Summary: Following God’s lead to obey whatever it takes

Following the Leading of the Spirit

Acts 8:26-40

- Have you ever felt that you failed as a witness for Christ? Ever felt that God was calling you to do something but you chose to not listen to His voice?

- This morning, let us discuss the importance of following the Spirit of God

- Let us be willing to put aside what “we” think we should do, and hear from God

- The Bible tells us we are God’s fellow workers (1 Cor. 3:9) … co-laborers

- Today’s message can be summed up: The more we learn to listen to what God is saying, the more He will allow the Spirit to move us to work for Him.

- Read Acts 8:26-40 / Pray

Point 1 – God wants us to share the good news

- Mark 16:15 says, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” / Acts 5:20 when the angel let the apostles out of jail, he told them, "Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life."

- The book of Acts shows believers going out and telling; involved in ministry

- In text, Philip is obedient to go and share with an African gentile; obedient

- As we seek to go out into the world, remember that evangelism is God’s idea

-- It is God that stirs in our hearts that we need to go; and we have to choose

-- Look how God sends Philip; means that we need to go and seek (Expound)

- When did you last bring someone to church? Tell them about Jesus?

- This is the calling that Philip is following, through obedience, and it’s ours today

-- Philip is already with the Lord, and we are not, so we are to obey immediately

Point 2 – God gives us what we need, when we need it

- Philip did not know what would happen; he was not briefed in advance

- God provides us with the info we need, when we need it, provided we respond

- Out of obedience, Philip heard the Lord and went as he was told

-- God told him exactly where to go; and notice that Philip did not argue details

- On his way, he received additional instructions (v29); go near chariot

- Many do not receive additional instructions because we do not move first

--Restate opening question: Ever feel like you failed as a witness?

- If we would only learn to listen, then God would use us to be effective

-- God sent Philip in the heat of the day to witness, and he calls you the same

- God will speak to us if we listen; are you listening today? Ask yourself!

Point 3 – We must be prepared to explain God’s Word

- Philip asks quite clearly if he knows what he is reading

-- The Ethiopian had no idea; and needed it to be explained to him

-- Philip knows because he has prepared and studied God’s Word (Isaiah)

-- Philip used that exact scripture to share the Good News about Christ

- Read 1 Peter 3:14-16; be prepared and do not worry about others

-- God will use YOUR faithfulness to show others Jesus; if you are faithful

- Always be ready to explain it, and to follow when the Spirit calls you to move

- Today, many of us live in a world that is totally removed from God; and so I ask you what are you doing to change it? If you live by God’s Word, you will impact the world around you through your own faithfulness!

-- Find a common frame of reference and share the gospel; God will use it!

Point 4 – God draws people through YOUR obedience

- John 12:32, Jesus said “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself."

- When we as believers exalt the Lord Jesus, others will see Him and be saved

- In order to do this, we have to have the same faith as Philip to MOVE

- Philip was a follower because someone told him about Jesus

- Philip is no different from you and I, he was obedient and now we have to be

-- As a follower, Philip learned to obey from reading and hearing the Word

-- Philip learned the Spirit’s voice, and showed how to obey when it called

- God worked through Philip to lead others to Christ, and so we should as well


- When the Spirit of the Lord calls you, you need to move immediately

- God moves us one step at a time, provided we take that first step and obey

- God wants and desires us to be involved in doing something; but are we?

- Or, do we try to convince ourselves that “we are good” and don’t need to?

God is constantly calling us to be effective, and without our obedience we are doomed to a life of drudgery and ineffectiveness – just as we have seen

APP: Ask yourself these three questions:

- Are you hearing from God?

- Are you answering His calling?

- Are you obeying with everything that is in you to be effective for His purpose?

Resignation Letter:

Over the past three years I have been privileged to be your pastor and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our church. Together we have shared many joys and even some sorrows, but the one thing that has been a constant is that you have been a part of my family and my family has been honored to be a part of yours.

I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has been calling out to Bethlehem Baptist Church to be involved in Kingdom activities; to constantly look for opportunities to minister and serve our community as Jesus demonstrated throughout his ministry; and to seek new ways to transform our thinking as the Word requires in Romans 12:1-2.

After more than 8 months of prayer and seeking the wisdom of not only the Lord but of several Godly men; I have made the decision to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and resign as Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. I know without any reservations that the Lord has called me preach and to serve as a Pastor; but after three years here I sense the Lord’s timing that I am needed elsewhere to use the gifts God has entrusted to me for His glory. My final Sunday will be in four weeks on October 19, in accordance with our church constitution.

In closing, let me say that it is the prayer of my heart for each of you to search out the face of the Lord, putting aside all differences, and ask yourself this important question: “What would the Lord have me do to serve Him?” I pray the Lord would continue to bless you always, and remember it is never about us – but only about Jesus.

- Look at the life of Philip – he was totally willing to submit

- Note how the Ethiopian was on his way back from worship; and yet he did not know what he was reading – God used Philip to explain it; just as he would use YOU to explain the Word to someone today.

- Are we like that? Do we go to worship or do we go for some other reason?

- Jesus is calling out to you Saints; the Holy Spirit needs you to move

- What is your response?