Summary: His life can be summed up with this one great word, Wonderful

Intro: there are many varied reasons people pick names for their children. Some name them after a family member, some after a famous athlete or movie star. Not many people name someone to describe what they will do or what they will be. You can’t name your child incredible, or awesome. You can’t name them spectacular or fantastic, because they may never live up to the name. But in God’s Word we are given the name of the Son of God, and it is a description of what He will do, and what He will be.

Why Wonderful Is His Name

Isaiah 9:6

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful

The prophet of Old declares that His Name will be a description of what He will do, and who He will be

I. How He Saves People is Wonderful—over the years I have had the privilege of seeing many people give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Many times He takes people that are broken, hurting and suffering from the consequences of sin, and saves them. What happens in the days to come is, well, Wonderful! They begin a new life, there is joy back in their hearts, He washes all the sins away and they become white as snow. They actually become a new person, the old man passes away.

Now, I don’t know about your salvation experience, but I still remember when I gave my heart to Jesus. Weights drop off your shoulders, all the guilt of past sins are forgiven. You desire others to have what you have, and you want to share Jesus. This is Wonderful.

II. How He Speaks Is Wonderful—in times past God spoke to us by the prophets, but in these days He speaks to us by the Son. And never a man spoke like this man. He speaks with authority and not like the scribes and Pharisees. He can speak the Word only, and healing, deliverance, miracles and blessings come into existence. His word is so powerful, the heavens and earth will pass away, but His word will never pass away.

III. How He Died Is Wonderful—now to die on an old rugged cross doesn’t seem that wonderful, but no greater love has any man than this, than that He would lay down his life for his friends. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The righteous dying for sin. Now we which were afar off are brought near by the blood.

IV. How He Rose From The Grave Is Wonderful—he is not here, he is risen, just like He said. There have been many who reported dying and being revived, coming back to life after their heart stopped. And Lazarus came back after being dead, but he died a little later. But Jesus is the resurrection and the life, he dies no more. He defeated death, the grave and hell itself, and gained back the keys to eternal life.

V. How He Will Come Back For Us Is Wonderful- He has gone to prepare a place for us, that where He is, we will be also. Isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus has provided heaven for all those who believe on His Name. Isn’t it wonderful to realize that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

Close: His Name shall be called Wonderful. How wonderful is Jesus? I like how the Apostle John ended his gospel. John 21:25 if all the things were written down, I suppose the world itself could not contain all the books that should be written, amen.