Summary: This is the hour for you to get your minds stayed on God if true transformation is to take place.

Waltham Park NTCOG

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Text: Romans 12:1-2

Theme: Transform nuh conform (my problem is with my head)


There is much debate as it relates to those who profess to be Christians. Many criticize the church and our young people are not exempt as it relates to what we say, how we look (appearance) and our stance on moral issues. Many have tried to come up with safe reasons as to why they are acting the way they do. Many have no strong biblical view to support their case and at times they try to fit their wrong thinking unto scriptures that may support their position.

While we use verses like render your heart and not your garment to say that God is looking at my heart and not what I wear. This has placed the church into spheres where the criticisms continue to be thrown its way. But this morning I am offering a challenge to all especially the young people that this is the hour that God wants for you to transform nuh conform. This is the hour for you to get your minds stayed on God if true transformation is to take place. So look at your neighbour and tell him/her “Transform nuh Conform”.


The text we are focusing on is Romans 12 with emphasis on verse 2. In this verse there is a call by Paul for the believers to no longer conform to the standards of the world but that they be transformed by the renewing of their minds. And it is here that we want to begin our discourse.

1. Living Sacrifice

Vs. 1 of the text tells us that we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. Paul was making a contrast with the sacrifice of animals by the priest in the Old Testament. When the animal was brought to the priest it was alive. It was the priest that did the killing. Christ who is now the eternal high priest says we ought to bring ourselves to him just as the saints of the OT brought their animals to be killed. It has to be living because we can’t come to him dead. Why? If the animal was dead in the OT it could not be used for a sacrifice. God is saying if you are dead, dead to the things concerning him. Dead to doing his will you don’t qualify as a living sacrifice.

Young people God is saying you are to be a living sacrifice but he qualifies it by saying not just living , but holy and pleasing to God. There are some animals that are alive, but they are not worthy to be brought to God. They may be lame, sick; they are not at their best. God is saying I need your best. So you may look good on the outside, but there is something on the inside that disqualifies you. You can come but you have to be holy and pleasing/acceptable to him. It must be holy living. You have to be clean. He is looking for living holy sacrifices.

This is your spiritual act of worship/service to God. This is you being a good steward of what God has done in your life. This offering of one self is a daily laying aside of our desires to follow him; putting all our energy and resources at his disposal. This we do out of gratitude for what God has done in our life.

2. Do not Conform

The apostle Paul then says to us, do not conform to the patterns of this world. This word comes from the Greek, syschematizo which means to conform oneself (mind and character) to another’s pattern. Fashion oneself according to; to comply with standards. This word speaks of an outward transformation but not inward. In other words I can conform to the standards of the church but I have not been inwardly changed by the spirit of God. Young people this is not the place you want to be.

There are persons here today who have an outward pattern that differs greatly from their inward pattern. Paul is saying that since you have been saved by God’s mercy and you have presented yourself to him as a living sacrifice then this is not the time for you to conform to the patterns of the world. Brothers and sisters old things have passed away and behold all things have become new. Are you really new?

Paul is saying that in light of your spiritual service do not conform (do not adopt the world’s pattern). John tells us that all the world holds is the pride of life, lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. Flee from these things is what the apostle is saying.

The world must see you as you are. The world must not see you as you were. While your friends are daggering, you need to be praising, while they are ramping in the shop, you are to lock the shop. Conforming means you will fit in, but you will loose your testimony. Your testimony ought to reflect the change that Jesus has wrought in your life. Paul is saying stop yielding your members to these manifestations of worldliness.

3. Transformation by renewal

The text tells us, “But be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. So we are exhorted not to conform but to transform. The word transform is from the Greek metamorphoo. This means:

• To change into another form

• To transfigure

• To undergo a complete change under the power of God, this finds expression in character (who we are-inward change) and conduct (outward expressions/behaviour).

The morphe lays stress on the inward change. It is in the present continuous which means it’s a process. This change is effected by the Holy Spirit according to 2 Cor. 3:18, “And we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the spirit”.

Paul says firstly, do not conform, then he echoes be transformed. He is saying if you are a living sacrifice then you ought not to continue in activities or allowing your character and your conduct to reflect the standards of this world, but – this is a strong but in the Greek. It was for emphasis. It meant pay attention. What is being said is not something to take lightly. It also means not only this but also. So he was saying I am telling you not to conform. Not only are you not to conform but be transformed- be changed; be made anew. Why? Because you are a holy living sacrifice.

A. Step to transformation

How am I to be transformed? The apostle gives the answer. He says it’s by the renewing of your mind. Personal or corporate transformation will only take place through the renewing of the mind. If the mind is renewed then transformation will be the result/end product. With a daily renewal of the mind comes a continuous transformation of character such that we become less and less conformed to the standards of the world. Transformation is a process.

