Summary: What should we be doing in wait of Christ’s return?

If you think about it…every second that we live, is lived in the present. With each passing second, the past is only one second behind – and the future is one second ahead. Always.

As humans, this constantly feeds our curiosity. We can see the past. We can study it, learn from it, even make efforts to correct the past so they don’t happen again in the future. It’s really our only way of ‘changing’ the future.

Since we’re always living in the present, we are constantly left to wonder what lies around the next corner. We’re left to speculate, we’re left to predict…it’s the times we speculate and predict MORE than we prepare that it’s easy to be deceived. Both Christians and non Christians alike are vulnerable to this curiosity. Where we differ… that we, as Christians, know the future. At least all we NEED TO KNOW!

The Bible has been proven over and over to be 100% accurate, from prophecies in the OT that came true in the NT, to archeological facts proven throughout history…to…you guessed it…the future.

It always makes me smile when I see a great PHD secular mind on TV talk about how the world will end. They talk of asteroids, solar problems, volcano’s, global warming, UFO’s even. They may even point to the ambiguous, enigmatic quatrains of Nostradamus…they are educated, and very smart. They are dedicated and truly believe their science and theology is accurate.

I just sit there as they speak, wondering what would happen if they just read the Bible with Jesus in their hearts – they would not be left to speculate and hypothesize. Because they would know!

From fortune cookies to horoscopes. From astrology to fortune tellers…we can’t stop our fascination with the future, we can, however, do a better job at preparing in the present.

There are a lot of ‘end times’ fanatics out there in Christendom (I’m one of them) that might be preparing to hear a message on when Jesus will return. A message on current events, the state of the world, global economy, leaders in place, the end of all things. I’ve preached on that, and it’s always a much needed message. All of that is in the Bible. All of it is in the future, all of it speaks of Jesus reigning supreme.

We know what Jesus has done in the past, it’s in the Bible, we know what Jesus will do in the future, it’s in the Bible. But since we’re living in the present…why not take this opportunity to hear what we need to do, from Peter, in the present to prepare for the future.


I’ve been battling strep throat for the second time in a month this week.

Sorry about the seminar format here, but it would just be too odd acting like I’m preaching in front of a lot of people. At least now I can pretend people are laughing at my jokes (sad face) Can we get a laugh track in here?

The headers on 2 Peter CH 3 are ‘The day of the Lord will come’ and ‘Final Words’.

Right out of the gate, Peter wants us to know some things. He urges us to ‘remember’ a few things…

First of all, scoffers will come. Anytime the Bible has made predictions, skeptics have been readily available. This has been true throughout history. OT, NT and today.

V8 – To the Lord, one day like 1,000 yrs, 1,000yrs like one day.

God is eternal. Time is meaningless to Him. In eternity there’s no time. No past, no future, only present.

You and I only think in time because we’re finite. Peter affirms what scripture had been saying…Jesus will return soon, as the end times unfold.

SOON??? It’s like Jesus had a secret meeting with a few of the disciples and told them, ‘if you’re going to talk about my return, let’s get some lingo down…cause we really want to mess with peoples heads’. Haha

2,000 yrs later we obviously realize that ‘soon’ didn’t mean 20 yrs…could be another 2,000 yrs…it’s all the same to God. He measures time in patience, not with a watch! He wants as many as possible to get the chance to accept Him..v9

When will Jesus return??? When He’s been patient enough☺

v11-12 : You know he’s coming, so live lives of holiness and Godliness.

It’s like when you were back in high school, and your mom and dad went out of town for the weekend and left you in charge. It didn’t matter what you did while they were gone (and they knew something would be going on) it was PRIORITY one to have the house in order when they got back.

Sometimes it was successful, other times…I remember one time…oh never mind – love you mom, love you dad. Hahaha

When you have guests come over for dinner on Fri, the house doesn’t look like it did Thurs after dinner…

We know how to prepare, how to ‘tidy’ up. That’s all we’re talking about here. Looking our best for the triumphant return of the KING.

V 14 – be found at peace when He returns. Very cool way to put it Peter.

How many of us are at peace with our spiritual walks right now? You’ll always have junk to work on…has the HS given you a peace in your heart? If not, what sin has overcome you, enslaved you??

V 17 - Peter warns us again of the false teachers we studied last week.

