Summary: Study of Revelation, using "the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide. Includes work sheet for participants. boxes & underlined blanks may be missing

Study in Revelation 5

Chapter 2: 1-7 Ephesus

Chapter 2 is the beginning of Christ message to the seven churches of Asia. In verse one He is addressing the Church at Ephesus, but He is in the midst of all the churches.

*The significance here is; even though He is speaking to one church, the message is for all believers to hear.

*If Jesus was giving this revelation to all believers, why address it to just seven churches? Why not address to all of the churches?

Revelation was personally addressed to the seven churches in Asia:

*Ephesus *Smyrna *Pergamos *Thyatira *Sardis *Philadelphia *Laodicea

Revelation was not personally addressed to these churches IN Asia:

*Troas Acts 20: 5 2Cor.2: 12 *Miletus Acts 20: 17 *Colossae Col. 1: 12 *Hierapolis Col. 4:12

And there were more churches down through history beyond these 11 churches. You would think that Jesus surely knew about these other churches, so why just direct the message to these 7 if the message is for all of us?

*John doesn’t say, but there are a couple of hints we can look at.

1. The 7 churches must be representative of other churches. There are certain characteristics found in each of the 7 churches that must be in other churches. So each of these 7 represent a certain type or kind of church. No matter what we may think of our selves, if we will be spiritually honest we can find Elim Bible Church in, at least, one of these 7 churches; and so can every other church in the world.

2. The conditions that existed in each church were different from the rest. No two were exactly the same, so Christ used these 7 individual churches to represent the “Church universal”. Seven different characteristics, seven different churches, each one pointing to every church down through the ages.

Jesus’ message was not just for these seven churches. He expects every church and every believer to pay close attention to the message and to apply the solutions to our problems. Every believer, every church is expected to search their own hearts and see where they stand with Christ. We are not to make ourselves better or worse than we really are but to see exactly who we are before God and make the proper adjustments to become the church He desires us to be.

SO! Let’s look at our first church, Ephesus.

**When you first start reading this passage, you may think, “Man these guys are looking good.”

Ephesus is an orthodox church. Here we see a church that was faithful to Christ and to the Word of God, But Ephesus was a church without love.

*The first church to receive a message from Christ is:

 First Baptist The church at Jerusalem Ephesus

*Where is Jesus when He speaks to the Church at Ephesus? Standing on the edge of Heaven Standing right next to their candlestick Still standing in the midst of all the candlesticks

*The significance here is; even though He is speaking to one church, the message is for all believers to hear.

*If Jesus was giving this revelation to all believers, why address it to just seven churches? John was in cramped quarters so 7 was all He could squeeze in There was only 7 churches in Asia These were the only churches that were giving Him a problem These churches represent the different characteristics of all of the churches

*Revelation was personally addressed to seven churches in Asia, can you list them?

a.______________ b.________________ c.__________________ d.____________

e. __________ f._________________________ g.___________________

*Can you think of at least four other churches in Asia? a.______________ b.______________ c.___________ d.______________

Have the group write the corresponding scripture verses below each of the four churches

Read verses 1-4.

If you had just read this for the first time, what impression would you get about the church at Ephesus?

We see something different when we look at the whole picture.

We are going to focus on seven topics in this passage, so get your pen/pencils ready because here we go.


The letter is addressed to the minister of the church as well as to the body of believers. This is somewhat frightening for those of us who call ourselves “Pastor” God holds the minister responsible for the church and for her welfare. God not only expects the minister to study the message but to apply it to his own life, and to lead the believers under his care to apply it as well.


The letter is addressed to “The __________ of the church”

The “Angel” represents the _______________ of the church.

Does God hold the minister of the responsible for the church’s welfare? Yes No

Brief history lesson

Ephesus, in her hay-day was probably THE most important city along the coast of Asia Minor. There were some two hundred cities spread out along the coast of Asia Minor. Many of them had ideal harbors, but none could compare to the Queen Mother of harbors, found at Ephesus. The founding Fathers were really thinking when they started their city. Ephesus held command of one of the main highways of Asia Minor. She had more to offer than just pretty harbor. The land around Ephesus was extremely fertile. Ephesus was basking in the sunshine of greatness.


In the middle of the first century when the harbor silted up so bad that the shipping trade was drastically altered. They tried to clean out the harbor but were unsuccessful. Part of the reason they failed to get the job done was their “what’s the use attitude.”

One of the reasons for this attitude was they already had something to replace the shipping industry with. They were doing right well in the religious cult business, with the temple of Diana there.

The goddess Diana has a grotesque head and many breast and focused on the sensual pleasures of the flesh. The people who traveled to Ephesus found satisfaction in prostitution, with a host of temple prostitutes, called priestesses, as part of worshipping Diana.

Over the years they had built a rather profitable silversmith business and tourist commercialism was a year round business.

In Acts 19 it was the guild of Silversmiths that in sighted the crowds to rise up against Paul.

As the years went by the harbor silted more and more, so Ephesus depended more on the trade that came from their religion and superstition. Especially since the natural harbor at Smyrna, which was close by started taking away more of the shipping business from Ephesus?

As a result of an unwillingness to work a commendable trade, Ephesus became a dieing city, living on her past reputation as a religious and philosophical center.

