Summary: Am I wisse or foolish?


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• How many of you here today have been involved in building a house?

• What is one thing that you do not want to do when you build the house or chose the location on which to build?

• You do not want to build your house on a weak foundation. Why?

• Because if you do it does not matter how expensive or what quality of materials you use on the rest of the house because if you have foundation problems, the whole house will have problems.

• I remember a house we looked at when we were moving to Centralia, Missouri. The house was a very pretty home and we were very interested in purchasing it, but then we heard the dreaded words, “This house has foundation problems.”


• Jesus is wrapping up the Sermon on the Mount. In this seventh chapter Jesus has spoken to us about the narrow and wide gate, the good and the bad teachers and now Jesus is going to focus our attention on two types of builders.

• As we examine the illustration of the two types of builders we will see that Jesus is making reference to the way we chose to build our lives what will happen to them depending on what we chose to build our lives upon.

• As you listen today, I want you to think about what foundation you are building your life upon.

• Let’s begin with verse 24

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• Matthew 7:24 ( ESV ) “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

• The first type of builder we will see is…

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• What criteria does Jesus use as He considers who is a wise builder?

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A. What makes one a wise builder?

• There are a couple things we will examine.

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1. They hear and they do!

• Jesus tells us that the person who HEARS His words AND ACTS upon them can be compared to a wise builder.

• How many times have we heard people talk about what they are going to do, and then never do it?

• We look at what people’s intentions are. We think that if our intent is to do something, it is as good as doing it!

• We cannot only hear the word, and applaud the word, we are to do what the Word says.

• In James 1:22-25, James speaks on the subject of being a “doer” of the word verses being a “hearer” of the word. James repeats the same idea in James 2:14-20

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• James 1:22 ( ESV ) But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

• We deceive ourselves when we just HEAR the Word and do not act upon it!

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• Romans 2:13 ( ESV ) For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.

• Listen and do! Knowledge only becomes relevant when it is translated into action.

• William Barclay, in his commentary on Matthew said, “There is little point in going to a doctor, unless we are prepared to do the things we hear him say to us. There is little point in going to an expert, unless we are prepared to act upon his advice. And yet there are thousands of people who listen to the teaching of Jesus Christ every Sunday, and who have a very good knowledge of what Jesus taught, and who yet make little or no deliberate attempt to put it into practice. If we are to be in any sense followers of Jesus we must hear and do.”

• Hearing and doing can be summed up with the word obedience!

• The second reason a builder can be considered wise is…

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• 2. They choose a great foundation to build upon.

• Jesus says that the wise builder is the one who builds his house upon the rock.

• The word for “rock” does not mean a stone or even a boulder, but a great outcropping of rock, a large expanse of bedrock. It is solid, stable, and unmovable. Sand, by contrast, is loose, unstable, and extremely movable. The land agents selling lots on the sand are the false prophets Jesus has just warned about (vv. 15-20).

• Building on the rock is equivalent to obeying God’s Word.

• What is the rock that we are to build upon if we are going to be a wise builder? It is the Word of God. If we are building our lives upon the Word of God, then we are also building our lives on the rock of Jesus.

• This thought fits right in with what Jesus has already told us in this sermon. Remember when He said that not all who call “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of God? That was going to happen to those who did not build their lives upon the Word of God.

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• 1 John 2:4-5 ( ESV ) Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may be sure that we are in him:

• Following and obeying God’s word is akin to knowing Jesus and loving Jesus.

• Listen to verse 25

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• Matthew 7:25 ( ESV ) And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

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B. The benefit of being a wise builder.

• The picture that Jesus paints is a very graphic picture for those who were listening to Him that day.

• In Palestine there were many sudden violent storms that would arise. The Jordan River would swell along with other Mountain streams. The building materials of the day were not too good either. One storm could wipe out a poorly constructed house.

• It takes a lot of effort to build on the right foundation. In the Palestinian desert it is much easier to build on the sandy surface than to dig down to bedrock (Lk 6:48).

• Likewise it is easier to listen to Jesus’ words (v. 26) and profess a relationship with him (vv. 21-22), than it is to obey him (v. 24). But that is the only way to lay a lasting foundation.

• In the parallel passage in Luke 6:47 Jesus says

• In Luke 6:47-ff which is the parallel passage with this Luke tells us the wise builder dug DEEP to lay a solid foundation which would stand strong!

• The builder had to dig deep past the sand to get to the rock foundation.

• Because of the effort of the wise builder to build their house on the rock, whenever the storms of life come, the house will stand.

• The key word is “foundation”. The crises of life will show the real nature of one’s relationship to Jesus.

• Will that relationship withstand the trials and storms of life? A many relationships fall as soon as something bad happens.

• The great architect Frank Lloyd Wright was given the challenge of building the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, one of the most earthquake prone cities in the world. Wright’s investigation showed that a solid foundation could be “floated” on a sixty-foot layer of soft mud underlying the hotel, which would provide a shock-absorbing but solid support for the immense building. Shortly after the hotel was completed it withstood the worst earthquake in fifty-two years, while lesser buildings fell in ruins around it.

