Summary: How do you feel when you really believe God has called you to have a positive Godly influence on people and all you end up with is rejection? What do you do when things go from bad to worse? Pack up and leave? I love what Moses does...

Exodus 5,6 - Keep Your Focus!

Exodus 5 is where Moses confronts Pharaoh and says "Let my people go!" He is rejected by Pharaoh and instead of freeing Israel, Pharaoh increases the oppression of their slavery. As a result of Moses efforts, Israel also rejects Moses leadership.

How would you feel if you really believed God had called you to have a positive Godly influence on people and all you ended up with was rejection?

How would you feel if you had failed to achieve what you believed God wanted you to do?

How would you feel if you only made things worse for others instead of better, as you had intended?

What do you do when things go from bad to worse? Do you pack up and leave? I love what Moses does. It didn’t go as Moses planned but God knew what He was doing.

This chapter is a test for Moses in terms of his leadership and a test for Israel in learning to trust in Moses leadership. Pharaoh rejects Moses. Israel rejects Moses. But here’s the key - Moses goes to God. God accepts Moses, reassures Moses and sends him back into the middle of the problem.

Notice some things about Moses.

He didn’t get bitter or resentful toward God or toward others.

He didn’t make his own exodus with his tail between his legs.

He went to God for clarification and listened to what God said.

He was totally honest with God and asked Him what was going on.

He reminded God of what He had said.

He went back to what God had said to him to try to make sense of why things were going wrong and that’s when God spoke to him and clarified the situation.

God didn’t promise Moses that it would be easy. He doesn’t promise that your life will all go as you think it ought to go, but He is faithful, and reminds us that it is always too soon to give up. He gets us to focus on who He is, rather than on the problem, on what we believe rather than on our circumstances at any given time. Are you willing to stick things out even when the going gets tough? That depends on your focus.

I’m glad Moses didn’t focus on Pharaoh or he would have been intimidated.

I’m glad Moses didn’t focus on God’s people Israel or he would have only felt rejected and accused.

I’m glad Moses didn’t focus on the problem or he would have seen how impossible it was.

He focused on God, prayed to Him, worshiped Him, obeyed Him, honoured Him, served Him, loved Him, and as a result co-operated with the plan of God for His life.

God bless you today as you focus on Him,