The disease of sensual unrighteousness had set in and was consuming the people. This disease proved to be a deadly one as the lamp stand of Ephesus crumbled and the light of Ephesus died out.

The church at Ephesus had a small beginning. When Paul visited there he found only 12 believers in the entire city. These were reached by an immature but very impressive preacher by the name of Apollos. These new believers had been misinformed, however, about the Holy Spirits presence and work.

How do I know? Scripture proof: Acts 19: 1-7

After this Paul began to teach in the Synagogue. He taught there for three months but the hardhearted Jews would not believe and they stirred the people up against Paul. Paul eventually took those who believed and moved the church to a school of a philosopher named Tyrannus. Paul preached there for two more years, with the church being instrumental in sending the word of God throughout all Asia.

Read Acts 19:10

The Lord worked a number of miracles through Paul and the church witnessed some amazing things. Look at Acts 19: 11-20

As Paul preached and God worked, many came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and the church began to grow. The believers were giving evidence of changed lives in the midst of a corrupt and immoral city. The church in Ephesus truly was in love with God.

*When Paul Arrived at Ephesus he found 1263 0 12 18 Believers there.

*These were reached by an immature but very impressive preacher by the name of __________.

*These new believers had been misinformed about the ________ _______ presence and work.

Scripture proof: Acts 19: 1-7

*How Many months did Paul teach in the synagogue? 1 52 3

*Why did Paul Leave the Synagogue? They raised his rent too much He needed more space for a growing church The Jewish leaders turned the people against Paul and the believers.

*Paul took the believers and moved to a ___________ that belonged to a philosopher by the name of T__________us, where he preached for ______ more years. The church was instrumental in sending the Word of God throughout all Asia. Read Acts 19:10

The church in Ephesus truly was in love with God.


Jesus Christ, Himself is the one speaking. He has not sent a messenger to tell John what to write.

There are two important facts here.

1. Jesus doesn’t just have an arm around the ministers, He is holding them in His hand:

This tells us a number of things about “the minister”

*He is picked by Jesus out of the world…

*He is fed and cared for by the hand of Jesus…

*He is placed where he serves, not by the pulpit committee but by the hand of Jesus…

*He is protected by the hand of Jesus

*He experiences a closeness with Jesus by being “in His hand”…NOT ONLY THESE BUT

*He is EXPECTED to be a tool in the hand of Jesus…

*He is responsible to the hand that holds him…

*He will be held accountable by the hand of Jesus…

2. Notice the location of Jesus. He is the one in the midst of the churches:

Today, we can find joy and hope in the fact that is still “walking in the midst” notice several things.

*Jesus is present, right in the middle of the church. No matter what we face, He is there…

*Jesus not only knows all there is to know about the church, He sees everything we are and do…

*The presence of Jesus is for teaching and growing the church…

*Jesus not only provides for the church but He protects the church by being present…

*The presence of Jesus is for guiding the church. He is the one who gives direction to the church…

*Jesus said that HE is the light of the world. By being in the midst of the church, He illuminates the church and expects the church to illuminate the world, not with our own light but with His light.

There is one other very important issue that we need to focus on here.

*The fact that Jesus is in the midst (middle) of the churches, tells us that He has no favorites. Jesus does not show any partiality to any particular church. He is not for a certain denomination and against another.

I’ve heard pastors who say that if you are not a member of their church you are not saved. Boy is Heave going to be a lonely place with just 15-20 people there.

If a body of believers are TRULY following Christ then He is right there in their midst. If the CHURCH would stop arguing about which denomination is right or wrong, we “THE CHURCH” could stomp a mud hole in the camp of our true enemy.

I was saved in a Freewill Baptist church, attended the PH church, ordained by the Southern Baptist and now pastor an Independent Baptist church. I remember when I first set down with the deacons, they told me the reason the name “Independent Baptist” was put on the sign. Tim Harris said “Well preacher we had to put something on the sign and that sounded pretty good to us.” So I guess on the sign we’re Independent Baptist, in the heart we’re no particular denomination. I tell folks that because of my background that I am a “First freewill Southern Bapticostal. Folks it’s not about WHO you are but WHOSE you are that will matter in the end.


*Who is speaking in these verses? John A special messenger from God Jesus Himself

*Does Jesus have His arm around the minister or does He have the minister firmly grasp in His hand? Circle the correct one

This tells us a number of things about “the minister”

*He is _________ by Jesus out of the world…

*He is ____ and cared for by the hand of Jesus…

*He is _________ where he serves, not by the pulpit committee but by the hand of Jesus…

*He is ___________ by the hand of Jesus

*He experiences a closeness with Jesus by being “in His hand”…NOT ONLY THESE BUT

*He is EXPECTED to be a _______ in the hand of Jesus…

*He is ________________ to the hand that holds him…

*He _______ be held accountable by the hand of ________…

Notice the location of Jesus. He is the one in the ___________ of the churches.

*Jesus is right in the ___________ of Elim Bible church. No matter what we face, He is there…

*Jesus not only ______ all there is to know about the church, He sees __________ we are and do…

*The presence of Jesus is for ______________ and growing the church…

*Jesus not only ______________ for the church but He _____________ the church by being present…

*The presence of Jesus is for guiding the church. He is the one who gives ___________ to the church…

*Jesus said that HE is the light of the world. But He expects the church to illuminate the world, with our own light the best way we can. True False

What is one other thing we can see by Jesus being in the MIDST of the churches?

