Summary: There is a huge difference between an encounter and a Close Encounter. In this 4 part series, learn the ingredients that are necessary to have a Close Encounter with God. You will be challenged by this series.

“Close Encounters”

Pt. 1 - The Challenge

From the very beginning we want to make it very clear that we are here on purpose. We believe that we have a very clear mandate from God. That mandate can be simply wrapped up in three words . . . Encounter, Equip, Engage. We are passionate and committed will continue to be passionate and committed to these three things. Nothing more, nothing less. So this morning and for the next three weeks I would like to examine that first word . . . Encounter illustrated by the idea of Hands Up. I am calling this morning’s message “Close Encounters – The Challenge.” I know you are not supposed to propose questions and challenges and not give the steps and processes by which to answer or meet those challenges. However, that is what I am going to do today because over the next three weeks I will share with you how to achieve what we talk about today.

It was released in 1977. It took the movie world by storm. It instantly became a classis and is still considered by many as one of the top Sci-Fi movies of all times. It won an Oscar and was nominated for 29 other awards of which it won 10. This, Steven Spielburg, masterpiece’s tag line was simply “Close Encounter of the First Kind - Sighting of a UFO. Close Encounter of the Second Kind - Physical Evidence. Close Encounter of the Third Kind - Contact. WE ARE NOT ALONE”

Although, until recently I never saw this movie, the title has stuck in my mind for years. I believe it is because it speaks to the very essence of what I long for and look for in my walk with God. I want, desire, and cry out for a close encounter of the third kind with Him. I have had close encounters of the first kind – sightings of Him. From my earliest days as a child in church I have seen Him work. I have close encounters of the second kind – physical evidence of Him. I have watched Him step into the physical realm and move on my behalf. However, I am holding out for me and holding out for you for a close encounter of the third kind – contact. Daily interaction. Daily communion. Daily presence. Daily relationship.

I have come to the conclusion that we encounter many things when we talk about God and church. On a regular basis we encounter men. We encounter slick presentations. We encounter slick talk. We encounter professional lighting, professional sound, professional programs, and slick promos. We encounter church. We encounter emotional moments. We encounter exhilarating times of worship. But my question is when was the last time that you had a close encounter with God? Notice I didn’t say when was the last time you were impressed with a church. When was the last time you were impressed by the music, the lights, the logo, the people. When was the last time you had a close encounter with God?

We must understand that there is a huge difference between an encounter and a close encounter.

For instance, how many of you have driving down the road and you are driving just a little bit fast and you see a police officer coming towards you and just before he passes by you he hits his lights and wags a finger at you to get you to slow down? That is an encounter. However, how many of you have been in the same situation only to have the officer pass you, slam on his breaks, whip his car around violently, get behind you and pull you to the side of the road? That is a close encounter. There is a huge difference . . . probably about a $200 or $300 difference.

How many of you have been in a restaurant or air port when someone famous has walked in? One time I ate about 5 tables from Paul Newman. In the Utah airport I stood not to far from Rasheed Wallace. Just recently I sat three rows behind Adrian Peterson on a plane. Those are encounters. However, if Paul Newman had waived me over and offered me a seat and we ate together, or if Rasheed had looked down to me and engaged me in conversations, or if Adrian had switched seats to sit by me just because he wanted to get to know me and get some of my patented running expertise . . . my encounter would have given way to close encounters. There is a huge difference.

I submit to you that as church folks living in the Bible belt that most of us have become accustom to encounters with God. I submit to you this morning that too many of us have been attending church for years, faithfully, religiously, and we have been having encounters. We settle for weekly encounters with God. We see Him at a distance. We see physical evidence of Him in our life. But I want to challenge you that we need more than just an encounter. We need a close encounter. Contact!

This same tendency can be traced throughout the Bible. I could reflect on numerous examples, but I will just mention a few.

King Saul had a great anointing. He just didn’t have a close encounter with God. 20 years without the presence of God in his home or heart and he had no problem with that as long as he could have anointing. As long as the gold was still there. As long as the palace bed was still soft. As long as people still bowed down to him and he wielded authority and power no contact was needed.

David is a man after God’s own heart. He has a close encounter with God. All the while Joab his right hand man never has more than an encounter with God. Same environment, same opportunities, same God but different outcome. Daily sees David contact God, worship God, experience God, but stays at a distance.

In the New Testament, you can see this happen with Jesus’ disciples. 11 have close encounters until they are ready to give their lives for the kingdom. While Judas only has an encounter.

Close encounters are different.

But one of the best examples is found in the story of the 10 lepers. 10 get healed. 10 lives are changed. 10 destinies are forever reshaped and marked by the power of God. However, only 1 had a close encounter while 9 settle for just an encounter. 9 settle for spiritual pornography – cheap thrills with no relationship or intimacy. While 1 has a close encounter with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The challenge that lies before us as a body and as individuals is whether we will settle for an encounter from time to time? Will we call it good church when we get goosebumps, get to dance a little, get to shout a little, get to show off our gifts a little? Or will we hold out and hold on for a life changing, world wrecking, city shaking, addiction breaking, marriage restoring, teenager rescuing close encounter with our God?

