Summary: Surviving temptation when it comes.

Genesis 39.1-12 Survivor: Surviving Temptation

1. Before I start preaching this morning, I wanted to let you know that we had some fruit given to us this week. And we felt so blessed, we wanted to share it with someone here today, so, if you would like it, just come on up today and I’ll give this fruit to you. We had so much and it’s so good. [Linda yells, "I want it". Starts coming forward. As she nears Laura, Laura jumps up and says, "I want it.". The two women start rushing toward the fruit. Both get there at the same time. Then they start fighting over the fruit like children.] Ladies, ladies. There’s no need to fight. Linda, "but I want it." Laura "so do I." Linda, "I’ll fight you for it." Laura, "You and what army?" [Start acting as though they will throw punches]. "Hey, that’s enough. You know what. No one gets it. If I had known it was going to cause this much trouble, I would never have offered it. Both of you go sit down." Both, "But what about the fruit." Just forget it. Both, "But it looks so good. And I want it." Dejectedly go down the aisle and to their seats.

2. It all started with fruit. The first couple voted off the island were unable to say no to a piece of fruit. I don’t know if it was an apple, an orange, a banana, a mango, a pomegranate, or a grape. But the scripture tells us that it was a fruit that was the knowledge of good and evil, and when Adam and Eve ate it, they were able to recognize they were naked and they hid from God. For their sin of disobedience, God voted them off the island and gave them punishment for their sin. He would have to work the field. She would have pain in child birth. And their sin had farther reaching consequences than they could have ever imagined as their oldest son killed the younger and humanity has continued down that path ever since. It all started with the tempter and a piece of fruit. "Did God tell you that you couldn’t eat any of the fruit of these trees?" Of course not. What He said was to not eat the fruit of one tree, in the center of the garden. But Eve said, "Don’t eat. Don’t touch the tree." And after a time of looking at the fruit and seeing how tasty it looked and how it could give knowledge, Eve and Adam took and ate. And humanity has faced and given in to their temptations ever since.

3. But Christ’s death and resurrection, broke the bonds of death and sin. What He did for us frees us from the "have to" of sin. You and I no longer "have to" sin. We no longer "have to" give in to the temptations that the enemy uses against us. Now, understand that the devil is not all powerful as God is, however, he knows you and me well enough to know our weaknesses, to know those areas in which we struggle the most. And as far as those areas of temptation go, the enemy is relentless. He is constantly putting those things before us in a way to make them look attractive and to cause us to believe that it would be a good idea to give in, and yet, every time we do, we feel naked and so when God comes to meet with us, we hide from Him.

4. So, this morning, the question we are asking, is how do we survive temptation? Temptation will always be there. We will, as long as we are human, be tempted. However, we do not "have to" sin. So how can we face temptation, the things that we find attractive and yet, not sin? How can we keep from tasting the fruit when God tells us no? In Genesis, there is a story of a guy who is pretty strongly tempted. His name is Joseph and this morning we are going to look at a section of his life to see if we can learn some principles for surviving temptation

5. But first, let’s listen to Joseph’s story. We find it in Genesis 39.1-12. Now, just to give you a little background on the story so far. Joseph was his father’s favorite son. Although he had several other sons, Joseph was his father’s favorite. And unfortunately for him, his father didn’t try to hide that fact either. Not only that but Joseph was a dreamer and in his dreams, he had visions of his brothers and his parents bowing down to him. And Joseph wasn’t particularly shy about telling the visions he had which made his brothers even madder. In fact, one day, when his brothers were out tending the flocks, Joseph’s dad sent him to check on them to see if they needed anything. But when they saw him from a distance, they plotted to kill him and only later decided to sell him into slavery. Then they made up a story about him being killed by a wild animal and gave his bloodied coat to their father.

6. And Joseph is very aware of what has happened to him. Joseph knows it was his brothers who attacked him and beat him up. He is aware that it was his brothers who sold him into slavery. He knew that they were trying to get rid of him permanently. I mean, he saw them hitting him. He felt them as they threw him down into the cistern. He looked up and saw their faces of anger and excitement as they knew they were getting rid of him. He knew when they sold him into slavery he wasn’t going on a temporary trip but on a permanent vacation. All because of his brothers’ hatred. Talk about a dysfunctional family.

