Summary: Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount.

Sermon on the Mount- Pt 4

Surpassing Righteousness

In studying the SOTM, or the Bible in general, never think that if you do not understand it, it is of no use

What is important is that we expose/read/study it so it becomes available to us when we need it.

Mind has two compartments- conscious/subconscious.

A truth may be of no use now- when circumstances arise- HS will bring it back to remembrance, and

enable us to apply it in that situation.

Jn 14:26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. NASU

Real question is this- when the HS brings back a truth to us and applies it to a situation- will we obey it?

If we expose our minds to God’s Word, and live a life in communion w/God- HS will bring back truth.

Look at Mtt 5:13-20


The beatitudes described the character of a disciple.

In these verses, Jesus talks about the influence a person with the character of Christ should have.

As we practice godly righteousness in the world, it will result in opposition and persecution- V10.

But, the church’s calling- serve the persecuting world.

As Rudolf Stier said, we should offer …

love and truth for hatred and lies.

In these verses we see two distinct groups of people.

The church- to be salt to the earth/light to the world.

The church is distinct from the earth or the world.

Too often we blur the distinction between the two.

The world is- dark place in a constant state of decay.

The church has a dual role in the world …

to hinder decay, and

to dispel darkness.


God-established institutions to curb sin of mankind …

1. The state (government)

We may not like government, but we better remember that it is God ordained and that …

the men/women who run it are fallen as we are.

The state- given the authority to make/enforce laws.

2. The family

In the family- parents- curb their children’s sinful bent

Both of these should exert a wholesome influence.

Beyond these institutions, there is even a greater force

3. God’s regenerated people (the church)

Salt preserves wholesomeness and prevents decay.

That is the function of the church in the world.

Salt- stable compound- cannot really lose its saltiness.

But it can become contaminated by mixture.

When we allow- principles of the world to mix with- principles of God’s Kingdom in our hearts,

we lose our saltiness/preserving function.

Our influence as Christians depends on our being distinct from the world, not identical to it.


Light- reveals/guides- men dislike it- prefer darkness.

Jn 3:19-21

The light from a city can be seen from a long distance, it cannot be hidden on a dark night.

Likewise, a Christian living the life of the beatitudes, cannot be hidden from the world.

As Christians- should bring light into every situation.

Isa 42:6 "I am the Lord , I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, And I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the nations, NASU

From the beginning, God’s people were to be a light.

This idea finds fulfillment in Christ as the light of the world and in Christians who bear witness to Christ.

V16 The light is our good works.

As people see our good works, they will glorify God.

Good works are everything a person says/does as a result of being a Christian.

Good works are works of love as well as of faith. They express not only our loyalty to God, but our care for our fellows as well. John Stott

Good works come out of obedience to God/Kingdom.

Summarize some thoughts from these verses …

1. The church is different from the world

Non- Christian behavior denies the name of Christ.

The greatest short-coming of the church has been its tendency to conform to the prevailing culture.

2.Must accept the responsibility this distinction brings

We must not fail the world we are called to serve, even if they persecute us for righteousness.

3. Our responsibility as Christians is two fold

Salt- has a negative function- prevent decay.

Light- has a positive function- illuminates darkness.

For it is one thing to stop the spread of evil; it is another to promote the spread of truth, beauty, and goodness. John Stott

You cannot blame unsalted meat for going bad.

You cannot get mad at a community whose standards continue to decay if we are not being light.

To try to improve society is not worldliness but love. To wash your hands of society is not love but worldliness. Sir Frederick Catherwood


Up to now Jesus has spoken of …

a Christian’s character (beatitudes),

the influence a Christian will have if they demonstrate this character (salt, light), and

the fruit of this will be their good works.


Jesus did come to abolish the OT- law/prophets.

He came to fulfill it in the sense that He Himself was the object toward which the OT pointed.

OT pointed to- Messiah/Kingdom He would introduce

Three aspects of Jesus fulfilling the OT Law …

1. Jesus fulfilled the doctrinal teaching of the Law

He did this in the sense of bringing it to completion by His person/teachings/works.

2. Jesus fulfilled the predictive prophecies of the Law

He did this in the sense that they foretold His coming and the coming of His Kingdom.

3. Jesus fulfilled the moral/ethical aspects of the Law

He did this in that He obeyed the Law fully.

His purpose was not to change the Law/abolish it, but-

to reveal the full depth of meaning that it was intended to hold’. McNeile

In other words, He came to fully reveal the righteousness of God that was behind the Law.

To be disciples of the Lord, we must understand the radical demands of God’s righteousness.

In many ways the Pharisees had limited the Law to outward actions, i.e. Mtt 5:21-22.

Jesus did not do away w/commands of OT- extended them beyond outward actions to- true heart issues.

Ro 10:4 For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God. NLT

The phrase, ‘For Christ has already accomplished’ …

does not mean that we are now free to disobey it, for the opposite is the case. It means rather that acceptance with God is not through obedience to the Law but through faith in Christ. John Stott

Our relationship with God is not based on obedience to a dead law, but faith in a Living, Righteous God

Ro 8:3-4 (Rom 3:21-23)

3 The law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins.

4 He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit. NLT

The Spirit enables us to live the life the law demanded


Greatness in the Kingdom of God is measured by conformity to the principles of that Kingdom.

It is measured, not just by personal obedience, but also teaching others to live lives of obedience.

V20 Our entrance into- Kingdom of God- impossible w/o a conformity to the righteousness of God

that is greater than that of the Scribes/Pharisees.

It is a heart-righteousness versus a rule-righteousness.

Jer 31:33 "But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the Lord , "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

Eze 36:27 "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. NASU

Jesus puts His Law in us by putting His Spirit in us.

His Spirit in us brings our lives into conformity with the principles of His Kingdom.

Concluding Thought

Speaking of the entirety of the SOTM, Mtt 5-7 …

Nor do these chapters tolerate the opinion that Jesus’ views on righteousness have been so tempered with love that righteousness slips to a lower level than when its standard was dictated by law. DA Carson