• Jesus is PROMISING us that if we will take the time to build our lives upon the rock of His word, that not matter what life does to us, we will come out of it intact.

• The wise builder takes the time to read God’s word and takes the time to meditate upon it. The wise builder looks for ways to apply God’s Word into his life and the life of his or her children.

• Wise parents will start their children out on the right track by trying to instill God’s word into their lives in every way possible. Your bible is not just some book written over 2,0000 plus years ago. It is the word of God, it is the word of Life!

• Let’s turn to verse 26

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• Matthew 7:26 ( ESV ) And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.

• Now we see the foolish builder

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A. What makes a builder foolish? (v26)

• There are a couple of things in the passage that makes one a foolish builder.

• The first one is..

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• 1. They hear and they DON’T!

• The one who is called the foolish builder is the one who hears the word of God and DOES NOT ACT.

• The foolish builder is short-sighted. They don’t give a thought for tomorrow.

• Like the Three little pigs. Straw, sticks and brick.

• The foolish builder is trying to do what is easy and quick.

• To profess knowledge of God and His truth but not follow God obediently and live His truth is to be deceived. It is to have entered by the wide gate and to be walking on the broad way that leads to destruction. It is to have a house built upon the sand. The only validation we can ever have of salvation is a life of obedience. That is the only proof Scripture mentions of our being under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

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• The second thing that makes one a foolish builder is the fact..

• 2. They choose a weak foundation to build upon.

• Jesus says that person is building their house upon the sand.

• Building on the sand is like listening to heavenly instruction and going back to earthly pursuits.

• A person is building their life on the sand when they build it upon the sands of human opinion instead of the Word of God.

• The sand is composed of human opinions, attitudes, and wills, which are always shifting and always unstable. To build on sand is to build on self-will, self-fulfillment, self-purpose, self-sufficiency, self-satisfaction, and self-righteousness. To build on sand is to be unteachable, to be “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7).

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• Let’s look at the final verse in our text.

• Matthew 7:27 ( ESV ) And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

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B. What effect does a foolish builder have on his house? (v27)

• On Oct. 17, 1989 a massive earthquake struck the San Francisco area and the people there gave a lot of thought to the foundation they were built on.

• Buildings built on solid ground sustained much less damage than those built on "filled in" areas. The south pier of the Golden Gate Bridge sits directly on top of the San Andreas fault! Yet it was undamaged in that quake because the weight of the bridge rests on the two towers deeply embedded into the rock beneath the sea.

• Remember that double-decker freeway in Oakland that collapsed? It was built on land that had been filled in. It all looked the same until the time of testing!

• When we build our house on the sand, when the time of testing comes, it will fall, and Jesus says, “great was its fall”.

• Every area of our lives that we do not build upon the rock of God’s word WILL FALL. If we try to build a marriage in the sand, it will fall, it we try to raise our children on the sands of human opinion we will fail. If we build our financial empire on the sands it will fall and great will be the fall.

• The sad thing is these two houses will look the same to the passerby. But the difference will be obvious enough in the storm. Likewise, two professing Christians may both go to church, pray, read their Bibles, and have a Jesus bumper sticker on their car.

• The storm will tell the difference. We use this metaphor primarily as “the storms of life.” There is truth in that. Times of tribulation often reveal the genuineness of a person’s faith. The Jews, however, used this storm metaphor especially in relation to judgment (Ezek 13:10ff). Thus, contextually, our house will be tested on judgment day (1 Cor 3:12-15).

• There are no long term benefits of building your house on the sand, so why do it.


• In 1174 the Italian architect Bonnano Pisano began work on what would become his most famous project: A separately standing bell tower for the Cathedral of the city of Pisa.

• The tower was to be eight-stories and 185-foot-tall tall. There was just one "little" problem: builders quickly discovered that the soil was much softer than they had anticipated, (the soil consisted of sand, shells and clay) and the foundation was far too shallow (5 feet deep) to adequately hold the structure!

• And sure enough, before long the whole structure had begun to tilt... and it continued to tilt... until finally the architect and the builders realized that nothing could be done to make the Leaning Tower of Pisa straight again.

• It took 176 years to build the Tower of Pisa and during that time many things were done to try and compensate for the "tilt." Foundation was shored up; the upper levels were even built at an angle to try to make the top of the tower look straight. Nothing worked.

• The tower has stood for over 800 years, but it leans 18 feet away from where it should be. One day, experts say, it will fall. All because it wasn’t built on the right foundation.

• The Leaning tower of Pisa was and is a beautiful structure, but one day it is going to fall because it was not built on a solid foundation.

• How many of our lives, after years and years of trying to build them will look beautiful on the outside, but because they are not built on the foundation of Jesus and Hs word, in the end, when tested, will fall.

• The word of God demands radical submission to the EXCLUSIVE lordship of Jesus.

• I believe that as Jesus delivered the end of this great sermon that He looked out among the crowd with a heavy heart over the ones who lives will fall apart in the end because they chose to build their lives on the shifting sand of human opinion instead of the solid rock of Jesus Christ and His word.

• Where are you building your house? Are you laying a shallow foundation for your life or are you digging deep to make sure that your foundation is anchored to the Rock?