Summary: This sermon reminds us of the main purpose and vision of the church. The sermon helps us to see how to avoid "Americanizing" the church of Jesus Christ

Church in an Identity Crisis

Eph. 3:14-21

In 50 years I’ve had the privilege to meet a lot of people. And of all the people I’ve ever known I have to say all of them, if given the opportunity would change something about their physical appearance. You know, maybe a little taller; little shorter; thinner; heavier; different hair color or amount.

If I was honest (and I suppose as a pastor I should be) there are a few things I’d like to change about my appearance – I mean if it was free and painless. Q. Is there anything you’d change about your appearance if it was free and painless?

You know that there a lot of people who have ‘issues’ with body image. They think they need to look this way or that way – as though there is a certain way everyone is supposed to look. But the fact is every person is so different, so unique. Here’s good news! While we have many similarities, as humans, all of are unique in our own way.

Yeah you may look a lot like your mom/dad. You may have brothers/sisters that look a lot alike. But fact is individually you are totally unique with your own fingerprints/DNA and other factors that make you different from anyone else.

And if you think about it in God’s creation every thing is unique. Trees, plants, animals, while they are very similar – they are still unique! And if you and I can fully understand how unique we really are it should help us in our identity!

As we finish today, this series of ID Theft I want to remind you of the three facts that we must get deep inside of us. Remember, I’ve said each week, when it comes to identity “when you know who you are – then you know how to live”. And so how you live life and process life totally depends on your identity on who you know deep in your heart – who you are!

And when you know who you are – then you realize that God has indeed made you unique. You are a unique creation of God!

Here’s what we’ve learned:

1. I was created by God and for God.

2. I was created for a relationship with God.

3. I was created for a purpose.

Get this its important. There is such uniqueness to who God has created you to be. Again you’re not just a number among 6 billion people – you are unique. Please don’t try to be like every one else, to be a ‘clone’ to be exactly like someone else. Your true identity is who God has created you to be – in His image – in ways that are to bring glory to Him.

And just like there is uniqueness for you and me individually – there is uniqueness in each local Body of believers – the church locally. Obviously there are things every church should have in common…right? The authority of God’s word; sharing Jesus Christ; worship and fellowship – a lot of things in common. And yet, at the same time each Body (church) is very, very unique.

How could we have missed it? How could we not look at the churches mentioned in the New Testament and not realize each church is unique. Their identity – though totally connected to Jesus – was different than others. Think about it – each church mentioned in Revelation? Unique! Church in Ephesus? Unique! Church in Corinth? Unique! The church in Philippi? Unique! Church in Acts? Unique!

Churches in the New Testament – all unique! Unique in shape; sizes; personalities; spiritual gifts; attitudes; strengths; weaknesses! Yet, it appears as though churches in America are in a huge identity crisis – because they don’t understand how unique God has created them to be.

When my family lived in Mississippi and south Texas as a small kid my mom said my older brother and quickly picked up changes in the way we talked. We started talking in a true southern drawl. Instead of saying, ‘tire’ we’d say ‘tar’ – you know flat ‘tar’. Tea" = "tay" "Fire" became "far". We adapted to our surrounding.

When it comes to the church – in America – something has happened. The church in America has adapted to its surroundings. Instead of understanding the uniqueness of who God wants us to be – we have “Americanized” the church of Jesus Christ. And because we have Americanized the church – it is broadly assumed that all churches should ‘do church’ to same way. Instead of understanding the uniqueness of each Body -- we instead want to ‘clone’ churches to look the same; operate the same as other American churches. Yet we know – not only were churches different in the NTestment – most churches, especially the underground churches – understand their uniqueness and they are not “Americanized”! They operate by the uniqueness in which God has created them. The church in America? Huge identity crisis!

And a church in an identity crisis will struggle until it understands it’s uniqueness as God shapes and forms it.

There are 5 key elements to notice in a church that is having an identity crisis:

1. Is one that satisfied with tradition instead of seeking transformation.

You would be shocked to know of battles that have taken place in churches where people will fight holding to tradition instead of seeking Holy Spirit empowered transformation. I will not take the time to tell you of major battles I’ve seen in churches I’ve been a part of when there is an unhealthy obsession in tradition. A church that does not understand it uniqueness finds comfort and ease holding to tradition. The church in Galatia wanted to go back to the Jewish tradition and Paul said (paraphrased “Are you nuts?”) The Body of Jesus – it’s not about tradition – it’s about transformation!

