Summary: I don’t care what anybody has ever told you ... the same day that you was saved by GRACE (charis) is the same day that you received your spiritual gift (charisma)


1 Corinthians 12:1-7

Preached on 9 November 2008

at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Waukegan, IL


Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-7

Subject: One Body ... United for GOD’s Work

I am reminded of a Sunday Morning Peanuts comic strip, where LUCY walks in the room and demands that LINUS change the channel on the TV and then threatens him with her fist if he does not.

• Linus said, “What makes you think you can walk in here and just take over?”

• “These five fingers,” says LUCY. “Individually they’re nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold.”

• “Well ... which channel do you want me to change it to?” ask Linus.

• Turning away, he looks as his fingers and says. “Why can’t you guys get organized like that?”

While ... I do not condone Lucy’s methods, she does give us a powerful illustration of how the Church, the Body of Christ, is designed to work together.

Remember what she said about her fingers ... “Individually they are nothing but when I curl them together like this ... into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold.”

Likewise ... it is when we (Shiloh Baptist Church) come together (like this) into a single unit, that we too become ONE BODY ...UNITED FOR GOD’S WORK

And it is from this subject ONE BODY ...UNITED FOR GOD’S WORK and that is what I want to talk to you about this morning with the following three points

• A Problem - Divisions

• A Purpose - Unity

• A Plan - God’s Work


Well ... let us fist examine the problem. Walk with me, 12:1

Now ... No needs to read any further, Houston, we already have a problem. Which, I would like to refer to as PROBLEM #1.

You see Now (in our text) simply serves as a marker of an addition to what was just stated. In other words ... in order for us to understand what Paul is about to address, it is important, to understand what he just said.

So let us examine the case. Our first item of evidence can be found in 11:17-34. You see, Paul had just corrected the Corinthians regarding some issues that was taking place in the church.

Notice what he says in 11:17

Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse (repeat)

Well, I do not know what you come here for this morning. But it is a sad day when people cannot even come to church for the right reason.

You see Paul is saying in 11:17 -- your coming together is not for the better, but for the worse. In other words, the same way you came in is the same way you walk out.

• Paul is saying coming to church is more than ... just coming to teach your Sunday School class

• Coming to church is more than ... just coming when it is time for your group to sing

• Coming to church is more than ... just when it is time for you to preach

• More than when it is time for you to praise dance, or pray, or do a youth moment.

• You see coming to church should be more than that -- your coming together should be for the better and not for the worst.

Now I do not know what you come to do. However, one thing I know -- that if we could ever come together like this into a single unit then and only then will we be ONE BODY ... UNITED FOR GOD’S WORK

Notice what Paul says in 11:18

For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear (rumors) that there be divisions (schism) among you: and (watch this) I partly believe it.

But the question is ... why would Paul believe a rumor ... why would Paul believe some gossip? Partly, because this is not the first time that he has had to put the Church in Corinth in check...

You see ... in

• Division (1:10-11)

• Human Wisdom (1:18-25)

• Personality cliques (1:12-17)

• Carnality (3:1-9)

• Sexual perversion (5:1-8; 6:12-20)

• Lawsuits (6:1-11)

• Etc, etc, etc.

• You name it, chances are the Corinthians has already been there, and got the tee shirt and the shot glass to prove it.

So Paul say in (v.18) ...based on your track record, based on the following evidence I partly believe it

Well let us examine the evidence for this particular charge...

Notice, Paul says in vv.19-22, I hear that you been abusing the Agape Dinner (the LOVE FEAST) and more importantly, I hear that you been abusing of the LORD’S SUPPER.

You see ... what bothered Paul was the fact that this celebration (The LORD’S SUPPER) had become an occasion not marked by the remembrance of CHRIST sacrificial death on the cross for our sins.

Instead, the Corinthians had turned this memorial of selflessness into an experience of selfishness

You see ... the Corinthians had taken what was intended to be a ritual of UNITY for the church, and changed it into a riotous division of DISUNITY can caused fragments of divisions, where everyone had their own individual agendas.

Well ... what are you saying preacher, you see ... what was meant to build up the body (the church) was actually having the opposite effect.

So Paul has to set the record straight in (v.29) when he said “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth, and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the LORD’s body.”

Walk with me ...

Notice 12:1 ... Paul says, now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

Well ... if you are reading, as I am from the King James Version, you will notice in 12:1 the word gifts is in italics, which indicates that it was not in the original text. As some scholars believe, the word “gifts” would have already been implied by the reader.

So in essence the verse should read: Now concerning spirituals, brethren...

Well ... why don’t we dig a little deeper?

Note the word spiritual here in (v.1) is the Greek word pneumatikon, which means to be characterized or controlled by the Holy Spirit. (repeat)

Now we can learn a lot about THIS WORD pneumatikon simply by understanding its root Pneuma, which means Spirit. Hence, why we call the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit PNEUMATOLOGY.

So, in our text (v.1) understanding the Greek word for spiritual (pneumatikon) ... and understanding its root word (Pneuma) we can now better understand (v.1) in its original language as ... Now, concerning things characterized or controlled by the Spirit, brethren I would not have you ignorant.