See I must be honest this morning, we haven’t planted Passion Church to see how smart we can be or how fashionable or trendy we can be. We didn’t just have some talented people who needed a stage on which to let their gifts be ooh and awed over. We didn’t plant so we could watch you dance, spin, do cartwheels. We have planted because we are hungry for a close encounter with God. More than More is our hearts cry!

I have encountered many things. I have tried many things. But what I have decided is that those things don’t satisfy. I want to have such a close encounter with God that it knocks me off my feet and high horse and knocks the anger, the bitterness, the lust, the apathy, the critical spirit, the prejudice right out of me and leaves me transformed.

In order for us to see his happen we have to make a choice and a decision. We have to determine the type of church that Passion Church will be. There are two options for this church that can be found in Scripture.

The first church is found in Ezekiel 44:11-14

“11Yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the house, and ministering in the house: they shall slay the burnt-offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister unto them. 12Because they ministered unto them before their idols, and became a stumbling-block of iniquity unto the house of Israel; therefore have I lifted up my hand against them, saith the Lord Jehovah, and they shall bear their iniquity. 13And they shall not come near unto me, to execute the office of priest unto me, nor to come near to any of my holy things, unto the things that are most holy; but they shall bear their shame, and their abominations which they have committed. 14Yet will I make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein.”

The Message Bible says in verse 13 – 14 “They’re fired from the priesthood. No longer will they come into my presence and take care of my holy things. No more access to The Holy Place! They’ll have to live with what they’ve done, carry the shame of their vile and obscene lives. 14From now on, their job is to sweep up and run errands. That’s it”

We can have church like this. We can come in and have charge of the house. We can minister in the house. We can offer sacrifices in the house. We can sing in the house, praise in the house, and do church in the house and never come near to Him. We can be satisfied with doing the business of the King, sweeping up and running errands and never really encounter Him. We can answer correctly when asked if we went to church this Sunday. We can put a sticker on our car so that everyone will know that we belong. We can know all the words and the secret handshakes. We can have the things of God and never really have God. That is an option. We can settle for an encounter.

Or we can make up our minds that Passion Church is about more than that. We can make up our minds, determine in our hearts that as a body we aren’t about to settle for sweeping up and running errands. That there has to be more than that. We have to set our face like flint and fight for this place to be like the church described in 2 Chronicles 5:11-14. “11The priests then left the Holy Place. All the priests there were consecrated, regardless of rank or assignment; 12and all the Levites who were musicians were there . . . dressed in their worship robes; the choir and orchestra assembled on the east side of the Altar and were joined by 120 priests blowing trumpets. 13The choir and trumpets made one voice of praise and thanks to GOD—orchestra and choir in perfect harmony singing and playing praise to GOD: Yes! God is good! His loyal love goes on forever! Then a billowing cloud filled The Temple of GOD. 14The priests couldn’t even carry out their duties because of the cloud—the glory of GOD!—that filled The Temple of God.”

We can have a church, where regardless of your rank or assignment, you can be an usher, a janitor, an elder, or the preacher and it won’t matter you can experience the same amount of glory as the next person. The glory will be just as strong in the parking lot as it is in the sanctuary. Just as powerful in the nursery as it is in the Bible Study. What matters is that we are all after the same thing. We can have a church where the glory of the Lord is so strong that none of us can stand it. We can have a church where the close encounter is so close that all we can do is stand in awe. We can have a church where the move of God is so profound and so pronounced that a city will have to sit up and take notice, that sinners will flock to find out what is happening, that starved will find spiritual food as well as physical food, that drug addict will feel short-changed, that the unloved will find the love for which they have so longed.

We have a choice. We can settle for the encounters that have satisfied us for so long. But as for me and my house, as for me and my team if we are going to have another Ezekiel 44 church then shut the doors right now. Let this service be the end rather than the beginning. If people are going to walk in here and leave exactly how they came in bound, broken, devastated, addicted, sick then take all the equipment back and get me an application for Starbucks! I am determined and desperate for us to have a church where we have such a close encounter with God that stuff will fall off and stay off!

I declare to you the man was right when he said, “A church is not a church until God decides that it will become a place of divine visitation. The building may be one of architectural splendor and exquisite design, but it is not a church until God issues a certificate of divine occupancy and takes up residence there!” We need God to occupy our place. Without His presence we are nothing more than a social club.

So my challenge is, will you stop at an encounter? Will you be satisfied with a little taste here and there? Will you wink and say, “yeah they have a cool little church” or will you join us as we pursue His presence at all costs. My prayer today is that together we will press in until God issues a certificate of divine occupancy in this place! God we long for a close encounter, let it start today!

How does this happen? You will have to come back and let me tell you over the next three weeks. But I believe we can start today! Ask yourself the question right now, have you had an encounter or a close encounter? Ask yourself the question right now, are you willing to settle for an encounter or will you ask for more? When was the last time that you had a close encounter?

It is time to get your Hands Up!