*The fact that Jesus is in the midst (middle) of the churches, tells us that He has favorites. Jesus shows partiality to some churches. He is for a certain denominations and against others. True False

3. Jesus commends the church: v2-3

There are five reasons found in these verses for Jesus’ commendation.

*They “labored” the church worked hard for Christ. The Greek term means to labor to the point of becoming weary, to work to the limit of ones own ability.

Jesus expects us to work and to work hard for Him. There is no job in the church for lazy people. Lazy people wear out pews and carpet, coming in and going out is about all they can manage to do.

Jesus sees what you do. He knows every ounce of energy that you expend. He knows when you’re worn out and feel you just can’t go another step. He also knows when we should be working.

Scripture proof: Mt. 25: 35-36 * Mt. 5: 16 * 1 Tim. 6: 18 * Heb. 13: 16

*They “patiently endured” The meaning here is to persevere, to be steadfast. The church at Ephesus was steadfast in their service to the Lord and in facing the trials of life. They were serious about studying the scriptures and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were diligent in helping the needy.

They were patiently enduring the work of the gospel.

Scripture on patiently enduring: 1Cor. 15: 58 * Heb. 10: 36 * Jam. 1: 2-4 * Jas. 1: 12 * Jas. 5: 7

*The church could not bear those who were evil.

They would not put up with sin, corruption; evil had no place in the church.

The church today has, over the centuries relaxed her grip on this and today we see some who are allowing all kinds of ungodly behavior…

If the church will not stand on the truth of the Word of God, who will?

Scripture on not tolerating ungodliness: Mt. 5: 8 * 2Cor. 6: 17-18 * 2Cor. 7: 1 * Eph. 5: 11 * 2Th. 3: 6 * 2Tim. 3: 17 * Heb. 12: 14 * 2Pet. 3: 11 * PS. 101: 3 * Ps. 119: 104 * Pr. 8: 7 * Pr. 8: 13

*The church tested ALL the preachers and teachers. Any who were found to be false were rejected.

If someone claimed that Jesus did not come in the flesh, or that He was the Son of God, he was rejected.

Illustrations: The article in the paper about the man who was teaching Sunday school but didn’t believe in Jesus. When ask how he could teach about someone he didn’t believe in he said “you don’t have to believe in Jesus to teach.” He said that what attracted him was all the “glitter” and the “glamour.”

There have been men right here in our town who were Sunday School teacher, teaching that Jesus was not the only Son of God but just a man like you and me.

The Church today is too busy with “get rich quick” schemes and building bigger buildings and finer homes. We’re too busy trying to attract the rich and famous, that we no longer care what the Word of God has to say for us. We are getting dangerously close, in America, to being nothing more than Sunday morning social clubs. People have stopped bring their Bibles to church. If you don’t have your own copy of the Word of God in front of you, how will you know that what I’m saying really from the Bible? In most churches to day if you can make something sound “King Jamesy” most people will not know the difference. It really scares me when I go to a church to preach and ask the people to look at a particular scripture and there is silence, no pages turning.

We have stopped testing the spirits of the preachers and teachers.

The folk here at Elim Bible know that when I get up to bring a message that I have studied BUT you still know that you must look for yourselves. You guys know that I may throw something at you, just to see if you’re paying attention.

Scripture proof: 1Jn. 4: 1-3 * 1Jn. 2: 22-23 * Mt. 7: 15-20

*The church held up under all that they face for one reason. Look at verse 3, Jesus said that it was for His name sake. We are to bear all things for the sake of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Scripture proof: Mt. 10: 22 * Mt 10: 39 * Mt. 19: 29 * 1Cor. 4: 10 * 2Cor. 4: 1, 16, 11 * 2Cor. 12: 10 * 1Tim 6: 11-12 * Tit. 2: 7 * Rev. 2: 3

3. Jesus commends the church: v2-3

*Does Jesus expect the church to work hard? Only if we want to No Yes

Scripture proof: Mt. 25: 35-36 * Mt. 5: 16 * 1 Tim. 6: 18 * Heb. 13: 16

*They “patiently _________”

Scripture on patiently enduring: 1Cor. 15: 58 * Heb. 10: 36 * Jam. 1: 2-4 * Jas. 1: 12 * Jas. 5: 7

*The church could not bear those who were _____.

Scripture on not tolerating ungodliness: Mt. 5: 8 * 2Cor. 6: 17-18 * 2Cor. 7: 1 * Eph. 5: 11 * 2Th. 3: 6 * 2Tim. 3: 17 * Heb. 12: 14 * 2Pet. 3: 11 * PS. 101: 3 * Ps. 119: 104 * Pr. 8: 7 * Pr. 8: 13

*The church tested ____ the preachers and teachers. Any who were found to be false were ________.

If someone claimed that Jesus did not come in the flesh, or that He was the _____ __ ____, he was rejected.

*Are we to bear all things for the sake of Christ Jesus our Lord? Not all But some Yes No

Scripture proof: Mt. 10: 22 * Mt 10: 39 * Mt. 19: 29 * 1Cor. 4: 10 * 2Cor. 4: 1, 16, 11 * 2Cor. 12: 10 * 1Tim 6: 11-12 * Tit. 2: 7 * Rev. 2: 3

*Even after all of this notice the very next verse.

