Summary: The 6th Commandment not only addresses murder, but the fact that God never intended for man to play God and determine who should live and who should die.

Murder: It’s More than Taking a Life

Exodus 20:13


One American is shot, beaten, or strangled to death every minute. It seems that no matter where you turn in our society, or even our world, there are murders. It’s on the television and movies as fiction. It’s on the streets and next door as a brutal reality. With a murder rate of 10 in every 100,000, your chances of being murdered are far greater than your chances of dying in an airplane or automobile crash. Murder is a horrible crime against God and against one’s fellow man. It may be the greatest offense of all given the enormity of death and what follows thereafter. Imagine taking a person’s life and that person going immediately into Hell.

Now, the 6th Commandment says, “You shall not murder.” You see, while all murder is killing, not all killing is murder. Murder is more than just taking a life! Murder can be defined as the premeditated and intentional taking of another human life.

Accidental killing would not be classified as murder. Take an example from the Bible. In Numbers 25:11-28, God gave Israel regulations for “Cities of Refuge.” These were cities to which someone who had unintentionally killed another human could flee to avoid the “avenger of blood.” If you were involved in an automobile accident and accidentally killed another human then you would not be a murderer.

Capital punishment would not be considered murder. God, in his Word lays down the principle that for certain offenses, man has the right to terminate another human life. Genesis 9:6; Numbers 25:16-18; Leviticus 24:17. Whether or not you personally agree with capital punishment or not, it is plain to see that the Bible authorizes it in cases of murder.

Killings that are the product of self-defense cannot be classified as murder. Often, police officers must kill in the line of duty to protect themselves or their fellow officers. Homeowners may have to kill an intruder to protect home and family. These people are not murderer. Sometimes, people are attacked and must defend themselves. When they kill the attacker in the process, they are not classed as murderers. However, there are times when killing is murder. That is what this commandment speaks to and that is what I we want to look into today. Today I want to preach for awhile on the thought of, “Murder, It’s more then taking a life.”

I. Murder Intrudes into God’s Territory

a. God Controls Man’s Entrance into Life

• When man first appeared on this planet, it was at the command of Almighty God, according to Genesis 1:27.

• The evolutionist tell us that man evolved form some lower life form.

• That, in fact, life began on some primordial beach where somehow, some lifeless goo somehow began to live.

• This little living goo somehow began to change and eventually all the life on the earth came from these humble beginnings.

• So as Pastor Jim Palmer would say, “from the goo, to the zoo, to you.”

• God’s word, however, has a different version of these events!

• Notice what God did in Genesis 2:7, note that man was made in the image of God.

• Look at what David thought of the origins of human life in Psalm 139:13-16.

• Look also at Job’s friend Elihu’s version of his own beginnings in Job 33:4.

• It is plain from these verses that mankind is the product of the creative genius of Almighty God.

• Since God controls the entrance of man into lie, it stands to reason that…

B. God Controls the exit of Man from Life

• We must understand that God himself is in control of life.

• He is the One who establishes the boundaries across which no man can cross.

• It seems clear that men can do certain thing that will shorten their days.

• By the same token, obedience to the Lord will lengthen a man’s days upon the earth.

• However, these things are also subject to the sovereignty of God.

• No man has the right to deliberately and intentionally end the life of another, except it be for those things already mentioned.

• God is the giver of human life and He alone must be the taker of human life.

• When we take it upon ourselves to take the life of another, we have placed ourselves in the place of God.

• We have tried to assume His position and power.

• We have tried to step into an area in which we have absolutely no business.

• Not only does murder Intrude into God’s Business, we also see that…

II. Murder Interrupts a Human Life

Murder can be carried out in may way. Allow me to take just a few minutes to catalogue some of them for you.

a. A Definition of Murder

• “The unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another.”

• That is what murder is, according to Webster’s Dictionary.

• Now, what are the various ways in can be committed?

b. A Description of Murder

1. Physical Murder

• This is the killing of another human being.

• Murder has a history as long as that of the world itself.

• In Genesis 4:8, the first murder is recorded.

• In this verse, Cain deliberately and with malice, took the life of his brother Abel.

• It was not a killing of self-defense, it was pure murder.

• Since that day, the history of the world is marked by a constant string of murders.

• Thank God we live in an area where many have never been touched by the hand of murder.

• However some have been.

• I still remember a military co-worker of mine that was killed aboard a flight heading back to the states from England in 1989. She was heading home to visit family, but terrorist had boarded that place as well and blew up the aircraft shortly after living London’s Heathrow Airport, She 22 years old.

2. Personal Murder

• We call this act suicide.

• I know that some lives in this room have been impacted deeply by the suicide of a loved one.

• It leaves emotional scars that never fully heal.

• When a person is driven to suicide, it is often the result of circumstances just getting out of hand.

• They feel overwhelmed and unable to cope any longer with their lives and they decide to end it.

• When they do this, they leave in their wake, other destroyed lives.

• It is a selfish way to leave the world.