7. So we can imagine that there are a lot of emotional things taking place in Joseph’s heart. A feeling of loneliness and anger. Distress and sorrow. A whirlwind of feelings. And the Ishmaelites take him and sell him as a slave to Potiphar . Joseph is emotionally at a low point. He feels rejected by his family, exhausted physically from what he has to endure, and now this. A slave to a man of incredible power. Does he have reason to complain? Absolutely. Does he have reason to become rebellious and to turn from God? Sure he does. I mean, what kind of God is it that puts a man with a family who can’t stand him and then on top of that to give that same man dreams that indicate the others would bow to him. It makes more sense to give that kind of a vision to a man who is already a king or at least a prince, but not for a guy like Joseph. But Joseph doesn’t rebel. He doesn’t blame God. He deals with the circumstances in which he finds himself. This is survivor step number one, recognize your reality. The enemy will frequently come at us at times in which we are most likely to give in. When we are tired, or emotionally drained, or we feel alone, or we feel rejected, even when we have experienced a spiritual victory. Sort of like a battery. In those times we feel somewhat drained are the times in which the enemy comes at us the most. So, first, recognize where you are emotionally, physically. Be aware of those times which you may be most vulnerable to temptation.

8. The second survivor step is know your weakness. I have discovered in talking to people that everyone has a specific area of true struggle. That every person has one particular area of temptation that really causes them problems. And this is the area under which they often seem to be attacked. Know yourself well enough that you avoid those areas that are of most danger to yourself.

9. But sometimes you can’t avoid them. You’d like to but you can’t. Joseph was in that position. We don’t know a lot about Potiphar’s wife, what she looked like, but we do know that she was constantly after Joseph to have relations with her. Not just once, but many times. And I can imagine that while scripture doesn’t tell us, Joseph was tempted. He had been rejected by his family and alone but this woman is showing interest in him. A lot of interest. And it’s here where we learn our major survivor lessons about handling temptation.

10. Joseph, when tempted by Potiphar’s wife, gives us survivor step number three. It sounds simple but yet, so few people do it. And that is, "say no". Just refuse to give in. I know this phrase is made fun of. Nancy Reagan first used it when she was talking about the war on drugs but the truth is, it’s very easy. And it’s the place to start. When temptation comes your way. Just say no.

11. Now, for Joseph, he didn’t just experience a one time temptation. Because he lived in Potiphar’s home and was over all of Potiphar’s affairs, he was around his wife all of the time. And frequently when Potiphar was away on business, he left Joseph in charge and so there were times when Joseph was alone with his wife. And she didn’t want to take no for an answer. So she pleaded with Joseph, over and over. And the scripture tells us "he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her." Fourth survivor step is to avoid the situations that put you in the most temptation. Avoid circumstances that will cause you to feel pressured to give in. If you recognize your feelings, understand your weakness, have said no to the temptation, and those things don’t seem to be enough, avoid the places or the things that cause you to feel or be tempted.

12. But Potiphar’s wife still didn’t get the message. The scripture tells us that one day Joseph came into the house to take care of his duties and no one was there except for Potiphar’s wife. Now, I imagine that since she has been trying to lure Joseph long enough, her lust has become an obsession. Maybe she saw Joseph coming across the field and she told all the workers to leave. Take the day off. And go out the back door. Maybe she planned it that she and Joseph would be alone. And this time she wasn’t taking no for an answer and this time she wouldn’t be avoided. We are told that she grabbed his clothing. I mean she is demanding his attention. She is persistent in her desire for him. But once more, Joseph will refuse to give in and scripture says, "Joseph runs away." Survivor step number five, "run away". When temptation comes, and you’ve said no, but you still feel tempted. You’ve tried to avoid the areas of greatest temptation, but you still struggle. Joseph teaches us to run away. And Joseph drops literally everything to get away from the temptation.

13. Notice, there is one thing that doesn’t happen here. Joseph doesn’t say to himself, "this isn’t a problem. I can handle it." And the reason why many people give into temptation is because they do exactly that. They say, "this isn’t a problem. I can handle it." No big deal. And they try to handle it alone. And that’s one thing Joseph doesn’t do. And that’s one thing we can’t afford to do either. Survivor step six, is to give all temptations to God. Ask for His help in dealing with those things that cause you the most difficulty. The God we serve is greater than the enemy that hates us and He will help us overcome temptation. You can stay on the island. You can survive temptation with God’s help.