Summary: A look at the uncommon worship of the sinful woman who annointed Jesus with the contents of her alibaster box


Cure For The Common Life—Part 3


Roll “Basketball Passes” Video


I’m Curious

[36] Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. Luke 7:36

We know by what follows in this story that the Pharisee is not a follower of Jesus or a believer, but probably just curious. Although Jesus is aware of this he accepts the invitation because he loves Simon also.

I’m Passive

I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, Luke 7:44b

You did not give me a kiss, Luke 7:45

You did not put oil on my head, Luke 7:46

These were customary courtesies that a host would show to a guest that he loved and respected. They were not required, but Jesus noticed!

Roll “Worship Hater” Video Here

I Tend To Find Fault

When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is--that she is a sinner." Luke 7:39

Simon, simply proud in spirit has the auspicious distinction of being recorded for all history as the man who sat at meat with the Son of God—and thought himself in a position to patronize him.

In Simon’s mind he was passing judgment. Simon’s reasoning went something like this.

• If Jesus were a prophet, he would know people’s character.

• If Jesus knew this woman was a sinner, He would have nothing to do with her.

• If Jesus were a true teacher he would not allow her to touch him this way.

The problem with logic is the same as the problem with computers; your output is only as reliable as your input. Because Simon logic was based on false assumptions it led him to false conclusions.

First he believes that if Jesus were a prophet, He would be able to discern the character of the woman who was touching him – which was correct. Jesus was not only able to discern the character of this woman, but he was capable of knowing what Simon was thinking. The conclusion that Simon reached was entirely wrong. Since Jesus did not shun this woman, he did not know this woman’s character, and thus was not a prophet at all. By his question to him, Jesus shows that not only could he read her character but that he could even fathom Simon’s innermost thoughts

I don’t want you to miss this, in verse forty, Jesus turns to Simon and says, “Simon I have something that I want to say to you.” I wonder if Jesus comes week by week and taps you on the shoulder and whispers in your ear, “You and I have something to talk about!” There only two kinds of sinners in the world and everyone here fits into one of the two categories. There are sinners who are clear that they are sinners and there are sinners with blind spots who do not know that they are sinners.

Spiritual Direction: Silent prayer time asking God to illuminate my blind spots


Scene Setup:

Nina and her friend and co-worker, Jose, are spending the day together in New York City. Nina is trying to decide what to do about her newly discovered pregnancy. She is depressed about her life; everything appears bleak. And then, suddenly, they come across a man, peddling on the street, who gives Nina a much-needed gift.

Roll Clip “Describe It To Me” Here


As Nina lazily talked about the surroundings to the blind man, he was able to immediately comprehend the kind of flowers she described. He could name each of them. Nina spoke of the scene across the street in unremarkable terms, but the blind man dearly wished that he could see it. It sounded exciting to him. And then he offered Nina a gift.

Nina, who could see, who could move about freely, who had resources, received a gift from this poor, blind man. The gift was much more than an origami frog. She was focused on her own difficulties, but her meeting with this man helped her to refocus a bit on the beauty of life. We should not take such gifts for granted.

A thankful, appreciative heart changes the way we see the world. When our eyes are focused on ourselves, it breeds selfishness. When our eyes are focused on the Lord and what He makes and provides, it leads to gratitude and wonder. Only when we take our eyes off of ourselves can we really see. The ability to gain an eternal perspective allows us to reevaluate the severity of those things we call trials, and to appreciate what we formerly thought of as commonplace.

In order for Nina to "see" life, she had to understand the blind man’s perspective. In order for us to "see" life the way God intends us to, we need to adopt God’s perspective. Celebrate life by seeing with new eyes.

Song: What can I do?

I Forget Myself

When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, Luke 7:37

She didn’t belong there. But she demonstrates her strong desire to offer worship by overcoming the barriers.

I’m Humble and Contrite

and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears Luke 7:38a

I Communicate My Affection For God

Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Luke 7:38b

In contrast with Simon’s curious, passive attitude, the sinful woman had showered exceptional marks of honor and affection upon Christ. She has had a moment of clarity over the magnitude of her sins but also of the magnitude of God’s grace and mercy in forgiveness.

Nearly all uncommon worship must be preceded by a deep clarity of our own sinfulness and clarity of our assurance of God’s forgiveness.

Gratitude Fuels My Worship

[40] Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, teacher," he said.

"Tell me, teacher, " Simon says.

"Tell me O great prophet who hasn’t a clue about what kind of person is touching you!"

"Tell me peasant-preacher from poor but beautiful Galilee"

"Share with me, street preacher without a Bible College Degree, from your vast, studied insight."

"Disgraceful! Nothing short of disgraceful to let this harlot… this prostitute… fawn all over you! But tell me Jesus… you tell me what’s on your mind…"

[41] "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. [42] Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?"

[43] Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."