4. Jesus files His complaint against the church: v4

The church has left her first love. What does that mean?

Remember back to when you accepted Jesus Christ as you savoir. Do remember that feeling, how you just tingled at the mention of his name? Just thinking about what he has done for you brought tears to your eyes.

Suzanne and I were married nearly 32 years ago. When we first met, I was so madly in love that the sound of her voice or the mere mention of her mane would make me tingle with excitement. Then along came careers and children. Somewhere along the way Suzanne became Mama and I became a bread winner. One day we realized the joy that we once had was not there like it was. The tingle was not like it used to be, something was missing. We had to return to the place where we last felt that and renew that bond. Then along comes a ministry that requires even more of my time. All of the churches where I have pastured have been Bi-vocational. That word means two vocations. I love being Bi-Vo because that is where God put me. Too many are looking for the big church and no one seems to care that smaller churches are just as important. Smaller churches just can’t pay those great big salaries (sorry if I stepped on some toes) Soon my focus was on paying bills preparing bible studies and preaching. Suzanne was focused on being the “good Mother” and the “good little preachers’ wife.” We had become so busy with raising children and paying bill and preaching that there was no time for us.

*The church at Ephesus was so busy being the church that they forgot why they were the church.

-They had lost that feeling they once had. They no longer tingled at the mention of His name.

- Their sensitivity, their flame was dying down.

- They were so busy they forgot to worship

- They were focused on everything accept the very presence of God.

If we are not careful we can focus so much on ministry that we forget why we minister.

We can get so busy fellowshipping that we forget who brought us together.

Men’s ministry, Ladies circle can become our focus, flower beds, paint, rotten wood and shingles can become what we do, or even worse, what we are.

To put it simply: They were fellowshipping with everyone but the Lord Himself. They were not walking with Him or sharing with Him like they first did.

They had not lost their love for the church; they still had their beliefs and were even ready to fight for what they believed in. The problem was that they were not as attached to Jesus as much as they were attached to the other things they were involved in.

*Bible study was more important than the one who gave His Word.

*Programs meant more than being in His presence.

*Walking in the way was more important that walking with Christ.

*Being in the church was more important than being “in Christ.”

Take a walk through scripture: Mt. 24: 12 * Jn. 14: 23 * Jn. 16: 27 * 1Pt. 1: 8 * Rev. 2: 4 * Rev. 3: 20 * Jer. 2: 2 discuss

If the people lost their love for Christ, the next point would be obvious.

*The church lost its love for people.

When the church was first formed there was a love that was unstoppable among the believers.

Paul’s warning: Acts 20: 17-38

We’re not given any explanation as to what happened but we know by the words of Jesus that love was lacking in the church at Ephesus. When our love for Christ dies, our love for people dies.

*There are some things that may have happened to decrease the level of love they once experienced.




-Selfish mind set…

These are just a few of the things that still plague the church today. Negative things can punch a big hole in fellowship and even completely erase love.

But what dose scripture say: Jn. 13: 34-35 * Jn. 15: 12 * Rom. 12: 9 * 1 Cor. 1: 10 * 1 Cor. 3: 3

* 1 Pet. 1: 22

4. Jesus files His complaint against the church: v4

The church has left her ______ love

*The church at Ephesus was so busy being the _________ that they forgot why they were the church.

-They had _____that feeling they once had. They no longer tingled at the mention of His ______.

- Their sensitivity, their _______ was dying down.

- They were so busy they _________ to worship

- They were focused on everything _________ the very presence of God.

If we are not careful we can focus so much on ministry that we forget why we minister.

What are some things that can become more important that our relationship with Christ?

List them below:

Take a walk through scripture: Mt. 24: 12 * Jn. 14: 23 * Jn. 16: 27 * 1Pt. 1: 8 * Rev. 2: 4 * Rev. 3: 20 * Jer. 2: 2 discuss

If the people lost their love for Christ, what do you think would happen next?

*The church lost its love for ________.

Paul’s warning: Acts 20: 17-38

*There are some things that may have happened to decrease the level of love they once experienced.

List some:

But what does scripture say: Jn. 13: 34-35 * Jn. 15: 12 * Rom. 12: 9 * 1 Cor. 1: 10 * 1 Cor. 3: 3

* 1 Pet. 1: 22

5. Jesus offers Counsel to the Church: v5

Jesus counsels the church to return to where they last felt that love, that is to Him.

When Body of believers or even just a single Believer strays, Christ will always give the same advice.

Notice that there are three things are involved in returning.

1. Remember where you fell. When I loose my keys I retrace my steps to try and remember where I last saw them. We need to look back and think about where we last;

*Felt those feeling of tenderness and warmth that only came from Him…

*Felt that spark or that fire that we felt by being near Him…

*Got together simply because we loved each other and enjoyed the fellowship…

*Prayed together or shared in each others lives…

*Felt joy over flowing in our hearts, just because we could feel His presence in this place…

We must look back to where we left Him off/out.

2. Repent. Stop doing what you’re doing and go back to Christ.

Is there something in your life right now that is more important to you than Christ? The quick response would be, “OF COURSE NOT!!!” Sometimes we answer without really giving much thought to the truth.

