Summary: Christianity historically has affirmed the uniqueness of Jesus ...the incarnate son of God. I begin with an illustration from The Charlie Brown Christmas special...when Charlie asks: Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is about?

In Jesus Holy Name December 24, 2009

Text: Matthew 1:20b-23 Christmas Eve - Redeemer

“Jesus Is the Reason”

Last Tuesday evening countless households tuned in to watch as Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts gang pondered the meaning of Christmas. The Christmas special was created in 1965. Those who bankrolled the project believed it to be a failure. It was the first animated TV special based on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles Schultz.

The Charlie Brown Christmas Special has become part of the “Christmas Americana” along with “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

After being terribly frustrated with the consumer mentality around him, not to mention how badly things were going with the Christmas Play… Charlie Brown, turned Director asks the pivotal question: “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

Linus steps on stage and quotes Luke 2:8-14 “There were shepherds living in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night…An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shown around them….” Linus reminds us of the true reason for the Season, the virgin birth of the promised Messiah, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.” (The Christian Post 2009)

Christianity historically has affirmed the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the Son of god. We believe that Jesus is nothing less than the incarnate Son of God, in whom the fullness of God’s person, character and being ….dwells in human form, fully divine, fully human.

The birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in the history of mankind. His birth split history into B.C. (before Christ) and A. D. (Anno Domini) The year of our Lord. Even when modern historians and archeologist replace B.C. and A. D. with “B.C.E. and C.E.” (Before Common Era and Common Era) it doesn’t’ matter. Why? Because the inquiring mind must still ask the question: “What event split history? It is the birth of Jesus Christ.

Every time you write a check, celebrate a birthday, fill out an application form, or anytime you use a date, you are using the birth of Jesus Christ as the basis of measuring time. (Rick Warren The Purpose of Christmas)

Christmas was God’s idea. He planned when it would happen, how it would happen, where it would happen and why it would happen. On the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem, God sent an angel to announce his arrival. The God who created the universe, and set the stars in place and the world on its axis says, “I love you… no matter who you are, where you’ve come from, or what you’ve done in your life. The birth of Jesus can and does bring peace to the human heart.

Any time a new born child is brought home from the hospital, friends and family start to speculate…”who does he or she look like? We all play that game with our children and grandchildren. But 2000 years ago when a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed there were no cameras to record the birth of a baby. When Quirinius was governor of Syria, and imperial edit took the young family of a carpenter by the name of Joseph and his virgin wife, a very pregnant Mary, away from family and friends.

Mary & Joseph journeyed to a little town called Bethlehem, about 80 miles south of Nazareth. If the phone had been invented, Joseph might have called ahead for reservations. If the internet had been around, he might have checked out the likelihood of finding a room. As it was when Joseph and Mary arrived there was no room for them in the inn. Finally out of compassion and a desire to keep the couple off the streets the inn keeper offered his stable. It was hardly ideal, but it would work. They agreed and in a stable with all the animal smells and sights and sounds, the baby Jesus was born.

In my mind I can visualize the manger scene. Growing up on a farm, my family had one of those two story barns. Large 12 x12 oak beams with wooden pegs held every thing in place. Down the center of the main floor was a long hall way. On one side were separate bins for the storage of grain…wheat, corn, oats. On the other side were the stalls for the milking cows, next to them the stall for the horses. In the section reserved for the horses… there was a large center area for hay; then on each side, each horse had their own feeding trough. It was a small 2’ x 3’ x 6” in which we placed their grain. That small 2 x 3x 6 inch box was similar to the manger in which Mary and Joseph placed their infant son.

“In the fields nearby the shepherds who were watching their flocks that night would have known nothing about a baby’s birth. The shepherds would have listened to the sounds that floated up from the town below. They would have heard the sounds of meals being prepared, families fighting, others laughing. Maybe they even heard the bawdy drinking songs of Roman soldiers from the tavern. I’m sure that as soon as the sheep settled down, the shepherds would have expected the night to slowly slip by like a thousand nights before.” (the Lutheran Hour Sermon… Ken Klaas)

This night would be different. Special, unique in all of history. The bible says: “An angel appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them.” We who live in a world where technology can turn midnight into midday can not fully understand, just how dark, dark can be. We who can have light at the flick of a switch can not comprehend the blackness of the shepherd’s night.