"You have judged correctly," Jesus said. Luke 7:40-43

I Owe A Spiritual Debt

Jesus used a story to explain what he meant, there were two men who had borrowed money. Since a denarius was equal to about a day’s wages; 50 denarii equaled nearly 2 month’s pay; and 500, about 2 year’s wages (22 months). These were incredible debts considering that the average wages were barely sufficient for survival. And although there is considerable difference in what each man owed, what is important is that neither man was able to pay. But the creditor in a supreme show of mercy and compassion canceled each man’s debt. Jesus’ question recorded in verse forty-two was, “Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?"

Simon may have hesitated to answer the question fearing that he would be trapped. Yet there was only one correct answer and even Simon could see it as he reveals in verse forty three, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." Certainly the one that was forgiven ten times as much would have the greater gratitude. The higher the debt the more the forgiveness cost the creditor. Some people that we would not touch with a ten foot pole, if they truly met Christ, would put us to shame in their displays of love and devotion to Jesus. Such people love much because they have been forgiven much.

I Can Never Pay The Debt I Owe

The good news is that forgiveness is available to everyone. But forgiveness is not free; forgiveness always cost something. For the lender it cost 550 denarii to forgive those that were indebted to him. Forgiveness always cost something. When God said, “I will forgive you.” It cost the life of his only son Jesus on the cross of Calvary. The sin debt had to be paid. Jesus paid the debt so that you would not have to.

The conclusion is clear Simon as a “high class” sinner had the same problem as the “low class” prostitute; it is only a matter of degrees. The woman owed the greater debt but they both owed a debt that they could not pay.

This woman demonstrated the secret of an uncommon worshipper – gratitude. She was grateful for God’s love and forgiveness.

The greater our clarity that God has dealt with us in mercy, the greater love we will have for him in return. If our love for God is cold, it may well be because we have been blinded and think God owes us. The gospel is a like a banker walking up to us when we cannot pay our mortgage, rather than foreclosing, he writes out a check that pays off the debt.

Too often we are like the Pharisee filled with self-righteousness we are ungrateful for all that God has provided. It’s a dangerous blind spot

If there is one sin that most prevalent today, it is the sin of ingratitude. God has done so much for us. Our indebtedness to him is enormous and yet we rarely or at least infrequently offer thanks for what he has done. In fact, most professing Christians don’t even offer thanks over their meals much less offer thanks for all that God does in their lives.

We are much like the little boy who was given an orange by a man. The boy’s mother asked, “What do you say to the nice man?”

The little boy thought and handed the orange back and said, “Peel it.”

Scene Setup:

Bruce Nolan has been endowed with God’s powers for over a week, and has made a complete mess of his life. He thought that he could be God, but the power only magnified his self-centeredness. Finally trying to make amends, he listens in on the prayers of his girlfriend, Grace.

Roll “Bruce Almighty” Clip Here--DVD Chapter: 17 Start Time: 1:24:21 End Time: 1:26:12 (Maybe—I’m not sure I want to use this yet)


When we come face to face with our sin we are at a critical moment of clarity in our lives. We can either make excuses for our behavior, or fall to our knees and ask for forgiveness, restoration, and guidance. The path of wisdom requires that we willingly surrender ourselves to God.

Are you ready to pour out the contents of your alabaster jar?

It’s harder – we read today – to feel the magnitude of what has been done for us—what he does for us daily through the power of the atoning work…when we’ve grown up in the church…or, when we have been living a life in Christ for what now has become decades…or, when we come to know Christ in the innocence of a young age—and are blessed as the scriptures says—to never have fallen away.

It’s harder. But it’s not impossible. Our Bibles tell us of another Pharisee who came to know Christ on the Road to Damascus. This respectable religious leader took the arm of true holiness and let him be his guide. The apostle Paul calls himself the chief of sinners.

Do you truly know, today, the cost of the oil in your alabaster jar? Have you come today to pour out your praises, your confessions? Do you know the cost of freedom from sin? Do you love much or do you love little? It’s not about the quantity of sins forgiven. It’s all about clarity. Clarity about ourselves and about God. It’s about being clear of our sinfulness. Look, right now, into your heart.

Uncommon Worship Produces a Peace-Full Life

[50] Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Luke 7:50

Grace deserves our praise. It does so much for the recipient. Whether many sins or few….It canceled your debt! It saved you from bankruptcy of the soul—from hell—the debtor’s prison of eternity!

Do you know the cost of the oil? Do you know the cost of worship? Do you know the cost of praise? Of confession of sin? Of genuine heart broken repentance? Of humiliation before a sovereign God?

What is the attitude of your heart?

Did you bring your alabaster jar tonight? Did you come prepared to pour out your heart at the Master’s feet?

Will you honor the Lord today? Will you come and worship the savior of your soul—the one who canceled your debt?

Set of Worship Songs

(A )Holy Love – Bridge and Chorus only (Brownsville)

(D) Amazed (Jared Anderson)

(D) Revelation Song (Kari Jobe)

(D) Wonderful (New Life)

(C) Made to Worship (Tomlin)