(they’re often the same as the scoffers)

Then he speaks his last words in v 18…this is where we should spend our time…

When you read a book, you obviously understand that the conclusion is REALLY important. Without it, why even have a book? I’ve read my fair share of books, paying attention to the beginning, skimming the middle, and glued to the finale!

Finales are the best part of the show.

Especially at the fire works. Like those ‘flash bombs’ they like the throw in between the higher, bigger ones….they’re the ones that thump your chest, they’re the ones that make grown grizzled men giggle and want to stand up and sing some Lee Greenwood. JUST GIVE ME 5 MINUTES STRAIGHT OF THOSE THINGS and I’ll go PAY to join the military because THAT MAKES A FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter knew this. He leaves his big ‘hair raising, chest thumping, arms around each other, we are the world, stay in school, don’t do drugs moment’ for v 18

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

At the conclusion of the whole DECEIVED series…comes one statement.

Wrapped up like a present at Christmas! GROW IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS!

We think, grow in the knowledge…OK…really study the Hebrew and Greek…get a degree in theology….that stuff is really cool…

But the opposite of ignorance in the spiritual realm is not knowledge, it’s obedience. Biblically…..TO KNOW IS TO DO. Both are connected.

Study your bible YES! Memorize scripture YES! Get a great understanding the doctrines of the faith YES! But TRULY doing that will lead to action.

LIVING IT. That’s the target of 2 Peter. LIVE IT.

Do you have a goal spiritually? What are you aiming at? How are you pushing yourself? You don’t just get in shape by talking about it. You don’t get in shape by reading a book about it. You don’t get in shape by hearing others that are in shape talk about it. You have to DO IT.

Most Christians aim at nothing at HIT IT every time.

Growing in the grace of Jesus will take a lifetime. Just because you’re busy in the church doesn’t mean you’re growing in grace.

There’s no secret formula…spiritual growth is simply matching your practice with your position in Christ.

After we become Christians, we have a tendency to pick up spiritual childhood diseases. We may even acquire some permanent spiritual scars from those diseases. Some people develop so many scars that they are afraid to make further spiritual advance. Others advance through the troubled teen period spiritually. That is spiritual adolescence. They are half teen, half adult. Finally, a few reach spiritual maturity. This is the point when we become spiritual adults.

The Christian life is like a bicycle; unless we keep moving we fall off. None of us ever arrives at a state of spiritual perfection, but we should grow to be more like Christ every day.

DL Moody once said ‘The Bible was not given to us for knowledge, but to change our lives’.

Of course we gain knowledge when we study scripture, that is a great by-product! But it’s there….to change our lives.

Peter is urging us to grow in grace. To gain a deeper understanding and intimacy with the Creator. Our parents can teach us all the knowledge they know how to : How to act, how to obey, how to treat others….

But it’s the way our hearts grow together that really brings, lasting change.

You can have all the knowledge of your spouse while you’re engaged to them that you do when you’re married…it’s the way your hearts grow together, over time that brings the real change, the real love. All the ups and downs you share.

So it is with Jesus. It’s important to learn about Him, to adhere to His teachings, but the deep growth in grace Peter is talking about comes from a heart connected to His.

Are your hearts truly connected, or is it just your mind?

The Christian life isn’t a mindset. It’s a heart change.

Here’s the bottom line. Someday we as Christians will come face to face with Jesus. He knows life isn’t easy, He knows we sin, He knows you have stumbled…He knows you’ve been fighting. He knows you’ll be tired from this roller coaster life.

He expects that.

Here’s your future. Ready??

You’ve got some incredible, happy times ahead of you. You’ve got some unexpected turns to navigate, you’ve got some tears to cry.

You’ve got some sins to hand over. Don’t let your troubled soul lose heart. He’ll bring Joy that lasts for an eternity!

There’s so much beauty that’s in store for you, the Christ follower. It will outweigh every bit of pain you had here for an eternity.

Stop looking at Christianity like a series of battles you either win or lose. No tally needs to be kept. It’s not about a series of battles….

The victory is won! The victory is won! It’s secure, and waiting for the celebration!

That cross obliterates your shortcomings. That cross wipes away your mud, that cross points to a road that’s narrow, and less traveled.

That cross points directly home. It is finished.

Until that day, hold on the Jesus. Grow in His bountiful grace. Look full, into His wonderful face…and say thank you. Live every moment saying thank you.

The future is beautiful in Jesus. Grow in it. Smile in it, live like it!