In one moment the sky was bright….reflecting the glory of God. The shepherds were no Magi who had studied the night skies…. But their mother’s had raised no dummies. They knew what they were seeing was not normal. Angels showed up for a reason. We do not know what they were thinking but we do know they were afraid. Maybe they feared God’s judgment on their past unethical behavior.

The angel spoke: ‘do not be afraid.” “Fear not, I bring you good news of great joy. For in David’s town, a Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord. “The angel did not wait for the shepherds to speak… he went on. “This is how you will know the baby, the Savior. You will find him bundled in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Suddenly the entire sky was filled with light… angels were singing “Glory to God in the highest & peace on earth to mankind.”

Having sung their song, “glory to God in the Highest” the angels went back into heaven. The light was gone. Their words an echo. The shepherds found themselves standing in the darkness, in the middle of the field.

The shepherds did not argue about the “reality” of what they’d seen and heard. They did not compare notes. They did not set up a congressional fact finding committee, they turned to each other and said, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened.”

This birth in Bethlehem is the hinge point of history. True man and true God, born into the world, into human history to change everything. Because he was born, death no longer has the final victory.

J. Sidlow Baxter in “Awake My Heart” writes: “Separate Christmas Day from Good Friday, and Christmas is doomed ….doomed to decay into a merely sentimental or superstitious or sensuous “eat-drink-be-merry” festivity of December. “ Already now, we see billboards in San Francisco that call us to celebrate “Winter Solstice” in stead of Christmas. “Bethlehem and Golgotha, the Manger and the Cross, the birth and the death must always be seen together, if the real Christmas is to survive….. For the “son of man came to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Reflections Christianity Today December 9, 1996 p. 60)

In 1865 an Episcopal preacher, Philip Brooks visited the fields of Bethlehem. In his diary, Brooks told how he visited the shepherd’s fields, then like the shepherds, he went and worshiped God’s son. As he headed back to Jerusalem, Brooks looked over his shoulder for one lasting glimpse of the place where God’s son entered the world to bring salvation to mankind. Late remembering what he had seen; Brooks wrote;

“O Little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie:

above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by

yet in they dark streets shineth, the ever lasting light;

the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descent to us we pray

Cast out our sin, and enter in, be born in us today

We hear the Christmas angels their great glad tidings tell

Oh, come to us, Abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel.”

Did you hear those words? “Cast out our sin…” You see, that’s why the angel proclaimed …”I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people, a savior has been born…” The promise to Joseph .months before… “do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife… she will give birth to a son and you shall give him the name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins. “

Every religion has ethical rules of behavior. When the ethical rules of behavior are broken… life gets messed up. Even non religious people read the newspaper and realize the world is messed up. Sin is another word for broken laws, selfish behavior. Even children know the action that goes with selfish behavior. “Mine”…. As they grab the toy and turn away…”

Our selfish behavior alienates us from one another and from God. The greatest need in our nation, in our world is peace and reconciliation. That’s why the angel proclaimed “peace on earth” would come to humanity through this child in a manger in Bethlehem.

God saw our helplessness. He knew our faults, our flaws our failings. He came himself to rescue us from Satan and from ourselves. “When God wanted to defeat sin, his ultimate weapon was the sacrifice of his own son, Jesus. On Christmas , just over 2000 years ago the birth of a tiny baby in an obscure village in the Middle East was God’s supreme triumph of good over evil.” (Charles Colson “a Dangerous Grace Christianity Today December 9, 1996) Jesus never sinned. When Jesus died on the cross God transferred all our broken commandments, all of our sin to Him. Then in the mystery of God’s grace He transfers to all who believe and trust in Jesus, His holiness. When Jesus rose from death on the third day, he proved Himself the Savior of the world.

Reconciliation is a big word that means our friendship with God is restored through faith in Jesus. With nail pierced hands He and He alone, beckons the lost world to a new and eternal life

On this Christmas Eve the angel said: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.” It is why we celebrate Christmas.

On this Christmas Eve the angel said: “for unto us is born this day a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” Our friendship with God is restored through Jesus. We can hear the voice of God saying: “I love you.” I accept you. I forgave you at the cross.”

On this Christmas Eve the angel assures us that God’s entrance into human history brings peace, forgiveness, friendship restored with our Creator.

Remember Charlie Brown’s question? “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”