What do you devote your time and energy to? What is that thing that just consumes you and your time?

Anything that takes our focus away from our relationship with Christ and our time spent with Him, has taken us away from our first love. When take a close look at our own lives and discover that we have left our first love we must repent.

Scripture proof: Mt. 3: 2 * Mt. 5: 4 * Lk. 13: 3 * Acts 2: 38 * Acts 3: 19 * Acts 8: 22 * Acts 17: 30 * 2 Chron. 7: 14 * Is. 55: 7

3. Do what you were doing before you left.

-Go back to allowing your mind to think on Christ. Allow yourself to pray. Pr. 3: 6

Have you ever been doing something and suddenly realize that in the back of your mind you were praying?

-Take time to get alone with Christ, to study, to listen for His voice. 2Tim 2: 15 * 2Tim 3: 16

* Eph. 6: 18

-Walk and live in an awareness that Christ is walking right next to you, every moment of every day.

5. Jesus offers Counsel to the Church: v5

Notice that there are three things are involved in returning.

1. ____________ where you fell.

2. ___________. Which means to ______ doing what you’re doing and go back to Christ.

Scripture proof: Mt. 3: 2 * Mt. 5: 4 * Lk. 13: 3 * Acts 2: 38 * Acts 3: 19 * Acts 8: 22 * Acts 17: 30 * 2 Chron. 7: 14 * Is. 55: 7

3. Do what you were doing __________ you left. Allow yourself to pray. Pr. 3: 6

Have you ever been doing something and suddenly realize that in the back of your mind you were praying?

-Take time to get alone with ____st, to study, to listen for His voice. 2Tim 2: 15 * 2Tim 3: 16

* Eph. 6: 18

-Walk and live in an awareness that Christ is walking _______ next to you, _______ moment of every day.

6. Jesus Warns the Church: v5-6

There are two parts to this warning.

1. Christ warns that He will remove the church from its place. Does this mean that Christ will cause some catastrophe to happen and the church will be destroyed? Is He responsible for the recent church burnings around the nation? What does this warning really mean?

*The church will no longer be a true church…false church…

*They will no longer be a true representative of Christ…representative of the world…

*They are no longer in union with God; nothing in common with God…everything they are is about the world…

*Their light goes out and they are no longer a true witness for the Kingdom of God…

*They no longer concern themselves with the gospel message… preaching is watered down and becomes nothing more than “feel good sermons”…

*The presence and protection of God are removed from that place and its people.

How many churches can you think of that have been removed by Christ? Think about those that are:

Lifeless * Dull * Mechanical * nothing more than form/programs * lack the presence of Christ in the service * Lack the light of witness to the community * Lack the presence of Gods power and protection.

Question is can you find us in any of these descriptions?

2. Jesus warns that being “doctrinally sound” is just not enough.

You can know everything there is to know abut the Bible and God but if you don’t love Him you just have a head full of nothing.

The Ephesian believers were extremely sound in their doctrine. Notice several things

*They stood strong against the Nicolaitans. We don’t know much about the Nicolaitans but it’s believed that they stressed two things.

a. Christ had done away with the law of the Old Testament and had put, in its place, this thing called “Christian liberty.”

b. They believed that the soul and spirit of a man was more important than his body.

The result of this type of belief system is this. “There is no law to judge us, so we can do anything we want to do, as long as we profess to know Jesus Christ. If the spirit is what really matters then I can do pretty much anything I want to do with my body as long as I take care of my spirit.

*Can we see this kind of mentality in the church today?

-People who feel they are free to do what they want, when they want as long as they financially support the church and show up ever now and again.

-People who believe they are eternally secure because confess Christ, are baptized and join a church. Yet they live like the devil and this world during the week.

-People who seek the pleasures of this world and neglect to ever share the gospel with those around them who are heading for hell. “As long as I confess I’m OK.”

Here’s my point, The Believers at Ephesus preached against this kind of behavior and refused to allow this kind of junk to enter the church. BUT they lacked one very important thing. They had lost their love for Christ.

There are a couple of facts here that need to be looked at.

*Christ didn’t do away with the law He fulfilled the law.

Scripture proof: Mt. 5: 17 * Rom. 8; 3

*The soul and the spirit are very important but so is the body. We are commanded to care for our bodies as well as our spirit.

Scripture proof: Rom. 12: 1-2 * 1Cor. 3: 16-17 * 1Cor 6: 19-20

Let me ask you a question. Which one is worse, or is there really much difference in false doctrine and loss of love? Allow discussion

6. Jesus Warns the Church: v5-6 There are two parts to this warning.

1. Christ warns that He ______ remove the church from its place.

Does this mean that Christ will cause some catastrophe to happen and the church will be destroyed? Is He responsible for the recent church burnings around the nation? Yes  NO!!! Sometimes

It means:

*The church will no longer be a true church but will become a _______ church…

*They will no longer be a true representative of _________ but representative of the _______…

*They are no longer have anything in common with _____…everything they are is about the _______…

*Their light goes out and they are no longer a true ____________ for the Kingdom of God…

*They no longer concern themselves with the _________ message… preaching is ___________ down and becomes nothing more than “feel good sermons”…

*The p__________ and pr___________ of God are removed from that place and its people.