Well ... that begs the question what are these (spirituals) pneumatikons, what are these things ... characterized and controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Well ... I am glad that you asked, and your question is an excellent segway in our 2nd point, which is our PURPOSE (Unity)

Notice 12:4-6

(v.4) Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Now what I would like to point out that the Greek word for gifts in v.4 is the word charisma and the root of this word comes from charis, which in the Greek means GRACE.

Charisma = gifts

Charis = grace

Eph 2:8-9

(v.8) For by grace (charis) are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift (charisma) of God: (v.9) Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Well what are you saying ...

Listen closely; I do not want you to miss this. The point that I want to make is simple ... it is the fact that Spiritual Gifts cannot be earned by works or any other human initiative; the Spirit bestows them as HE sees fit.

So I don’t care with anybody has ever told you ... the same day that you was saved by GRACE (charis) is the same day that you received your spiritual gift (charisma)

In fact ... the day that you was saved, you received at a minimum two gifts ... (1) the gift of salvation and (2) your spiritual gift ... and both of them was free. It cost Jesus his life ... but all that was required of you was to believe.

You don’t have to sit on the mourners bench, you don’t have to have folks lay hands on you ... until you start speaking in tongues to receive it ... all that is required is that you ... is be a child of the living GOD.

Walk with me ... (v.5)

And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

I need to point out to you that the Greek word for administrations in (v.5) is diakonia. This simply means ministry or service. The point here is that a spiritual gift is given so that we can ... serve others.

So whatever you do, make sure that you are using your gift to serve GOD and to serve others. Contrary to popular practice, gifts are not give for you hoard, they are giving to unify and complete the body.

Watch this...

(v.6) And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Notice the word operations in (v.6). It is the Greek word, e-ner-ge-ma. It is derived from the word e-ner-geo, which is where we get the word energy.

This word simply means that it takes the power or energy of GOD to activate or set something in motion.

So, what do we take away from this ... the fact that a spiritual gift is not the natural ability of an individual, but is a ministry empowered by GOD.

So let recap

• We understand our problem (divisions)

• We know are Purpose (unity)

However, before we move on to our last and final point “The Plan” ... I want to show something to you that blew my mind ...

Notice (v.4)

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. (v.5) And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. (v.6) And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Brothers and sisters, unity does not get any better than this. Notice the Trinity in action.

We see here in ...

• (v.4) the Holy Spirit bestows the gifts

• (v.5) Jesus administers the gifts

• (v.6) GOD supplies the power.

So we have the same SPIRIT, the same LORD, and the same GOD ... yet we have diversities (v.4), and differences (v.5) and diversities (v.6) ... but watch the TRINITY go to work

... what we see here a picture of the TRINITY taking all of our differences and bring about UNITY in the church.

And that is what GOD wants to do in our church body ... HE wants to take all of our diversities and all of our difference and unite them together so that we can be ONE BODY ... UNITED FOR GOD’S WORK.

Now I think it important to point out that we do not need to create UNITY in the Church. Oh no, we just need to stop creating division. You see the Spirit has created UNITY in the Church. It is not up to us to create it; however, it is up to us to stop interrupting it. UNITY will take care of itself.

Well that statement begs the question, how does the HOLY SPIRIT generate UNITY. Well, I’m glad you asked and the answer will bring us to our third and final point ... The PLAN to do GOD’s Work.

Notice (v.7) But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal

We have three things going on here

• First, we get the definition of a gift. You been wondering what a spirit gift is ... the answer is right here in the text (v.7). A spiritual gift is a manifestation of the HOLY SPIRIT. [phanerosis /fan•er•o•sis/] to make visible or clear.

• Second, we learn that every man, every women, every male, every female, every Christian, every human being who is a believer, has a spiritual gift. If you are a child of GOD ... then you have a spiritual gift.

• Third, this scripture (v.7) reminds us that we have a gift for a purpose. Notice it says ... But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Again, each and every one of you, whether you believe it or not ... if you are a saved, if you have been washed in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB ... if you are a child of GOD ...then you have a spiritual gift.

So stop doubting and start serving ...

Not only that, but you have been placed in this body (SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH) for a purpose and you are required to exercise that gift to profit this body.

The word PROFIT in (v.7) is the Greek word sump-hero, which means, “to bear together.” So contrary to popular belief gifts are not to be used for selfish purposes.

Bottom Line ... different gifts are given to believers to be exercised for the good of the church; for the profit, for the wealth of, and for the building up of the church

Notice (v.11) But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as HE will

Again, we are told that every man, every Christian, every human being who is a believer, has a gift that is his severally which, means one’s own. Everyone is given his or her own peculiar gift.

However, one of the tragedies of the hour in the modern church is the fact that so many believers just sit Sunday after Sunday, week after week and feel like they have no real purpose, no real plan, no clear direction as to what they are required to do in the body (the Church)

Some, perhaps even one of you, feel as though they have no spiritual gift at all ... and the one gift that they do have, they are either afraid or too busy to use it.

