Summary: Part 1 of our series tied in to Advent Conspiracy. We called it "simplechristmas."

[This message was inspired by Rodney Buchanan’s excellent sermon on John 1:14 entitled, "The Word Made Flesh." You can find it here: ContributorID=&SermonID=41438]

Stephen N. Collins

Millville – 11/30/08


Part 1: Why Christmas Matters

Icebreaker: Show clip from “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” “Can anyone tell what Christmas is all about?”

Intro: Well, can anyone tell me what Christmas is all about? (Ask kids in service what they want for Christmas.) Well kids, all those things sound nice, but today we’re going to talk about the best present you could ever get!

-Charlie Brown wanted to know what Christmas was really about. And you know what? I guarantee you’re going to hear someone this year say something just like that. Every year as it gets closer to Christmas, one of my friends or someone in my family will say something to the effect of “Oh, I just hope I don’t miss it this year!” I guarantee you you’ll hear it at some point during the next few weeks. “I just don’t want to miss Christmas, not this year!”

-The story of Christ’s birth is a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love.

So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists.

And when it’s all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose. Is this what we really want out of Christmas? I don’t think so.

-That’s what simplechristmas is all about. We’re going to focus on the heart of Christmas. And we’re not just going to talk about it. We’re going to DO it together. We’re going to be providing unique opportunities for you and your family to experience a simplechristmas together. For example, next Sunday we’re going to be talking about Worshipping More and Spending Less this Christmas season. And to go along with that, next Wednesday night we’re going to be having a family night here in our gym for parents and grandparents to bring their kids and grandkids along and make a gift for one another. (Ask kids if they would like to make a present for mom or dad this year?)

-From making gifts to serving the poor to visiting the lonely, we are going to go on a journey straight into the heart of Christmas this year. So make yourself a promise, right now. Promise yourself that this year, this year, you will NOT miss Christmas.

(Prayer) “Lord, reveal to us today why Christmas still matters.”

-You know, it’s really easy to become cynical about Christmas. So, when I say today that Christmas still matters, there will be a barrier that goes up in some of your minds that will immediately try to steal away any true affection or joy about what Christmas is.

-So today, if you’re experiencing any of those feelings at the moment, fight them! And let’s reason together today. I’m going to do my best to weave this together for us this morning. I want to give you the 3 reason Christmas still matters and what those 3 reasons mean for you, right now, in 2008.

Scripture: John 1:14

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

The 3 Reasons Why Christmas Matters

1. Christmas reveals the heart of God.

Illustration: - I want to start by sharing a very personal e-mail with you. I have permission from Rachel, a committed member of our congregation, to share the following e-mail with you today. Rachel is a pretty quiet, unassuming person in our church. She’s always willing to do the behind-the-scenes things to help the ministries of our church. From volunteering to work with our children to assisting in running the PowerPoint for our services, she’s always doing something to help. Those of you who are on the Millville Prays e-mail prayer list got this message from her this past week. (Read e-mail about Rachel going through the process of donating her kidney to a friend.)

Questions: Now, many of us know, Rachel. But did you know that about her? Would you have ever guessed that someone you know by name would go to such lengths for a friend? Sometimes, we really don’t know the depths of someone’s heart until some circumstance reveals it to us.

-Have you ever found yourself wondering who God really is? Or what God is really like?

Statement: I know I have. All of us have. We’ve all been at that point where we wonder what God is really like. Is He the way we’ve thought of Him to be? Is He the way our parents told us He was?

-Everybody’s been to that place before. And this is the first reason why Christmas matter, even today: Because Christmas reveals the heart of God. You want to know what God is really like? Christmas will show you. You want to know how He really feels about you? Christmas will show you. You want to find hope for a hard life? Christmas will give it to you.

-It is impossible to overemphasize how important God’s arrival on earth was. You see, if you take Jesus out of the picture, if you take Christmas out of the picture, then ultimately, the only picture we have of God is one of a distant, cosmic creator who is sort of removed from our lives in Hamilton, Ohio. If you take Christmas out of the picture, then we can see God as all-powerful, but not at all personal. If you take Christmas out of the picture, then we have a picture of God that is going to seem righteous and holy and just, but ultimately not loving.

-The Hebrew word “Immanuel” that we hear around Christmas time means, “God with us.” And God’s appearance in human form on the planet earth speaks volumes about God’s love for us. God loves us so much that He refused to be only all-powerful. He refused to be only all-righteous. He refused to be all-judging. He chose to be loving and personal.