How many churches can you think of that have been removed by Christ? Think about those that are:

Lifeless * Dull * Mechanical * nothing more than form/programs * lack the presence of Christ in the service * Lack the light of witness to the community * Lack the presence of Gods power and protection.

Question is can you find us in any of these descriptions?

2. Jesus warns that being “doctrinally sound” is ______ enough.

Can you fill your head with Biblical knowledge with filling your heart with the knowledge of a God who loves you?

The church was strongly against the Nicolaitans and Jesus commended them for that. What were the two things we discussed that we know about the Nicolaitans.

a. Christ had done away with the ____ of the Old Testament and had put, in its place, this thing called “Christian _________.”

b. They believed that the soul and _______ of a man was more important than his _____.

*Can we see this kind of mentality in the church today?

-People who feel they are free to do what they want, when they want as long as they financially support the church and show up ever now and again.

-People who believe they are eternally secure because confess Christ, are baptized and join a church. Yet they live like the devil and this world during the week.

-People who seek the pleasures of this world and neglect to ever share the gospel with those around them who are heading for hell. “As long as I confess I’m OK.”

*The Believers at Ephesus preached against this kind of behavior and refused to allow this kind of junk to enter the church. BUT they lacked one very important thing. What was it?

**There are a couple of facts here that need to be looked at.

*Christ didn’t do away with the law He __________ the law.

Scripture proof: Mt. 5: 17 * Rom. 8; 3

*We are commanded to care for our bodies as well as our spirit.

Scripture proof: Rom. 12: 1-2 * 1Cor. 3: 16-17 * 1Cor 6: 19-20

What do you think?

Which one is worse, or is there really much difference in false doctrine and loss of love?

Let’s discuss this.

7. Jesus Makes a Promise to the Over-comers: v7

The word over-comer gives us the idea that there is a struggle taking place. The over-comer is the person who conquers or wins the victory over some conflict. examples: Addiction, anger, hate…

This promise is made to the individual believers in the church. The church, as a whole, can wonder but it is the individual believer who must repent and overcome in order to bring the body to victory. Each one of us is responsible for our part of the health and well being of the entire body.

Let’s look at the promises to the overcomer.

1. Those who overcome will be given permission to eat from the tree of life. This Gods tree and it produces life in its fullness as well as eternal life.

*We first saw the tree in the Garden of Eden. Adam lost his right to eat from the tree because of his sin

Scripture proof: Gen. 2: 9, 16-17 * 3: 22-24

Now the tree is given to those who are the faithful and victorious followers of Christ. But according to scripture, not everyone will get to eat from the tree and for some it will be taken away.

Scripture proof: Rev. 22: 14 * Rev. 22: 19

2. Those who overcome will be granted citizenship in Heaven, the very dwelling place of God.

Scripture proof: Lk. 23: 43 * 2Cor. 12: 4 * Rev. 2: 7

The promises given to the overcomer are meaningful but at the same time they challenge us to conquer whatever is trying to keep us from living for Christ.

7. Jesus Makes a Promise to the Over-comers: v7

When you hear the word overcomer what comes to mind?

Let’s look at the promises to the overcomer.

1. Those who overcome will be given permission to ____ from the ____ of _____. This Gods tree and it produces life in its fullness as well as eternal life.

*We first saw the tree in the Garden of Eden. Adam lost his right to eat from the tree because of his sin

Scripture proof: Gen. 2: 9, 16-17 * 3: 22-24

Now the tree is given to those who are the faithful and victorious followers of Christ.

According to scripture, _____ everyone will get to eat from the tree and for some it will be _______ away.

Scripture proof: Rev. 22: 14 * Rev. 22: 19

2. Those who ___________ will be granted citizenship in ____________, the very dwelling place of God.

Scripture proof: Lk. 23: 43 * 2Cor. 12: 4 * Rev. 2: 7

The promises given to the overcomer are meaningful but at the same time they challenge us to conquer whatever is trying to keep us from living for Christ.

Study in Revelation Part 5

Chapter 2: 1-7

*The first church to receive a message from Christ is:

 First Baptist The church at Jerusalem Ephesus

*Where is Jesus when He speaks to the Church at Ephesus? Standing on the edge of Heaven Standing right next to their candlestick Still standing in the midst of all the candlesticks

*The significance here is; even though He is speaking to one church, the message is for all believers to hear.

*If Jesus was giving this revelation to all believers, why address it to just seven churches? John was in cramped quarters so 7 was all He could squeeze in There was only 7 churches in Asia These were the only churches that were giving Him a problem These churches represent the different characteristics of all of the churches

*Revelation was personally addressed to seven churches in Asia, can you list them?

a.______________ b.________________ c.__________________ d.____________

e. __________ f._________________________ g.___________________

*Can you think of at least four other churches in Asia? a.______________ b.______________ c.___________ d.______________

Read verses 1-4.

If you had just read this for the first time, what impression would you get about the church at Ephesus?

We see something different when we look at the whole picture.

We are going to focus on seven topics in this passage, so get your pen/pencils ready because here we go.


The letter is addressed to “The __________ of the church”

The “Angel” represents the _______________ of the church.