Friends this I can promise. The church of Jesus Christ is about seeking the transformation of the human heart and the eternal destination to heaven. The church is about sharing the good news that any life can be transformed by a relationship with Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you. The church is not about holding to tradition it’s about transformation! A church that is having an identity crisis…

2. Is comfortable to conform to what other churches do instead of embracing uniqueness.

Sometimes churches are desperate. Sometime churches will mock/copy what another church is doing because it looks like ‘it’s’ working for the other church. Years ago book Purpose Driven Church was released. It a book by Pastor Rick Warren told about the uniqueness of Saddleback Church and what God did there. In the book Rick Warren urged people who read the book to NOT try to make their churches like what God did there. Yet – untold numbers of pastors, read that book and tried to make their church just like Saddleback. This copy-cat – let’s do what they do’ mentality is so contrary to the uniqueness that God has created. In our community so many churches are copying what others are doing that I sense we are losing our distinction as local Bodies of Jesus – in what He has created us to me. So we have to ask ourselves are we conforming to what other churches do. Or are we embracing the uniqueness in which God has created in us? A church that is having an identity crisis….

3. Biblical theology is sacrificed for a ‘make me feel good’ ideology.

I hear some preachers in some of the largest churches in America and I wonder where is the full council of God? Where is the truth of scripture that speaks more than just “God wants you to enjoy life”? I actually heard an interview on Larry King where a pastor in Houston was asked why he never preached on social issues such as abortion or gambling or homosexuality. His response, “well Larry people have a hard time in life as it is and we’d rather keep our messages positive and I’ll someone else handle the social issues”. Friends let me tell you – when a church comes to a place where we are more concerned about our comfort than we are about conviction that comes from God’s word and by God’s Spirit – we’ve lost our identity! The reoccurring question that every member of every church should ask, “what does God say?” instead of “make me feel better”. Sure! I want people to feel refreshed and encouraged when they leave a worship service. But friend the greatest thing that can happen to you is to leave this place after your heart has been touched by God’s Spirit through conviction that brings repentance that changes your life! A church with an identity crisis is one where Bible theology is sacrificed for a ‘make me feel good’ ideology. A church that is having an identity crisis

4. Is defined by music style rather than the message of reconciliation.

Because of the Americanized church and we’ve not embraced the uniqueness in which God has created in us – we’ve had ‘worship wars’. Believe it or not a lot of articles; seminars; books have been written to help churches handle the worship wars. What is the worship war? It’s the fleshly battle regarding songs during the worship service. Honestly, in my 14 years as a pastor I’d guess that in the three churches I’ve pastored over 100 people have left one of my churches due to music! Some left because of drums. Some left because of choruses. Some left because they wanted to hold on to tradition instead of seeking spiritual transformation. Here where the crisis takes place: the Americanize church -is worshipping – worship. Absolutely – worship has it vital role in gathering as God’s people. It’s glorious to enter into a time of singing praise to the Lord. But friends we are in a crisis moment when a church is defined by its music style rather than the message of reconciliation. Funny thing is – the whole worship experience is not for me or you. It’s for God! A church that embraces its God given uniqueness is one that can take the music and the message and touch the heart of God and the heart of man. A church that is having an identity crisis

5. Tries to keep church ‘consumers’ satisfied while neglecting the lost.

The Americanized church has created a giant that has an unending appetite. We have created church ‘consumers’. We’ve created this “what can you to for me” attitude. As a result a church with an identity crisis is willing to do whatever it takes to keep people happy and coming back – to feed the giant. Sad isn’t it? Scary isn’t it? As our family joined Elk City FBC we realized we were joining a community of believers – not consumers who needed to be satisfied. Not once, in 20 years of seeing our home church go through all kind of good times and bad times – not once did we even talk about leaving. Why? We were connected to the community of believers. We were not consumers who asked, “what can you for me”?

Honestly, in the past 6 years I’ve never seen the consumer mentality in church like I have in this community. I don’t share that to condemn anyone – but to share with you my concern. As I think about 14 years of pastoring and the numbers of people who have come and gone – not one, not one has shown any indication of a deep burden for the lost. Instead I’ve had conversations where some have said, “I don’t like, this; this; this…and unless you change it – we’re leaving”. One couple said, “if you ever marry someone who has been divorced – we’re leaving”. But they’ve never said, “we are so burdened for those who don’t know Jesus…”

If somehow we could get out of the “Americanized church” mode and embrace the uniqueness in which has created for us – I believe those who call this church the church home – would not be consumers – instead we’d see a group of believers who are more concerned about the lost coming to know Jesus than they are about their own comfort. (READ Eph. 3:14-21)

When you leave each Sunday – my goal is for you to be able to answer this question, “so what?”. After sharing 35-40 minutes with you I hope you can say, “this is how this message impacts my life” – it’s the so what factor. The ‘so what’ today is this…

The church, (especially this church) must embrace the uniqueness that God has created it to be because our nation is in dire trouble. The spiritual foundations of this nation are crumbling fast. And God did not place in any political party (Reb. Dem. Ind.) the power to change this nation. More money thrown at our problems, as a nation will not help. Instead of getting so caught up on who is in the White House we need to get the church house in order by understanding our identity so we can impact our culture.

I pray that God, awesome; powerful and mighty; will impress on your heart and in your spirit – your personal identity in Jesus Christ and that you will embrace the uniqueness in this local Body in which He has placed you.

“To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen!”