-You’re probably familiar with the words of John 3:16. But maybe they’ve become so familiar to you that they’ve lost a little bit of their meaning. Let’s read them together.

Scripture: John 3:16-17

16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

-That’s the best news in the entire world. And maybe you just need to be reminded of that this Christmas season. Because times are tough these days. The future may seem pretty bleak to you. So maybe this morning you just need to be reminded of what why Christmas matters this year and every year – it’s because God knows you, and you matter to Him.

-It’s more than just a catchy saying. You really do matter to God! And Christmas proves it.

-It’s way too easy to slip into the thinking that our lives are somehow unimportant and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It’s tempting to start dwelling on how big the world is and how small our lives are. It’s easy to focus on our inadequacies, to see ourselves as just another brick in the wall, as Pink Floyd put it.

-But Christmas blows all that up! God came for all of us! He came for you! And cares deeply, so deeply, about you. In fact, Paul put it this way:

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26-28

“26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are…”

-Yeah. He came for you. And He came knowing the consequences. He knew He would be despised by His own people. He knew He would be spat on. He knew he would be beaten and tortured. He knew He would have to die. And He came anyway. What a God! What a heart! That’s the 1st reason Christmas matters. We get to discover the beauty of God’s heart. When was the last time you got a glimpse of God’s heart?

2. Christmas reveals the need of people.

Illustration: A couple of months ago, we had a crazy wind storm here in SW Ohio. Remember that? Hurricane forced winds swept through the Miami Valley, downing power lines and trees everywhere. How many of you were without power for a day or more? You know what a lot of us learned in the days after the storm? We realized pretty quickly how dependent we are on electricity, right? Many of us felt like hostages in our own homes.

Questions: So, after that week, do you think we could all agree that electricity is pretty much a necessity for us, today? But how much did you think of your electricity before the storm hit and your were without it for so many hours? It’s one of those things we tend to take for granted until something happens that forces us to realize how much we need it, isn’t it?

Statement: You know what? Electricity isn’t the only necessity we take for granted. There are some basic, fundamental needs that we all have as human beings. And one of those needs is the need for redemption. Even before we have a relationship with God, we have this nagging sense deep down that we were meant for more than just this rat-race we running. Maybe you sense that today. You’ve probably sensed it for a while. That something’s just a little off with this life. And just like any other need, it’s going to take a cataclysmic, life-altering event for you to truly realize how desperately your life needs to be redeemed for something greater.

-Listen now. Christmas is that event. You know why? Because Christmas reveals the deepest need of people. When you see Christmas for what it truly is, you see a God who dressed Himself as one of us and enter our world. You see a God who joined us because we were held hostage to sin and headed for spiritual death. You see a God who came to rescue YOU.

-Imagine it! God, who could have crushed the world because of its sin, came into the world to be crushed for our sin. The very One who said that everyone who sinned would die, came to earth to die in our place. The One who pronounces judgment took the judgment upon Himself.

-And before Jesus came in that manger in Bethlehem, humanity had no idea the danger that we were in. None. We were too ignorant and stubborn to ask for His help, but He came to save us from that danger, anyway. Paul said it this way:

Scripture: Romans 5:6-8

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

-He came into the world at just the right time, and He rescued us even though we didn’t even know we needed rescuing.

-You might not even be aware this morning of your need, but if you will allow yourself to see Christmas for what it really is, you’ll begin to see what your deepest need really is.

-And you know what that means for you? That means that because of Christmas, your life can now count for something, because God loves you! Let me ask you, what is your life counting for right now? What are you living for? There’s something more…there’s something better to live for, and you see what and who that is…through Christmas.

3. Christmas reveals the mystery of God’s plan

Illustration: Do remember the Rosetta Stone from history class in school? What was it? It was a tablet that was discovered that allowed archeologists to translate ancient, Egyptian hieroglyphics to modern-day languages. Without the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, all the ancient history and wisdom of Egypt would have remained a mystery forever.

Questions: Can you imagine what our record of ancient civilizations would be like without the records of one of the greatest civilizations to ever walk the earth? Just think of how much we’d be missing out on without the help of the Rosetta Stone to translate that ancient, unknown language.

-Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language? It’s pretty tough, right? But you still had a textbook or a teacher or a software program to help you learn it, right? What if you didn’t have any of those things at your disposal? And what if you were trying to learn a language that no one else in the world spoke, too? It would just be hard to learn, it would be impossible, right?

Statement: And would you believe that this is 3rd reason Christmas matters, today? Because in Christmas, God made the impossible, possible. What’s the impossible? The impossible is that Christmas actually reveals to us the mystery of God’s plan.

-Here’s how the Bible puts it:

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:16

16Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.”

-And here’s the mystery. We wouldn’t have guessed it or imagined it in a million years. God Himself had to reveal it to us. We are helpless to see it on our own. Apart from Jesus coming into our world, we can never understand God’s plan. Without Jesus, we can’t decode the translation of God’s mysterious plan for redeeming our lives. Without Jesus, we can’t even hope to speak God’s language of salvation. Without Jesus, the riches of experiencing God and knowing his heart are forever sealed away from us.

-But because Jesus came, because God has come to be with us, the mysterious is made plain. Through Jesus, we can know what God is like. Through Jesus, we can understand God’s plan. Through Jesus, we can speak God’s language.

-Because of Jesus, God’s plan is made clear. The Creator of the universe comes to the rebellious world that He has created in love. He avoids nothing: hunger, sleeplessness, thirst, pain, suffering, and even death. He comes to die in the place of those who deserve to die. He suffers for those who deserve to suffer. He comes as a King, but is seen as just another poor, Jewish baby. The son of a local carpenter and his pregnant fiancé.

-The writer of John wrestles with this notion when he writes:

Scripture: John 1:10-11

“He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.”

-That’s the Jesus who came for you. And the best part of the mystery? God invites you into it. He invites regular people like you and me into the story He is writing, and has been writing for all throughout history.

-Remember who the angels proclaimed Jesus birth to? Shepherds. Regular, plain old shepherds out on the job one night. The angels found these guys out in the field and invited them into God’s story. And God still reveals that message to people who will listen. He still invites you to come meet your King.

-You see, Christmas didn’t end 2,000 years ago. No, it’s still happening. God is still writing His story – and through Jesus, He is inviting you to come play your part it.

-So here’s the big question for you today: Will you?


-As the worship team comes back up, I want to share this short story with you:

-Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish theologian of another century, tells the story of a prince who was running an errand for his father one day in the local village. As he did so, he passed through a very poor section of the town. Looking through the window of his carriage, he saw a beautiful young peasant girl walking along the street. He could not get her off his heart. He continued to come to the town, day after day, just to see her and to feel as though he was near her. His heart yearned for her, but there was a problem. How could he develop a relationship with her? He could order her to marry him. It was in his power to do so. But he wanted this girl to love him from the heart, willingly. He could put on his royal garments and impress her with his regal entourage, and drive up to her front door with soldiers and a carriage drawn by six horses. But if he did this he would never be certain that the girl loved him or was simply overwhelmed with his power, position and wealth. The prince came up with another solution. As you may have guessed, he gave up his kingly robe and symbols of power and privilege. He moved into the village dressed only as a peasant. He lived among the people, shared their interests and concerns, and talked their language. In time, the young peasant girl grew to know him, and then to love him.

-This is what Jesus has done for you. The Word became flesh. The King put aside His heavenly robes and divine prerogatives. He came to us as one of us. He lived among us. He ate with us; drank with us; felt with us…all to win our love. He could have forces us. He could have overwhelmed us. But He chose to romance us.

-He is the God who became human so that you could experience his life-transforming love. Jesus is not just a truth to be believed in. He is a person to be experienced. Don’t miss Him this Christmas.

(All Stand)

-If you’ve never met your King, I invite you to come meet Him today. One of my favorite Christmas songs is “O Holy Night.” My favorite part of the sons is the crescendo of the chorus that says, “fall on your knees!” That’s what the shepherds did when they came to Jesus. They didn’t have much to bring Him, but they brought themselves. I invite you to do the same thing today. You might not think you have much left to bring, but bring yourself to Jesus today. Offer Him your heart. Offer Him your life.

-If you’re already a follower of Jesus, I invite you to come to an altar this morning, too. Maybe you just need to have this hope renewed in your heart. Maybe you know in your heart that you really can’t afford to miss Christmas this year. Come and give God your Christmas. Sinners and Saints alike, let’s come to an altar as we sing and meet our King today.