Does God hold the minister of the responsible for the church’s welfare? Yes No

Brief history lesson

Ephesus, in her hay-day was probably THE most important city along the coast of Asia Minor. There were some two hundred cities spread out along the coast of Asia Minor. Many of them had ideal harbors, but none could compare to the Queen Mother of harbors, found at Ephesus. The founding Fathers were really thinking when they started their city. Ephesus held command of one of the main highways of Asia Minor. She had more to offer than just pretty harbor. The land around Ephesus was extremely fertile. Ephesus was basking in the sunshine of greatness.


In the middle of the first century when the harbor silted up so bad that the shipping trade was drastically altered. They tried to clean out the harbor but were unsuccessful. Part of the reason they failed to get the job done was their “what’s the use attitude.”

One of the reasons for this attitude was they already had something to replace the shipping industry with. They were doing right well in the religious cult business, with the temple of Diana there.

The goddess Diana has a grotesque head and many breast and focused on the sensual pleasures of the flesh. The people who traveled to Ephesus found satisfaction in prostitution, with a host of temple prostitutes, called priestesses, as part of worshipping Diana.

Over the years they had built a rather profitable silversmith business and tourist commercialism was a year round business.

In Acts 19 it was the guild of Silversmiths that in sighted the crowds to rise up against Paul.

As the years went by the harbor silted more and more, so Ephesus depended more on the trade that came from their religion and superstition. Especially since the natural harbor at Smyrna, which was close by started taking away more of the shipping business from Ephesus?

As a result of an unwillingness to work a commendable trade, Ephesus became a dieing city, living on her past reputation as a religious and philosophical center.

The disease of sensual unrighteousness had set in and was consuming the people. This disease proved to be a deadly one as the lamp stand of Ephesus crumbled and the light of Ephesus died out.

When Paul Arrived at Ephesus he found 1263 0 12 18 Believers there.

These were reached by an immature but very impressive preacher by the name of __________.

These new believers had been misinformed about the ________ _______ presence and work.

Scripture proof: Acts 19: 1-7

How Many months did Paul teach in the synagogue? 1 52 3

Why did Paul Leave the Synagogue? They raised his rent too much He needed more space for a growing church The Jewish leaders turned the people against Paul and the believers.

Paul took the believers and moved to a ___________ that belonged to a philosopher by the name of T__________us, where he preached for ______ more years. The church was instrumental in sending the Word of God throughout all Asia. Read Acts 19:10

The church in Ephesus truly was in love with God.


Who is speaking in these verses? John A special messenger from God Jesus Himself

Does Jesus have His arm around the minister or doe He have the minister firmly grasp in His hand? Circle the correct one

This tells us a number of things about “the minister”

*He is _________ by Jesus out of the world…

*He is ____ and cared for by the hand of Jesus…

*He is _________ where he serves, not by the pulpit committee but by the hand of Jesus…

*He is ___________ by the hand of Jesus

*He experiences a closeness with Jesus by being “in His hand”…NOT ONLY THESE BUT

*He is EXPECTED to be a _______ in the hand of Jesus…

*He is ________________ to the hand that holds him…

*He _______ be held accountable by the hand of ________…

Notice the location of Jesus. He is the one in the ___________ of the churches.

*Jesus is right in the ___________ of Elim Bible church. No matter what we face, He is there…

*Jesus not only ______ all there is to know about the church, He sees __________ we are and do…

*The presence of Jesus is for ______________ and growing the church…

*Jesus not only ______________ for the church but He _____________ the church by being present…

*The presence of Jesus is for guiding the church. He is the one who gives ___________ to the church…

*Jesus said that HE is the light of the world. But He expects the church to illuminate the world, with our own light the best way we can. True False

What is one other thing we can see by Jesus being in the MIDST of the churches?

*The fact that Jesus is in the midst (middle) of the churches, tells us that He has favorites. Jesus shows partiality to some churches. He is for a certain denominations and against others. True False

3. Jesus commends the church: v2-3

*Does Jesus expect the church to work hard? Only if we want to No Yes

Scripture proof: Mt. 25: 35-36 * Mt. 5: 16 * 1 Tim. 6: 18 * Heb. 13: 16

*They “patiently _________”

Scripture on patiently enduring: 1Cor. 15: 58 * Heb. 10: 36 * Jam. 1: 2-4 * Jas. 1: 12 * Jas. 5: 7

*The church could not bear those who were _____.

Scripture on not tolerating ungodliness: Mt. 5: 8 * 2Cor. 6: 17-18 * 2Cor. 7: 1 * Eph. 5: 11 * 2Th. 3: 6 * 2Tim. 3: 17 * Heb. 12: 14 * 2Pet. 3: 11 * PS. 101: 3 * Ps. 119: 104 * Pr. 8: 7 * Pr. 8: 13

*The church tested ____ the preachers and teachers. Any who were found to be false were ________.

If someone claimed that Jesus did not come in the flesh, or that He was the _____ __ ____, he was rejected.

*Are we to bear all things for the sake of Christ Jesus our Lord? Not all But some Yes No

Scripture proof: Mt. 10: 22 * Mt 10: 39 * Mt. 19: 29 * 1Cor. 4: 10 * 2Cor. 4: 1, 16, 11 * 2Cor. 12: 10 * 1Tim 6: 11-12 * Tit. 2: 7 * Rev. 2: 3

4. Jesus files His complaint against the church: v4

The church has left her ______ love

*The church at Ephesus was so busy being the _________ that they forgot why they were the church.