The word renewing is from the root- anakainosis. This means a renewal/renovation. It also means a complete change for the better. As I seek to give up my old thoughts and ways through renewal I open the door for transformation- a complete change takes place. Where the old man is destroyed and the new man controlled by the spirit enters the context. This does not mean you get a new brain-the holder of the mind. No what it means is that the character of the individual changes. Paul puts it best in Colossians 3:1-10.

“Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and, your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil, desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You use to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these; anger, rape, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator”.

B. Why do I need to renew my mind?

The usage of renewing stresses the willing response of the believer. Our thinking determines what we will do and who we will be. Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his soul, so is he (behaviour). Friends’ belief affects behaviour. The mid is that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings. It is the seat of the faculty of reason. Within scripture it is the place of contemplation, judgment and intention. Our minds allow us to be rational, to weigh evidence, to make decisions about right and wrong and also to choose from options. Our minds allow us to worship, praise and repent and trust.

•According to Romans 1:28 the mind is depraved and does the things which

are not proper

• Titus 1:15 tells us that our minds and consciences are defiled.

• Romans 8 tells us the mind is set on the flesh

• The mind is haughty

• Your mind is hostile towards God and the things of God if it is

not being renewed.

Paul wants us to know that based on the condition of the mind it must be renewed if we are to be transformed and if we are to be able to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to GOD. Jamaica needs transformed children, transformed teenagers, transformed young adults, transformed adults, transformed seniors if our nation is to be transformed. But it starts first with the mindset that we have. When last did you renew your mind? The call by Paul is that you and I take the initiative to renew our minds. When we begin to move the spirit will enable us to carry this action out.

4. How do I fix my head problem?

Our journey as Christians is one whereby daily we are to be transformed into the image of Christ. This is what Paul is calling us to; transformation into his image through the spirit’s help of renewing the mind. For transformation to take place the word of God must be central.

A.The word of God

Our minds can be renewed if we saturate it with the word of God. The first thing we need to know is what God wants to change in us. When we know what needs to go, then we can take the word and use it to tackle the struggle we are facing.

•When I think its ok for anxiety to be my friend, after all life is so stressful. I can replace it with 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety/cares on him because he cares for you”

•When I am trying to fit in with the crowd. Become a men pleaser. I can tackle it with Galatians 1:10, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ”.

•When I am idle in thought- daydreaming, procrastinating, wasting time and fantasizing, I will meditate on Philippians 4:8 “I will think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent and praise worthy”. I am renewing my mind so that I can be transformed into the image of Christ.

The renewing of the mind is so we go from wrong thinking and conduct to right thinking and conduct. To develop this kind of mindset, you must first know what is right thinking and conduct. It is the word that offers the best resources for this.

B.Put on positive qualities and thinking

The bible constantly exhorts us to do away with negative attitudes and seek to develop positive ones. Replace your old thoughts with new ones.

• When I feel inferior and my self esteem is low. I can think positively and replace this thought with God’s word. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Recognizing that God is the one that created me and anything he creates is good.

• When I have been hurt and tempted to hate and it consumes my mind. Replace the quality of hate with love. After all, the God I serve is Love and he exhorts me to love even my enemies. (exp). Jesus must be our example in displaying positive qualities and thinking.

C. The work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is given to help the believer with this transformation that Paul speaks about. But the Holy Spirit needs raw material to work with. If you put nothing in then you get nothing out. Be open to God’s spirit as he gives directives on areas you may need to work on. Even though the call is for us not to conform, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, the work of the spirit is still critical to this process.

It’s not by might nor by power but it is by my spirit says the Lord. If our minds are to be renewed then we must obey God’s word. When our minds are renewed we become better children, teenagers, young adults, adults and seniors. The challenge from God today is transform nuh conform; with our transformation being a continuous process.

When your mind is renewed which leads to your transformation the text says you are able to test what GOD’S will is. As you engage on a daily basis your experiences will teach you that God’s will is good, it’s pleasing and perfect.


A song we learnt in cantata many years ago was a song that said, “Looking over my life I’ve seen the road that I’ve taken. I don’t like it. Seem some things; some things have got to be shaken. Checked it out I’ve been in this life too long. Got to change my attitude is time to sing a new song. Cause I made up my mind I am going in another direction. I’ll walk and I’ll crawl. For this time I’m going to give my all in all. Please don’t hinder me I’m trying to make the change, I’m going all the way and I’m going in Jesus name”

“My minds made up no turning back, yes I’m happy cause I’m on the right track”

Is your mind made up today? Are you saying Lord, my head is my problem; help me to live for you. Help me transform my life through the renewing of my mind. Help me to get into your word; to develop positive qualities and thinking; to rely on your spirit. This is the hour to transform nuh conform.

Renewing your mind is a process, it doesn’t happen instantly. It requires willingness and determination. Its hard work. But we must discipline ourselves to stick with the process. The result will be a changed , productive life. A transformed life; a holy living sacrifice.

How many of us will honestly say, Lord Transform me! Lord help me not to conform to the standards of the world. Renew my mind Lord. Run to this altar this morning. Your saviour is waiting to transform you.
