Summary: Today from this passage in the book of 1 Peter we want to take this passage and apply it to a larger theme of servant-hood, and answer the question “How can I help my Church?” this is a message on serving.

How can I help My Church?

1 Peter 5:1-4


What do you call a chicken crossing the road?

Poultry in motion.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work?

A stick.

Where do you find a dog with no legs?

Right where you left him.

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese.

What do you call a man who falls into an upholstery machine?

Fully recovered.

What do you call a Christian who isn’t serving?

A contradiction.

You and I have been redeemed for a reason. Another way to say it is that we’ve been saved to serve, you and I have been mobilized for ministry. That is why a Christian who isn’t serving in some way in through the church is a contradiction, because to be a follower of Christ means you are a servant of Christ. Today from this passage in the book of 1 Peter we want to take this passage and apply it to a larger theme of servant-hood, and answer the question “How can I help my Church?” this is a message on serving.

Read Scriptures: 1 Peter 5:1-4

I. Help your church by Serving willingly.

Vs. 2a “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be;”

I am not a preacher because this is what I choose to do, I could have chosen to do a thousand things, but God chose me to preach, I am called by God to preach. Since I know that this is my calling then I serve willingly. I am not fighting to surrender; I am freely and willingly serving.

So many are useful to this church to advance the gospel but they are not willing, they refuse. Why?

Some of you may feel unworthy and inadequate; some of you feel that it will cost you too much. Some feel like it will require too much of a sacrifice.

On and on the list could go, but the scripture is clear. If we have been called to serve, or if we have talents and abilities to serve we must not reject His call. The scripture says, “you are willing, as God wants you to be;”. It is God’s desire for you that you surrender you life to Him, you talents and your abilities to be used by Him in His service. You surrender willingly, not because you are forced.

II. Help your church by serving eagerly.

Vs. 2 “but eager to serve”

I love to watch someone who is fairly new to the church, and they are a fairly new believer, the first opportunity they get to do something in the church for the Lord, you can see that eagerness they have. They get here early, they stay late to help clean up. They are eager to serve. They can’t wait to get after it.

How do we get to the point in our Christian lives where we loose that eagerness to serve. Because I also see the flip side of that person that is eager, with that person who does some type of service because no one else will do it.

Usually the act of service is done without any heart felt sense of service to God, because quite frankly I don’t feel called to do it, I know it needs to be done, but no one else sees the need so I guess I’ll have to do it again.

The scripture says that all of us, not 20 percent of the people doing 100 percent of the work, but all of us be eager to serve.

Not because I am obligated to it, or any other reason, but because I want to have an impact in the kingdom for eternity. “but be eager to serve.”

III. Help your church by Serving as an example for others.

Vs. 3 “not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”

This is what really hurts the church. When we serve as an example, we are not preaching one thing, and then doing another. If I am going to be an example, then my walk will match my talk, and my talk will match my walk.

Titus 2:7 “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness.”

If I am going to be an example for others then I need to truly be a person of integrity. Integrity means that you are the same person when no one is looking.

In other words if I claim to be a good Christian on Sundays to everyone at the church, but when I get home I curse out the dog, I view pornography, I drink till I can’t stand up. That is not a person of integrity that is a true genuine hypocrite.

With us a believers the person we are Sundays needs to be the same person we the rest of the week. If I am going to help my church I need to serve as an example for others.

IV. Helping your church will ensure a heavenly reward.

Vs. 4 “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”

This is why we do what we do, this is why we stay up late getting ready for acts of service weather it is an event like fall fest, or studying a Sunday school lesson, or going over song, or praying with someone who is hurting.

This is why we do all those things. For the approval of Jesus. Every single on of us, when we meet Jesus we want Him to say well done you have done everything I equipped you to do. You used every talent I gave, every ability I allowed you to have or learn, every opportunity I set before you to serve you took it. Well Done!!

Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:8 “Because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, weather slave or free.”

Helping your church, by serving in whatever way He has equipped you, listen if you have music instrument ability whatever instrument that maybe you need to use in service to your church. If you have any talent or calling God has placed on you, you need to answer the call and use your talent in service to the King. Why so your father will reward you in heaven, it is certain to happen because the scripture declares it.


After lightning struck on old shed, a farmer was relieved because now he didn’t have to tear it down. The rain cleaned off his car and that saved him from having to wash it. When asked what he was doing now, he replied, “I’m waiting for an earthquake to shake the potatoes out of the ground.”

If we want to become servants, we can’t just wait for something to happen. Jesus said we’re blessed when we do something. Let me give you four action steps.

1. Serve whenever you can.

2. Serve wherever you can.

3. Serve whoever is in need.

4. Be willing to do whatever it takes.

Live our lives as obedient and humble servants. Don’t be a contradiction

Maybe you have a specific talent or gift or ability you want to use in service to Lord and you want to come and publicly proclaim that then you can come, or maybe God has been laying a particular ministry on your heart and you have been refusing to do it and you want to come to the altar and repent and submit to the will of God for your life. Maybe you have never been born again, you never had your sins forgiven by the one who gave His life for your sins, He is waiting for you to ask Him to forgive you if you will come I will tell you how to know for sure that you will go to heaven when you die. Come today to this altar. Don’t be a Contradiction.

(Thanks sermoncentral contributors)