• Not only is it selfish, it is also sinful.

just as no man has the right to murder another, no man has the right to murder themselves.

• These things are the sole right of God himself.

• We live in a time when every 90 minutes a teenager tries to take his or her life.

• Every 30 minutes one succeeds!

• When a person resorts to suicide, they are failing to avail themselves of the grace of God.

• They are refusing to allow the Lord to give them the support and the comfort they are in need of.

• There is another side to Personal Murder, a side of which more are guilty.

• How often has a doctor told someone, “If you don’t stop this or that, then you will die?”

• And, how often has that person chosen to go right on doing what they wish and eventually die?

• Whether it is over in a moment, or whether it takes years, the results are the some. Even suicide can be a slow process.

3. Physician Assisted Murder

• Here I am referring to what is called Euthanasia or “mercy killing.:

• This form of death has been brought to the public’s attention by the activities of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as “Dr. Death.”

• It seems that Dr. Death will help terminally ill persons, or those who are in extreme pain, end their lives.

• He does this with the aid of a “suicide machine.”

• The “patient” presses a button and a lethal dose of chemicals in injected into their bloodstream, which causes death.

• Most of us hear this and think it is horrible and outrageous.

• While we think this is barbaric, some countries around the world have legalized physician assisted suicide.

• It is possible to go to the doctor and be put to death in the office.

• The day is coming when it will happen here too.

• The burden of health care for the aged, for the infirmed, for the dying will be the catalyst that pushes “mercy killing” into acceptability and into law!

4. Pre-natal Murder

• I am referring to abortion!

• According to the Bible, life begins at the very moment of conception.

• Yet, our society seems to view the unborn human as just so much waste material to be thrown away at the mother’s convenience.

• Since abortion on demand was legalized in the U.S., there have been over 37 million abortions performed in this country.

• Somewhere around 4,300 per day, or 1 every 20 seconds!

• The awful procedure called “partial birth abortion,” that pro death advocates claim that the mother deserves the right to choose.

• In my opinion, no matter how you look at it Abortion is Murder!

• It ends a human life, and that is the domain of Almighty God.

• When a country refuses to respect and protect the lives of its most helpless citizens, no one is truly safe.

III. Murder Involves more than Killing

a. Murder Involves the Element of Justice

• Murder carries with it a penalty.

• In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus states that murders will be punished.

• Some, it seems have gotten away with murder.

• They will, however, face god one day and He will render perfect justice.

• Others have been caught, tried and convicted.

• Some of these are in prison and others have and will pay with their lives.

• This is part of murder.

• Many murderers have received Jesus as their Savior, yet they will still die for their crime.

• Is this fair, you ask?

• Yes it is!

• Carla Faye Tucker right here in Texas, murdered 2 people will high on drugs and was sentenced to die.

• She was saved and became a model Christian and prisoner.

• Many thought she should have her sentence commuted.

• Yet she was executed.

• There is a price on murder!

B. Murder Involves the Element of Judgment

• It is possible to murder another human being and not shed an ounce of blood, or even take their life.

• Murder can happen in the heart and min and never find manifestation in reality.

• However, in the Lord’s eyes, the murderer is just as guilty.

• If you look at Matthew 5:22 and 1 John 3:15 you will notice that these verses teach this truth.

• Many have had their reputations ruined and pure old malice and hatred have murdered their testimonies.

• Someone has said, “There are three degrees of murderous guilt, all of which can be manifested without a blow being struck: secret anger, the spiteful taunt; the open, unrestrained outbursts of violent, abusive speech.”

• Murder is more than an act of the flesh, it is an attitude of the heart.


How do we insulate ourselves against breaking this commandment? The solution is simple. All we need to do is practice God’s plan for unconditional love and absolute forgiveness of others. If there has been a murderous spirit in your heart that needs to be repented of right now. Whoever you are angry at needs to be forgiven and that anger released. It is far better to suffer some injury than to be guilty of murder, even if it is only hurting you. Let’s pray together.

Closing Prayer

God we ask that you would examine our hearts and reveal to us any stain of sin that might be in the way of a obedient life with you. We ask that you would give us the wisdom and strength to life a life that glorifies and honors you on a daily basis. Be with us now Lord in this time of invitation that decisions may be made for you. Amen.


Typically I would have you all stand to your feet right now for invitation, but today I want us to do something a little different. I want you all to remain seated and bow your heads and close your eyes for me. With your heads bowed and your eyes closed and not looking around, I want you to look down deep into your soul and ask God to reveal to you any areas in your life that you might be failing Him and ask him to cleanse you of those things. I also want you to think about the message that was preached today and I want you to think back over the years of your life, “Is there someone out there that you need to forgive?” If so, I would encourage you today to do so and not to hold on to that burden of sin any longer. And last, I want you to ask yourself this question, “Does God know you?” We all know God, but what is important here is does God know you. Bro. Bill is going to lead us in our time of invitation and if you feel lead by the spirit to come to the altar for prayer or counseling, I ask that you would come down quietly. The Lord is waiting for you.