Summary: This message examines the necessity for Christians not to conform to the world.

These words were scribbled on the tomb of an Anglican bishop in the crypts of Westminster Abbey..."When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country, but, it too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me. But, alas, they would have none of it. And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world." Paul provides us in Romans 12 a plan for breaking free from the world’s mold. For us to be able to apply these principles to our lives we are going to have to make the decision to live counter-culturally. Yet in this world that touts individuality so few are bold enough to be different. God confronts each of us with a choice, either we are going to follow Him or we are going to conform to the world. In our text Paul urges us that in light of everything God has done for us through Christ, our lives should be presented to Him as a sacrifice rather than being conformed to the world. Today let’s take a look at how we can truly live as a non-conformist.

I. Understanding what it means to be conformed to the world.

A. What causes people to desire to be conformed to the world?

1. We are afraid of what might happen if we change our lives and live differently from everyone else.

2. We believe that we will have more enjoyment by living our lives like everyone else.

3. We enjoy the pleasure that comes from being like the rest of the world.

4. We are crippled by pride and a negative self image, so we believe that there is really no other alternative.

5. We do not want to make the sacrifices necessary to live our lives according to God’s will.

B. Conforming to the world’s pattern involves adopting the following ways of thinking.

1. I am entitled to enjoying life and having my desires fulfilled.

2. If I am going to get ahead in this world then I need to look out for number one.

3. I have the right to trample on anyone that gets in the way of me reaching my goals.

4. It is my right to be able to acquire all the wealth and stuff that I need to be able to enjoy my life.

5. I have the right to use my talents and abilities to advance my own agenda.

6. No one has the right to tell me how to live my life.

II. We are a non-conformist when we present our lives to God in worship.

A. As Christians we are urged to reflect upon God’s mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ.

1. The word translated “mercy” is oiktirmos, (“pity, mercy, compassion”); it is used only here in Romans.

2. Paul is describing the quality in God that moves Him to deliver man from his state of sin and misery and therefore underlies his saving activity in Christ.

3. Our Christianity is not based on pride in our own efforts, but entirely on God’s mercy to forgive us.

4. The gospel is precisely God’s mercy to inexcusable and undeserving sinners, in giving his Son to die for them, in justifying them freely by faith, in sending them the life-giving Spirit, and in making them His children.

B. The total commitment of ourselves to God is based on the totality of His mercy to us.

1. When you truly understand and contemplate all that God has done to save you through Christ, Paul shows that the fitting response is to offer your bodies as living sacrifices.

2. The concept of body in Greek thought is more than just our physical body it includes our emotions, our mind, our thoughts, our desires and our plans. It is the totality of our being.

3. The response of the believer to this mercy is absolute surrender, expressed in sacrificial imagery; offer your bodies as… sacrifices. This metaphor is a powerful one, picturing us at God’s altar baring our necks to be sacrificed for Him.

4. Such sacrifices are “holy and pleasing to God.” They are worthy of His acceptance. The possibility of bringing pleasure to God provides a powerful motivation for complete surrender of self.

5. This is a critical aspect of the Christian life—we must strive at all times to experience the new life of the Spirit so we might be sanctified or set apart to God and bring Him pleasure.

C. When we totally surrender our lives to God this is the highest form of worship that we can offer Him.

1. This means that our whole life must be considered one of worship. Every moment is an act of serving and celebrating God in our lives.

2. So in order to please God we must sacrifice our lives to Him, putting Him in the top spot of our lives.

3. One person very appropriately stated it this way, “The main problem with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling of the altar.”

4. “There is a story told about a pig and a chicken walking down the road together. As they walked along they read a sign advertising a breakfast to benefit the poor. The chicken said to the pig, “You and I should donate a ham and egg breakfast.” The pig replied, “Not so fast, for you it would just be a contribution, but for me it would be a total commitment.”

5. The point is that all Christian living is worship offered up to God. Public, corporate worship is special and must not be neglected, but that is not the only part of the Christian life that may be called “worship.” Christians must do everything “for the glory of God”, and whatever is done for His glory is an act of worship.

III. We are a non-conformist when we break free from the patterns of the world.

A. When we seriously offer our lives to God there will be a change in our relationship to the world.

1. The demands of the world require no more than an outward, superficial conformity to its ways and customs, while the new life in Christ demands that complete and fundamental inner change.

2. Christians are called to have a different life-style than those in the world and live as though we are citizens of a future kingdom.

3. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. (1 Peter 1:14—NIV)

4. It should never be our objective to find out just how much we can look like the rest of the world and still be a Christian.

5. Refusing to be conformed to the world’s values must go deeper than the level of beliefs and customs; it must be firmly planted into our minds.

6. We cannot allow ourselves to be pushed into the world’s mold despite the pressure that is applied to get us to conform to the culture’s ideals.

7. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. (1 Peter 4:4—NIV)

B. The positive solution to caving into the world’s pressure is to allow yourselves to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

1. The Greek word for transformed is metamorphousthe which implies a complete change from the inside out.

2. The mind of the Christian is a battlefield where sin battles our desire to serve God to gain control of our minds.

3. Paul makes it clear that the mind is where spiritual growth occurs, and in the mind decisions are made that determine one’s spiritual direction and destiny.

4. The bottom line is that our conduct is determined by the input that goes into our mind whether from God or the world. This determines if we will live our lives in spiritual victory or spiritual defeat.

5. In this fact lies one of the major purposes of Christian fellowship, providing a counter to the mind-control of the world.

C. When we do not allow ourselves to be conformed to the world, we are better able to determine God’s will for our lives.

1. Christians are confronted with so many conflicting choices with regard to how to act and how to live.

2. God’s will is meant generally to refer to the direction and guidance for life that must come from God. It is a moral and ethical concept that defines proper Christian thoughts and conduct before God.

3. A mind that has been truly renewed can discern God’s will in making moral decisions just because it has been saturated with the teachings of his Word.

4. To have a right relationship with God, we must start the day by yielding to Him our bodies, minds, and wills and be a non-conformist where the world is concerned.

In a conference with the British Government, Gandhi said that human beings must take great care not to be molded by external forces that can destroy their lives, their families, their community, and their nation. He called these forces “The 7 social sins.”

1. Politicians without moral character. Can you think of anyone like this?

2. Riches without working for it. Do you know anyone who fits this?

3. Business or commerce without morality. Have you ever been ripped off by someone in the marketplace?

4. Pleasure without conscience. Our nation allows the murder of unborn human beings just for a few moments of pleasure.

5. Education without moral principles. Have you ever heard the credo “the world is filled with educated derelicts?

6. Science without a commitment to humanity. Would you agree that technology is growing at exponential rates but we are far behind in our moral commitments to humanity in which technology is made to serve?

7. The 7th social sin is the one that Gandhi referred that hits us right between the eyes. Worship without Sacrifice.