-They had _____that feeling they once had. They no longer tingled at the mention of His ______.

- Their sensitivity, their _______ was dying down.

- They were so busy they _________ to worship

- They were focused on everything _________ the very presence of God.

If we are not careful we can focus so much on ministry that we forget why we minister.

What are some things that can become more important that our relationship with Christ?

List them below:

Take a walk through scripture: Mt. 24: 12 * Jn. 14: 23 * Jn. 16: 27 * 1Pt. 1: 8 * Rev. 2: 4 * Rev. 3: 20 * Jer. 2: 2 discuss

If the people lost their love for Christ, what do you think would happen next?

*The church lost its love for ________.

Paul’s warning: Acts 20: 17-38

*There are some things that may have happened to decrease the level of love they once experienced.

List some:

But what does scripture say: Jn. 13: 34-35 * Jn. 15: 12 * Rom. 12: 9 * 1 Cor. 1: 10 * 1 Cor. 3: 3

* 1 Pet. 1: 22

5. Jesus offers Counsel to the Church: v5

Notice that there are three things are involved in returning.

1. ____________ where you fell.

2. ___________. Which means to ______ doing what you’re doing and go back to Christ.

Scripture proof: Mt. 3: 2 * Mt. 5: 4 * Lk. 13: 3 * Acts 2: 38 * Acts 3: 19 * Acts 8: 22 * Acts 17: 30 * 2 Chron. 7: 14 * Is. 55: 7

3. Do what you were doing __________ you left. Allow yourself to pray. Pr. 3: 6

Have you ever been doing something and suddenly realize that in the back of your mind you were praying?

-Take time to get alone with ____st, to study, to listen for His voice. 2Tim 2: 15 * 2Tim 3: 16

* Eph. 6: 18

-Walk and live in awareness that Christ is walking _______ next to you, _______ moment of every day.

6. Jesus Warns the Church: v5-6 There are two parts to this warning.

1. Christ warns that He ______ remove the church from its place.

Does this mean that Christ will cause some catastrophe to happen and the church will be destroyed? Is He responsible for the recent church burnings around the nation? Yes  NO!!! Sometimes

It means:

*The church will no longer be a true church but will become a _______ church…

*They will no longer be a true representative of _________ but representative of the _______…

*They no longer have anything in common with _____…everything they are is about the _______…

*Their light goes out and they are no longer a true ____________ for the Kingdom of God…

*They no longer concern themselves with the _________ message… preaching is ___________ down and becomes nothing more than “feel good sermons”…

*The p__________ and pr___________ of God are removed from that place and its people.

How many churches can you think of that have been removed by Christ? Think about those that are:

Lifeless * Dull * Mechanical * nothing more than form/programs * lack the presence of Christ in the service * Lack the light of witness to the community * Lack the presence of Gods power and protection.

Question is can you find us in any of these descriptions?

2. Jesus warns that being “doctrinally sound” is ______ enough.

Can you fill your head with Biblical knowledge with filling your heart with the knowledge of a God who loves you?

The church was strongly against the Nicolaitans and Jesus commended them for that. What were the two things we discussed that we know about the Nicolaitans.

a. Christ had done away with the ____ of the Old Testament and had put, in its place, this thing called “Christian _________.”

b. They believed that the soul and _______ of a man was more important than his _____.

*Can we see this kind of mentality in the church today?

-People who feel they are free to do what they want, when they want as long as they financially support the church and show up ever now and again.

-People who believe they are eternally secure because confess Christ, are baptized and join a church. Yet they live like the devil and this world during the week.

-People who seek the pleasures of this world and neglect to ever share the gospel with those around them who are heading for hell. “As long as I confess I’m OK.”

*The Believers at Ephesus preached against this kind of behavior and refused to allow this kind of junk to enter the church. BUT they lacked one very important thing. What was it?

There are a couple of facts here that need to be looked at.

*Christ didn’t do away with the law He __________ the law.

Scripture proof: Mt. 5: 17 * Rom. 8; 3

*We are commanded to care for our bodies as well as our spirit.

Scripture proof: Rom. 12: 1-2 * 1Cor. 3: 16-17 * 1Cor 6: 19-20

What do you think?

Which one is worse, or is there really much difference in false doctrine and loss of love?

Let’s discuss this.

7. Jesus Makes a Promise to the Over-comers: v7

When you hear the word overcomer what comes to mind?

Let’s look at the promises to the overcomer.

1. Those who overcome will be given permission to ____ from the ____ of _____. This Gods tree and it produces life in its fullness as well as eternal life.

*We first saw the tree in the Garden of Eden. Adam lost his right to eat from the tree because of his sin

Scripture proof: Gen. 2: 9, 16-17 * 3: 22-24

Now the tree is given to those who are the faithful and victorious followers of Christ.

According to scripture, _____ everyone will get to eat from the tree and for some it will be _______ away.

Scripture proof: Rev. 22: 14 * Rev. 22: 19

2. Those who ___________ will be granted citizenship in ____________, the very dwelling place of God.

Scripture proof: Lk. 23: 43 * 2Cor. 12: 4 * Rev. 2: 7

The promises given to the overcomer are meaningful but at the same time they challenge us to conquer whatever is trying to keep us from living for Christ.