Summary: How do we live fearless lives as Christians? God’s heart is that we not just survive, but thrive (adapted from a series taught by Pastor Larry Osborne, North Coast Church).


Part 2- Fearless (adapted from a series by Pastor Larry Osborne/Chris Brown from North Coast Church).


Last time-looked at Daniel/his captivity in Babylon-

Babylon was a very dark culture

Premise of what we discussed- based on this question-

How do we survive and even thrive in a culture that is accelerating towards darkness?

Survive- to remain alive or continue to exist.

Thrive- to grow vigorously, to gain, to progress.

Facing Your Fears

Fear- an unpleasant and often strong emotion caused by the anticipation/awareness of danger.

Fear- God given emotion- warning light car dash-

fear can warn us of very real danger.

The question is not how to avoid fear, but- how do we master our fears instead of them mastering us?

1933- FDR took office at the height of the depression-

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance- in such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties.

It is true we have nothing to fear but fear itself, but does that tell the whole story?

Gallup poll- 13-17 yr olds- what most afraid of-

Terrorist attack, death (or dying), war, failure in life, spiders.

College students- what will- world be like in 25 years-

91% climate change will hit hard,

66% global oil reserves will have run out.

Adults- asked about spending and finances-

59% cutting spending- concern for the future,

only 28% are cutting back because their actual

financial situation has gotten worse.

People today are worried and fearful about the future.

How do we face our fears, how do we walk with courage/contentment- in light of our situation?

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, but not absence of fear. Mark Twain

Finding Your Fears

* What if BLANK happens?

What are you most afraid of- what put in the blank?

Perhaps you are facing-

serious health problems, losing your job.

We all have something we can put in that blank.

Josh 1:1-2

Moses, the man who had led the nation for many years is dead- now Joshua must lead.

Think about who this man Moses was, he-

boldly challenged-most powerful king on earth,

had a staff that would turn into a snake,

brought great plagues on Egypt,

led the people to- Red Sea, raises his staff and

the waters part- walk through on dry ground

hits a rock with his staff and water comes out.

Moses would make the ultimate Action Toy and Joshua had to fill his shoes.

Josh 1:3-5

God was saying to Joshua-

the God I WAS is

the God I AM and is

the God I WILL BE.

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. NASU

The same God that walked/talked w/Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Paul, walks/speaks w/us today.

Many of us- facing our Red Sea/Jordan River/Jericho- the same God is prepared to deliver us today.

Josh 1:6-9

Joshua wrestled w/human feelings of fear/inadequacy-

he is standing before a river at flood stage,

other side-fortified city-filled w/enemy soldiers.

responsible for the safety of two million people including women/children/elderly.

God instructs Joshua not to be afraid- be courageous.

Facing Your Fears

* Strength and courage come from the choices we make, more than the feelings we have.

God is saying to Joshua- if you walk w/me according to My Word, I will be w/you.

Joshua, it is far more about your daily choices than how you feel- whether courageous or adequate.

Do not be afraid appears 120 times.

Do not fear appears 131 times.

2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.

The idea of-

leaving Egypt,

wandering in the wilderness, and

finding the Promised Land

runs through the Bible.

Many- find themselves wandering in the wilderness trying to work out their obedience to God.

Josh 5:13-15

Crossed the Jordan, approaching Jericho w/large army

A man appeared before them w/his sword drawn.

Joshua asks him- are you for us or against us? NO!

Joshua is standing before a large army and bows down before one lone swordsman. Why?

In- Bible- angels do not allow men to worship them.

This man does not stop Joshua from bowing before him- I believe this is- OT appearance of the Christ.

Remember- Joshua is-

Gods man,

leading Gods people,

into Gods promises,

in Gods timing, but-

-when Joshua says to God are you for us,

He says NO- what do you mean NO?

We have- mindset- if we ask God into our life one time-He will be on our side for the rest of our lives

Did you ever play backyard baseball, select two captains- then they pick team players. Do you think Jesus is standing in that group saying, please, pick me, I want to be on your team?

