency and desolation. Lot’s going to the best part of the land should not cause him to fret. The presence of the Canaanites should not cause bewilderment and confusion. No matter how painful, how difficult, and how confusing the circumstances be, God’s words will not fail.

Everything that God says in His Word about who we are and what we have in Christ is true, or I shall say, is the truth. We just need to believe. Believe what God says in His words about you. Live by His promises. Learn to see things according to God’s perspective, and understand things in light of His eternal purposes for your life. Only then that you can enjoy and experience the fullness of your spiritual possessions in Christ.


After God confirmed His words, Abraham moved on and wherever he stayed he built an altar for God. This shows a life of total consecration.

1. He moved on in obedience to God’s Word. When the Lord spoke, Abram responded in action and obedience! As this old man traveled around that country, he was looking at more than the mountains, valleys, rivers, streams and lakes. Hebrew 11:8-10 tells us that Abraham was looking for a place to settle down forever. Abram was looking for Heaven at the end of the way. So he just kept going, moving around the country enjoying all God had given him until the day came when he would go home to God.

Like Abram, we are pilgrims in this world. As we journey through our lives, we should live our lives in dependence upon and obedience to the Lord God. Always knowing that this world is not our home. One day we will leave this world for a better land. But, until then, let us move at the command of the Lord, for nothing honors God like obedience to His commands.

2. Again, Abraham built an altar to the Lord. Worship characterized his life. Trusting confidently in the promises of God, Abram always found himself in communion with God wherever he was in his journey.

God desires that every one of us be in a place where we love Him more than anything else in this world. He wants us to always acknowledge Him. He wants us to love Him and worship Him. Being self-sufficient, God needs nothing! He doesn’t need us; but He wants us! Your love, your worship, your life is so precious to God that He gave His life for it.

I’d like to end our message this morning by saying: “A life that is lived in communion with God is a life that God can bless.” Do you have that kind of life?