Summary: With a world out of focus, we can focus on the Person of Christ.

It’s All about Jesus!

Introduction – Focus

There are many things people focus upon. Today, at the new Cowboy’s Stadium, there will be many who will focus on the trappings more than the team. Jerry Jones wants his team to win but he loves his $1.2 billion stadium! *After a heartbreaking loss, most wish they had focused more on the trappings!*

There are some who focused on our marriage conference this weekend. It was nice having ten couples participate in the Jimmy and Karen Evan’s “Marriage, Money and Intimacy” marriage conference in the DFW area. These folks believed their marriage was important. They were focused on building stronger marriages.

Last week, we focused in Sunday school on reaching 200. We made a concerted effort and surpassed our goal to reach 210. It has been years since FBC has reached this milestone. Let’s focus on souls.

Focus. Much can be accomplished when we focus on the right things the right way for the right purposes..

As we begin this study in Revelation, we will find that the focus of the book is on the Person of Jesus Christ. The Bible is a story of redemption and He is our great Redeemer! Let’s look first at…

The Revelation of Jesus Christ 1:1-3

This book begins and ends about the person of Jesus Christ. He has a love for His creation and completed that love through His sacrificial death on the cross. Note five things in this first chapter regarding our great Redeemer.

First, we see His Identity. Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Savior of Mankind. He is the Sovereign Ruler who reveals Himself to those who accept Him on His terms. His name, Jesus, means “God is Salvation.” His title, Christ, means anointed One. The Bible is a book revealing mankind’s only hope. It’s not found in Washington or in the environment. It is not found in realigning politics or remodeling our world. It is found in Him!

Second, we see His Authority. Matthew 28 records the words of Jesus where the Father had given all authority to Him. Why? He completed His mission on the cross and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Then, we see His Veracity. The Old Testament promised that the Messiah would come. The Gospels declare that He’s here! From the Book of Acts through Revelation, the Word announces that He’s coming back! In Revelation, preparation is made for His return and in chapters 19-22 and we find that He’s BACK! God’s Word never returns void and His truth is eternal.

Fourth, we see His Certainty. The words “for the time is near” are meant to signify the closeness of the event. It means soon, shortly, or quickly! It is something God has promised and He will bring it about.

Finally, we sense an Urgency in these words. We have a responsibility to share the Gospel and we are failing. We can read the statistics which indicate we are winning less people to Christ. Churches are in decline. As great as we may think the Southern Baptist Convention may be, we are declining in numbers because we, as a church body, have failed in the Great Commission. It’s time to fall on our knees and ask God’s forgiveness.

Then we discover…

The Reign of Christ 1:4-6

In these verses, Jesus sends a clear message to His churches through John. John first addresses…

His People in verse 4a. He talks regarding their position. They are the ekklesia. Ek means “out” while klesia means “called ones”. So, being the called out ones, they are to be separate and different than the world. There are seven named churches. They are representative churches. Seven refers to perfection or completeness. The churches are far less than perfect as we can tell. But in God’s eyes, they are spotless because they are the bride of Christ and will be spotless when she stands before the throne. And we also see their location. They are in Asia. Each church has a different personality. No two churches are alike. Even today, should you find the perfect church, don’t join it…you will ruin it when you do!

Note also His Privileges in verse 4b. He gives us grace and peace. Notice that grace always precedes peace. There is no peace unless there is grace. Jesus grants us both grace and peace through His death, burial and resurrection. These are privileges given to us. We can’t earn or achieve it. It is given in love.

Then we also see His Person in verses 4c-5a. Here we find the Trinity. He is the eternal God. He is the Ancient of Days who sits upon His throne. The Holy Spirit is the perfect and sovereign Spirit before the throne. In verse 5a, we see His beloved Son. The Godhead is spoken of here in these two verses revealing the majesty and glory of God! Glory, what a Savior!

We also discover His Price in 5b. Jesus loved us with a perfect love by washing us in His blood from our sins. His death was a violent and necessary death. It was necessary because we can’t earn it. It was violent because our sins are reprehensible before God. Jesus paid in full the ultimate price. He is the God-man; totally God and totally man.

Look at His Portion in verse 6a. He has made us, through His death, a kingdom of priests. Our very nature is to worship Him. We are His portion, His people.

Only God can forgive sin and only man can pay the price. Jesus accomplished what we could not do. Therefore, He alone deserves Praise in 6b. Our purpose from now through eternity is to praise a mighty God. There is no other. All others will be shamed and discredited.

Then a promise is made. Jesus is coming back. Look at verses 7-8. It is here we see…

The Return of Christ 1:7-8

There is an emphasis here on His Return in 7a. All will see Him. Not only those who are fighting Him later in the Book of Revelation but those who pierced Him. This speaks of all people in eternity past who in their sinful ways rejected the only Son of God.

Note His Resolve in 7b. There will be great mourning or “cutting of the heart” because of Jesus. He returns, as He said, and they know judgment waits in the distant future. They failed to trust in Him and the anticipation is more than they can bear. Jesus will return.

In verse 8, we discover His Righteousness. He is the Eternal God. He was before time eternal and will remain the Eternal One. He alone is righteous and worthy of our praise. He is the Almighty!

As we study God’s Word today, I have a few challenges for you. First, ask yourself, “Where am I spiritually?” Is it time to take an inventory of your life? If Jesus returned today, where do you stand with Him?

Second, “What am I doing with my life?” Maybe it is finally time for you to get busy! Perhaps you have been playing games with God. Stop it! Get serious with Him! “Today is the day of salvation!

Finally, ask yourself the question, “Who am I investing in?” Have I taken time to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and am I making a difference? Am I showing the love of Christ to others?