Again, as we look at Joshua- Joshua is-

Gods man,

leading Gods people

into Gods promises

in Gods timing, and

-God says, NO, I am not going to be on your

team- but- you can be on My team.

Rom 8:31 If God is for us, who is against us?

God is for us in that-

He always has an unconditional love for us,

He will always reach out to receive us the moment

we repent and turn to Him, but-

-the idea that because I said a prayer God is suppose to fit into my life, on my terms is- reverse of true spiritual reality.

God-saying-you can be on my team/fit into My plans- are you for me or against me?

Joshua- this is holy ground, take off your shoes.

Joshua falls down before the Lord and says-

what message do you have for your servant.

Here is how to be on my side-

do not attack the city,

walk around it six days, and

then on the seventh day,

walk around it seven times and blow your horn.

God could of said to Joshua-

Joshua there is 1000 ways you can attack the city, but there is only one way that you can do it and be obedient to me.

Joshua, are you on My team or not?

We always think we have a better plan than God has.

NOW, we know how the story ends- the band plays and the walls fall down and Israel defeats the city.

* Obedience will always proceed Gods blessings.

Before Israel can conquer anything else in the Promised Land, they had to be conquered by God.

This is- missing element in- life of many Christians.

We must allow ourselves- be conquered by God daily.

Daily we should ask God-

what is your message for your servant today.

How do I make sure this book guides-

the way I handle my finances,

treat my spouse and children,

respond to this current economic situation?

The issue here is not whether you are saved or not, but are you allowing God to be in charge of your life.

70-80% of people in church- never made Jesus Lord.

NOW, lets ask this question- If obedience proceeds Gods blessings, what are Gods blessings?

* Gods blessings are:

His presence

The issue is more than Joshua, I will be with you as I was with Moses, but, as Jesus said-

Jn 14:23 If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.

Gods blessings are first, His presence, and secondly:

His provision

Mtt 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. NASU

Seek Gods Kingdom first, and seek to be like Him, then God says- I will take care of your needs.

Not talking about being rich, but living life with contentment/joy- that goes beyond our situation.

Gods blessings- His presence/provision- thirdly-

A huge house

Jn 14:2 "In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.

God is saying- I am guaranteeing you- large home in heaven, but now is the time for obedience.

Too often we are trying to find heaven here on earth without paying the price of obedience to God.

1 Sam 4

Israel-goes to battle against-Philistines-lose 4000 men

They come back to- tents- first thing they ask God-

Why are you doing this to us?

They go back into battle- this time- lose 30,000 men.

Why? They had been disobedient to God.

Our mind set is- we pray and get God on your side and then all will go well in life.

We ask God to help us w/finances and God says-

that is funny, I have never been a part of your finances before.

We and ask God for work/job- God is says-

that is funny I have never been a part of your job before.

We ask for a relationship and God is says-

that is funny, I have never been a part of your relationships before.

We try- get God on our team instead of getting on His

The Bottom Line

Mtt 7:21-24

We can build our house on the sand or on the rock.

What is the rock-

- not just Christ, but our obedience to Christ.

* Our confidence is not in Christ, but where we are in Christ.

Do not expect God to be involved in your life, unless you have put your life in Gods care.

Do not think God will jump when we pray- expecting Him to be on our side- if- we- are not on His team.

Do not put your hope in a God that your life is not in.

If you do you will get discouraged with a God that does not answer your prayers/grant your desires.


I do not know what-

fear you might be facing or,

what disappointment you might be dealing with but-

bigger question is, are you on Gods team?

If we take off our sandals- our efforts/plans, and walk with Him- we will meet a God that regardless of-

who we are or

what we have done, or

what we deserve,

we will meet a God that says, welcome to my team.

This is the incredible grace of God that we cannot earn and will never be able to live up to.

Our prayer perhaps should be-

Forgive me Lord for taking my family, my finances, my job, and expecting you to bless them, when I have not been on your team.