Summary: The reason why church people must get along is so that when we proclaim the gospel to the lost, they will see sincerity and love and will hear the message, and new believers will hear the teaching of the Scripture and will be strengthened in their faith.

Series: Questions about the Church

Part 3 of 5: How Can I Get Along with People at Church?

1 Corinthians 2: 1-5


We’re still in our series of “Questions About the Church.” We started with the question, “What Exactly Is the Church?,” then, last week we asked “Why Do People in the Church Think Differently from Me?” I mentioned how those differences had led to quarrels in the church at Corinth. And because Paul loved these people, he spent some time in his letter dealing with some of the how’s and why’s of getting along with people in the church.

Now, I’m using the phrase, “getting along with people in the church,” and when I say that, I’m including several things. I’m talking about unity in the church, fellowship in the church, and loving one another as Jesus told us to do.

The question about the church I want to deal with today is “How Can I Get along Better with People in the Church?” but I’m going to spend most of my time this morning dealing with the reasons WHY it’s important that we get along better with people in the church. And once we understand the WHY, I think the HOW becomes easier.

I. So, Why Is it important that church people “get along?” (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

The reason it is important that church people get along is this: the message we have is extremely important for both the lost and the saved.

Verse 1, When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

The word ‘resolve’ is used of a judge who listens to the evidence in a case and ‘makes a decision’ about how things are going to be. Paul says, “I made a decision when I came to you to focus on the message that Jesus is the Messiah, who died on a cross to pay the price for sin.” That is the most important message of all. Paul goes to say, “Because I wanted you to hear that message...

Verse 3, I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.

Paul’s not saying that he was spiritually weak or afraid of what they might do to him. Remember, he faced an awful lot of persecution. He was beaten, nearly stoned to death.

When I started this series about the church, I said that Corinth was a cosmopolitan kind of city. Because of its importance on that isthmus, many nationalities of people came and went, and lived there. It was a large city. I’m sure at any given time, you could probably hear a person trying to get a crowd together to talk about their religion or some other kind of cause. I’m sure that many of these kinds of people were aggressive in trying to get support.

We see this kind of behavior in Philippi, when Paul cast a demon out of a slave girl. The owners got the crowd riled up against Paul and Silas, and they were thrown in jail.

I think Paul is saying that he came more in humility, opening himself up to them, and maybe with some fear that they still might not listen to the truth.

Verse 4, My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. (NIV)

Paul was an intelligent man. If you read some of his writings, you will see that he could get kind of confusing. He could use words and concepts that common people would not understand. Even if what’s being said is true and important, If people don’t understand it, it can’t change their lives.

It would probably be like me going to a financial advisor. If he began talking about why stocks go up or down, and he used economic concepts that I don’t understand, if I chose to invest my money with him, I would be doing so because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, but I wouldn’t have a clue what he meant.

Paul did not want to be this way. If he were preaching to the lost, he didn’t want them to be dazzled by his philosophical arguments, and agree to believe in Jesus because of his words. If he were teaching new Christians about the basic truths of the faith, he didn’t want to present himself as being “the one who knows more than you do” kind of person. Instead, he tried to get along with these people. He wanted to be in fellowship with them; to show them he really loved them. Now, we will talk about how he did this in a moment, but the reason why he wanted to get along with them was so that when he preached his message to them, they would not see him, or his intellect, or his fancy sounding words. He wanted them to see Jesus, He wanted them to know Jesus died for them, and he wanted them to know that the only thing that could strengthen their faith is the power of God.

Verse 5, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.

There have been some pretty persuasive “Bible teachers.” Jim Jones, leader of the Peoples Temple, who led about 900 people to commit suicide, was quoted by a former follower as saying, “What you need to believe in is what you can see...If you see me as your friend, I’ll be your friend. As you see me as your father, I’ll be your father, for those of you that don’t have a father...If you see me as your savior, I’ll be your savior. If you see me as your God, I’ll be your God."

Sun Myung Moon declared that he succeeded where Jesus failed in the mission God sent Him to do.

David Koresh, Joseph Smith, and L. Ron Hubbard. These are just a few of those who have led many people into believing their message. Charles Darwin could be added to this group.

But Paul’s message focused on Jesus, the Messiah and the cross.

