Summary: The commissions and instruction by the Lord for His servants/soul-winners

Witnessing and Warning with Wisdom

I. The Lord’s Five Great Commisions

1. Matthew 28:18-20-Key Word____________________

2. Mark 16:15, 16-Key Word________________

3. Luke 24:47, 48-Key Word________________

4. John 15:16-Key Word__________________

5. Acts 1:4-8-Key Word___________________

II. Principles for the Work (Matthew 10)








1. Inquire

2. Peace-Positive/Negative

3. Shake off the dust (Sign of rejection/finality)

4. Judgment (Matt 5, 13-Matt23-Matt 25-Mark 9-Luke 13-Luke 16)

H. Special_______________ (v.16-31)

1. Relying on the Lord Jesus Christ

2. Recognizing who you are in Christ

3. Resting in submission to His authority

4. Rejecting the works of the flesh

5. Rejoicing in persecution/suffering

6. Ready always to give an answer

7. Right living before the lost

J. Special Promise (v.32)

K. Specific Penalty (v.33)

III. Defining Realities for the Disciple (v.34-42)

1. Reason for Division (v.34-36)

2. Requirements of Discipleship (v.37-39)

3. Rewards of Discipleship (v.40-42)