Well, let me put it this way, if you are a member, then you have been placed here at SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH to function in a very definite capacity.

You are valued and a very important member of this body ... and you should be exercising your gift.

If you don’t remember anything else from this sermon remember this -- GOD has called, you to this Church (this body) do something.

• So no more sitting and getting

• No more riding the pine

• No more bench warmers

• It is time to get in where you fit in

Brother and Sister ... the night is far spent, the day is at hand

It is time, it right now time, it is already time, it is past time ... for us to do GOD’s work

If it is motivation that you need ... allow me to share with you a staggering statistics

• every 11 seconds 3 out of 4 people die without knowing Christ.

• Well that equates to 5,800 souls a day

• 174,000 a month

• 2,088,000 a year

• And what is tragic is that many of our own family members and friends are included in this number

• Yet we tell them we love them every time we see them ... but we are too scared to share Christ with them

• TO SAY NOTHING to DO NOTHING ... is the same as wishing they die and spend eternity in hell. You see ... we find that easier than stepping out on FAITH to share THE GOSPEL with them.

Well ... we talked about the problem; we talked about the purpose; now I need to let somebody know the plan...

The plan is that we need to get busy doing GOD’s work.

We need to get busy telling our kindred and or acquaintances, co-worker, neighbors and friends that....

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

I need to let somebody know the plan...

The plan is that we need to get busy doing GOD’s work.

We need to get busy telling our kindred and or acquaintances, co-worker, neighbors and friends that....

“the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

I need to let somebody know the plan...

The plan is that we need to get busy doing GOD’s work.

We need to get busy telling our kindred and or acquaintances, co-worker, neighbors and friends that....

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

I need to let somebody know the plan...

The plan is ... to let somebody know that we are one body made up of many members. So what are you saying ... well, I need to tell somebody that

• If you are, an EYE ... be the best eye you can be. For without you we would not be able to read GOD’s WORD

• If you are, an EAR ... be the best ear you can be. For without you we would not be able to hear GOD’s Word

• If you are, a MOUTH ... be the best mouth that you can be. For without you we would not be able to sing and preach GOD’s WORD

• If you are, a HAND ... be the best hands that you can be. For without you we would not be able to give GOD a hand clap of praise

• If you are a THUMB ... though some may think that, you are insignificant. Be the best thumb that you can be. For without you we would not be able to hold on to GOD’s WORD

• If you are, a LEG ... be the best leg that you can be. For without you we would not be able to GO TELL THE STORY

• If you are BIG TOE ... though some may think that, you are insignificant. Be the best big toe that you can be for without you we would not be able to KEEP OUR BALANCE.

So what are you saying ... I need to let somebody know the plan...

The plan is ... now that we have

• Eyes ... to read GOD’s WORD

• Ears ... to hear

• Mouth preach and to sing

• Hands clap

• Thumbs grip

• Legs walk

• Toes balance

It is time for us to get up out of our seat, hit the streets, and go tell somebody that JESUS is LORD

I need to let somebody know the plan...and the plan is... that

It is time to tell somebody that

• JESUS died to save their soul

• They hung HIM high and strength HIM wide and love the world to death

• That when HE died that they placed in borrowed tomb

I need to let somebody know the plan...the plan is ... that we need to tell somebody

• That HE was in the grave all night FRIDAY

• That HE was in the grave all day and all night Saturday

• But early SUNDAY MORNING ... shook out his grave clothes ... and said death where is thy victory; grave were is thy sting.

• HE got up with all power in HIS hand

• Didn’t HE do it .. oh yes HE did

... and guess what

The same power that raise HIM for the dead is the save power that live in you and me ... HOLY GHOST POWER

Power that will make you

• talk right

• walk right

• live right

• Power that gives you the boldness to go tell somebody “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

• Power ... To tell somebody how GOD saved your sick soul

• Power ... to tell somebody that the same thing that HE did for me is the same thing that HE can do for you

I need to let somebody know the plan...and the plan is... we need to tell somebody that Jesus said

• The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: (Luke 10:2)

I need to let somebody know the plan...and the plan is...

• Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (Matt 28:9)

• Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Mat 28:20)


Before I take my seat ... I have a question

Have you asked yourself where you fit into God’s plan?

Well, I want you to know that there is a special place reserved for you, and the sooner you discover it the faster we will fulfill the command of Christ to go into the world and teach all nations.

We are ONE BODY ... UNITED FOR GOD’S WORK. Each and every one of you is an integral part of the whole. One missing link, one missing part can delay the great work that GOD has planned for SHILOH

Brothers and Sisters ... it is time to discover your purpose for living. Besides, apart from God, ... life has no purpose. Silver or Gold, fame of fortune ... has no meaning without GOD

It is time to resurrect your life’s purpose. Christ has redeemed us with His Blood, and such an unselfish sacrifice deserves no less than an earness desire to serve. So the question is ... what does it take to stir up the gift that is in you!

I need to let somebody know the plan...and the plan is... that we are


Well ... now that you know the Problem, you understand the Purpose, now is time for us to execute the Plan...



JUDE 24-25

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.