The reason I want us to see why church people must get along is so that when we proclaim the gospel to the lost, they will see sincerity and love and will hear the message, and new believers will hear the teaching of the Scripture and will be strengthened in their faith.

Remember what Jesus said? John 13:35, ”By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (NIV) When we are in unity, when we are fellowshipping together, when we are loving one another, people will know that we belong to Jesus. Those who are lost will want that, and those who are saved will grow strong in their faith.

So, how DO we get along better with people in the church?

1. As I said a moment ago, when Paul came to Corinth, I believe he humbled himself. I think that “weakness,” and “fear,” and “trembling” all indicate that humility. Look back at verse 4, My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words…”

He didn’t want to come across as one who had ALL the answers. I don’t see Paul as coming up to them say, “Ok, if you want to be a fantastic Christian, you’ve got to follow my 25-step plan.”

When we really want to fellowship with other people, we need to be humble. Have you ever been around someone who “knew” everything? They really didn’t know everything, but they wanted you to think they did. They aren’t very fun people to be a round, are they? And even if we DO know the right answer or the right thing to do, if we try to FORCE it on someone, a lot of times, they won’t accept it, will they? If you’ve had kids, you know what I’m talking about. You can tell them till you’re blue in the face not to do something, that it’s not good for them, and it’s like talking to a wall. Believe me, I know.

It’s easier to get along with people when we are humble with them.

2. If we want to get along better with people in the church, we need to love them.

When Paul says in verse 2, I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified…, to me, it goes without saying that he had a love for these people. Jesus is God in the flesh, and God loves all people, (For God so loved the world…), Jesus loved these people so much that HE died for them on the cross.

How could Paulo travel all around the known world telling them about Jesus, if he didn’t love Jesus, and if he didn’t have a great love for the people he went to?

Not all missionaries go to remote village, I know, but think for a moment with me about the ones that do. Some serve in places that are days or weeks away from any city. Some are among people who have little or no knowledge of Christianity. There are language and social barriers that have to be overcome. You don’t go into this kind of situation because you like the lifestyle. You do it because you love Jesus and you love the people.

If we want to get along better with people in the church, we need to love them. Jesus said in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, “ (KJV) And I’ve already mentioned the verse that people will know we belong to Jesus if we love one another.

3. Then a third thing, If we want to get along better with people in the church, we need to become friends with them.

Verse 1, When I came to you, brothers,…

Paul liked to use this word “brothers” in his letters. Now, we know he was talking to other believers. Paul used this family concept to talk about Christians. In Galatians 6:10, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.“(NIV)

There are times when people become such close friends, that they are closer to us than our blood relatives.

I believe we are living in a time when people are losing the personal touch of a loving, caring friendship.

We live in a society where people, especially young adults, move so often they don’t have time to develop deep friendships. My mom and step father lived in the place where I grew up for about 25 years. During that 25 years, I moved 10 or 11 times. It’s hard to develop close personal friends when you’re moving that much.

We all need friends, people to share our lives with. And the church needs to be a place of friendship. Notice I didn’t a friendly church. I Rick Warren has made this statement: "People aren’t looking for a friendly church; people are looking for friends." (Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox, Issue #257, 5/3/2006) And if they have friends at church, many will come to church.

Well, you know, coming to church to be with your friends is not the best reason to come to church, is it? But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with coming to church to worship the one, true, living, almighty, loving God, and to study His Word and what it means in your life, and doing that with people that you love and care for—who have become your friends. People you love to get along with.


How do we get along better with people in the church? Have unity, fellowship together?

1. Be humble.

2. Love the people in the church.

3. Be friends with people in the church.

And we do this because the message we teach and preach is so important for salvation, and for a strong faith.


Maybe you’re here this morning and you have an issue with someone that needs to be dealt with so that you can get along better with someone in the church. You need to come before God and confess that to him, then be reconciled to that Christian brother or sister.

Maybe you’re here this morning and you’re not a Christian. The important message that Paul shared with the people of Corinth was that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the only one who could save us from our sins, and He gave His life on the cross to pay for them. Do you believe this? Are you ready to give your life over to Him? I invite you to the altar this morning to tell God that you believe in Jesus and you want Him in charge of Your life.

Will you respond to Jesus today?